This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 834 Volume 5: Failure to Cultivate a Second Sun Simiao

Chapter 834 Volume : No Second Sun Simiao Can Be Cultivated
Feng Zhe had anticipated Yang Lin's avoidance before he came.

He hadn't even thought that he would be able to see Yang Lin as soon as he arrived.

What Yang Lin wants to do, or what Daming wants to do, how could these guys who have been in the officialdom for so many years not know?
At this moment, after leaving the County Magistrate's Mansion, Feng Zhe led everyone to Changming Restaurant without any hesitation.

Although he had no better idea before, he knew what to do after confirming that the Princess of the Ming Dynasty would stay at the Changming Restaurant.

If Yang Lin could avoid him, could he also ignore the Princess of the Ming Dynasty?
Besides, if I could get in touch with the eldest princess, Yang Lin and the others wouldn't be that important.

As for whether Changming Restaurant would refuse to accommodate them because of Changle's stay, he was not worried about that. Changming Restaurant had countless branches, and he had never heard of this.

As far as he knew, when in Chang'an, the Changming Restaurant in Chang'an did not turn away ordinary people even when it was hosting His Majesty.

Let’s not comment on other aspects of Daming, but no one can find fault with Daming’s reputation for doing business, even after so many years.

Just as he thought, when they arrived at Changming Restaurant, they were not stopped. It was just that because Changle was staying there, there were not enough rooms in the restaurant.

Feng Zhe had no choice but to ask the others to find an inn nearby to stay.

"Everyone, we have distinguished guests today. The third floor and above are not open to the public. Please understand." After noticing that Feng Zhe and others were determined to stay, the shopkeeper quickly reminded them, "If you cannot accept it, we can understand."

"It's okay. We're just taking a rest. Boss, don't worry about us." Feng Zhe knew that the boss's words meant that Princess Changle and her entourage lived on the third floor and above. How could he mind?

"Okay then." Seeing that Feng Zhe and the others didn't care, the shopkeeper immediately asked the waiter to take them upstairs.

When they returned to the room, someone asked softly, "Butler Feng, is Daming too arrogant? Just letting the princess live in the restaurant?
Your Majesty is under such strict security, yet someone dares to assassinate him..."

"You don't understand. This is how they have the confidence." When Feng Zhe was in the mansion of Duke Geng, he was the housekeeper of the mansion and one of the people Feng Ang trusted the most.

In the mansion of Duke Geng, it can be said that he is almost the master.

At this moment, before the man could finish his words, he interrupted him and said, "It seems that everyone in this restaurant is busy with their own things, but if you look carefully, it is not difficult to notice that those waiters are actually staring at us. It stands to reason that there are so many people on guard at all times.

If you don't believe me, try going down to the third floor. I dare say that as soon as you step onto the third floor, someone will attack you.

Do you really think that the reputation of those Ming people for being bloodthirsty is just a rumor?"

Feng Zhe did not underestimate the Ming Dynasty, nor did he dare to underestimate it.

During this time in Taohe County, he heard many stories about the Ming Dynasty, and each one made him terrified. Under such circumstances, how could he dare to underestimate the Ming Dynasty.

Besides, everyone knows that the prince of the Ming Dynasty loves the eldest princess the most. Who would dare to let that prince take risks?
"Alright, forget about the third floor. We are here to solve the problem, not to create trouble." Seeing that everyone was a little depressed, Feng Zhe continued, "So, you just keep an eye out. If that prince goes downstairs to go out, notify me immediately."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and sent the few people away.

Then, he began to write something on the table.


On the other side, Changle simply rested for a while, then took Zhang Xiaohua and others out of Changming Restaurant.

She didn't come here to enjoy the scenery.

"Your Highness." Seeing that Changle was about to go out, Wang Qing, who had not been seen since entering the restaurant, appeared out of nowhere and said, "Where are we going first?"

"Let's go check on the Tang Dynasty soldiers first." Changle thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to the construction site. Didn't they say that Jiaohe County is undergoing a major civil engineering renovation recently?
It would be good to go and take a look. After all, those workers are also the people of the Ming Dynasty. Since we want to amend the Ming Dynasty laws, we must be clear about their needs.

