This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 368 Volume 4 Domineering Li Chengqian!

Chapter 368 Volume [-] Domineering Li Chengqian!
Li Chengqian always felt that he had overlooked something. Before that, he felt that he had found something that he had overlooked.

At that time, he thought he was ignoring Murong Xiaojun.

Actually it is not, or it is inaccurate, what he really ignores is Murong Xiaojun's character.

It's understandable when you think about it, after all, in the original history, without Li Chengqian, the shit-stirring stick, Murong Xiaojun didn't vote for Tang even if he died in battle.

You know, at that time, even Tianzhu King was deceived by Murong Shun and defected to Tang Dynasty.

Dayan Mangjiebo, the prince of Tuyuhun, also led his troops to vote for Tubo. The famous kings of Tuyuhun, such as Xihai King and Dingcheng King, became prisoners and surrendered... But he, Murong Xiaojun, fought to the end for Murong Fuyun , until death!

This is Murong Xiaojun, this is King Gaochang of Tuyuhun!

Li Chengqian was a little helpless, but also a little irritable.

He knew very well that he couldn't stop Murong Xiaojun, and he didn't have any reason to stop a man who fulfilled his oath!
But Water River County is really inseparable from Murong Xiaojun.

This old clapper really left himself with a huge problem.

"Why bother?" Li Chengqian shook his head.

Murong Xiaojun said with a bright smile on his face: "This is my life, eating the king's salary, and being loyal to the king. I just hope that after the old man dies, you will treat my subordinates well, and also treat the people of Piaohe County well." .

As their king, this is the last thing the old man can do for them. "

"My lord..."

Hearing what Murong Xiaojun said, all his subordinates cried out in pain.

At this time, they finally understood that their king didn't want to rebel, let alone rebel!
But because of their demands and dissatisfaction, Murong Xiaojun wanted to find a way out for them!
Since he began to seek a way out for the soldiers and common people of Pourhe County, his fate was doomed.

Because he didn't want to betray Murong Fuyun...

Also because he didn't want to betray these brothers in Water River County...

Loyalty and righteousness are in a dilemma, he has only one way to go.

This is also the reason why he has repeatedly given opportunities to the city king, because he wants to take the third way, but this damn world doesn't give him a third choice!

Murong Xiaojun shook his head and said: "You don't need to say too much, this king knows what he is doing, if you still think of me as your king, then listen to me.

As Gaochang King of Tuyuhun, shrouded in horse leather, this is the best destiny! "

After speaking, Murong Fuyun said to Li Chengqian again, "My son-in-law, can I let the old man chat with his subordinates alone."

Li Chengqian waved his hand helplessly, this old man really sees through life and death, so his words are quite casual.

After Li Chengqian walked away, Murong Xiaojun finally got off his horse. Although everyone had already noticed that his injuries were quite serious, they didn't see how scarred he was until now.

"If the lord doesn't want to rebel, we will kill King Ming at the worst, just to prove our innocence. Anyway, we didn't have any collusion with the royal court of Ming Dynasty." He also looked in Li Chengqian's direction, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, Li Chengqian didn't Is it right in front of you?
Murong Xiaojun reluctantly found a place to sit down, heard the words and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about these unrealistic things, don't look at our superior military strength, but after so many days of fierce fighting, how many people do you have left?" Divide the strength?

Even if we desperately defeat Daming's army, will King Dingcheng let us go?
No, they would just take advantage of the time when we were exhausted, and annihilate us in one fell swoop, and then pretend that they annihilated our Piaohe County rebellion and defeated the Daming Royal Court.

At that time, the king will be the leader of the rebels, and you will all be the rebels. In order to conceal the truth, they will even slaughter all the soldiers who participated in this battle in my Piaohe County.

not worth it……

It's not worth it..."

After Murong Xiaojun finished speaking, he sighed, his whole body seemed to be much older.

But the person who spoke just now said: "Your Highness is here, King Dingcheng won't do this..."

"Hehe, when a person is corrupted by desire, Your Highness? Your Highness won't care about our life or death, he just wants to consolidate his position with this overwhelming contribution!

Don't think about it, you all know that we never colluded with Da Ming, and even gave King Dingcheng several opportunities to attack Da Ming, did he accept it?No, he did not!
Because he doesn't care at all whether Tuyuhun can regain Chishuiyuan, he is just afraid, afraid that I, Piaohe County, will take revenge on him if I recover Chishuiyuan!If he, King Dingcheng, and my soldiers from Piaohe County had dealt with Yiyuan Peak together, would we need to retreat?
So what if Daming has the advantage of armaments?

