This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 339 Volume 4 Li 2 is crazy, a tiger poison eater.

Chapter 339 Volume [-] Li Er is crazy, a tiger poison eater.

Li Er's life is actually a life full of struggles.

Fight the sky first, then the earth.

Fight against father and brother, fight against younger brother.

In the end, he fought for the prosperous Tang Dynasty in his eyes.

In other words, in his life, what he was most afraid of was struggle.

Even if he wants to fight his son now, he doesn't care about it. On the contrary, he has high fighting spirit.

The more outstanding Li Chengqian performed, the more motivated he was.

Fang Xuanling and the others felt that Li Chengqian's excessive limelight made Li Er have other thoughts. Is this really the case?

No, it's not like that.

Li Er is the person who is not afraid of competing with others.On the contrary, if no one is competing with him, he still feels a bit overwhelmed by the heights.

Only by continuing to fight, he seemed to be able to find a reason to continue.

In the past year, we only know what Li Chengqian did, and rarely talk about what Li Er did.

So now, let's recall what Li Er has done in the past year.

In general, Li Er has done three things in the past year.

First, restore agriculture.

Second, revitalize culture and education.

Third, to revive commerce and trade.

These are the three things that Li Er has focused on in the past year.

The reason why he said it was the restoration of agriculture, in the final analysis, was because of the successive years of natural disasters in the few years since he took the throne, he really felt a little bit out of date.

Fortunately, this year can be regarded as a year of good weather, and no major disasters have been reported in any state or county.

As a country dominated by agriculture, the famine in the past few years also gave Li Er a headache.

However, since last year, this situation has finally improved.

The food in the national treasury is not full, but at least it is not in short supply.

As for the revitalization of culture and education, it was done incidentally with Li Chengqian's cheap paper.

Don't think it was done incidentally, but for Li Er, this matter is the most important matter of the country after agriculture.

This is actually the case in all dynasties. After filling the stomach, it is the construction of spiritual civilization. Coupled with the current special environment, the revitalization of culture and education is also an urgent matter.

Any emperor or any ruling court, as long as he has such a little foresight, he is unwilling to see a small number of people control culture and education. This is not a good thing for a country.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to revitalize culture and education, and it is by no means that results will be seen in a year or so.

Everyone is aware of this point.

But now the culture of literature is at its peak, and the library is full of people every day, and everything is developing in a good direction. It can be said that the future can be expected.

The last is to revive commerce.

In this matter, Li Er really took advantage of it.

It had just experienced a few years of famine, and the national power was still recovering not long after the founding of the country. Although there was commerce, it was very limited, but because of the things Li Chengqian tossed out, it stimulated the development of commerce.

Naturally, Li Er would not let go of such an opportunity, so in the past year, he vigorously encouraged the development of business, not to mention, he really made some achievements.

Among other things, at least last year's commercial tax was worth the sum of the past few years.

It is precisely because of these that Li Er has the confidence to send troops to Goguryeo.


The next day, noon.

There is light snow in Chang'an City.

Even on a snowy day, there is still an endless stream of pedestrians on the street.

this is life.

Tang Yueming sat in the box facing the street of Changming Restaurant, watching the crowds on the street, not knowing what he was thinking. Of course, his main purpose was to wait for those salt merchants from yesterday.

After returning yesterday, he discussed with the people in the caravan.

If he wants to stand out this time, he must do one thing, and that is to suppress Qingyan.

The reason for such a decision is another episode, which is the attitude of the eldest grandson.

Speaking of the eldest grandson's attitude, he was actually confused before last night, but it was also last night when someone asked him a question that hit his soul.

It was that question that made him wake up like a dream, as if he understood everything in an instant.

Not long after, a familiar figure finally appeared on the street, Tang Yueming smiled: "The distinguished guest has arrived, let's make a pot of tea."

After finishing speaking, he continued to watch the endless traffic on the street.

And those salt merchants seemed to have made an appointment, and they all came one after another.

"It's really wrong to keep shopkeeper Tang waiting for a long time." As soon as he entered the box, someone said with a smile.

Tang Yueming also got up quickly and said: "The kid just came earlier, why wait so long, come on, everyone, please sit down."

Now that they have all come, it means that they have agreed to yesterday's plan.

As for those who didn't come, they won't come.

Why wait until sunset, hehe, just talking, don't take it seriously.

Besides, if it is really going to come, it has come a long time ago, who will really delay until then.

If you really want to get stuck at that time, it is enough to show that you are not sincere.

"This time, shopkeeper Tang will bring us to make a fortune together." Someone laughed immediately.

Tang Yueming smiled and said: "Everyone, don't say that, let's make a fortune together, but this time, the boy may have one more thing to trouble everyone."

