Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 135 Continue to Exclude

Chapter 135 Continue to Exclude
Stay overnight at home.

After going to the intelligence department on the second day, he rushed to the cinema with everyone.

Today's show is still on.

After the screening of the three previously popular films, the number of suspects suddenly increased from seven last night to 18.

The supporting actresses are numerous.

Good looks and temperament.

When everything is uncertain, the target cannot be easily ruled out.

For fear of excluding spies, the investigation would be meaningless.

The staff of Juxingcheng Bank still failed to find the familiar eyes.

After the screening of the three films, Zhu Yue reminded everyone to go to the theater to watch a drama performance. Today coincided with the rerun of "Sunrise".

After missing lunch, a few people went to the store to eat something casually, and then left for the theater.

The performance ticket information department has prepared, and several people took the tickets to enter the theater. Although many performances have been performed, there are still many people who come to watch.

The sitting positions of several people are excellent, which is convenient for observing the faces of the actors on the stage.

The members of the intelligence department had investigated in advance, and the lineup of the performance has not been replaced, and it is still the same as before.

The performance was full of tension and the live audience was shocked, but this also increased the previous suspicion list of 18 people to 20 people.

After watching, a few people returned to the theater to continue showing the movie.

But the day ended earlier.

The screening was suspended at ten o'clock in the evening, but everyone didn't disperse at the door like last night, but went back to the intelligence department together.

After investigating the list of actors and collecting information by eliminating methods, tonight is over.

Everyone wants to go back and look at the information.

At present, there are already 25 suspected targets recorded in Long Hao's book!

After returning to the intelligence department, I went directly to the meeting room, sat down and brought up the materials. A group of members had already made backups in advance, and everyone could get the materials.

Just looking at it gives me a sense of powerlessness.

How many actresses are eligible after being excluded?
As many as 143 people!
The currently suspected 25 people are indeed among them.

It can be seen that the exclusion is no problem.

"How do we investigate more than 100 people?" Li Tairan said helplessly.

And not ordinary people.

Or big company employees.

Or complex relationships.

It's really hard to start.

As for the identity and background, most of them came from Chongqing, but the investigation data is relatively complete, after all, there are many records of actors' backgrounds.

The members of the intelligence department carefully checked the identity information and found nothing unusual.

"Let the bank staff meet these actors one by one?" Long Hao asked.

"He only saw one pair of eyes, and they were disguised eyes. He must be dazzled by the hundreds of people, and he may not be able to tell them apart." Li Tairan had a lot of contact with bank staff and asked about these things .

Taking bank staff to watch movies and dramas is nothing more than trying their luck.

But you can't take him to meet these actors one by one.

Watching movies and dramas will not startle the snake.

But when you meet each other, this is not to tell the other party clearly that we doubt you.

At that time, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the identities of the instigated people, the actresses are very likely to evacuate, and they will not be able to control all of the hundred or so people.

Long Hao's suggestion is not advisable.

"Continue to watch movies and dramas, and I'm afraid the bank staff will not be able to provide help." After two days of investigation, Zhu Yue also knows that the line of bank staff is probably useless.

It is true that the eyes have seen it.

But the memory is all about the disguise.

It's hard to impress him once the eye makeup is changed.

"The current difficulty is that we can't pinpoint whether this actress is a traitor or a spy." Zhu Yue raised the key point.

If you think it is a spy.

In fact, through identity and background information, some innocent people can be found.

The performing family has been passed down from generation to generation, and the art has been on stage since childhood, and the scholarly family can be found in the ancestors.

Some people can be excluded through these.

But now you are not sure that the other party is a spy.

If it is a traitor who is instigated, then these will be useless.

Song Shutang put down the information and said: "At present, assume that the other party is a spy, and continue to exclude."

This move is a bit risky, but everyone knows that you can't make progress without making assumptions.

Moreover, Song Shutang also has a basis for thinking that the actress is a spy.

To instigate important members of the party, this mission must be extremely confidential, and it may be difficult for the spies to trust the traitors.

They need traitors, and spare no effort to develop traitors, but they do not mean that they will trust traitors!

Du Changhai was valued and trusted to be arranged in the six-legged team, which was also caused by his previous experience in the Northeast.

