This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 343 Volume 4 Difficult choice, Wei Zheng's guess.

Chapter 343 Volume [-] Difficult choice, Wei Zheng's guess.

After listening to their words, everyone finally decided to stay.

In fact, their decision is not surprising.

Now that someone has started, they don't have many options.

They are all young at heart, who doesn't want to fight for face?

Second, going back and forth basically cut off the future, so why go back?
Three times, it's a herd mentality, the big guys don't go back, who wants to be the lone wolf who broke away from the organization?

Even Chang Sun Chong decided to stay at this moment.

In fact, if Chang Sun Chong was the first to declare that he wanted to go back, there would still be people willing to respond.

Of course, the reason why he didn't make a statement was because he couldn't make up his mind.

The main reason why he couldn't make up his mind was that Changsun Wuji didn't give him any advice on this, which could explain the problem very well.

After the final decision was made, everyone immediately started eating and drinking.

A group of half-children may be confused before they have no direction, but once they have a direction, they are a group of heartless guys.


Except for them, every household is very lively today.

At this moment, Ibara Suk also gathered with his own people to celebrate the New Year.

In Ibara Suk's house, the front and back yards were full of tables, and then everyone was settled.

Although Yi's is a tribe, there are only a few hundred people. That's all, including the elderly, children and women.

On this scale, it is not comparable to a larger family in Datang.

Not to mention anything else, among those honorable families in Chang'an, who doesn't have a couple of hundreds of people?
"Headman, is the Ming Dynasty going to use troops against Tuyuhun?" While eating, Yi Yuanzhen took the time to ask.

Although Ihara Zhen is a junior, but because his status is different now, he is naturally qualified to sit at the main table.

He was the only junior at the entire main table.

As for Yi Yuanxi's eldest son, Yi Yuanxiao, he is on duty today, but he won't be able to come back. If he comes back, he is also qualified to sit at the head table.

Yi Yuanxi smiled, and said: "How does this old man know? The old man is in charge of the Ministry of Industry, not the Ministry of War." Speaking of this, Yi Yuanxi said, "But no matter whether His Highness wants to mobilize troops against Tuyuhun, You have to be prepared, not to mention that I, Yi Clan One, made an oath to serve His Highness for a few years, but now, Daming is indeed thriving, and this is also an opportunity for you to make contributions.

The old man's official career has basically come to an end, and even the minister of the Ministry of Industry is loved by His Highness.

After all, Yi Shi's future depends on you young people.

Moreover, His Highness has always been kind to young people, and is willing to give them opportunities. Look at that Xue Rengui, didn't he rely on his own ability to get to where he is today step by step?

That kid, he will definitely be a prime minister in the future! "

With his own family, he didn't say any nonsense about serving the court, it's better to be straightforward.

"Don't worry about this leader, we all understand." Ihara Zhen said.

Yi Yuanxi said again: "Are your hands and feet still clean? Now that the country has just been established, although it is time to employ people, but at this moment, if you dare to do those nasty things, even an old man can't intercede for you.

Don't be so shallow, you have to see the long-term. Besides, you are the leader of the army. If you deduct the salary of your subordinates, will your subordinates still obey you? "

"Oh my god." Yi Yuanzhen immediately called out to Zhuang Tianqu, and said, "How dare I do the thing of deducting food and salary."

"Then how did the old man hear that your food and salary were paid a few days later than others?" Ihara Xi said, "As far as the old man knows, the Ministry of Households has never defaulted on your food and salary."

Speaking of this, Yi Yuanzhen was a little embarrassed: "Well, didn't I lend the food and salary to those caravans before? It's just that they returned it later than the agreed time, but as soon as they returned, I immediately lent the food and salary to those caravans. sent it down."

"Nonsense!" Hearing this, Ihara Seok was also furious.

As soon as he heard this guy say that, he immediately understood.

This guy is taking interest from the big guy's salary, this bastard is playing to death!If he couldn't get it back, he would be in big trouble, and he might be the first official of Daming to be dealt with.