"Whether it's troublesome or not, shopkeeper Tang just said it." Someone asked immediately.

"It's not a big deal, but if the refined salt starts to sell, the price of coarse salt will definitely be affected, and the green salt..."

As soon as they heard what Tang Yueming said, everyone immediately understood, and someone immediately said: "What should I do? Everyone knows about it. Shopkeeper Tang has a good look at it. In a month or so, I'll wait for a call." Its green salt is hard to come by in Chang'an city!"

Regarding this, they also discussed for a long time yesterday.

In business talk business, cracking down on Qingyan is not a bad thing for them.

Moreover, the cost of Qingyan is already higher than them, even if they fight a price war, Qingyan is not an opponent.

Of course, in fact, the cost of green salt is actually much lower than that of coarse salt, but Murong Fuyun has to do it all, and with the addition of layers of exploitation, the cost will also increase.

In addition, this is smuggling after all. Although the government did not investigate strictly, the water inside is still not shallow.

The combination of so many reasons has resulted in the price advantage of coarse salt.

"Then I will thank you all." Tang Yueming immediately got up and cupped his hands.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up again and said, "Shopkeeper Tang, we have something to ask for."

"Please say."

The man said: "That's right, this refined salt is indeed beneficial, and according to what Tang's shopkeeper said yesterday, if it is sold all over the Tang Dynasty, it will indeed be more profitable than coarse salt.

But the question is, will other places also go to Riyue Mountain to get goods?
If this is the case, then this business will be difficult to do.

Also, although we all know the identity of Daming, but there is still a food embargo ahead, will there be a salt embargo later?If there is no explanation for these, we will not feel at ease. "

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at Tang Yueming, hoping to get an answer from him.

Tang Yueming looked at the crowd, nodded, and said, "I understand everyone's worries, let's first talk about whether there will be a salt embargo.

Don't worry about this.

Although the refined salt came from Daming, you should also know that this business is not something a kid can afford.

Let me tell you this, the relationship behind this business is clear.

And that one doesn't want to make money from this business, and you should have noticed that the price, to put it bluntly, is an act of benefiting the people by that one who is sympathetic to the common people.

So, on this point, you can rest assured.

As for whether someone will go to Riyue Mountain to get goods.

Maybe, maybe not.

But regardless of whether it will or not, the boy can only guarantee one thing, that is, they cannot take a grain of salt from the official.

Because the entire Ming Dynasty exported refined salt to Datang, it was only exported to that person, and the boy was just running errands.

The reason why he said it might be possible is because the kid didn't dare to say it to death.

If there is a smart person who goes to the Riyue Mountain Salt Store to buy salt and sells it in Datang to smuggle salt, there is nothing we can do, right?
However, at that price, he might have to pay for his underwear three times when he got it back. "

"Haha, that's that."

Hearing what he said, everyone burst into laughter.

As long as these two things are finalized, the heart hanging in everyone's heart will drop.

As for the salt embargo or something, that's just their rhetoric.

Why the food embargo is, don't they know?

"By the way, shopkeeper Tang, we also discussed it yesterday." Another person said, "At this moment, there are about ten of us here, and we are thinking, should we sign an agreement, and each person chooses a state and a capital by himself?" , to be the general consignment agent of that state capital.

Then each of us gets the goods from shopkeeper Tang.

This will also avoid some conflicts in order to expand our business. "

It has to be said that these businessmen really have brains.

If Li Chengqian were here, he would probably be shocked.

What is the general distribution, isn't it the general distribution of future generations?
Sure enough, all progress is pushed by life step by step to change.

I can't accept it.

Tang Yueming didn't rush to nod, but thought about it.

He didn't dare to nod easily on this matter. After all, he didn't know exactly what Li Chengqian's policy was. If it affected Li Chengqian's subsequent arrangement, his future would be ruined.


And while Tang Yueming and the others were discussing.

In the palace, Li Er, Li Jing, Fang Xuanling, Yuchi Jingde and other high officials of the court were also discussing matters.

In fact, Li Jing and the others were a little stunned. After Li Er called everyone together, he didn't speak again. What was the trouble?

Not long after, a servant hurried in, and after whispering a few words in Li Er's ear, Li Er understood, and immediately said, "Fang Aiqing, can the national treasury support a big battle now?"

Hearing Li Er's words, everyone was stunned.

Good guy, have you held back such a fart after holding it in for a long time?

"Your Majesty, although..." Fang Xuanling stammered.

Li Er waved his hand and said: "Don't mention anything else, just say, can the state treasury support the expansion of Goguryeo?"

"Zhi can support it, but..." Fang Xuanling felt helpless.

