Chapter 36

In the end, Huang Song left with the other three.

After walking far away, one of them spat and said with disdain: "Bah, what the hell, he dares to fight against the Cui family?"

"That's right, I really wanted to talk to us about some big business, but in the end I didn't know any business, so I asked us to listen to him?" The person who answered the conversation was also surnamed Yang. Relying on his prominent family background, let's see how I deal with him."

After finishing speaking, Yang's eyes rolled, and he said suddenly, "Say, if we tell the Cui family about this, we can sell it well, right?"

"You want to court death?" After he finished speaking, Huang Song stopped immediately, turned around and glared at him, and said, "What is your identity? What is his identity? If you can't win the Cui family, you can't kill a businessman." ?”

Huang Song was very tired.

The reason why he didn't want to get involved was because of the struggles of these noble families, and these small businessmen simply couldn't afford to get involved.

After listening to Huang Song's words, the surname Yang was also taken aback, feeling the cold sweat running down his back.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

In Li Chengqian's main hall, there were only four people left at this moment.

Yang Lin, Wang Xuance and two other local businessmen from Jingyang.

Yang Lin was actually very curious at the moment. The reason why he stayed was entirely because Wang Xuance did not leave. He believed in Wang Xuance. It was Wang Xuance's credit that the Yang family could still keep a few shops in Jingyang these years.

On this point, he didn't lie before.

What made him curious was, why didn't the other two guys leave?
How did he know that the reason why the other two guys didn't leave was actually simple, because he, Yang Lin, didn't leave!
Yes, it's that simple...

After all, although the Yang family has been down and out in the past few years, it is much stronger than the two of them.

In their eyes, Yang Lin at this moment is simply a guiding light.

"Since all of you have stayed, are you willing to do this business with me?" Li Chengqian didn't care who left and who stayed, it didn't matter, he just wanted the result.

"My lord is just joking." Yang Lin said with a wry smile, "Nowadays, we have no right to choose. If you can do business with us, your lord is already flattering me. Now, how can we have any business to do?" Do? I don’t know how long I can last with the few stores I barely maintain.”

After he finished speaking, the other two also had wry smiles on their faces, a bit sad about the ending of a hero.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other, and they both laughed. One of them said: "Tell me, are Huang Song and the others stupid in doing business? In our current situation, there is not even a shop, and someone comes to do business." , he still doesn't do it? What is he thinking?"

The few of them are no better than Yang Lin's family. Yang Lin's family still has a few shops. Although life is not easy, they always have a few people to support their appearance.

These people really only have a few acres of poor land left at home. At this point, if they don't fight hard, the family business will be ruined one day.

Yang Lin was also taken aback when he heard the words. At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

"Since you have an idea, then we won't dawdle." Li Chengqian waved his hand after speaking, and Xia Qing, who was serving at the side, hurried into the back room and brought out a plate covered with red silk.

Although they didn't know what was on the plate, everyone in Yang Lin knew that it must have something to do with their business.

Li Chengqian was not in a hurry to uncover the red silk, but first said: "Since we are doing business, we will talk openly and honestly. I have some troubles with the Cui family, and I must have heard a little about what they are doing these two days. You should all know."

"I know a little bit." Yang Lin nodded first, nonsense, the Cui family came to greet them, don't you know?

So did the other two.

Although they are all afraid of the Cui family's revenge, but as a businessman, who doesn't like to make big gains with small things?

Especially the other two, now that they don't even have a store, if they don't try their best, will they really lose their ancestral family business in their own hands?

If so, he would have no face to meet his ancestors after death.

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "They want to monopolize the market and stop me. To tell you the truth, I can't stay in Jingyang for a few days. I'll leave when I'm ready."

Li Chengqian is still unwilling to lie to them. As the successor of socialism in later generations, he will not be able to do such a thing for a while.

To speak out is to give them the right to choose and let them make their own choices.

Sure enough, upon hearing what Li Chengqian said, even Yang Lin couldn't help but glance at Wang Xuance. The main reason why he stayed was because he believed in Wang Xuance.

But now, when Li Chengqian said that, he was still a little flustered.

Although he believed in Wang Xuance to stay, there is also a reason for Li Chengqian's identity.

Originally, he had hoped that with Li Chengqian's status, no matter what, he could help them stay ahead, right?

But now it seems that things are a little different from what I thought.

Among the other two, one stood up directly and asked, "I don't know what is the profit of this business that the young master is talking about?"

Hearing his question, Li Chengqian nodded, this fucking guy is a businessman, okay?

If the risk is directly proportional to the benefit, then the risk is worth a try.

Yang Lin and the other person listened attentively.

Li Chengqian thought for a while, and said: "It's hard to say, because I said before, this business can probably be done for a year, and the profit may be doubled, at worst, there is a [-]% profit. The most important thing is, The payback period is short.

If it is to earn a sum of money, run away after earning it, about ten days. If you want to earn more, it is estimated that you can sell it for more than a month. Of course, the longer the cycle, the higher the profit. "

[-]% profit?ten days?

Several people didn't hear the words clearly, so they remembered the two most critical points.

In an instant, the eyes of several people were shining, this business can be done!

Not to mention offending the Cui family, even offending the royal family, this business can also be done!

It is the nature of a businessman to seek profit, not to mention such a large profit.

"My lord, my Wang family has done this business. As long as there are benefits that you said, all members of my Wang family will definitely follow my lead!" The businessman who asked about the profit before said immediately.

As a businessman, if he doesn't do such a profitable business, he feels ashamed of his ancestors!
"And me, me too!"

"Me too!"

Just for a moment, the remaining three businessmen all nodded in unison.

What a joke, they have never seen such a profitable business, except for those who do business without money.

Of course, at this moment, they are even more curious about what is under the red silk that can make such money.

Regarding their reaction, Li Chengqian didn't feel much. It's a businessman's virtue.

But with them, the Cui family's so-called monopoly has almost become a joke.

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian grimaced, is it a monopoly?I just don’t know, do you understand what anti-monopoly is?
(End of this chapter)

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