This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 342 Volume 4 Starve to death the timid, starve to death the bold.

Chapter 342 Volume [-] Starve to death the timid, and starve to death the bold.

In the sixth year of Zhenguan, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month.

A busy year has finally come to an end.

On this day, the entire Riyue Mountain was decorated with lights and festoons.

Whether they are Han Chinese or Xianbei people, everyone has a smile on their faces.

It was not easy. Looking back now, in the past year, every step they took seemed not so easy.

If it weren't for the fact that everything in front of us was so real, if it wasn't for the fact that the food in front of the Changming Food Shop was so plainly displayed in front of everyone's eyes, all of this would have been more like a dream.

Once upon a time, such a day was the fairy day they dreamed of, and now it is so real.

Some emotions are also reasonable.

For Chinese New Year, all the workshops of Daming and all the construction sites of the Ministry of Industry also have a few days off, so that everyone can have a good rest.

Therefore, the streets today are full of people.

But should I say it or not, the Han people are more flexible in doing business.

Those who celebrate the New Year, and those who do small businesses on the street, are almost all Han Chinese, with only a few Xianbei people here and there.

In this regard, the Han people are indeed more flexible than these foreigners.

After all, it's a big Chinese New Year, and the workshop and the construction site have paid wages. After a year of suffering, everyone is willing to spend one or two.

Anyone with a little savvy knows that this is the best time to do business.

The so-called market, in fact, does not need Li Chengqian or Li Qinjian to rack their brains to do too much. What really controls the market is the market itself.

What Li Chengqian and the others have to do is to guide them.

Not only is the street lively, but the palace is also extremely lively.

Early in the morning, Changle and the others began to work in the kitchen.

Su Shi, Hou Shi, even Qibi Linna and the others are not idle.

Although it might be embarrassing for them to cook vegetables, it is not a big problem to make some pastries.

Among them, the Su family is the most proficient. After all, among them, if they are really worthy of the word "every lady", it is estimated that the Su family is the only one.

Of course, the Hou family is also counted, but Hou has always been a bit eccentric, and she is not very old, and her family has not let her learn these things.

As for Qibilinna and Murong Wanqiu, hehe, their presence in the kitchen is purely adding to the chaos.

The gun dancers are better than the other.

No matter how well they are doing, they are enjoying themselves in this big Chinese New Year.

Because of their participation, the whole kitchen was full of laughter.

When noon was approaching, Chang Le happily ran to Li Chengqian: "Brother, the meal is already on the table, and the reunion dinner is waiting for you."

As he said that, the little guy grabbed Li Chengqian's arm and was about to run outside.

During this period of time, she was exhausted, looking forward to the stars, to the moon, to this day.

"Don't pull it, don't pull it, I'll go by myself." Li Chengqian said with a smile, but followed Chang Le and walked towards the side hall consciously.

When they came to the side hall, everyone had already prepared everything.

In the huge hall, there was a table, and Su and the others stood obediently at the door, waiting for Li Chengqian's arrival.

"Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year should feel more at ease." Seeing that everyone was about to salute, Li Chengqian waved his hands and said, "I won't talk about those etiquettes anymore. By the way, are the servants ready for the banquet?"

"Your Highness, don't worry, the servants' banquets have been properly arranged." Su said quickly, "All the servants are divided into two batches to take turns."

Li Chengqian nodded, leaving this matter to the Su family, and with the assistance of Chunhua and others, there is basically no major problem: "Then we will also be seated."

As he said that, Li Chengqian looked at Chunhua and said, "You guys should go to the Tuannian too. It's hard work for you to have just two days of free time throughout the year."

"Don't worry." Chunhua said with a smile, "Besides, being able to serve His Highness is also our blessing."

For them, serving Li Chengqian is really a blessing.

Li Chengqian doesn't have many rules, as long as he does his own thing well.

For more than a year, they have never seen Li Chengqian blush at one of his own people, let alone being harsh.

In private, they also secretly compared the Daming Palace with the Chang'an Palace, no matter how you look at it, Daming is more comfortable.

Li Chengqian didn't force it, he nodded and asked everyone to sit down.

Since it was a reunion dinner, there were naturally no outsiders at the table.

Nothing more than their brothers and sisters, plus Su Shi, Hou Shi, Wu Mei, Murong Wanqiu and Qibi Linna.