But Li Er said: "Okay, you don't understand, if you really want to say, now is the best time to send troops to Goguryeo.

Although there is still Xue Yantuo in the north, but Xue Yantuo is entangled by the Western Turks, and he still can't take care of himself.

In addition, Tubo and Subi are still in the melee, and the only threat, Tuyuhun, was stared to death by Gao Ming. Now is the best time for us to send troops to Goguryeo. "

Hearing what Li Er said, everyone nodded helplessly. Li Er was really right.

Xue Yantuo and the Western Turks were powerless to go south to do anything until the winner was decided, while Tubo and Tuyuhun were stared at by Li Chengqian in that place, and they were all shit, so there was no energy left to plot against the Tang Dynasty ?

As for those small countries in the south, when did Datang pay attention to them?
So at this moment, Li Er can clean up Goguryeo with peace of mind.

"Your Majesty, Goguryeo is now in the twelfth lunar month of winter. To send troops at this time, firstly, the soldiers must suffer from the cold winter, and secondly, the cost of transporting food and grass materials will also increase greatly. It is really a waste of money. Your Majesty Think twice." Wei Zheng stood up after hearing the words.

He knew why Li Er insisted on mobilizing troops against Goguryeo. From the bottom of his heart, he was actually willing to support it.

But it has only been a few years since Datang stopped?

Li Er shook his head and said: "Although it is cold in the twelfth lunar month of winter, isn't it true that only our soldiers in the Tang Dynasty will be frozen? This is not a problem. As for the food and grass, it is directly allocated from Dengzhou. These years, the imperial court every year They are all stockpiling grain in Dengzhou, isn’t it just for this time.”

"That's right, God can still pick people to freeze? I don't believe it..." Yuchi Jingde immediately stood up and held his stinky feet.

Li Er wanted to fight, and as Li Er's number one dog leg, of course he had to support him, and he had to work hard to support him.

This is his way of being an official for so many years.

Of course, it sounds simple, but it is not so simple to operate.

When to say what kind of words, it is still a test of eyesight.

Hou Junji, who was the minister of the Ministry of War, also immediately stood up and said, "The Ministry of War is at your Majesty's disposal at any time."

He doesn't talk much, but his attitude is also obvious.

Fang Xuanling and Li Jing didn't speak much, not because they had nothing to say, but as the heads of the officials, as long as they spoke, they represented the attitude of the officials, so they were also thinking about it at the moment.

Of course, Fang Xuanling may be the only one who is really thinking about it.

Li Jing's attitude is very interesting. As long as you make a decision, we will nod. Anyway, it's just a word, a very cautious person who speaks sparingly.

He thinks that he is not the opponent of these thoughtful guys in the court, and he doesn't want to play tricks with them.

Anyway, I only have one, we will do whatever you say.

There is a saying in later generations to describe him, which is quite appropriate.

Party command guns!

Li Er nodded and said, "I have a decree here, so I made it and sent it out."

With that said, the servant gave Fang Xuanling the decree.

Fang Xuanling was in a daze, for me?
But when he took a look, he was stunned immediately, his eyes widened, and he looked astonished.

When the rest of the people saw his appearance, they were also curious and wanted to come over, but Fang Xuanling immediately raised the will above his head, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, no."

"Okay, I don't understand even if I tell you, so let's just do it." Li Er shook his head.

As for Fang Xuanling's reaction just now, he didn't want to explain anything.

It doesn't make sense, and he doesn't understand it.

And the others were even more curious, what kind of decree did Li Er give to make Fang Xuanling, who has always been mature and prudent, behave like this?
Fang Xuanling was about to argue a few words, but Yuchi Jingde asked first: "Your Majesty, can I have a look?"

Seeing Li Er nodding, Yuchi Jingde took the will from Fang Xuanling's hand.

Except for Li Jing, everyone gathered together.

The moment they saw the content of the decree, everyone was shocked for a while.

Even worse than Fang Xuanling.

Tiger poison does not even eat children!
Your Majesty is crazy!
Before seeing the decree, they didn't understand Fang Xuanling's reaction, but after seeing the decree, they understood it instantly.

Li Er is crazy!

Really, Li Er is crazy.

This is what almost everyone thinks.

But seeing their reaction, Li Er shook his head in disappointment.

He was right, as long as he had this attitude, these guys would react this way.

This made him very disappointed and helpless.

Perhaps, this is the emperor, the heights are extremely cold, and no one talks about the autumn wind.

A decree, let these guys be like this, what can he say?

Are they wrong?

No, because they can't be wrong.

Shaking his head, Li Er waved his hand and said, "Let's go, send this decree as soon as possible."

 Get some monthly tickets, double the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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