Chapter 81 Volume [-] Li Chengqian's first battle through time travel

People are selfish, and always have been.

When the Pu clan heard Li Chengqian say that, it didn't matter if you were talking too fast or not.

Now that I have spoken, I will take it seriously.

At that moment, the leader of the Pu's tribe said solemnly: "If my Pu's tribe can overcome this difficulty, I will regard you as honored guests!"

Their Pu's tribe is full of fights, and now there are only nearly a hundred people who can fight on horseback, not much better than Li Chengqian and the others.

As for why there is no doubt that Li Chengqian and those people are in the same group.

Actually it's not necessary.

This is their habit on the prairie. To annex other tribes and strengthen themselves, they may seek cooperation from others, but they will never seek cooperation from Tang people.

Besides, if the other party really wants to cooperate internally and externally, they really have nothing to do.

Rather than doubting this and that, and keeping Li Chengqian's people out of his sight, it's better to put them under his nose. with one hand.

"It's an honor for us to be with the warriors on the grassland." Li Chengqian was actually more eager than them.

He still doesn't know what the purpose of these people is, but he knows that without these natives as cover on the grassland, his life must be miserable.

Soon, he conceived a rough plan in his mind.

"I don't know if the headman has extra clothes." Li Chengqian said, "Our attire can easily cause misunderstanding between the two countries. Please don't think too much about it, the headman."

As soon as he heard Li Chengqian's words, the headman believed most of his words.

At this time, those who are still concerned about the disputes between the two countries are unlikely to get involved in their internal struggles in Tuyuhun.

In this way, under the instigation of two guys with ulterior motives, two groups of unrelated people came together.

When the people brought by Li Chengqian changed into Tuyuhun costumes, Li Chengqian said to his own people: "Our trip to the grassland was originally very smooth. I believe everyone has seen it. Our deepest hospitality has also brought us rich returns.

Looking back, those carriages are all our receipts this time. "

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian changed the subject and said angrily, "But now, someone is after us and wants to rob us of the wealth that originally belonged to us. Are you willing?"

How could he be honest with these guys?
The only ones who knew the truth were his personal guards like Zhao Yan, plus Li Qinjian at most.As for the rough guys brought by Li Qinjian, they have been guarding their carriage outside.

Hearing what Li Chengqian said now, he roared angrily, "I don't want to!"

Just kidding, when those leather goods were loaded into the carriage before, they kept calculating how much they could share, and now someone is robbing them, of course they won't do it!
It's easy to talk about robbing others, but if you rob me, why don't I go all out with you?
At this moment, they finally understood why they were asked to change into Tuyuhun people's clothes earlier, it turned out that it was for convenience when running.

Under their strong self-understanding, Li Chengqian nodded in satisfaction, and said: "You are all the most simple businessmen, except for encountering bandits occasionally, you have never experienced such things, if you are afraid, I don't blame you.

It doesn't matter, stand up, no one will laugh at you, because what we have to face is, after all, wolves on the prairie! "

No one stood up.

Isn't this a joke?
Stand up at this time, how can you have the face to pay for it when you go back!
Besides, these people were actually all carefully selected by Li Chengqian when he was hunting.

Seeing this scene, the head of Platts seemed to understand again.

He began to understand Li Chengqian's thoughts, because the Han people have a saying that a fire at the city gate will bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

Now, he believed even more that Li Chengqian and the others really wanted to help them.

After all, thinking about it this way, everyone seems to have their own purpose.

It is right to have a purpose.

It is really doubtful that there is no purpose.

"Zhao Yan, lead people to set off. You are in front and they are in the rear." After Li Chengqian finished speaking, Zhao Yan led more than a dozen bodyguards on horseback to the front, and those rough men also hurriedly rode to follow.

Fortunately, Tang Shangwu, most people are no strangers to horseback riding.

In addition, when they were hunting before, Li Chengqian really asked them to deliberately train for a few days. Although they certainly couldn't keep up with these guys on the grassland, they still had no problem running on a horse.

"Thank you for your honor." At this moment, the headman bowed his head respectfully.

Li Chengqian said: "We Han people have a saying that a gentleman can't be followed by a horse, and the leader doesn't have to care about it. I know the leader has doubts in his heart. Just follow us, so that the warriors on the grassland can also experience our Han. Jiaerlang's demeanor."

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian gave Li Qinjian a look, and the two followed immediately.

And Liu San and others who had been protecting Li Chengqian also hurriedly followed.

"My lord, we are here to do business, why are we in this muddy water?" Li Qinjian asked in a mournful voice as soon as he left the Pu's tribe.

Can't do it!
Li Chengqian snorted coldly and said, "Do you think that if we don't go through this muddy water, we can get out of other tribes?"

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Li Qinjian was also taken aback.

He seemed to understand.

"What does that son mean, we just make a statement and take the opportunity to escape?"

Just when he thought he had realized it, Li Chengqian scared him so much that he almost fell off the horse.

"Escape? Don't say that all the gains from our trip are in other people's tribes. Just those scouts, do you think they are really looking for the Pu's tribe? Hehe, those guys are all here to look for us!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian stopped talking to him and asked Liu San to call Zhao Yan over.

"Later, you take your brother there first. If they ask you about our tracks, don't say anything, just do it directly. If they really want to deal with the Pu's tribe, then they will show our identity as Tang people."

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian warned again, "Remember, in the past, the horse ran fast. In fact, you don't need to wait for them to inquire, just look at their reaction.

If they see that you are neither running nor rushing towards you, then nine times out of ten they are after us. "

Zhao Yan nodded.

He understands this.

After Zhao Yan went to the front again, Li Chengqian said again: "Liu San, you will be responsible for letting all those rough guys disperse later, and try to block the sight behind us as much as possible.

Don't let the people of Pu's tribe see anything, you know? "

When Liu San heard it, he understood it in seconds.

But when he thought that once he left, there would be few people around Li Chengqian, this...

"Don't worry about me." Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "I'm definitely far away from you, just take care of yourself."

When Liu San also left.

Li Chengqian let out a long sigh, and he never thought that on the first day he came to the grassland, the grassland, which was supposed to be relatively peaceful, would set off a wave of new waves.

(End of this chapter)

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