This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 369 Volume 4 Cursing Li Chengqian

Chapter 369 Volume [-] Cursing Li Chengqian

Li Chengqian was actually picking chestnuts from the fire.

He is taking a risk, but also a gamble.

But he can't either.

Murong Xiaojun, the old clapper, insists on playing with both loyalty and righteousness, I'll play with you, uncle!
If King Dingcheng really killed Murong Xiaojun, he would be in an embarrassing situation.

Even though King Dingcheng and Dayan Mang Jiebo are quiet now, once they learn that Murong Xiaojun is really dead, then even if they are pigs, these two guys will wave their troops down!

What are they afraid of now?
What I fear is Li Chengqian and Murong Xiaojun teaming up.

But if Murong Xiaojun died and the dragons in Piaohe County had no leader, would they still be afraid?

No, Li Chengqian alone has more than [-] troops. They don't say that they will be wiped out, but it is still no problem to fight back.

At least let Li Chengqian lead an army of more than [-] to fight against the opponent's army of more than [-], he is also a little worried.

So the reason why he made Murong Xiaojun perfect is really not that simple.

After all, after Murong Xiaojun's death, the morale of the army in Piaohe County fell to the bottom, the key is that he has no way to command.

Although Murong Xiaojun is still alive and he can't command, but it's better than now, isn't it?

Besides, an army without a leader will have a greatly reduced combat effectiveness.

Therefore, he fulfilled Murong Xiaojun.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing so, but in Li Chengqian's view, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so it is worth a try.

Speaking of it, he was reckless and ignored Murong Xiaojun's character.

This put him in an awkward and dangerous situation.

But at this moment, all the soldiers of Piaohe County were full of grief, and they were still howling.

Seeing their reactions, Li Chengqian knew that his choice was right.

As far as this group of guys are in this state, it's a blessing not to be a burden, not to mention helping each other in a big battle now!

The death of Murong Xiaojun was a great blow to them. In the final analysis, Murong Xiaojun was the magic needle in their hearts. He, Li Chengqian, was not...

"Liu San, Baolin, bring your own soldiers and follow me to meet King Dingcheng and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Tuyuhun." Li Chengqian said sharply.

As for the Tiger and Leopard Camp, they still have to keep an eye on Murong Xiaojun's subordinates at this moment.

Of course, they said they were staring, but they were just pretending. At this moment, Murong Xiaojun's subordinates were already exhausted from the repeated battles, and with Murong Xiaojun's sudden death, how could they have the courage to fight? force?
But they didn't, Dingcheng King's subordinates did!

Therefore, Li Chengqian had to solve the current predicament first, at least to solve these two.

Just when King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo looked confused.

Li Chengqian led Liu San, Yuchi Baolin and his soldiers, and walked towards them swaggeringly.

Both of them were dumbfounded, what's going on?
Is Murong Xiaojun really dead?
They don't believe it.

Are you kidding me, Murong Xiaojun is your father-in-law, and this is still on Murong Xiaojun's territory, did you really kill him?His subordinates still have to fight you hard?
With such a gap in information, neither of them dared to act presumptuously.

So now seeing Li Chengqian leading a mere hundred or so people, the two of them looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Murong Xiaojun violated the frontiers of the Ming Dynasty, and he has already been beheaded by this king's formation. You two, do you want to try?" Li Chengqian said in a cold tone while riding on the horse.

Hearing Li Chengqian's words, the two looked at each other, and then looked in Murong Xiaojun's direction, but they shook their heads involuntarily.Although they saw that there seemed to be a conflict between Li Chengqian and Murong Xiaojun just now, it was only a conflict between a hundred and ten people.

Isn't this fucking playing us?

The point is, who will believe it, don't treat us as fools, okay?

If you really want to kill Murong Xiaojun, the tens of thousands of soldiers under his command will have to fight you desperately right now, even if they can't form a strong combat force because the dragons have no leader, there will always be a chaotic battle.

Even though they hated Murong Xiaojun, they still had confidence in Murong Xiaojun's military management methods.

If it were any one of them who killed Murong Xiaojun, they would have to beware of Murong Xiaojun's subordinates who would risk their lives with them, that would really be risking their lives.

After all, at their stage, who doesn't have a group of loyalists who can give up their lives?

"Murong Xiaojun is my Tuyuhun rebel general, and now he was cut in front of the Ming King's formation, but he saved Tuyuhun from one harm for me. I have to thank His Highness King Ming here." King Dingcheng married Dayan Mang. After Bo made a simple eye contact, he cupped his hands and said.

