This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 835 Volume 5 Cheng Yaojin's helplessness

Chapter 835 Volume Cheng Yaojin's Helplessness
When it comes to what he is best at, Puzhou speaks very clearly.

When he was in school, although his grades were poor, he was particularly fond of these things and he put a lot of effort in this aspect.

But in the past, he lacked the foundation in this area and found it difficult to learn.

It was in the past two years that he had the opportunity to practice and accumulated a lot of experience.

Changle and the others were confused by what he said, but no one interrupted him.

After waiting for him to finish, Changle asked, "I heard that many Tang soldiers were working in Jiaohe Army before. Do you have any here?"

"Yes." Puzhou heard this and said immediately, "We are always short of people here. In recent years, various places have begun to build highways..."

After listening to his explanation, Changle nodded and said no more. She really didn't know much about this aspect.

"Come walk with me." Changle looked at Zhang Xiaohua and the others and said with a smile, "Xiaohua, go walk around by yourselves."

Zhang Xiaohua and the others heard this, responded and left.

They knew exactly what His Highness meant. With Puzhou around, they couldn't hear the truth. They had experienced this kind of situation many times when they were in Sun Moon Mountain.

They came to understand the people's sentiments, so naturally they wanted to hear the truth.


At the same time, in Lingzhou in the north of the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Yaojin was training his troops in the camp.

Now, there is not much they can do to pacify the North. They say they should defend the border and intimidate the Turks. But now is the time when the Tang Dynasty is rich and strong. Who dares to be so blind?
So apart from training every day, Cheng Yaojin really didn't know what to do.

Sometimes, he even wanted to lead his army to suppress the bandits.

After all, bandits have never been eradicated in any era.

"The days go by like retirement." Guo Xiaoke, standing aside, complained helplessly.

This is what it’s like to lead troops. It’s annoying when there’s a battle to fight, and it’s even more annoying when there’s no battle to fight.

The two of them have been guarding the northern border for more than a day or two. It is no exaggeration to say that they are bored to death.

Seeing him like this, Cheng Yaojin shifted his gaze from his army to him and said with a smile: "Isn't it better to retire? Wasn't the reason why we fought on the battlefield in the past just to have such a day?

Now that day has come, what, are you still not satisfied?"

His mentality is much better than Guo Xiaoke's. Although his current life is a bit idle, there is really nothing wrong with it.

Seeing Guo Xiaoke's depressed face, he added, "You actually understand that as long as we don't move, it's a good thing. When the day comes when we really need to move, it may not be a good thing."

As he said this, he subconsciously turned his gaze to the west again.

Guo Xiaoke understood what he meant, but their situations were different. Cheng Yaojin had already achieved success and fame, but he was still a little short of it.

Who doesn’t want to go further?
He would also be happy if he and Cheng Yaojin exchanged identities.

"Ah, I just feel very uncomfortable..." After thinking for a long time, Guo Xiaoke could only say this.

Cheng Yaojin didn't say much. He naturally knew what Guo Xiaoke was thinking, but many things were just like that and no one could do anything about it.

The fact that Li Guang had difficulty in being promoted was actually not new in all dynasties.

Even in the Tang Dynasty, he, Guo Xiaoke, was not the only one.

Look at Niu Jinda, isn’t that a living example?
"Sir, the emperor has issued a secret decree." Just as the two were staring blankly to the west, one of his subordinates came running over in a hurry, "The eunuch who delivered the decree has arrived at the tent."

Upon hearing that it was the emperor's secret order, Cheng Yaojin glanced at Guo Xiaoke, and the two quickly hurried back to the tent.

Fortunately, it was not very far, and soon the two of them returned to the tent.

"Greetings to Duke Su, and greetings to General Guo." Upon seeing the two men, the eunuch who delivered the imperial edict also bowed hurriedly.

"What is your majesty's order?" Cheng Yaojin asked immediately.

Upon hearing this, the eunuch quickly took out a secret letter from his sleeve and said, "This is your Majesty's handwritten letter. Please have a look, Duke Su."

Having said that, he respectfully handed the secret letter to Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin checked the seal before opening Li Er's secret letter and reading it carefully. However, after reading the secret letter, Cheng Yaojin's face changed instantly.

"Does Your Majesty have any other instructions?" Cheng Yaojin stared at the eunuch when he asked this question.

Some time ago, he learned the news of Li Er's assassination from other channels. Now he has received such an imperial edict. How could he not be shocked?

