Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 138 I want to choose my own road

Chapter 138 I want to choose my own road

Break the news!

What is the purpose of this?
And how did she learn about the spies?

How do you know the content of the investigation by the Military Command Bureau!

Watching the drama at the same table last night, I realized that I was not fake, but why I was able to confirm the specific tasks of the Military Command Bureau, and I took the initiative to send the news today.

Song Shutang continued to pick up food with the chopsticks in his hands, but various thoughts kept flashing through his mind.

Meng Jiaqi's identity?
The Red Party no doubt!

Although she just expressed that she felt something was wrong with an actress.

But Song Shutang will not naively think that everything is a coincidence.

Is the Red Party much more powerful than I imagined?

Meng Jiaqi ate vegetables as if nothing had changed, and she had to show a sense of planning when Song Shutang's mind was going back and forth.

Thoughts flashed a lot, but time was not affected.

Song Shutang took advantage of the situation and asked, "What's wrong with Xie Ying?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling."


"Yes!" Meng Jiaqi understood that there was only so much to say, and there was no need to say more.

Seeing this, Song Shutang did not show any interest in Xie Ying, and instead asked, "Is this what you are looking for today?"

"Of course not."

"What's the matter?"

"There are many people affected by the air raid, and it is difficult to carry out house repair work. You still need to donate more generously from your team leader Song." Meng Jiaqi looked begging.


It can indeed be counted as business.

But he knew in his heart that today's business has just been finished in an understatement, and the donation is nothing more than an excuse.

It's pointless to debunk yourself.

Even if he questioned him now, Meng Jiaqi would pretend to be stupid.

She only said that Xie Ying was strange, but she didn't say that Xie Ying was a spy.

The following conversation did not involve actresses anymore, but started on the disaster in the mountain city and donations. Meng Jiaqi devoted herself to the fundraising activities in addition to working in the newspaper office.

"Previously, the air raid on Shancheng Air Force launched a combat interception, causing many aircraft to be damaged and crashed. At present, various circles are calling for donations to purchase aircraft to strengthen the defense force of the Shancheng Air Force." Meng Jiaqi was in charge of the fundraising activities and knew about this kind of news earlier.

"So you're following me?"

"I'm also starting work."

"How much do you want me to donate?"

"It's up to you."


Meng Jiaqi informed important information today.

It's hard to express this feeling.

Even Song Shutang didn't know what to do next.

Inform the military commander of Meng Jiaqi's identity?

Is the identity of the Red Party confirmed?

Still concealing her information.

If the Red Party really wanted to help, it should have reported the news directly to the Military Control Bureau. Why did it turn to him to handle it?
Could it be that the Red Party is worried that the Military Control Bureau will fear them?

After all, the Red Party seems to know the content of the investigation by the Military Command Bureau.

And in the mountain city, you can still get spy information, how can you allow others to sleep soundly under this couch!
Could it be that the Red Party has this concern, so they dare not directly report the news to the Military Control Bureau?

In this case, the Red Party can watch from the sidelines.

Why take the initiative to wade into the muddy water.

Wouldn't it be even more uneconomical to let myself convey the news without exposing the above problems as usual, and also revealing Meng Jiaqi's identity as the Red Party!
What exactly is the Red Party thinking about?

Suddenly, Uncle Li's figure flashed in Song Shutang's mind!
Looking at Meng Jiaqi in front of him again, his eyes changed.

First, he tightened his pupils and concentrated his eyes, as if he was about to make up his mind, but then slowly relaxed.

In the end it was indeed he who paid for the meal.

Later, he took out [-] and gave it to Meng Jiaqi, asking him to donate on his behalf.

Meng Jiaqi took the money unceremoniously and said, "Thank you, Team Leader Song."

"Small strength."

"I hope Team Leader Song will do more in the future."

"It seems that I won't dare to meet you easily in the future." Song Shutang said with a pun.

Meng Jiaqi said as if she didn't understand: "Then I'll take the initiative to contact Team Leader Song."

They parted ways in front of Xiangjiang Cantonese Restaurant.

Song Shutang had a hard time making a choice on the way back.

It is the most correct choice to truthfully report this matter to the Bureau.

But Uncle Li was involved behind this incident, and he was afraid that something out of the ordinary would emerge.

It is also difficult for him to make a decision about the attitude of the Red Party.

But taking the initiative to provide spy information is a good thing.

Now that the investigation is deadlocked, the Red Party provides timely intelligence that can solve major problems.