As for Dayanmang Jiebo, he didn't say anything, but just stared at Li Chengqian with a sullen expression on his face.

Of course, whether they believe it or not, since Li Chengqian said so, they are also willing to accompany Li Chengqian to perform, at least to see what medicine Li Chengqian sells in his gourd.

When Li Chengqian heard the words, he immediately said with a look of disdain: "Hmph, everyone said that Tuyuhun is now sunset, I didn't believe it before, but now I have to believe it.

Although this king doesn't like Murong Xiaojun's attack on our border town, but as an opponent, this king respects a loyal and patriotic person like him, unlike you, who watched Murong Xiaojun die for the country with his own eyes but remained indifferent, and even slandered the country's hero. Rebellious!
According to this king, you are the rebellious officials and traitors of Tuyuhun!

If Tuyuhun is wiped out in the future, you will have to bear the blame! "

"You..." Dingcheng King was very angry when he heard this.

On the contrary, Dayan Mang Jiebo was quite calm. After Riyue Mountain was humiliated, he did not gain nothing, at least his temper was much calmer than before.

"Don't be impatient, King Dingcheng." At that moment, he said softly to King Dingcheng, "He just wants to provoke us and let us send troops in a rage. Li Chengqian is extremely treacherous, don't fall for his tricks."

When King Dingcheng heard this, it was also the same reason, and he immediately said: "Murong Xiaojun's rebellion is well known, so is it true that King Ming still wants to turn black and white for his father-in-law?
Yu Tuyuhun, he is a rebellious official and traitor, destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history for life after life.

King Ming should not waste his time talking. "

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian was not angry at all.

Instead, he asked Liu San to bring these words to Murong Xiaojun's subordinates.

The reason for talking nonsense with them is to arouse the anger of these guys.

Now he really can't command these guys, but it doesn't mean that these guys are useless at all.

Why Murong Xiaojun died, they know better than anyone else, this is the time when they feel the most kindness of Murong Xiaojun, if they don't use it at this time, when will it be?
Everyone who was feeling sad because of Murong Xiaojun's death immediately showed resentment when they heard King Dingcheng's words.

Emotions were the most intense at that time, and therefore, the anger on their faces was the most real at this moment.

Even if they knew that it was Li Chengqian who actually killed Murong Xiaojun, they also understood that this was actually Murong Xiaojun's own choice, because he didn't want to betray Tuyuhun, let alone Murong Fuyun.

He has fulfilled his promise with his own life, why do you, King Dingcheng, slander him with a rebellious minister and a traitor!

"Brothers, cheer me up and kill that despicable villain who slandered the prince!" Murong Xiaojun's general shouted.

He hates!


With him taking the lead, those guys who had been dazzled by anger all of a sudden screamed.

In their hearts, Murong Xiaojun died because of them, now, it's their time to fight for Murong Xiaojun!
The tiger and leopard battalion on the side was a little dazed when they saw the changes of these guys, but the guy who came to deliver the message shook his head at them, and said to them leadingly: "Your Highness has explained it, don't worry about it for now."

As for Murong Xiaojun's subordinates, they didn't pay much attention to the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Battalion at all. At this moment, they just wanted to tear off that broken mouth of King Dingcheng.

After a while, everyone rode away.

When Li Chengqian heard the movement behind him, although there was no trace on his face, his heart was full of smiles.

After waiting for a while, Li Chengqian seized the opportunity and said, "Look, you slandered King Gaochang so much that even his subordinates couldn't see it.

Although King Gaochang is regarded as an enemy to my court of the Ming Dynasty, he is also regarded as a loyal minister and good general to Tuyuhun. "

King Dingcheng actually saw Murong Xiaojun's subordinates rushing towards this side, but he only thought it was a trick of Li Chengqian and Murong Xiaojun.

"Ming Wang is quite concerned about my Tuyuhun's internal affairs, but having said that, I, Tuyuhun, who is a loyal minister and a good general, who is a rebellious minister and a traitor, do you want your Highness Ming to decide?

Who doesn't know that Murong Xiaojun raised an army to conspire against him?

Who doesn't know that Murong Xiaojun colluded with Daming and betrayed his master for glory?

Don't waste your words, Murong Xiaojun's crimes are too numerous to write down, and how can you, King Ming, turn black and white with a few words!

Today, even if you don't kill this traitor, this king will definitely kill the country. "

Speaking of this, King Dingcheng suddenly shouted loudly, "Murong Xiaojun, if you are dead, I will take care of you. This king will definitely make your crimes known to the world, and let the world see what will happen to you, a traitorous official. For the latecomers!"

