Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 125 Secret Execution Public Execution

Chapter 125 Secret Execution Public Execution
There are no idlers in the school grounds.

Ichiro Takeuchi was escorted here by members of the Interrogation Section.

The execution was no longer important, and the section chief and division chief were not present.

Seeing Song Shutang from far to near, Ichiro Takeuchi smiled instead.

"Waiting for you for a long time." Ichiro Takeuchi looked relaxed.

"Don't remember?"

"There is indeed no memory left in the world."

"Will someone remember you then?"

Facing Song Shutang's question, Ichiro Takeuchi paused, then shook his head with a smile.

Song Shutang didn't mention about the 'Cicada'.

The execution of Ichiro Takeuchi was not public and was watched by no one.

"Is there any last words?" Song Shutang asked again.

Ichiro Takeuchi raised his head and looked into the distance, wondering what he was thinking, and then said slowly: "If you want to capture another spy member in the future, don't make him suffer too much if you can give him pleasure."

"I try my best."

"Thank you."


At the end of the speech, the officer on the side stepped forward and handed Song Shutang a rifle, and Takeuchi Ichiro stood in front of him instead of turning his back.

There is no intention of kneeling down.

Facing the muzzle of the gun, Ichiro Takeuchi's face remained unchanged.

"Please." Ichiro Takeuchi said in a free and easy voice.

Song Shutang lifted the gun, loaded it, raised it, and aimed it in one go.

With a slight smile in Ichiro Takeuchi's eyes, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, a gunshot with a little smell of gunpowder smoke, and Ichiro Takeuchi fell to the ground slowly.

Shot in the eyebrow, eyes out of focus!
Returning the rifle to Song Shutang, a staff member beside him, said: "Send it to cremation, collect the ashes and send it to the intelligence department."



Without much words and hesitation.

After a gunshot, he died.

Walking out of the school grounds, Long Hao said with some feelings: "A character like Ichiro Takeuchi prefers to do intelligence work, maybe he can show his talents better in another place?"

"Many of our compatriots died in the chaos of war before they could even take the wrong path."

"The people suffer!"

Go back to the intelligence department and report to the section chief that Ichiro Takeuchi has been executed, and the next step is to wait for the ashes to be delivered.

The speed was faster, and by the evening the jar containing Ichiro Takeuchi's ashes had been delivered.

The intelligence department specifically explained that the jar was made of high-quality goods, and at the same time prepared a solid wooden box, put the jar in it, and respected Ichiro Takeuchi.

At the same time, Bao Yiwei, the director of the Military Department, wrote a letter in person, explaining his intention to return the ashes, and sent them to Shanghai.

After arriving in Shanghai, just find a middleman to come forward.

It's not difficult.

There is no need for military commanders to take risks.

Leave overnight!

On the second day, the Military Control Bureau publicly executed 'Cicada' and invited people from all walks of life to watch. People from the cultural circle came the most, vowing to watch the murderer 'Cicada' pay for his life with his own eyes.

'Cicada' was bound and knelt in the arena, his eyes full of hatred.

After some preaching, the execution of 'Cicada' was carried out, and many newspapers came to report.

'Cicada' had her mouth blocked, otherwise she might have a lot to say.

Accompanied by a familiar gunshot, 'Cicada' fell to the ground.

The camera blinked quickly, and the members of the intelligence department did not stop them, but staggered their bodies to let them take pictures.

Song Shutang and Zhu Yue stood on the sidelines watching this scene, thinking that it was a shot in the arm after the bombing, and the people needed motivating articles to appear.

But at the end of the show, I saw an acquaintance.

Zhu Yue bumped Song Shutang with his shoulder and said, "He's coming towards you."

"Xinhua Daily" Meng Jiaqi!

It was indeed coming towards him.

"I'll go first." Zhu Yue planned to leave.

"Leave me alone?"

"I'm too lazy to deal with Xinhua Daily."

"Then you can't leave me."

"People are looking for you, not me."

During the conversation, Zhu Yue had gone away, and Song Shutang could not turn a blind eye to Meng Jiaqi's smiling eyes and turned to leave.

"Congratulations." Meng Jiaqi approached to congratulate him kindly.

"You also come to this kind of scene, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of execution?"


"Not afraid."

Seeing that Meng Jiaqi's hand holding the book was scarred, Song Shutang asked, "How did you do it?"

"You said in hand?"


"A few days ago, I was accidentally injured when the rescue team helped rescue the people, transport the wounded, and clean up the ruins."

What are you afraid of today?
In the past few days, Meng Jiaqi's broken arm and stumps can be seen every day, and there are countless restraints with his own hands.

