Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 124 Follow-up

Chapter 124 Follow-up
The follow-up of the six-legged team kept the intelligence department busy for a long time.

Can't be free for a few days.

Fortunately, all kinds of troubles are easily solved and they show off the limelight. Compared with Zhongtong, there is a world of difference.

Both Bao Yiwei and Shen Lushui were in a good mood, and Director Dai also asked for credit for everyone. The bonus was distributed very quickly, and everyone got their due share.

Compensation for sacrificed and injured colleagues is also properly arranged.

This is considered a great achievement, and it will be recorded in the record and kept in the merits of the intelligence department.

Today Song Shutang had just sat down in the office for a while when he was called by Zhu Yue.

"Team leader." He opened the door and shouted.

"You might be in trouble."

"How to say?"

"I'm afraid the Central Committee is full of resentment towards you."

"The people under their own hands were instigated by spies. Now we can help them remove the cancer. It's fine if you don't thank me. Do you still hold grudges?"

"They don't reason with you." Zhu Yue felt that what you said was meaningless.

The Central Committee has lost its adults this time, and has been criticized by the chairman of the committee, how can it let it go.

So he hated Song Shutang.

Who told him to contact Zhao Mu to provide information, and also punished the four members of Zhongtong.

It doesn't matter if Song Shutang is hated by the Central Command, who do they not hate in the Military Command Bureau?
As for revenge?

He didn't dare to make too many moves in the mountain city.

Besides, is there no backer behind him?
How can the military command sit idly by when the central command is involved, and don't want to lose face?
On the contrary, Song Shutang first cared about Zhao Mu and asked, "Will the Central Command vent the evil fire on Zhao Mu?"

"The chairman himself said that Zhao Mu was responsible for capturing the thief, and the Central Commander is now blind to provoke him."

"That's good."

Zhao Mu didn't hinder Song Shutang, so he was relieved.

Zhu Yue asked with a smile: "I always want to have a clear conscience, are you afraid that Zhao Mu is the second Hu Zhaoying?"

"There is no end to the road under our feet. Sooner or later, there will be a day of ignorance. If you can come later on this day, come later, what's the rush?" Song Shutang also replied with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhu Yue didn't continue to worry about such problems and said: "We promised 'Tiger Bee' not to kill the rest of the six-legged group members, but now everyone in the cultural circles jointly demand the execution of the murderer 'Cicada'."

"When did the intelligence department become so trustworthy?" Song Shutang felt that agreeing to the conditions was nothing more than a method of interrogation, and there was no such thing as dishonesty.

The spy team is full of crimes, and you tend to be rigid and stick to the rules, but you are very successful.

"I thought you would be a little tangled."

"My conscience is clear and does not contain enemies."

There is a bottom line, but not pedantic.

Zhu Yue said: "The meaning of Shangfeng is also the same, since it is not worth shooting to vent the anger of the victims."

"It's not to vent anger, but to give an explanation to the victims."

"Confession!" Zhu Yue said seriously.

"Kill them all or just 'Cicada'?" Song Shutang asked.

After all, the spies are kept now, and they may not be useless in the future.

"The above-mentioned matter is still being discussed. Some think that there is no need to shoot and imprison people, while others think that they should be executed uniformly. The newspapers are encouraging and encouraging. In short, they all make sense. Let's see what the final result is."

"Where's Ichiro Takeuchi?"

"It will most likely be killed." Song Shutang was not surprised by Zhu Yue's answer.

Because you can't order this person, he will tell you the questions he wants to answer, and if you don't want to answer, you will use all means to no avail.

Now Ichiro Takeuchi will not answer any questions.

What's the use of keeping it?

Killing it demonstrates the capabilities of the Military Command Bureau, and it will be more valuable to fight against the Wang Ni faction that is about to move.

And Ichiro Takeuchi begged to die by himself, which is considered to have fulfilled his condition.

"He wants me to send him off with my own hands."

"Share each other?"

"No way."

"I'll talk to the above."

"Thank you."

In the next two days, the intelligence department waited for the arrangements for the six-legged team members.

'Cicada' was publicly executed, giving an explanation to all walks of life.

'Spear Ant', 'Golden Scorpion', 'Shield Bug', 'Mantis', and 'Grasshopper' were detained in Xifeng Prison, Northwest Detention Center, and Coal Kiln Concentration Camp respectively.

Tiger Bee was shot at his request, cremated and sent to Shanghai.

The first person to be executed was naturally Ichiro Takeuchi.

Shangfeng agreed to Song Shutang to carry out the shooting, which was also related to Takeuchi Ichiro's own request.

Before going out, I ran into Yue Jian, the head of the Operations Section, on the school grounds, and saw that he had a bad face.