The laws of the Ming Dynasty are the laws of the Ming people. Even if he is just a beggar, he is still a beggar of the Ming Dynasty. The laws of the Ming Dynasty should be able to protect them. "

Changle really wanted to revise a law that could protect everyone. After experiencing the Ihara Zhen incident, she deeply realized that the law should not only protect certain privileged groups, but should protect the entire Ming people.

In order to achieve this goal, Changle has really done a lot of things during this period of time.

Including this trip to Jiaohe County, she just wanted to see what the real life of ordinary people is like. Only by understanding them can she know how to protect them.

"Then let's go and inform the officials of Jiaohe County and ask them to lead the way." Wang Qing bowed and said after hearing this.

But Changle said, "No need, we can just find someone on the street to lead the way.

It’s not that I don’t trust them, they also have their own official duties to attend to.

Secondly, they are officials after all, so naturally they would rather let me see their best side.

If it was in the past, I wouldn't mind, but now, we want to understand the needs of the lowest level people in the Ming Dynasty, how can we do this?"

After hearing what Changle said, Wang Qing immediately gave up the idea of ​​arranging people to notify the officials of Jiaohe County. In his heart, he was particularly impressed by his own prince.

He was able to think of this because they did the same thing. When their superiors came to inspect, they naturally had to perform as well as possible.

This is an unspoken rule in official circles that everyone understands.

"Let's go." Changle said and walked out.

It didn't take much effort for Wang Qing to find someone on the street to lead the way.

The man was reluctant at first, after all, everyone was busy, but when he heard that it was Her Royal Highness the Princess who ordered it, he agreed immediately.

Soon, under the man's leadership, Changle saw a group of people working bustlingly on the construction site.

However, Changle did not rush to disturb them. Instead, he asked Wang Qing to leave all his personal soldiers outside, and he, Wu Mei, Zhang Xiaohua and others walked around the construction site with great interest.

Although Wang Qing felt somewhat helpless, he did not say much. After giving instructions to the soldiers, he followed with a few other people.

"Send someone to send that man back and give him some money. After all, he has delayed other people's work. Don't let him lose his job just because he leads us." Changle turned around and saw the man standing there. He didn't know whether to leave or not, so he gave the order.

Upon hearing this, Wang Qing immediately handed over the matter.

At the same time, he also sent someone to inform the person in charge of the construction site.

Generally speaking, infrastructure projects like this in the Ming Dynasty were the work of the Ministry of Works, in other words, his colleagues.

Changle didn't care much about all this. Looking at the busy scene on the construction site, he immediately said to Fatty Yao beside him: "Go and find out what this construction site is doing?" Upon hearing this, Fatty Yao immediately ran out with a smile.

This guy is not very old, and he always has a smile on his face, plus his mouth is as sweet as honey. He is more suitable for this job than anyone else.

Not long after, Fatty Yao found out everything, and hurried back, saying, "This construction site is responsible for dredging the river after clearing it.

Isn't the Ministry of Works building highways in various places? The sand they dig out is supplied to the highways.

But their work is not easy, especially cleaning the river. They said that it is the most torturous work. "

"Where can you find any good job?" Wang Qing, who was standing by, couldn't help but shook his head when he heard this.

At this time, the manager of the construction site came over quickly with Wang Qing's men. As soon as he got close, he bowed and said, "Ministry of Industry Puzhou, I greet Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Hey, it's you?" Changle was stunned when she saw the person coming. This turned out to be her classmate.

"I am ashamed." Puzhou said a little embarrassedly, "Among my former classmates, I am probably the least capable one."

He wasn't being modest when he said this. Compared to his former classmates, he might be the one doing the worst now.

Even though he worked in the Ministry of Works and was even the manager of a construction site, everyone else had already been sent out to take up real vacancies. As far as he knew, apart from those women and Fatty Yao, the worst position he could hold was a county magistrate. But he was still working as a manager on the construction site.

Even so, he had the help of his family connections, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to take charge of this matter.

"You can't say that." Changle smiled and said, "Brother Wang often said that everyone has their own specialty. When you were in the academy, you didn't like studying and preferred building bridges and roads.

In this regard, few people in the school can compare with you.