"Do what you can." Song Shutang could guess Meng Jiaqi's hard work, otherwise why would it be here.

"Do your best." Meng Jiaqi's eyes were still clear.

He and Meng Jiaqi left the scene side by side, and asked on the way, "Do you want to go back to work on the manuscript now?"

"The manuscript is written by a colleague."

"The division of labor is clear."

"Are you in a hurry to get back to Corey?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Last time I said I invited you to dinner and you were busy. I haven't seen you for a long time. Now that I finally meet, let's see if you will show me your face." Meng Jiaqi's tone was a little teasing.

"It was really busy that day."


Facing Meng Jiaqi's eyes, Song Shutang said, "I'm free."

"Then let's have a meal together."

"The donation is voluntary, and you don't have to treat me to dinner." Song Shutang said helplessly.

But Meng Jiaqi said, "I think you can donate some more next time, okay?"

"Are you arresting someone to mobilize?"

"Who told you to give out bonuses again?"

"This bonus has not been warmed up yet, and it has been missed."

"Hey." Meng Jiaqi smiled.

It was indeed time for dinner, so the two found a local restaurant nearby and ordered a few local specialties.

Heavy oil and spicy!

"Are you used to it?" Song Shutang asked Meng Jiaqi.

"I'm used to it." Although she is not a local, she is used to eating these spicy foods, which is somewhat different from her appearance.

The two chatted during the meal.

Meng Jiaqi asked a few questions about the 'Cicada', which was an exclusive interview to make the Xinhua Daily article more objective.

Song Shutang said something that could be said.

But in fact, he doesn't know much about the 'Cicada'. After all, it is of little value when it is captured, and it will be directly handed over to the interrogation department. He has never seen it much.

It mainly talks about the six-legged group's design to kill people in the cultural circles and frame the military command bureau.

This time, the Military Control Bureau also intends to use the newspapers to inform everyone about the matter to be innocent, and has secretly disclosed it to several newspapers.

"Xinhua Daily" was obviously not within the scope of the disclosure, so Meng Jiaqi immediately took out his notebook and pen to record when Song Shutang mentioned the matter.

One more newspaper clarified that there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Therefore, what Song Shutang said was not stressful.

It was a pleasant meal.

Originally, there was no need to rush the draft, but now that he had first-hand information, Meng Jiaqi left after eating, and hurried back to the agency to tell his colleagues the information so that the draft would be richer and more authentic.

But before he left, Meng Jiaqi said that he owed him a favor, and he would invite him to dinner again next time.

After bidding farewell to Meng Jiaqi, Song Shutang also returned to the intelligence department.

As for the next meal, he only regarded it as a polite remark.

As soon as he entered the intelligence department, Long Hao approached him with a mysterious face and asked, "Is there a woman looking for you?"

"The team leader doesn't sound like someone from the intelligence department." Song Shutang didn't need to think to know that it was Zhu Yue who said it.

"Why come back so late?" Long Hao was full of curiosity.

"What do you think?"

"No way?"

"Please clear your head."

"Tell me."

"You shouldn't be in the intelligence department either. It's good for you and the team leader to go to the Zhongshan room together."

The Zhongshan Office of the Military Control Bureau has the Siyi Library and a health and music unit.

The health and music unit is in charge of recreational activities.

Let Zhu Yue and Long Hao take charge of the entertainment activities in the bureau, they should have a hand.

"Why not?" Long Hao looked disbelieving.

"Just have a meal."

"That's okay, the team leader asked me to remind you that the staff in "Xinhua Daily" should have less contact." Long Hao was not simply curious, but also shouldered the task of reminding.

"I know it in my heart." Song Shutang understood the deep meaning of this reminder.

"Don't go back to the office in a hurry, Mei Mu Zhizi wants to see you, and the interrogation department just sent someone to send a message."

"see me?"

"She is about to be sent to the detention center, and she is expected to leave tomorrow, so I want to see you before she leaves."

"There's nothing to say." Song Shutang didn't know what else to say when he met Mei Muzhizi.

"You are really ruthless, you don't even want to meet after using it."

"Does she know she was cheated by us?" Song Shutang asked.

"I don't know yet, no one told her."

"I'm going to see her."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Forget it." Song Shutang thought it was unnecessary.

Whether you know it or not doesn't make much sense.

"You still have a bit of conscience." Long Hao said jokingly.

"You don't follow the team leader, you don't learn well." Song Shutang laughed and scolded before leaving.

 Thanks to Tie Xiyao, the boss of Time Hunter 520, for his monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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