As soon as he sat down, Li Chengqian said: "Linna, take some time and ask Chunhua to prepare some things for you. Go back to the General's Mansion and sit down. Don't just fool around every day."

"Where am I fooling around every day?" Qiberina immediately retorted.

"Still fooling around?" Li Chengqian laughed, "I heard Fang Lao Er said that the animals in his zoo have been shot to death with a continuous crossbow recently. Don't you say you didn't do it?"

Speaking of this, Chibilina smiled shyly.

Since Li Chengqian promised to give her a Liannu because of the Hanyu Pinyin assessment last time, this girl has been going to Huo Huofang's second child's zoo frequently.

At the beginning, Fang Er Er didn't take it seriously, he just shot him, just to feed his little leopard.

But after this girl went to Huo Huo every day, Fang Er Er was dumbfounded.

Even the little leopard can't eat so fast.

Originally, Fang Er Er was going to catch this wicked and smoking guy and clean it up, but when he found out that it was Qibilinna who did this wicked thing, he could only endure it.

"It's hard for us people to go home, but you girl, you don't know how to be blessed." Li Chengqian laughed.

Speaking of this, everyone's mood suddenly dropped a little.

But Li Chengqian didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, we are all hard-working people, since God made us a family, we must look like a family from now on.

Come on, cheers, those who celebrate the Chinese New Year should be happy. "

With that said, he picked up a glass of juice.

Everyone immediately changed their smiling faces, raised the juice, and said cheerfully, "Cheers."

Although Li Chengqian's words are not nutritious, he is instilling a concept in everyone.

This is also very important to him.

Emotions are all cultivated.

After drinking a cup, Li Chengqian looked at Su Shi, Hou Shi, and Wu Mei, and asked, "By the way, you three have been coming to Riyue Mountain for so long, are you still getting used to it?"

"Accustom to adapt, too adapt." Hou said immediately, "Riyue Mountain is much more fun than Chang'an. When I was in Chang'an, I couldn't do this, and I couldn't say that. I'm so annoyed. Brother Ming is better. You can do whatever you want, you can say whatever you want, unlike me, Aye, who control the world and want to control people's shit and fart."

Li Chengqian stood up, stretched out his hand and patted her on the head, and said: "You are a girl, you can't pay attention to what you say, you say that, how can I still have appetite?"

Hou Shi laughed twice, she is getting wilder now.

No one cared about her in Riyue Mountain this day, and she didn't go to Jiewa, so she restrained herself.

"It's nothing to me, I feel the same." Su thought for a while, and then said, "But in Daming, I really have a lot of freedom, and I have a lot of time to do things I like."

Li Chengqian nodded: "Just get used to it." After speaking, Li Chengqian looked at Wu Mei again.

Wu Mei raised her head and thought for a while, then said: "I don't know, anyway, I am very happy in Daming, playing with everyone every day, very happy, right?"

After finishing speaking, she also asked Chang Le.

How could Changle have time to talk to her, he was eating the pastry he made, and when she saw her looking at him, he stopped and said, "How do I know? Anyway, I am happy every day, um, just be happy. "

After speaking, the two little guys laughed.

When Li Chengqian saw this, he also smiled, and looked at Murong Wanqiu again after the incident, and said, "What about you? Do you want to go back and have a look? If you really want to go back and have a look, then go back. The army will escort you back.

As for whether you want to come back after you go back, that's up to you. If you don't want to come back, then let the army come back by itself. If you want to come back, even if Dayan Mangjiebo or even Murong Fuyun leads troops to stop , they can also bring you back safely. "

"I really miss my father and the others." Murong Wanqiu said, and there was indeed a slight sadness on her face, but she quickly adjusted her emotions, and then said, "But don't worry. After all, that is Tuyuhun's territory. That old man Murong Fuyun dared to instigate someone to assassinate Brother Ming Wang, so I don't want to go to his territory. Even if I go back to meet my father, I can only meet me on Daming's territory father king."

Hearing what she said, Li Chengqian smiled.

Murong Wanqiu had to be said to be a smart person, she was telling Li Chengqian her position in this way.

And this is the answer Li Chengqian wants.

It doesn't matter whether we have feelings or not, but now that we have come to this point, we have to figure out who is the family.