Our two sides combined tens of thousands of troops, and he piled up Yiyuan Peak to death with a pile of human heads, but why were we the ones who retreated in the end?Why do we retreat and even become homeless?Isn't it because he, King Dingcheng, is afraid that I, the Water River County, will rise again..."

After Murong Xiaojun finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

Yes, from their point of view, all of this is the fault of King Dingcheng, what a great opportunity at that time?They don't even think about it, if you want to conspire with others, why don't you tell them in advance?

I won't think about it, because people will always only think about things that are beneficial to themselves, and they will selectively ignore those things that are not good for them.

Murong Xiaojun stopped talking, but took out two letters from the armband, and said: "Give these two letters to General Xi and General Shusun. After they read the letters, they will know what to do."

He had written these two letters for a long time, and he didn't take them out until today. The envelope was already stained with blood.

After the subordinate received the letter, he was still a little unwilling: "My lord, then we will turn against him, Murong Fuyun. As long as the lord gives an order, the general will be willing to be a pawn."

"The end will be willing to go!"

"The end will be willing to go!"


For a while, all the subordinates expressed their opinions one after another. Seeing this, Murong Xiaojun smiled: "With you, my life, Murong Xiaojun, is not in vain!"

Speaking of this, he changed the subject and said, "But there is no need, if you still recognize me as Murong Xiaojun, from now on, I will ask you to take care of my wives and children.

Today, I, Murong Xiaojun, want to use my life to prove to Murong Fuyun that he despises me!

I have to use this life to tell him Murong Fuyun that I, Murong Xiaojun, am worthy of the title of King Gaochang! "

"My lord!"

"Don't say too much, man, if you die, you will die. I, Murong Xiaojun, have never been afraid! And ah...forget it, don't say it, you don't understand it, it's the same sentence, if you still recognize me, Murong Xiaojun , then obey orders!" Murong Xiaojun said, "After I die, you will lead your subordinates to serve Wanqiu, you want... have you ever understood?"

"The last general takes orders!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Although the sound was like a bell, it was extremely uncomfortable in my heart.

Murong Xiaojun, they have followed the king all their lives, but today they are going to risk their lives for their future.

Everyone chatted with Murong Xiaojun for a while, reminiscing about the past, but chatting happily.

After seeing through life and death, he became a little more indifferent.

"Finished talking?" Li Chengqian rushed over when he heard the commotion here.

Murong Xiaojun nodded: "Speaking of this matter, I still want to thank you for your fulfillment."

"This king doesn't want to be fulfilled, really." Li Chengqian also said helplessly, "But there is no reason why this king should not be fulfilled. This is the Murong Xiaojun in my heart. Loyalty is in a dilemma, but I always want to try."

Everyone just listened to the two of them chatting, and no one said a word. At this moment, Murong Xiaojun may have vented the breath in his heart. He looked like an old man in his dying years, on the verge of collapse.

"It's better to be young..." Murong Xiaojun said, "Young people are aggressive and courageous. I think when I was your age, I was like you, fearless in the face of any enemy.

But now, after getting older, he becomes timid.

But I still want to persuade you, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, how can you be so reckless?
You know, just now, whenever the king of Dingcheng expressed his intention to join forces with me, this king will definitely destroy your Daming army first!

Speaking of which, you should really thank King Dingcheng for saving your life. "

"Why should I thank him?" Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "Believe it or not, I know better than you that he won't! For the time being, no one in this world wants to kill you more than him, really .

Even if your subordinates are thinking of dealing with me now, the probability of King Dingcheng helping me is greater than helping you.

you know why not

Because Tuyuhun lost Piaohe County, and he didn't have any loss!
But if you and your Water River County become stronger, it will infringe on his vital interests. "

Human nature, never let Li Chengqian down, this point is really tried and tested.

"If that wasn't the case, how could it be your turn to be rampant?" Murong Xiaojun smiled miserably, "You boy, you really have a bit of a husband! That's all, I don't feel ashamed to lose to my son-in-law, I just hope you see For Wan Qiu's sake, treat the old man's subordinates kindly in the future.

As for the common people, I think you will not treat them badly. "

After finishing speaking, Murong Xiaojun laughed boldly, "Today, I'll let you, brat, take a good look at how I killed the enemy!"

As soon as the words fell, Murong Xiaojun was about to get up on the horse. Li Chengqian looked at his scars all over his body but shook his head and said, "I miss you Murong Xiaojun's life as a hero, how can you be humiliated by such a despicable villain as King Dingcheng?" , die at his hands, and you will end up with a thousand years of infamy as a traitor."

"Yes, my lord!" Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, Murong Xiaojun's subordinates immediately shouted.

Li Chengqian was right, how could their king be humiliated by such a despicable villain as King Dingcheng?