Of course, it was not convenient for him to ask about His Majesty's current health, he just wanted to judge something from the eunuch's reaction.

"Your Majesty has said that every inch of the Tang Dynasty's territory must be fought for, and the Tang Dynasty's majesty must not be violated."

After listening to him, Cheng Yaojin waved his hand and had him taken away.

He already has the answer.

After the eunuch left, Guo Xiaoke looked at Cheng Yaojin with some confusion and asked, "What happened?"

Cheng Yaojin was too lazy to talk, and directly handed Li Er's secret letter to Guo Xiaoke, saying, "Read it yourself?"

Guo Xiaoke was stunned. How could anyone read the emperor's secret letter?

But on second thought, how could a cunning man like Cheng Yaojin make such a mistake?
The fact that he could do this only proved one thing: this secret letter was also related to him!
After figuring this out, Guo Xiaoke quickly took the secret letter and read it carefully.

Beside him, Cheng Yaojin was going over in his mind everything that had happened recently and thinking about the purpose of His Majesty's actions.

"How could this happen?" Just as Cheng Yaojin was lost in thought, Guo Xiaoke, who had just finished reading the secret letter, exclaimed, "Does the Tang Dynasty have to go to war with the Tang Dynasty again?"

Cheng Yaojin, who had not figured out the trick yet, shook his head and said helplessly, "I said before that if we move, it may not be a good thing, but I didn't expect it to come true...

This time, I led my troops into Shanzhou and was transferred to be the commander-in-chief of the Shanzhou Road.

And in Taohe County, there was Feng Ang, the commander-in-chief of the Longyou Road.

What on earth is your majesty going to do?"

He was a bit incomprehensible.

There was no military commander in Shanzhou Road before. After all, His Majesty would only appoint such a person when the Tang Dynasty entered a state of war.

If there was a purpose for appointing Zhang Liang as the commander-in-chief of the Longyou Road army before, but now letting him and Feng Ang each take charge of a march, does it mean that the war is not over yet?

Do you want to continue fighting?
"Could it be because Liu Shuyi had defeated all of Shanzhou's troops before, and asked you to strengthen Shanzhou's defenses?" Guo Xiaoke said this, not believing it himself.

A general of the march is very telling...

"The current governor of Shanzhou is Li Xuanyun, right?" Cheng Yaojin thought for a moment and then asked.

Guo Xiaoke remembered this person, and immediately laughed and said, "This person was the governor of Shanzhou before. The King of Shu transferred Liu Shuyi to take this guy's position. As a result, before he even left Shanzhou, he received the news that Liu Shuyi's brother had died in battle.

His Majesty ordered him to be transferred back to Shanzhou to continue to serve as the governor. "This news was all in the official newspaper, and he also regarded it as a joke at the time.

After all, Li Xuanyun's presence in the Tang Dynasty is really low.

After all, he was the governor of a state. If he had not been involved in the beginning of the Tang Dynasty's extermination of Tuyuhun, it would be impossible to find any trace of him even if you searched through all the history books.

Of course, this is still the original history. Now that Li Chengqian has emerged, Tuyuhun has become history. It is hard to say whether we can still see him in history books thousands of years later.

"Interesting..." Cheng Yaojin thought about it and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Guo Xiaoke had not yet recovered from the decree and asked in confusion, "What's interesting?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Cheng Yaojin said, "It seems like Li Xuanyun knows that he will return to Shanzhou, and he's deliberately staying in Shanzhou.

Logically speaking, if he had no new appointment, he should have returned to Chang'an to report on his work after handing over to Liu Shuyi.

If it was some other place and the handover work was busy, it would be fine, but in Shanzhou, he delayed returning to Chang'an to report on his work for several months. Don't you find it strange?
He seemed to know that as long as he delayed for a few more months, the position of Shanzhou governor would still be his. Isn't that interesting?"

Even though Cheng Yaojin's words were obscure, Guo Xiaoke still understood them and said in disbelief, "You mean His Majesty..."

"Okay, some things we just need to know ourselves." Cheng Yaojin said, and then seemed to have thought of something, and continued to add, "Now I have to go to Shanzhou to take up my post, and Lingzhou will be handed over to you.

You, don't be anxious. The best outcome is to be able to stay in Lingzhou now.

I dare not even think about what the outcome of my trip to Shanzhou will be.

If it really comes to that, even I will have no choice but to do it.

Hey, why bother…"

Cheng Yaojin was sighing and feeling regretful. If he had known the situation would be like this, he should have asked for permission to go south.

