Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 136 Goal 1 can be tried

Chapter 136

"Etiquette, noire." Song Shutang sniffed the slightly familiar fragrance in his nasal cavity, and accurately reported the name of the perfume.

This move surprised Meng Jiaqi a little.

"You also know about perfume?"

"Know a thing or two."

"I heard that foreign perfumers are mostly men, so maybe you can give it a try."

"It's not far off."

It's just that Sister Ao forcefully gave him this knowledge before, and it's not easy to barely recognize the smell of perfume. Being a perfumer is really wishful thinking.

Instead, Meng Jiaqi said with interest: "I originally wanted a friend to bring the Magie that was released last year, but I brought this back without making it clear in the communication. I didn't expect it to smell good."


This shows that Meng Jiaqi's conditions are good.

The family does not look like an ordinary family.

But it is not surprising.

Among the young people who had ties to the Red Party, most of them came from well-to-do families.

During the chat, the curtain opened on the stage and a good show was staged, and the two of them kept silent.

They all looked at the stage and watched carefully.

Song Shutang had a clear purpose, so he looked at it more carefully.

Meng Jiaqi couldn't help but look at him from the corner of his eye while watching the play.

At the end of a good show, the two left the theater with the crowd, and the bank staff had already left to go back to rest.

Meng Jiaqi was still talking about the excitement of the drama, and Song Shutang could also chat with her freely, and although he didn't pay too much attention to the plot, he took notes.

"It's worth the fare!" Meng Jiaqi concluded with a very high evaluation.

Waving goodbye at the door, the two did not continue talking, after all, it was getting late.

Before leaving, Song Shutang asked him to be more careful on the road.

He didn't plan to continue watching the movie even if the bank staff wasn't here tonight, so he went back to Luojiawan to rest, and we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Meng Jiaqi walked towards the residence, but after passing a few alleys to make sure that he was not being followed, he turned to the other direction.

Not long after, she came to a private house and knocked on the door.



The door was opened from the inside, only Lei Yanbin's face appeared.


Meng Jiaqi stepped into the room, turned around and said, "Group Leader Lei."

Lei Yanbin, head of the party group of the United Front Working Committee of the Southern Bureau.

The Southern Bureau and the Shancheng Office of the Eighth Route Army were damaged by air raids and bombed, so they went to work in the unfinished Hongyanzui Farm ahead of schedule.

This is considered a temporary base, which is convenient for members in the urban area to contact.

Hongyanzui Farm is still under construction, so Lei Yanbin seldom visits at present.

"Comrade Meng, sit down."

"Thank you, Team Leader Lei."

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm going to the theater today to watch a performance."

"The task given by your cultural work committee?"

"Yes." Going to watch the play today was not because she told Song Shutang to make up for regrets, but because of the task assigned by the cultural committee.

Lei Yanbin was a little puzzled.

Why did Meng Jiaqi, a member of the cultural committee, come to find him?
But then he immediately reacted and asked, "But met Song Shutang?"

The only contact he had with Meng Jiaqi was in Song Shutang.

As expected, Meng Jiaqi nodded, "Yes."

Regarding the matter of 'Ksitigarbha', Lei Yanbin's Central Committee took over the responsibility of Song Shutang, and then seconded Meng Jiaqi to work with the Cultural Committee.

But going to the theater today can only be considered a chance encounter, why come here to report in person?
The previous contact was just a taste and a step by step.

Is there any progress tonight?

Before Lei Yanbin could ask Meng Jiaqi, he took the initiative to say, "I don't think Song Shutang is going to see a play tonight."

"Anything else?"


"Why do you think so?"

"The Military Command Bureau is very busy, especially the intelligence department. They seem to be busy with tasks these few days. How can Song Shutang, as the deputy team leader, have the time to go to the theater?"

"After get off work."

"So I actually paid more attention to him while watching the movie, and found that he did have a purpose, not so much watching the movie as examining it."


"It's not obvious, but you can feel it."

"Scrutinize what?" Lei Yanbin also became interested.

"I'm currently guessing that it may be consistent with the task assigned to me by the Cultural Affairs Commission."

"Unanimous?" Lei Yanbin didn't know the specific content of the Cultural Committee's mission.

Meng Jiaqi did not explain the task but said: "I think this task can be used to close the relationship with Song Shutang, make the work of the Central Committee go further, and at the same time determine whether the words of 'Ksitigarbha' are true and effective."

She continued: "After I reported the matter to the Cultural Affairs Committee, I still need to discuss it with Team Leader Lei, so I came directly to find it. I would like to ask Team Leader Lei to come to Hongyanzui to discuss with the Cultural Committee whether it is feasible, and it will also save time."