Long Hao wanted to go to the school grounds with him, and explained in a low voice: "The Operations Division telegraphed the field personnel to intercept the fleeing officials, and sent people from the headquarters to chase them down, all of which failed."

"Have the two defected officials arrived in Shanghai?"

"When we arrived in Shanghai, we had already joined Wang Ni's group. The Japanese kept them under strict protection, and there was no possibility of assassination."

"No wonder Chief Yue's face is so ugly."

"I was called to scold by the director of the operation department early in the morning. I just came out just now."

"Let's go." Song Shutang felt that there was nothing he could do.

It was found that the investigation was late and time-consuming, and the escape of officials was a foregone conclusion, and it was too difficult to stop them.

It is not uncommon for the Operations Division to fail.

"However, I heard that the Operations Division does not intend to give up. It wants to plan several assassination operations in Shanghai to combat the arrogance of Wang Ni and others. They are looking for information from our Intelligence Division."

"It should be effective." Song Shutang actually knew very well that the Military Control Bureau was good at assassination from the very beginning.

Agitated the city and assassinated many traitors who defected to the enemy.

Later, the Japanese gradually gained a firm foothold, and the assassination was blocked everywhere, and the effect was not as good as before.

In addition, party members were arrested and rebelled to work for them, and they knew the basics and took precautions. As a result, the assassination was difficult and many people were lost.

Therefore, some time ago, assassination plans gradually decreased.

But at this time, Wang Ni and others secretly planned to form a puppet government, and the Military Control Bureau must fight back. The intelligence department provides information, and the operation department plans operations. Shanghai may fall into a bloody storm again.

The two sides will definitely hurt each other, and it is difficult for either side to win completely.

But this is a game.

The Japanese want to prove to everyone that with their protection, the refugees are safe and secure, and they can surrender with confidence.

The Military Control Bureau will tell everyone that the crime of treason against the party and the country cannot be pardoned, and the only end result is death, so as to deter those who have symptoms in their hearts to be honest.

This game is crucial, and the Operations Division and the Intelligence Division will work together to achieve results.

The road between the two of them was still full of devastation on the way to the school grounds, but they worked overtime for many days and made emergency repairs so that the electricity and water power returned to normal.

Now the roads have also been cleared and repaired, most of which are in the repair of houses.

Song Shutang asked Long Hao on the side: "Did the air strike losses be counted?"

"On June 20, the targets of the enemy plane's air strikes were mainly concentrated in the lower half of the city centered around Chaotianmen, Wanglongmen, Taipingmen, and Chuqimen. They are all areas with relatively concentrated residences and high population density, and the bombing used The incendiary bombs reduced residential and commercial buildings in the lower half of the city to a sea of ​​flames, which lasted for several days, and nearly [-] streets became ruins.

On June [-]th, the number of enemy planes damaged in the previous day's air raid decreased, but the bombing intensity did not weaken. They still used a large number of incendiary bombs and explosive bombs to concentrate on bombing the upper half of the commercial center, and this area was almost burned.Cathay Pacific Cinema, Arhat Temple, Chang'an Temple, and many foreign embassies and churches in Chongqing were not spared. "

Listening to the words from Long Hao's mouth, Song Shutang looked at the scene in front of him and deeply felt the pain of the people in the mountain city.

But the donation box standing next to the coke was also full of people.

Speeches to promote the anti-Japanese war with big copper speakers are always the existence that everyone pays attention to.

No one wants to give in, and fight in the ruins.

"What about casualties?" Song Shutang was most concerned about the question.

"There is no specific data yet, but according to the preliminary investigation report of the Shancheng Air Defense Command, nearly 4000 people died, more than 2000 were injured, more than 4800 buildings were damaged, and about 20 people were homeless." Long Hao mentioned and those numbers.

In the original mountain city, there were many people and few houses, and there was a shortage of housing, so I am afraid that the situation will become more serious.

Long Hao continued: "At the beginning of the year, the "Measures for Emergency Evacuation of Population in Mountain Cities" was approved, and the Bureau of Social Affairs issued the "Notice to the Public", demarcating relocation areas in the suburbs of the city. Second, it helps to avoid Japanese bombing.

Now most of the people are going to the relocation area. Although they are not far from home, they are not too far away from home, so it is an urgent matter to solve. "

I had planned for this earlier, and now I won't be caught off guard all of a sudden.

But after all, leaving the familiar harbor, many people may feel sad.

Seeing the scene after the bombing along the way, the two rushed to the school grounds.

 Thank you Xingxi Baishichu, the boss of Grandpa Jiujiu for your support.

  Thanks to lhk, Dongfang Moran, Mad Bull Invincible, Tie Xiyao, Prince Qinglei, book friends 20171015170020849, boss 00xiaoyao for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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