"This kind of thing can't be done in the future." Ihara Suk said rather sternly, "Also, all the profits will be taken out and distributed to the injured and retired soldiers and the families of the fallen soldiers.

Day by day, what have you done!Does Your Highness owe you money? "

Although Ihara Zhen was reluctant, but Ihara Seok said so, he didn't dare to object, so he obediently agreed.

This is actually the nature of human greed.

You can actually see it clearly from Shin Ihara.

If he can't control his greed in the future, then he will definitely get worse, and eventually he will not escape the fate of being stabbed by Li Chengqian.

"Headman, I heard that His Highness also has some thoughts about our tribe?" Seeing that no one spoke, another clan elder asked.

Yi Yuanxi nodded, and said: "Since we have brought up this topic, let's talk about it.

His Highness does have the intention to split the tribe.

You also know that when the tribe grows large, there are indeed many problems. "

"What does that man mean?" Another clan elder asked.

Yi Yuanxi said: "I am in favor of it, first of all, there are not many people in our Yi clan, and the influence on our Yi clan is actually not great.

Secondly, I am also the minister of the Ministry of Industry, so I naturally support the resolution of the court.

The third is the most important thing. After the households are divided, the benefits that the tribe can enjoy will be better.

Just like now, although we are one, the court can only count as one household when counting, and the future court welfare will be arranged according to each household.

From this point of view, it is good to divide. "

"Then this point, won't our Yishi part be in shambles?" Another old man said worriedly.

These old guys still have old ideas, and they can't make a turn for a while.

Yi Yuanxi smiled, and said: "How can we say that we are in disarray? Aren't we all still here at Riyue Mountain? In name, we are indeed separated, but in fact we are still together. It's not like I want you to go to other places.

Moreover, if you do not separate households, what benefits will the court have in the future, such as the recruitment of workshops, the quota is only given to one household, who do you say it will be given to?

Is it for your family, or for his family?

But once the households are divided, everyone has them at home, so that would be better. "

Although these old guys are a bit stubborn, when it comes to practical benefits, everyone can still understand.

Besides, the imperial court has such a resolution, what else can they do?
Seeing that everyone had no objections, Ihara Suk breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, from his point of view, whether they are divided or not, it doesn't have a big impact on them. As he said, everyone just divided the households in name.

But he doesn't know that as long as you have divided households in name, people's selfishness will pull everyone further and further apart after a long time.

In addition to Yiyuan Xi's residence, other residences such as Pusiruo and Yiyuanfeng are actually doing similar things.

Everyone also took advantage of the Chinese New Year to implement Li Chengqian's policy from their own homes.

The one who is really troublesome is Qibi Heli's residence.

The situation at his house is much more troublesome.

There is no way, there are tens of thousands of people in Tiele's department, so it really can't be done in a while.

But after Qibi Heli received the news, he was already working on this matter.

At this moment, he is just discussing a specific charter with the old mother at home.


Thousands of miles away, Chang'an.

The New Year flavor in Chang'an City should be more full, and it should be more lively.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the people in Chang'an alone probably outnumber the people in the entire Ming court.

On New Year's Eve, Li Er was also entertaining his ministers.

It's New Year's Eve, it's a custom.

In the harem, only the eldest grandson was qualified to accompany Li Er to entertain the officials.

At this time, everyone pushed the cups and changed the cups, which was very lively.

As for the previous troubles, they have long since left them behind.

When it's time to be happy, be happy, there's nothing to say.In this regard, everyone has done a good job.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Li Er said with a smile: "In the past year, the Tang Dynasty has been in good weather and the treasury has been full.

"Drink wins!" As soon as Li Er finished speaking, everyone stood up in unison and shouted while holding their wine glasses.

After drinking a glass of wine, Yuchi Jingde immediately poured himself a glass of wine, and then yelled: "Your Majesty is toasting, I dare not refuse to return, I will do it first as a respect."

After speaking, he also finished drinking.

Li Er's banquets are always full of heroism.

Above the banquet, there are not many rules.

Li Er was naturally not to be outdone, and immediately drank it all in one gulp. Seeing that the others were about to follow suit, Li Er waved his hand and said, "Qingque, Ke'er, are your two brothers here to cook?"