Or the actress is only responsible for withdrawing money from the bank, and then handing it over to the spies to meet the rebels in the party, which is not impossible.

But for the current investigation, it is assumed that this can only be the case.

Zhu Yue pondered for a moment and said: "Your proposal can be carried out, but it is not appropriate to rule it out so drastically. After all, various situations may arise. I think it is better to use two prongs."

"How to do both?" Long Hao asked.

"Our group of members identified the actress as a spy, and continued to conduct targeted investigations after exclusion. The second group of members was led by group leader Li to conduct a full investigation, trying to get clues. We’re all here, you and I can go if we want.”

Zhu Yue's arrangement is safer.

Li Tairan had no objection and immediately agreed.

Song Shutang also felt that it was feasible, so he proceeded.

As a result, everyone became busy and less active in watching movies and dramas.

On the contrary, one group now needs to continue to do the elimination, and the group members are responsible.

Song Shutang continued to stay in the cinema with nothing to do, together with the bank staff.

Although the bank staff can no longer confirm who the eyes they see are.

But he had seen it after all, so he still provided a list, about thirty or so people.

Song Shutang looked through all the photos of these thirty or so people.

Some people's eyes are actually very different.

Danfeng eyes, almond eyes, peach blossoms, fox eyes.

There are various types of eyes.

What the bank clerk offers is worlds apart.

Not the same type of eyes, you can't tell the difference.

But Song Shutang understands the bank staff, what he sees now is feeling, and he is also affected by heavy makeup.

Hence this situation.

Seemingly chaotic, but Song Shutang did not underestimate it, and later became the focus of care.

There's another performance at the theater tonight.

Song Shutang and the bank staff went there.

Long Hao has already been in charge of investigating the background of the actors, excluding and narrowing down the list.

The mentality of the bank staff has been weakening in the past few days. After all, the daily working hours are long and exhausting.

"After watching the drama today, I will go back to rest earlier, and we will talk about it tomorrow." Song Shutang said to the bank staff.

"Okay." He didn't try to force himself to agree.

There were significantly more people in the theater tonight than last time, and it could almost be called full.

Because the finale of the first Shancheng Theater Festival "All Mobilization" will be on stage again tonight, the long-awaited crowd flocked to it. If the information department hadn't entrusted the relationship in advance to buy tickets, they might not be able to buy them.

Another reason for such popularity is the original team.

It also meets the requirements of the intelligence department.

Squeeze into the theater and take a seat according to the number.

But suddenly someone from behind poked his shoulder with a finger.

Song Shutang looked back, and saw Meng Jiaqi's smiling face in front of him.

When he came in, there was no one behind him.

Unexpectedly, it was Meng Jiaqi who came.

"Are you coming to the drama too?" Meng Jiaqi's tone was a little joyful, as if he never expected to meet Song Shutang tonight.

"Come here for the name."

"Previously the newspaper reported on the drama festival and "All Mobilization". It's a pity that I was too busy with work and didn't have time to watch it. This time, I decided to make up for the regret when I learned about the rerun."

"It does look good."

"I didn't expect to meet you again."

"Me too."

"Did you come alone?" Meng Jiaqi asked.

Although the bank staff sat aside, they did not look this way.

It also meant protection to him.

So Song Shutang said: "Yes."

"I'm alone too, you come up." Meng Jiaqi sent out an invitation.

"Is that bad?"

But the person next to Meng Jiaqi took the initiative to say: "Let's exchange it. I am also the beauty of an adult, and I can still advance a row. Why not do it."

This person is well-intentioned.

I feel that when two young people meet by chance, they seem to be familiar with each other, which means that they may be able to develop.

Who wouldn't want to be a matchmaker?
This made it difficult for Song Shutang to refuse any more, so that it was easier for this person to change positions. At the same time, he gave the bank staff a look to tell him to be careful.

As for the person who transposes, is there any danger?

He doesn't think so.

It is impossible for spies to assassinate bank employees. After all, employees pose no threat to them.

Sitting down next to Meng Jiaqi, he smelled a faint fragrance.

"Did you wear perfume?"

"A friend brought it from abroad, doesn't it smell bad?" Meng Jiaqi asked nervously.

"It smells good."

"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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