Murong Xiaojun said in an extremely heroic manner: "I'm dead, who cares about my name in life? Even if he nails me to the pillar of shame in history, does it have something to do with me?
Needless to say, today, there is only King Gaochang who died in battle, and there is no Murong Xiaojun who is careless! "

A group of soldiers also looked helpless, they knew that Murong Xiaojun was determined and no one could persuade him, but when they thought of King Dingcheng, they were filled with indignation.

Is Dingcheng King worthy of him?

Phew... Li Chengqian sighed, the last attempt also failed, and he shook his head: "The generals of the Ming Dynasty obey the orders, and Murong Xiaojun's army invades the Ming Dynasty, and he will be beheaded!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned for a moment, one of Murong Xiaojun's subordinates was about to speak, but was suddenly stopped by another person.

"He is perfecting the prince!"

There are still smart people.

This is the only thing Li Chengqian can do for Murong Xiaojun.

Since Murong Xiaojun wants this name, then give it to him!

In fact, Murong Xiaojun's fate would not have been like this if Li Chengqian hadn't intervened.

And when Murong Xiaojun and his subordinates explained the matter just now, Li Chengqian was also thinking about this issue.

He thought, if it is really impossible to stop, then he will be fulfilled.

It is better to die in his hands than to die in Dingcheng King's hands.

"Why bother?" This time it was Murong Xiaojun's turn to be stunned, "I know you want to fulfill me, and they know it too, but the tens of thousands of soldiers in my pouring county don't know, and the hundreds of thousands of people in pouring county don't know , Wanqiu doesn't even know!
As far as you are concerned, only when the old man dies at the hands of King Dingcheng can you maximize your benefits. "

"I have fulfilled you, neither because of the soldiers and common people of Piaohe County, nor because of Wanqiu, but this king simply respects your loyalty, loyal and courageous people, no matter the enemy or us, deserve my respect!" Li Cheng Gan Dao said, "As for Water River County, this king wants to plot Water River County, not only thinking about it, but also doing it!

Even plotting the entire Tuyuhun, this king thought, never hiding it, you Murong Xiaojun is here, this king said so, even if Murong Fuyun is here, this king would dare to say so!

What this king wants, I will lead my Da Ming's unparalleled warriors to grab it by myself, to snatch it by myself!

Who dares to refuse?Not convinced to fight!
I am Li Chengqian, the iron cavalry of the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty, and I am not afraid of anyone who is like a chariot with a mantis arm!

Where are the warriors of Ming Dynasty? Tell them, dare to fight! "




What Li Chengqian said made everyone's blood boil, especially the officers and soldiers of Daming, they all screamed at the top of their lungs.

Lao Tzu plotted against you, Piaohe County, and plotted against you, Tuyuhun. Let me tell you plainly, not only did I want to, but I did it!What's the matter, don't you agree?

Do not accept to fight!

As for Murong Xiaojun's subordinates, their blood was also surging, but it was somewhat embarrassing. Do you want to be so direct?
But seeing the morale of the Ming soldiers, they were still a little shocked.

Is this the Ming elite?

On the other side, King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo had joined forces a long time ago, and they were a little dazed at the moment.

They discussed whether they should take the opportunity to take down Murong Xiaojun and Li Chengqian, but in the end the two still shook their heads.

dare not...

One has a psychological shadow because of a disastrous defeat in the past, and the other has seen the power of Daming's weapons and is a little timid.

In the final analysis, these two people are unusable.

Of course, they were actually waiting, waiting for reinforcements, waiting for Tuoba Zhao.

"Then how do you explain to the soldiers, common people and Wanqiu of Water River County?" Murong Xiaojun looked at the morale of the Ming soldiers like a rainbow, and to be honest, he was very envious, but at this moment, he had no time to envy.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian said casually: "Why do I have to explain to others what I have done all my life?
That's enough, if I don't persuade you, don't persuade me either.

If you want to die with all your heart, you can only die in the hands of this king. King Dingcheng, he is not worthy! "

At this moment, Murong Xiaojun's subordinates can understand.

Li Chengqian's words are right, King Dingcheng, he just doesn't deserve it.

But they also hope that Murong Xiaojun will not be so persistent, but Murong Xiaojun is still Murong Xiaojun after all. Hearing what Li Chengqian said, he immediately laughed: "You are a person who does big things. I believe that in the future, you will It must be a generation of heroes."

After finishing speaking, he got on the horse and made the final preparations, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Murong Xiaojun was having a bit of difficulty even getting on the horse.

And from the self-proclaiming of the two of them, we can also feel the change of their identities.

