This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 82 Volume 2 The Great War Begins!

Chapter 82: The Battle of Volume [-] Begins!
Li Chengqian and his party were divided into three echelons at this time.

Zhao Yan hurried forward with a dozen people, and in the middle were thirty rough men led by Liu San.

At the end are Li Chengqian and others.

The distance from Zhao Yan to Li Chengqian is less than one mile.

As for the appearance of a mile behind Li Chengqian, it was the cavalry of the Pu's tribe.

It is impossible to say that you are not nervous.

It's the first time I've encountered this kind of situation, and I wouldn't dare to change anyone.

Li Chengqian was just holding on with his actual psychological age in his thirties.

Without speaking, Li Chengqian thought carefully about the current situation in his heart.

After living two lifetimes, this may be the calmest time for him.

To be honest, Li Chengqian probably knows the current situation best.

His crisis mainly comes from two points, the unknown enemy in front and the cavalry of the Przewal tribe behind.

The strength of the Pu's tribe is actually on the surface, and there are only a few dozen people. As far as he is concerned, facing the Pu's tribe, he can still advance and retreat freely.

Moreover, judging from the performance of the Pu's tribe, they are friends rather than enemies.

If they were really enemies, I'm afraid they would not easily let them leave the tribe.

From this point of view, the two groups of people are definitely not together.

From this point of view, what Zhao Yan and the others have to face is most likely their enemy.

As for who the enemy is, Li Chengqian doesn't know, but this question is the most irrelevant at this moment.

After figuring this out, Li Chengqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind, the leader of Pu's family was also relieved to see Li Chengqian and the others approaching in a dignified manner.

"If they really fight those greedy and shameless guys, we will rush forward. No matter what, if someone helps at this time, we must not let these people go!"

The leader said, "There are not many opportunities like this. Once these Han people leave afterwards, we will never have such opportunities again."

Putting aside the misunderstanding of thinking and poor information, this Platts head is actually not stupid.

If those people really came to fight their tribe's idea, and someone helps them at this time, they must expand the results of the battle and consume the enemy to the greatest extent. Otherwise, when Li Chengqian and the others leave afterwards, their strength will be halved in an instant. capable of doing it all.

On the grassland, you put the horses at the gates of other people's tribes, which is a dangerous signal in itself.

According to the customs of the grassland, there is nothing wrong with his judgment.

At the forefront, Zhao Yan and the others are a little bit excited right now.

This group of embryo killers were born to be devils on the battlefield.

Others may be afraid of the battlefield, but for them, this is the place they most yearn for.

"You all know what's going on, we'll rush away later, if these people don't retreat, kill them!" Zhao Yan said sharply.

Everyone nodded.

Of course they knew the situation, and they were the only ones who knew Li Chengqian's identity, and they also knew that Tuyuhun's secret work had touched the territory of Tang Dynasty before, just to find out Li Chengqian's situation.

As a result, as soon as they arrived in Tuyuhun today, Tanma had already touched them. What does this mean, and no one needs to explain it?
Ma Ye was also holding back his anger at the moment. He was also a scout, but he hadn't figured out the details of Murong Shun, but he was caught by Li Chengqian, which made him feel very ashamed.


After a while, Zhao Yan led the horse, and the rest followed closely behind.

At the same time, Tanma who was near the Pu's tribe actually discovered this scene. They saw Zhao Yan and others coming on horseback, but they didn't mean to run away.

Because judging from their clothes, these people are all members of the Pushi tribe.

"Don't panic, the people of the Pu's tribe should have discovered us and mistakenly thought that we were here to trick them." The leader said, "Just explain to them and ask about the Tang people by the way."

He actually knew that this was not good, but it was a coincidence that they really heard some news that there was a Chinese caravan operating nearby, so they came here.

Of course, they didn't feel that what they did was unreasonable.

No matter what, they are all Murong Shun's followers, and they are the masters of Chishuiyuan!The huge Chishui source, where can they not go?

Speaking of which, the reason why he made such a judgment was actually a misunderstanding.

One is the number of people, which is in line with the current situation of the Pu's tribe, and the other is that a dozen or so people are the vanguard, and dozens of people behind them are used as backup, which is obviously meant to be a test.

But how did he know that this was just Li Chengqian's worry that those rough men would experience this kind of battle for the first time, fearing that there would be a large number of casualties and affect morale.

However, their response was completely an opportunity for Zhao Yan and others.

Seeing that these guys are not moving, how could Zhao Yan and others not understand what they mean?
The next two are galloping wildly, all they want is surprise.

As defenders, it is impossible for them to ignore this opportunity.

As for whether it was a misunderstanding, that was not their consideration.

In the face of misunderstanding and the risks that need to be taken, that is a fart!
At this moment, everyone didn't speak, they were all old brothers for many years, so there was still some tacit understanding.

When Zhao Yan and the others were less than [-] meters away from Tanma.

The leader of Tanma finally found out that something was wrong, it was too close, and these people had no intention of slowing down.

"No, let's go!" While speaking, he hurriedly hit his horse and was about to run.

But when they reacted, Zhao Yan and others were less than 50 meters away from them.

"Kill!" Zhao Yan yelled!
Everyone also quickly lifted the horse lance that was tied to the saddle back.

Due to the fact that these probing horses hadn't increased their speed, people from both sides soon fought together.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Ye took the lead in taking the first head.

The number of the two sides was equal, and the mental calculation was not intentional, and the group of spies immediately ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding." The leader of Tanma hurriedly said, "We heard the news that there is a team of Great Tang secret agents operating nearby, and we came here to see if the Pu's tribe is in danger!"

It's fine if he doesn't say this, but once he said this, everyone's murderous intentions became even more serious!
Sure enough, these guys really came to touch us!

Kill, leave no one behind!
This is the tacit agreement in everyone's heart!
And Liu San, who had been staring at this side, also hurriedly shouted: "Chong, these shameless robbers want to take away the last clothes on us, can we agree!"

"No!" Can this be promised?
They are wearing dozens of stones of grain, which can promise a ball!

While speaking, a group of people galloped towards the battlefield.

Zhao Yan and his dozen or so people have gained the upper hand, they are still afraid of shit!
Later, upon seeing this, Li Chengqian also said: "Go, keep up, don't get too far away from the big team!"

He also had to guard against the Platts Department behind him. If he was too far away from the big team, it was hard to guarantee what the Platts Department behind him would do.

All of a sudden, there was a rare sound of metal crashing on the winter grassland...

(End of this chapter)

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