These two guys are honest now.

It looks like they are dedicated to being their Prince Taiping. It's strange to say that, when the sons were fighting openly and secretly, Li Er was also annoyed. They are all his brothers. What are you arguing about?
But after these guys became honest and responsible, Li Er was annoyed again, each of them had no fighting spirit at all, didn't Gao Ming just create a Daming court?Scared you?

How does this look like his son Li Er.

People are really complicated, especially people like Li Er, no matter what you do, he will never be satisfied. When he wants to find out your faults, he will definitely find them.

Li Ke and Li Tai looked at each other when they heard the words, and immediately said with a smile: "My son is just a bit greedy, and I haven't been so relaxed for some time."

"Yes, yes, this is the right time. There is too much homework, and I have never been so relaxed." Li Tai also smiled.

These two guys are really devoting all their time to study now. They have discovered that the main reason why Li Chengqian can achieve this achievement in such a short period of time is that his knowledge is deeper than his own. , they are not idle.

Don't look at what they said before.

Hehe, don't forget, what is the premise of their indisputability, that is, Li Chengqian has always been as hard as he is today, if one day, the gap between them narrows, or Li Chengqian is no longer what he is today, they Is it really indisputable?
Think more.

To put it bluntly, they are just waiting now, when Li Chengqian makes a mistake on his own errands, then is their chance.

While waiting, learn more things, that is another kind of powerful self.

An idiom can describe their current thinking, that is, waiting for work with ease.

Li Er nodded. He naturally knew what these two guys were doing recently, but he was still a little displeased. It is a good thing to be dedicated to learning, but there is always a lack of young people to work hard.

In the past, on such occasions, they would have already mingled with the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. After all, if they want to compete for that seat, they must gain the support of more people.

"These two lords have settled down a lot recently." Kong Yingda just happened to see this scene when he was toasting with Wei Zheng, and smiled immediately.

Wei Zheng smiled and said, "Yeah, I've settled down a lot."

Having said that, Wei Zheng sneered in his heart.

Behind this kind of security, there is a shocking thing hidden, which is not a good thing.

"By the way, why didn't Duke Wei bring your son back this time?" Kong Yingda asked. of.

After all, if Taozhou withdraws its troops, Daming will be in danger! "

"Why bring it back?" Wei Zheng said, "It is precisely because Daming may be in trouble this time, that child of Shuyu should stay in Daming. Besides, how can the old man's child run away?"

"But just in case..." Kong Yingda was a little worried, "Swords and guns have no eyes."

Wei Zheng smiled, and said, "Your Majesty's move is very meaningful, so let's just leave it at that. Besides, even if Murong Fuyun really dared to send troops south, the Ming court is not without the power to fight."

"The deep meaning?" Kong Yingda was a little puzzled, and said, "What is the deep meaning of your Majesty's move?"

"It's hard to say." Wei Zheng said, "After all, most of the princes in the court have heirs in Daming. Your Majesty may want to see everyone's quality."

Wei Zheng said this very cryptically.

But Kong Yingda understood it in an instant. They are all smart people, so this kind of riddle can't be hidden from him.

The meaning of Wei Zheng's words is actually very simple, Li Er wants to see if those children can't be reused, of course, this is only the first meaning, and he is also looking at them.

But this layer is more profound.

This fineness is not just one kind.

On the other side, Yuchi Jingde was also whispering with Qin Qiong and the other generals.

Princes like Li Xiaogong and Li Daozong were not idle either.

In general, Li Eryi's seemingly ordinary will actually stirred up the entire court.

And Li Er is like the old man sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, calmly waiting for the final result.

It's just that whether this result will satisfy everyone in the end is unknown.

At least until now, Li Er is quite satisfied.

In any case, he was not too disappointed with the performance of these old guys.

For him, the next thing to do is to further bring the matter of sending troops to Goguryeo to the agenda.

He also didn't want to miss this opportunity. As for Li Chengqian, he couldn't care less about it.

(End of this chapter)

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