Chapter 35 Volume One Is This That Wang Xuance

What happened in Chang'an, Li Chengqian didn't know, he was looking at this guy in front of him with great interest.

Without him, the main reason is that this person calls himself Wang Xuance!
He is too familiar with this name!
When chasing the second dog back then, the champion king Xuance, the white horse Tanhua Chen Qingzhi, and the second place Wang Husheng, he searched the Internet one by one, and only then did he know that there was also a king Xuance in the Tang Dynasty, who destroyed the country alone, which can be called a legend of a generation!
The only thing that was uncertain was whether this Wang Xuance was the Wang Xuance he knew.

"You said you were the accountant of the Yang family?" Li Chengqian asked with some doubts, "Ever read?"

"I have read it." Wang Xuance was also a little at a loss.

At this time, he was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and he was still a little immature. Although he didn't know what Li Chengqian's identity was, he was not blind, and he made it clear that he was either rich or expensive.

Zhao Yan went to invite Yang Lin at the beginning, but Yang Lin has been tossed madly by the Cui family these years. He originally wanted to refuse, but Zhao Yan said that there is a big business, and he can even regain the glory of his ancestors.

He was born as a businessman, how could he not be tempted, no, he called Wang Xuance together.

Wang Xuance said it was the accountant of his Yang family, but it was actually his staff.

All these years, the Yang family can still survive, thanks to Wang Xuance's help in making suggestions.

Of course, there was a reason why Wang Xuance was willing to commit himself to the Yang family, because the Yang family was willing to sponsor him to take the imperial examination.

For them, this is a matter of mutual benefit and mutual benefit.

How many people from small families can afford to read?

"Ready to take the imperial examination?" Li Chengqian pondered for a while, and roughly guessed it.

Regarding this, Wang Xuance nodded and said, "I have this idea, but my knowledge is shallow, so I dare not try it lightly."

"Young Master Wang's knowledge is naturally excellent." On the side, Yang Lin helped boast.

Over the years, he has also understood that no matter how rich he is, he can't compete with those noble families, so he has sponsored many students to study these years, hoping that they will flourish in the future, and they can still remember a little bit of the old friendship, even if it is Jingyang can't get along anymore, so there is a place to go.

Li Chengqian asked again: "Then the Yang family can barely survive under the suppression of the Cui family, is it all due to you?"

"Don't dare to take credit." Wang Xuance said very modestly, "The main reason is that the Yang family has a strong foundation, but it has nothing to do with me."

"Prince Wang is polite." Yang Lin could also see that this young man seemed to be very interested in Wang Xuance. If this young man could promote Wang Xuance, he would certainly not refuse. Young master, my Yang family has long been like the other families, guarding the few mu of Susukida handed down from our ancestors for a long time."

Regarding Yang Lin's words, Li Chengqian half listened and half believed them. In short, he was not very interested. He originally wanted to do business with Yang Lin, but at this moment, he was indeed more interested in Wang Xuance.

If this Wang Xuance is the same person as the Wang Xuance he knows, then he will abduct this guy no matter what!
He didn't mind at all about robbing Li Er of talent.

"Tell me how the Yang family persisted under the suppression of the Cui family?" Li Chengqian thought that the Yang family had an expert before, but now it seems that this expert should be Wang Xuance.

Of course, this is just his guess.

"It's really thanks to Mr. Wang." Wang Xuance was embarrassed to brag about himself, but Yang Lin didn't care. He was very happy that Wang Xuance was valued by this seemingly extraordinary young man. If he could use this to ascend to the sky, he would You can also get a little bit cheaper.

Wang Xuance didn't say a word, after all, he was still young and thin-skinned, and Huang Po's business of selling melons was somewhat embarrassing.

Based on his performance, Li Chengqian couldn't tell for a while whether he was the Wang Xuance he knew, and when he was about to ask a few more questions, Zhao Yan walked in with several people.

Li Chengqian knew who these people were without asking.

What is there to say?

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. This sentence is appropriate to describe these people.

No matter how much they have been suppressed by the Cui family these years, compared with ordinary people, their lives should not be too comfortable.

Now that everyone has arrived, Li Chengqian no longer entangles with Wang Xuance's affairs, after all, the business is important: "You all were well-known wealthy businessmen in our Jingyang area in the past, and today I took the liberty to invite you here because I really have something to ask for."

Everyone was stunned.

At first, I thought this young man was mocking them. How can there be a wealthy businessman who doesn't even have a shop?

But when I heard the back, I was dumbfounded again. What can we down-and-out businessmen help you?
Moreover, didn't it mean that there is a big business to do with us, big business?
"Master, I'm ashamed of what you said." Yang Lin continued with a smile on his face, "In the early years, those of us dared to call ourselves rich merchants, and the left and right were just words that put money on our faces.

Ever since our ancestors started doing business, shame has long been dispensable to us.

However, in the past two years, we have not been as good as before. No matter how thick-skinned we are, we dare not call ourselves a wealthy businessman anymore. "

What he said was true. A businessman cares too much about his face, and he will accomplish nothing in the end.

Besides, it's all for the sake of being at the bottom of the four people, so what shame is there?
"I've heard of it." Li Chengqian smiled and said, "In the past few years, the Cui family and other noble families have come to Jingyang to develop, and they have taken your living space and caused you a lot of losses, right?"

"That's not true." Hearing this, a middle-aged man immediately shook his head and said, "These years have been plagued by natural disasters, and business has been difficult to do, and they have made a mess..."

Speaking of this, he became angry, and the others shook their heads.

Some people even shook their heads and sighed: "I can't live on these days."

To this, Li Chengqian was noncommittal.

Who believes it?
"I have a business here that I want to do with you, but let's talk about it first. How this business should be done is up to me." Li Chengqian didn't argue with them anymore, it was meaningless, and went straight to the point.

As soon as Li Chengqian finished speaking, many businessmen retreated.

Without him, this condition is too overbearing.

I don't know any business yet, so I have to listen to you. The key is that you are a young man, can you do business?Don't lose all our coffin books by then.

However, they also think it's normal for Li Chengqian to be so domineering. It seems that all the noble families are like this.

Wasn't the Cui family overbearing in the past?

"Forgive me, my son. My family has been down and down for many years, and I really don't want to be a merchant anymore." The surname Huang who spoke was originally a well-known wealthy merchant in Jingyang. , has lost all right to speak.

He was not optimistic about Li Chengqian's business, nor did he believe that Li Chengqian would do business, so he stood up immediately.

After he stood up, two more businessmen who had a good personal relationship with him stood up.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian nodded and said: "It's okay, this business is making money, but it is estimated that it will be able to make money in the first year. In the coming year, this business will not be easy."

Those surnamed Huang didn't take over, so they waited for Li Chengqian to send them away.

In the past two days, the Cui family greeted them all, saying that a nobleman from Chang'an had come to fight with the Cui family in Jingyang.

Thinking about it now, the so-called nobleman must be the young man in front of him.

He didn't think this young man was the opponent of the Cui family.

That being the case, there is no need to rush to be cannon fodder for others.

The reason why they came was that they didn't want to offend the so-called nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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