If you are willing to spend more time studying this area, you may be more successful than all of us in the future.

Have you heard of Li Chun? "

Puzhou heard this and shook his head blankly: "No."

"I have never heard of him before, but my brother did say that this man built a stone bridge. When my brother talked about this man, he said that just because of that stone bridge, his name would be passed down through the ages."

Changle smiled and said, "So, if you can delve more into this area, your future achievements may not be inferior to others."

Upon hearing Changle's words, Puzhou, who had been a little depressed, suddenly brightened up his eyes.

The young people of the Ming Dynasty, especially those who came out of the Sun and Moon Mountain, had an almost blind admiration for Li Chengqian, and they believed in Li Chengqian's words without a doubt.

He had been a little depressed before, and had doubted whether he had done something wrong, but after hearing Changle's words, he felt cheered up.

"Your Highness really said that?"

"Can I still lie to you?" Changle heard this and said, "Do you know Taoist Sun?
Taoist Priest Sun only made some achievements in the field of medicine, but whether in the Ming Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty, who would not call Taoist Priest Sun Immortal when seeing him?

When the Daming Academy opened in the early years, Brother Wang told everyone that there are top talents in all 360 professions.

As long as you work hard in a field you are familiar with, you can still achieve something and leave your name in history."

Changle comforted him again.

Of course, the reason why Changle was concerned about this person was because Li Chengqian had said that the Ming Dynasty did not lack officials in the true sense, but it lacked people who could stand out in all walks of life.

At that time, Li Chengqian said that among their group of students, what he valued most was not those with good grades, but Puzhou.

At that time, she was still unconvinced and asked Li Chengqian the reason. Until now, she still remembers what Li Chengqian said with helplessness on his face.

The Ming Dynasty could always train a qualified official at any time, but it might never be able to train a Sun Simiao or a Zhang Erniu.

At that time, Changle understood how important talent was in her brother's eyes, so when she saw Puzhou looking a little depressed, she said a few more words.

"I'll take your advice." After carefully thinking about Changle's words, Puzhou bowed.

At this moment, he seemed to have regained his fighting spirit, and his whole spirit and energy changed.

Seeing him like this, Changle was also happy for him.

The Ming Dynasty needs talents. As the eldest princess of the Ming Dynasty, she also hopes that Puzhou can grow up. By then, her elder brother will not have to work so hard.

"Your Highness, are you here today?" Puzhou, who was no longer depressed, immediately asked about the purpose of Changle's visit.

Changle smiled and said, "I intend to revise the laws of the Ming Dynasty, but I have always lived in Sun Moon Mountain and don't know much about the customs and habits of other places in the Ming Dynasty. This time I just came out to travel around and learn about the customs and habits of various places in the Ming Dynasty, and also understand the lives of ordinary people."

Puzhou was a little confused. No, what does the revision of the Ming Dynasty laws have to do with local customs and habits, and the lives of the people of the Ming Dynasty?
Changle did not explain this. Puzhou was just like that. In the areas he was familiar with, such as building bridges and roads, he could talk to you eloquently, but that was only in this area. In other areas, he was really a person who could not do anything at all.

"If you have something to do, just go and do it. I'll just take a look." Changle saw him like this and said another sentence.

Although Changle is sincere, no matter how stupid Puzhou is, it is impossible for him to really mind his own business.

"I don't have anything to do, and Your Highness is not familiar with this construction site, so let me lead the way." Puzhou pointed to the place where there were piles of river sand, "Over there is the river sand we haven't washed yet, and the one on the far left is the river sand after washing. Usually, people from other construction sites come to transport it away every afternoon.

However, every time those guys came to transport sand, they would complain that there was too little river sand, which delayed their project.

Those guys really are talking without any pain in their waist.


As expected, when talking about his profession, Puzhou was so confident and professional that he talked for a long time. However, Changle had a good temper and was a bad person, so he shut up long ago.

"Why do we have to pan for river sand? Can't we just use it directly after scooping it out?" After Puzhou finished speaking, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but ask.

In fact, it's not just him, everyone is curious.

"In itself, it's possible." Puzhou explained with a smile, "But the river sand I used to irrigate He County has too much soil content, and..."

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