Chapter 38
After all, Li Chengqian is the successor of socialism, and he will never do such "bad" behaviors as repaying grievances with virtue.

Of course, he doesn't bother to hold grudges. After all, if there is a grudge, it is usually reported on the spot.

Being so busy every day, who has the time to take out a small notebook to write these down?
As for those who cannot be reported on the spot, then they should be punished. Isn’t there a saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years?
He acted calmly, but the three of Yang Lin were stunned.

If he did this, he wouldn't be offending the Cui family, it would simply be showing off his horses and guns, and he would directly start fighting in the ring!

The point is, you patted your ass afterwards and left, we still have to stay here to face the anger of the Cui family.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little lost.

This doesn't work.

I can't stand it!

"My lord, that..." Yang Lin was a little squeaky, he couldn't say that.

Although he also wanted to make this money, if he wanted to fight the Cui family openly, they still felt a little unsure.

"It's okay." Li Chengqian naturally knew what they were worried about, and said, "Although I'm gone, I will greet them. Of course, I don't care about legitimate competition in business, but you won't lose confidence in business, right? ?”

"If it's purely commercial competition, then we're really not afraid of them." The businessman surnamed Wang said immediately after hearing this.

Although the Cui family has forced him to lose even one shop these years, he still looks down on the Cui family in his own professional field.

Regarding this point, Li Chengqian had no doubts. To be honest, it was pointless.

After all, this is his business, even if he borrowed Cui Hao's 1 guts, he would not dare to use those dirty methods to compete, but would he be afraid of formal business methods?

So, meaningless.

"Then what else is there to say?" Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "It's about earning your money with peace of mind. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you listen to my arrangement and believe me, the money you will earn in the future will only increase." many!

You don't think I only have one thing that can make money, do you? "

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, everyone's eyes lit up again.

If Li Chengqian still had lucrative deals like gloves, they really wouldn't mind fighting the Cui family.

Merchants always value profit. The Cui family is powerful and huge, which is good, but this is Jingyang after all, not Boling and Qinghe.

If it was a fight with the Cui family in these two places, then there is nothing to say, they refused without even thinking about it.

But in Jingyang, they are still willing to give it a try, especially when Li Chengqian said that he will greet the Cui family, and it is limited to legitimate competition in business.

If they dare not do this, then what business do they still have, go home and amuse the children!
With no worries left behind, Yang Lin asked, "Is there anything else you want to order, Young Master?"

"It's not about orders." Li Chengqian said, "However, you can arrange for some people to go to the grain shops opened by a few gentry families to buy grain these days."

"Why?" The businessman surnamed Wang was a little puzzled.

Didn't you say that you want the Cui family's grain to rot in the warehouse and not let them sell a single grain?Why do you want to buy it yourself?

Li Chengqian shook his head, businessmen these days are still too far behind the later generations.

"You think the Cui family doesn't know about your coming to my place today?" Li Chengqian said, "Since they know, what do you think they will think?
In other words, I am looking for you now, what can I do for it?
So, after you leave from me, if there is no movement at all, people will definitely suspect that we are preparing something, which may affect our future plans.

But if at this time, you all organize people to go to their grain stores to buy grain, then what will they think, it is nothing more than I paid a high price for you to help me buy grain.

So what do they do next? "

"Restrict grain trade again." Yang Lin immediately understood when he heard this, that he was also from a family of merchants.

Li Chengqian nodded, but shook his head again, and said: "Yes, not entirely right. It is certain to limit the trading volume of grain, but if they do it rashly, let alone whether the common people agree or not, our county magistrate The adults will definitely not agree.

Although he is also from the Cui family, he is still the parent official in Jingyang.

Jingyang has been suffering from disasters for so many years, and the common people have been starved of food. Finally, there is a harvest this year. He will certainly not sit back and watch the common people fail to buy food with their money.

Therefore, the Cui family will definitely think of other ways. "

Several people nodded.

Indeed, although Cui Mingyuan is also from the Cui family, his official reputation in Jingyang is indeed good.

Yang Lin knew this most clearly, if it wasn't for Cui Mingyuan, his few shops might not be able to keep.

But that being said, they still don't understand what the Cui family will do. After pondering for a moment without thinking, Yang Lin asked, "What else can I do?"

The other two also listened seriously.

At this moment, who dares to say that this young man can't do business?
"You forget that they are scholars. What scholars are best at is influencing opinions." Li Chengqian said, "They will definitely limit the amount of food transactions on the grounds that Jingyang has suffered disasters for years and some people secretly hoard food. They will even wantonly Propaganda, those who hoard food secretly want to transport Jingyang's grain to other places.

This is killing three birds with one stone. It not only restricts the grain trade, but also creates troubles for me to transport grain away in the future, and finally sells it to the people of Jingyang.

You see, we restrict the grain trade, but it is all to save the grain in Jingyang. When the time comes, the common people will definitely listen to them and even be grateful to them.

Only those who have gnawed on the bark know how precious food is! "

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, several people's scalps became numb.

This is indeed the case, and it is correct.

But from the point of view of a businessman, Li Chengqian's move is more sinister than the Cui family's!
They fully believed that if the Cui family did not publicize that someone was hoarding grain and preparing to transport it to other places, Li Chengqian himself would publicize it.

Because this is completely in Li Chengqian's interest!

What is the result he wants?
Wouldn't it be impossible to sell the Cui family's food even if it rotted in the warehouse?

But the premise of that is that he must have food to sell, and the price is lower than Cui's!
Before that, Li Chengqian had nothing to do.

But who knew, he actually asked them to organize people to buy grain, forcefully pushing the Cui family to limit the amount of grain traded again.

Don't look at how much food the Cui family will sell less in just a few days!
This is not the most ruthless, the most ruthless thing is that he even blocked the retreat of the Cui family!
Someone wants to transport food to other places!
Isn't this forcing the Cui family to rot the food in the warehouse!
If the Cui family really jumped into this muddy pond, they would really be unable to climb up...

They believed that this might not be all of Li Chengqian's plans. After all, they didn't know each other well, so how could others tell the whole story about them.

It is estimated that Li Chengqian even made arrangements for anyone among them to inform the Cui family.

Thinking of this, the three of you looked at me, and I looked at you, all without saying a word.

After doing business for so many years, I really did it in the stomach of a dog!
Compared with Li Chengqian's chain-of-sight methods, their old methods are like children's play house...

(End of this chapter)

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