How to do?
Song Shutang was really tangled in his heart!
They all hinted that Uncle Li was going to Hongyanzui Farm, so he didn't need to worry.

But Uncle Li refused to listen.

Originally, Song Shutang thought that the first time he went to look for Uncle Li, he might not be able to find him, but he didn't mean to leave at all.

How much does Meng Jiaqi's move have anything to do with Uncle Li?
What is the purpose behind it?
Why dare you tell yourself the news so easily, aren't you afraid to turn around and tell the Military Command Bureau?
It's a personal relationship with Uncle Li, so the Red Party dares to take the risk?
The Red Party is obviously being suppressed everywhere in the mountain city, but this ability seems to be far beyond imagination, and spy information can be captured.

Could it be that there are people from them in the Military Command Bureau?
Various questions surfaced in his mind, and Meng Jiaqi had already met with Lei Yanbin.

When they first met Lei Yanbin, he asked, "What's Song Shutang's reaction?"

"Consistent with our guess, he didn't behave abnormally on the spot, but we don't know for the time being whether he will report the truth to the Military Command Bureau or find a way to conceal the matter."

"What about us?"

"It does make an association." Meng Jiaqi mentioned this with a smile on his face.

Members of the literary and art group of the Cultural Committee found that Xie Ying's problem was a mistake.

Meng Jiaqi discovered that the mission of the intelligence department was even more coincidental.

But people don't think so.

Intelligence workers rarely believe in coincidences.

Lei Yanbin heard the words and said: "The start is not bad, as for what choice Song Shutang makes, we will wait and see."

"Do you want to see 'Ksitigarbha' to inform about this?" Meng Jiaqi asked.

"Do you know the identity of 'Ksitigarbha'?"

"I don't know, but I guess Song Shutang may meet with 'Ksitigarbha' in this situation. After all, in the information provided by 'Ksitigarbha' comrades, he said that Song Shutang has a high probability of knowing his Red Party identity."

Lei Yanbin knew the identity of 'Ksitigarbha'.

What Meng Jiaqi said made sense.

But he said, "No need."

The relationship between Song Shutang and 'Ksitigarbha' does not require the intervention of others.

The guess is true.

Sure enough, Song Shutang changed his way back and went to Shangshibanpo to meet Uncle Li.

What happened tonight made him smell something unusual.



"Come in."

"Is the injury better?" Song Shutang was still worried about Uncle Li's previous air raid to save people.

"It's all right."

"Don't overwork yourself."

"Drink water?"

"Don't bother."

Song Shutang sat on the stool, while Uncle Li supported his body with his hands and put himself in the wheelchair.

"Is this wheelchair a habit?"

"Why are you looking for me?" Uncle Li knew Song Shutang very well, ignored the topic he deliberately asked, and asked directly.

"Come by and have a look."

On the way, I have already prepared a draft, and I have a thousand words in my heart.

But when he saw Uncle Li's face again, he felt old.

Sitting on a wheelchair without his legs, Song Shutang squeezed all the words he wanted to say, but he couldn't utter a single word.

During the tasks of the Sword Holding Group, Uncle Li helped many times and taught them tirelessly.

All the words turned into a sentence of "pass by and have a look".

By the way?

Uncle Li didn't believe it.

He therefore asked: "Are you all right?"

"It's all right." Song Shutang smiled and said that he was really all right.

But from Uncle Li's reaction, it can be seen that Meng Jiaqi did not know what he did today.

Is what the Red Party did behind Uncle Li's back?

Still have a discussion?

But Uncle Li wasn't relieved, he looked at Song Shutang with concern in his cloudy eyes.

He said softly: "You can tell me if you have troubles. Although Uncle Li is a useless person now, he may not be able to help you."

Uncle Li's eyes are always full of wisdom.

At first, when Song Shutang and Nie Hong made a mistake, he didn't dare to look Uncle Li in the eyes, as if any lie would be vulnerable.

When did Uncle Li's eyes become so cloudy?
He didn't even notice.

"Uncle Li, don't worry, I will tell you if there is any trouble."



"But you must be busy today."

Too familiar to be easily deceived.

Song Shutang got up and walked to the door and said, "I want to choose my own path, no matter what, I'll make it through."

After saying this, he opened the door and left.

Uncle Li didn't see him off, sitting in the wheelchair thinking about this sentence, he immediately understood what happened.

His face became serious.

Finally, he took out the leather used for shoe repair from the house, dried it at the door in the night, and then closed the door and blown the lamp to rest.

 Thank you for your ugly avatar, cross5800 boss’ monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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