At least he didn't have any psychological burden in dealing with those aliens.

"That's not right." Guo Xiaoke shook his head and said, "If all this was caused by your majesty and the Ming man, then what does your majesty mean by transferring you to be the chief military commander of Shanzhou Road?
This doesn’t make sense? "

"What's so unreasonable?" Cheng Yaojin sighed and said, "It's easy to cooperate, but it's even easier to fall out.

Didn’t Your Majesty and Jie Li also make the Wei River Alliance in the past?

As a result, the Tang Dynasty marched north the following year.

As for the one from the Ming Dynasty, haha, I was present when he signed the non-aggression treaty with Murong Fuyun!
But so what?
Now the grass on Murong Fuyun's grave is probably about ten feet deep.

Do either of these two take cooperative relationships such as alliances and treaties seriously?
Besides, you should have also received the news that His Majesty was attacked in Siam, right?"

Seeing Guo Xiaoke nodded, Cheng Yaojin continued, "Your Majesty was attacked, look at what the other princes did?

My goodness, if this happened during the Wude period, people’s brains would have been beaten into dog brains.

What happened to them?
Haha, have you heard what they are doing?

Given their reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if Your Majesty does something."

Guo Xiaoke was speechless.

Naturally, he also received the news of Li Er's assassination. They were all old hands who had been in the Tang Dynasty army for so many years. Who didn't have three or five good friends in the military?

How could this little bit of news be hidden from them?

"Sometimes, I really hope that those Turkic guys can still be as arrogant and domineering as before, and always attack us..."

Cheng Yaojin naturally understood what he meant, but it was difficult to say anything at this moment.

After hesitating for a moment, Cheng Yaojin finally sighed and said, "Okay, I will pack up and leave tomorrow. Since His Majesty has issued an order, I, as a subject, will just follow it."

He was still hinting to Guo Xiaoke that he just needed to do what he was supposed to do.

After Guo Xiaoke left, Cheng Yaojin was not in a hurry to pack up. Besides, he was the Duke of Guo! Who would dare to let him do it himself?

"Zhang Liang died in battle, the Liu brothers died in battle, and even Li Junxian died in battle. Now, His Majesty has transferred me to Shanzhou, and this Shanzhou..."

As he said this, Cheng Yaojin let out a long sigh.

"Still caught in this vortex..."

On the other side, Guo Xiaoke was also confused.

To be honest, Cheng Yaojin was transferred away and he was promoted instead, but this guy was not happy at all.

This is very annoying.

"General, what happened?" When his subordinates returned to his tent and saw his expression, someone immediately asked.

"It's not a big deal." Guo Xiaoke pondered for a while and decided not to hide it. After all, he was leaving tomorrow morning. Even if he delayed, it would only be delayed until tomorrow morning. Thinking of this, Guo Xiaoke said, "Duke Su has been transferred. From now on, the Lingzhou army will..."

"Duke Su has been transferred?" His subordinates were also shocked when they heard this.

But then there was a burst of ecstasy.

Just as Guo Xiaoke thought, these guys have long been frustrated.

"Duke Su has been transferred to be the chief military commander of Shanzhou Road." Seeing that everyone was stunned after hearing this, Guo Xiaoke decided to reveal some shocking news.

Now, everyone became restless and started talking.

For them, it didn't matter where Cheng Yaojin was transferred to, even to the south or Siam, they didn't care.

"General, is this a sign of war?" someone asked immediately after hearing this.

"I don't know either." Guo Xiaoke said helplessly, "But this is not a good thing for us. Duke Su has always been unwilling to get involved in these things. At this moment, he is the most unlucky one..."

Thinking of this, Guo Xiaoke suddenly laughed.

On the contrary, Cheng Yaojin was not in a good mood at all at the moment.

Just as Guo Xiaoke said, Cheng Yaojin was imitating freedom, and for him, this was already the best result.

"Someone come here." Since he could not change the status quo, Cheng Yaojin accepted the reality as quickly as possible.

Not long after, one of his subordinates walked in quickly.

"Notify all troops to prepare for early tomorrow morning, our troops will be transferred to Shanzhou."

"Shanzhou?" After hearing what Cheng Yaojin said, everyone was dumbfounded.

They were doing fine here, why did they have to go back? Let alone him, I guess apart from Guo Xiaoke, few people knew the reason...

"Well, let's inform them. This is His Majesty's order..."

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