Lei Yanbin now understood what Meng Jiaqi meant.

She is not qualified to tell herself the mission of the cultural committee.

But he can ask himself after returning to Hongyanzui.

He only needs to bring Meng Jiaqi's proposal back to the cultural committee and he will understand what it means.

The two parties can start negotiations directly, saving a lot of time.

Regarding Song Shutang, Lei Yanbin still took it very seriously, after all, everyone knew about the arrest of spies by the Intelligence Division of the Military Command Bureau.

"I'll leave for Hongyanzui early tomorrow morning."

"Troubleshoot Team Leader Lei."

"Do you have anything else you want to take back?" Lei Yanbin felt that Meng Jiaqi had nothing to say about the task of the cultural committee tonight?
"No." Tonight's mission was to have a look, and some tentative moves, but when Song Shutang's original plan was disrupted by chance, she didn't take any action.

The person in charge of the cultural committee will understand after listening to Lei Yanbin.

After the matter was finished, Meng Jiaqi left Lei Yanbin's place, but also did not return to her residence, but went to the "Xinhua Daily" newspaper office.

There are also people working overtime at night in the newspaper office, with lights on.

After Meng Jiaqi came back, she went directly to the manager's office.



"Sit." Xiong Yuxiang motioned her to sit down.

Walking out from behind the desk, Xiong Yuxiang also sat down on the sofa, and then asked, "How is the mission going tonight?"

Xiong Yuxiang also knew about the mission of the cultural committee, and after Meng Jiaqi's mission was over tonight, he would hand it over to Hongyanzui.

That's why he waited in the newspaper office, which was why Meng Jiaqi came back.

"I have encountered some problems with the mission. I have already met with Team Leader Lei and asked him to go to Hongyanzui tomorrow to explain the situation. The manager does not need to arrange an intelligence escort." Meng Jiaqi mainly talked about this matter with Xiong Yuxiang.

"it is good."

Xiong Yuxiang didn't ask any more questions.

All intelligence workers have a tacit understanding.

Don't ask if you don't say.

"The manager went back to rest earlier."

"You too."

"I worked overtime to catch up a report on my after-views." I watched the show tonight and wrote a report, so that it seemed that she really went to watch the show.

"Alright." Xiong Yuxiang didn't say much.

Meng Jiaqi returned to his work station and began to write furiously.

Xiong Yuxiang turned off the lights in the office and went back to rest.

In the early morning of the second day, Lei Yanbin rode out of the city to Hongyanzui, and discussed with the person in charge of the cultural committee what happened last night, and if all went well, he would be back in the afternoon.

Song Shutang did not continue to watch the movie with the bank staff today, but because a group of members had already used information such as their identity and background to complete the second exclusion.

Now that he has an updated list, he needs to take a look.

Back to the intelligence department, Longhao sent the latest list.

"85 people."

It was reduced from 143 to 85, and 58 were excluded again.

The effect is actually good, and the number of people excluded is relatively large.

But the base number is too large, so there are also many people who meet the suspects.

There are still 85 people, and the difficulty of investigation has been reduced to a limited extent.

Long Hao sat aside and said, "Most of the actors moved to Chongqing, and there are difficulties in identifying their identities, and none of them are well-known actors. Most of them come from ordinary backgrounds, and their entry into the industry can be regarded as a combination of circumstances, which cannot be ruled out again at present."

"Difficult." Song Shutang put down the list and said.

Prior to the investigation of [-] US dollars, there was no clue.

It is equally anxious to have clues now.

The most important problem is that you believe that the woman who went to Juxingcheng Bank to withdraw money is an actress, which is also speculation.

If a tough investigation finally finds that the speculation is wrong, the loss outweighs the gain!

But the undercover investigation is now stuck in a bottleneck, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough.

Instead, relying on this list, the suspect list provided by the bank staff can be narrowed down, and there are still 18 people.

But the accuracy of the list provided by bank staff is really worrying.

Can refer to but not rely on.

"How about the investigation by Team Leader Li of the second group?" Song Shutang asked.

"They are in charge of more people, and now they are more chaotic than us."

"How did the team leader arrange it?"

"Let's continue to dig into the information of these 85 people and try to exclude them again."

"Continue to rule it out." Song Shutang didn't have a good solution either.

"Are you still going to the movies?"

"Go." Watching a movie, he could only become more suspicious of the number of people, and there was no way to lock them in.

But the intelligence department doesn't need him to dig deep into his identity and background. He doesn't know what to do if he doesn't go to the movies, so he can only continue to try his luck.

 Thanks to the boss of Tushan for his reward and support.

  Thanks to the boss of Tushan for his monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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