"The final general is willing to go out with the prince!" The moment Murong Xiaojun got on his horse, the guy who proposed to kill Li Chengqian before, immediately got on his horse.

"The end will be willing to go!"

"My subordinate is willing to go!"


Seeing more and more people, Murong Xiaojun said: "It's enough to have these dozens of brothers accompanying me! The rest of you, guard my Water River County and our home!"

"My lord..." Someone was not reconciled.

"Listen to the order!" Murong Xiaojun actually didn't even want to bring these dozens of people, but he knew that these guys actually wanted to die. He wouldn't let others persuade him, so naturally he wouldn't persuade others either. How can I advise you to make your own choice.

"The last general takes orders!"

Everyone said.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian raised his hand: "Liu San, pick the same number of warriors, and today, attack our enemies at the border of Daming!"

Not long after, soldiers and horses from both sides came out, no matter whether it was Murong Xiaojun's army or Daming's army, they all consciously vacated a large space for them.

Murong Xiaojun and Li Chengqian didn't need any discussion, they rode up tacitly.

For a time, the war began.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, this is their tacit understanding.

In other words, Murong Xiaojun can only die at the hands of Li Chengqian, so as not to humiliate his first name, of course, it can also be said to reshape his first name.

And when their battle started, the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Battalion were already armed with crossbows, ready to fight at any time.

On the other hand, Murong Xiaojun's subordinates didn't respond, they just quietly watched their king's final battle.

In fact, at this moment, Murong Xiaojun doesn't have the strength to fight, not to mention him, even the horse running under his crotch is limp.

He has fought for too long... Not to mention the scars, just the strength, and he has been exhausted for a long time.

"Thank you." After finally walking up to Li Chengqian, Murong Xiaojun said these two words sincerely.

Li Chengqian looked at him, shook his head, and said, "Actually, I was the one who harmed you."

"Not to mention, if Da Khan really trusts me, you won't be able to harm me." Murong Xiaojun laughed at himself, and suddenly, he asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will capture the thief first and the king first? Let alone, If I capture you alive now and bring you back to Fucheng City, I seem to have hope again."

"You don't have that ability." As he spoke, Li Chengqian raised his right hand, which he had been dragging all along, and saw an extremely delicate crossbow on his right hand at some point, "Now that you have decided, let's go with peace of mind. Hejun, this king will help you look after him."

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian pulled the trigger, and Murong Xiaojun was still puzzled when he saw an arrow go straight into his throat.

"You boy..." Before he finished speaking, he fell off his horse, and under him, there was still a shiny machete.

No one knew, at that moment, whether Murong Xiaojun had thought about capturing the thief first and capturing the king first, all of this became a complete mystery with Murong Xiaojun's fall from the horse.

"My lord..." At the same time, countless people wailed!

Liu San and the others also took advantage of the moment when their opponents were stunned, and killed everyone.

On the battlefield, there is no way out, only death!
"Although the Ming Dynasty is weak, anyone who violates the frontiers of our Ming Dynasty will definitely destroy their court food, even if they are thousands of miles away, they will be punished!
King Gaochang of Tuyuhun is a lesson for you!
You are not surrendering yet! "Li Chengqian took advantage of the situation and said angrily.

When Liu San and the others heard the words, they quickly repeated them again.

The subordinates of the Tiger and Leopard Battalion also said sharply.

For a moment, there was only one voice on the battlefield.

King Ming beheaded King Gaochang!
It's just that no one knows what Li Chengqian and Murong Xiaojun said at that moment.

But at this moment, no one under Murong Xiaojun's subordinates cared about this, they didn't even care about Li Chengqian calling them to surrender, but just stared blankly at Murong Xiaojun lying on the cold ground.

"My lord!"

Countless people cried out in grief!

Even though they knew it was Murong Xiaojun's choice, when this moment really happened, everyone always felt that there was something missing, what was it?

Is it the backbone?
Is it hope?

They don't know, they just know that something is missing.

And those who were emotional even ran straight to Li Chengqian and rode out, but before any of them rushed to Li Chengqian, they were sent to find Murong Xiaojun by the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Camp with a dense rain of arrows. up.

Run faster and maybe keep up with...

"Dismount, accept surrender, and those who dare to act presumptuously will be killed without mercy!" Li Chengqian shouted angrily.

In the distance, King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo were stunned.

What the fuck is going on here?
Murong Xiaojun is dead?

real or fake?

They couldn't believe it, really, couldn't believe it...

It stands to reason that this is their best chance right now, but they are afraid, afraid that this is a scene made by Li Chengqian and Murong Xiaojun. For a while, the two of you look at me and I look at you, at a loss .

They didn't know that Li Chengqian was actually in a panic right now!
(End of this chapter)

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