If you can't even tell the difference, Li Chengqian doesn't mind sending her back.

"Don't worry, I promise you, there will be such a day." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "At that time, you will definitely be able to see your father and the king."

This is also his promise to Murong Wanqiu.

"Okay, let's eat and eat." Li Chengqian said, "It's a rare year, and everyone is happy."

Just when Li Chengqian was in the reunion year, the entire Riyue Mountain was in the reunion year.

This is almost the case in every army, every battalion, and every household.

It doesn't matter whether the food is rich or not, luxurious or not, the big guys are not idle.

And in Changming Restaurant, Fang Lao Er, the second-generation ancestors who came from Chang'an, also gathered together.

Because there were a lot of them, the three boxes were opened up, and a very large box was created out of nowhere.

However, compared to the laughter and laughter of other people, their faces were a little more gloomy.

Since they learned about Li Er's arrangement yesterday, many people couldn't even sleep at night.

Even Chang Sun Chong is the same, he has not even slept well for several nights.

"One by one, everyone is showing their faces to someone!" Fang Yiai couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere and stood up and said, "If you want to go back, go back, no one is stopping you, really, how old are you?" something."

After he finished speaking, no one said anything.

go back?

Is it that easy to go back?

This should be the most difficult time for Daming. If they go back, what will others think of them?What should Li Er think of them?
This is simply self-destructive future!

So, they are now in a dilemma.

"Will Daming really be against Datang in the future?" Someone asked.

This was what they were most worried about. If it wasn't for what Li Chengqian said yesterday, they wouldn't be so worried. Although Daming's situation is not good, they can still support it.

But if they are really enemies with Datang, how should they deal with themselves?

Li Jingren immediately stood up and said: "Your Highness has already said that it is possible! And did you not realize that it is Datang who might want to be our enemy, not us, do you understand?"

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Cheng Chuliang also stood up and said, "If you want to go back, just tell His Highness directly, just like a bitch!
Those who are afraid of wolves in the past and tigers in the future, just you, what big things can you do? "

"What about you?" Changsun Chong asked curiously after hearing the attitudes of the three people.

"Us?" Fang Yiai said, "I will tell you directly, we have discussed it, if we don't go back, we will take root in Daming, and we will make contributions with His Highness from now on.

I'm not saying that you, one by one, want to make contributions, but are afraid of this and that, and you want to seal ten thousand households, how can it be so easy?
Besides, except for Changsun Chong, even if we go back, Enyin will have a vain job, so it's better to fight for a future in Daming with one shot at a time.

As for the future, if there is an enmity with Datang in the future, it will also be a state matter between the two countries, and each is its own master. What is there to say?

Why did you come here and be so coy?
Go back if you want to go back, stay if you want to stay.

Even if the two countries really turn against each other in the future and we meet again on the battlefield, you don't have to sell our face. When you can hack me to death, don't hesitate, because I will not hesitate.

Even if I really died at your hands, I will never complain, hate or blame.

Starve the timid to death, feed the bold to death, it's that simple! "

Fang Yiai and the others discussed this issue last night.

go back?

Go back with a hammer!
Going back at this time is like a fucking deserter. Even if they go back, if others don't give them a strange look, they will not be able to pass the test in their hearts.

"I'm not going back either." At this moment, Xiao Yue also stood up and said, "Fang Lao Er is right, since we have chosen to become an official in Daming, we just want to get ahead, so how can we go back now?" thing?
Also, I think Daming is good, really good.

As long as we are willing to do something, His Highness is always willing to give us a chance.

Here, no one thinks that we are young, and here, there are indeed greater opportunities.

Moreover, you should have sensed what His Highness is plotting.

In the past, our fathers, they followed His Majesty and fought together for many years, and only then did we have today's brilliant Tang Dynasty.

And we, following His Highness today, can't we reproduce the past glory of our fathers?

If you want to go back, you go back, I won't go back anyway. "

"Well, I won't go back either." Wei Shuyu, the youngest in the crowd, stood up quietly and said, "If I go back, Aye will break my leg.

Moreover, His Highness is just when we are needed, so I am too embarrassed to go back. The most important thing is that the Ming court can really learn a lot, a lot. I like this place and I don't want to go back. "

 Don’t vote for me if you have a monthly pass, the square has a monthly pass, so there are so many chickens! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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