In this case, he was actually testing.

And Li Chengqian laughed immediately when he heard his words, what a goddamn genius!
Are you afraid that Murong Xiaojun's subordinates are not angry enough?

Sure enough, when King Dingcheng's words fell, someone under Murong Xiaojun's subordinates immediately shouted angrily: "Prince Dingcheng, I fucked your mother, brothers, kill, I won't kill this old thing today, I swear I won't kill you!" give up!"


In an instant, Murong Xiaojun's subordinates rushed towards King Dingcheng's army.

Li Chengqian watched all this with a smile on his face.

This is just right.

This is the result I want.

Isn't he doing all this, even risking his own life, just to create a reason for these guys to fight bloody battles?

Murong Xiaojun, hehe, he is still too young...

He thought that if he died, his subordinates would not be used by Li Chengqian?

He thought Li Chengqian would have nothing to do with his leaderless army?

It can only be said that Murong Xiaojun takes Li Chengqian too seriously...

Even if you die, I can still make these arrogant soldiers and warriors in Piaohe County work for me!

As for King Dingcheng, he was in a daze.

what's going on?
He really didn't expect these guys to rush up.

Really, he couldn't think of any reason.

Because there are tens of thousands of troops on his side, and they are joining up with Dayan Mangjiebo's reinforcements at this moment, what reason do you have to rush forward?
The point is, Li Chengqian's army didn't move, did you rush forward to die?

But in fact, Murong Xiaojun's army, which had been conquering for a few days, charged towards him completely unreasonably.

And all of them were furious and extremely fierce!

This made King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo unable to figure out what went wrong.

Just when Murong Xiaojun's army and King Dingcheng came into contact with Dayan Mangjiebo's subordinates, the brothers from the Tiger and Leopard Camp also followed up, and each of them stood behind Li Chengqian in full force.

"Your Highness, you are really good at it." Liu San said, "Just now I was worried that some of these guys would take this opportunity to make something up their minds."

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "Everything happened so suddenly, they had no chance to have any troubles, but it's hard to tell after a long time, so this timing must be grasped very appropriately."

When people are excited, or when they are emotionally excited, it is difficult to make rational judgments. Li Chengqian understands this.

So he took advantage of Murong Xiaojun's death. When these guys lost their temper, it fueled them.

Of course, there was one thing he didn't say, that among Murong Xiaojun's subordinates, Fifth Brother Zhang and Yang Lin had already infiltrated them, and there were not a few of them whose center was Daming.

This is also a prerequisite for Li Chengqian's success.

"Your Highness, what about Murong Xiaojun?" Liu San asked again.

Li Chengqian thought for a while, and said: "No rush, I have to take over the mess he left behind right now.

This old clapper, fortunately he called out his son-in-law one by one, but in the end he wanted to leave an empty air for Laozi. "

Speaking of Murong Xiaojun, Li Chengqian was so angry, really angry!

The main reason is that Murong Xiaojun is too fucking a thief.

His death, seeking a name is actually only secondary, there are many deeper reasons.

It can only be said that this old clapper really used his own death to the extreme, and he just hurt Li Chengqian.

As for Li Chengqian grabbing Murong Xiaojun and scolding him, everyone didn't dare to say anything, it's not easy to intervene.

"Baolin, you send someone to play the semaphore and inform Wan Tupu that they start to attack, and support the soldiers of Piaohe County from the south." Li Chengqian looked at the battle situation and said.

Although Murong Xiaojun's subordinates were brave and fierce, they were still constrained by the lack of troops, and they struggled a bit.

But Li Chengqian didn't take it seriously, he did this to subdue the hearts of these arrogant soldiers, but it's not the time yet.

"Your Highness, have we been watching like this?" Liu San asked.

Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "No hurry, it's not enough."

Speaking of this, he thought of Murong Xiaojun again, and said, "Damn it, if you want to blame it, you can blame that old clapper. If he hadn't made such a fuss, why would I be so embarrassed now? Damn it, it's really getting worse The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved, I have to wipe his ass after death, what a fucking good plan."

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, everyone became more and more curious.

What does all this have to do with Murong Xiaojun?
They really can't figure this out.

Li Chengqian didn't bother to explain right now, he actually didn't want to understand at first, but after Murong Xiaojun fell off the horse, he suddenly understood.

It's also thanks to his quick response, otherwise he might have a big fall here today.

It can only be said that he still thinks about these guys too simply.

These guys, who are not masters of taking one step and watching three steps.

There are really not many mediocre guys who can leave their names in the history books.

(End of this chapter)

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