Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 139 Guidance

Chapter 139 Guidance
Many people can't sleep tonight.

will face a choice.

After a night of deliberation, Song Shutang planned to conceal Meng Jiaqi's information.

Not for anything else, just for Uncle Li.

When reporting to the Military Control Bureau, it is necessary to explain why the Red Party chose to inform Song Shutang of the news.

Why doesn't the Red Party worry about him reporting the news backhand?
Faced with such problems, no reasonable explanation can be given.

So in the end he decided to keep it secret.

It was equally difficult to make this decision, but it was indeed his last choice, breaking the bottom line in violation of discipline, but that was what he thought in his heart.

As for whether the Red Party has a heart for development, he didn't pay much attention.

Just ignore it.

But at this time, a problem is how to draw Xie Ying into the key suspicion of the intelligence department, and even lock on Xie Ying in the end.

An ingenious reason is needed.

People in the intelligence department are not easy to deceive.

Then he thought of the bank clerk, who might be able to help.

Seeing Long Hao at the intersection early in the morning, Song Shutang looked as usual.

On the contrary, Long Hao immediately stepped forward and asked, "Why did Meng Jiaqi seek you yesterday?"

"Ask for money."

"Want money?"

"The post-disaster fundraising activities in Shancheng, as well as the special fund proposal for the preparation of the aircraft, let me continue to donate."

"Just for this?"


"You gave it?"

"I'm sorry not to give it, but it's also a gift of love."

"Aren't you afraid that you will pester you to donate money in the future?"

"Say more."

The two came to the intelligence department as usual, and then Song Shutang went to the movie theater, and the staff of the confluence bank continued to watch the movie.

But Zhu Yue called Long Hao to ask: "What did Meng Jiaqi look for at the school yesterday?"

"Make donations."



"Go and inquire for yourself to see if Meng Jiaqi has donated a sum of money on behalf of the fundraiser."

"After the previous investigation was over, the section chief didn't allow him to suspect it in private." Long Hao reminded.

"I'm not suspicious of Shutang. Meng Jiaqi is a member of the "Xinhua Daily" newspaper office. It's always right to be careful."

"What's the difference?"

"are you going?"

"go with!"

Long Hao felt that it was not a big mistake to confirm.

Just be careful not to be known by Song Shutang, otherwise it will be really embarrassing.

Before Long Hao was about to leave, Zhu Yue said: "You can't let Shutang know."

"You are also afraid of embarrassment."


"That's still the whole thing."

"In his position, seek his own government." Zhu Yue is not suspicious, and as the team leader, he must have some understanding of this matter.

The involvement of the "Xinhua Daily" newspaper office cannot be ignored.

When Long Hao left the intelligence department to inquire about the news secretly, Song Shutang also started his daily work with the bank staff.

But today the bank staff were visibly restless.

Before that, he could watch the video carefully, but the investigation did not make any progress for many days, which made him impatient.

He is not a professional, and it is not easy to persist for a few days.

"Leader Song, I'm sorry." The bank clerk also knew that he was not in good condition.

"You were very helpful with the investigation."


"of course."

"Could it be that Team Leader Song is trying to comfort me?"

"It seems that I haven't talked with you about the progress of the investigation, making you mistakenly think that there is no gain."


"We are doing exclusions. After the exclusions are carried out according to those conditions, although there are still many suspicious people, if you use those conditions to exclude only the suspected targets you have circled, the number of people will drop sharply."

Xie Ying was also within the scope of the bank staff.

Therefore, Song Shutang now wants the intelligence department to focus on this list.

"But I'm not sure if there is a woman who withdraws money that day among the people I circled." The bank clerk said with a little pain.

That's the problem.

The list of bank staff is for reference only.

Not to be relied upon.

But now because Xie Ying is on the list, it can actually be used as a basis.

But how to convince everyone in the intelligence department?

Previously, Song Shutang had always insisted that he should not just focus on the list provided by the bank staff, and the sudden change was unreasonable.

"You need to make a decision now," he said to the bank clerk.


"If you firmly believe that there are spies in the list you have circled, it will be of great help to the investigation."

"but I……"

"In times of crisis, we must take responsibility."

"It's a big deal."

"Because of this, it is even more important to take responsibility."

"Let me remember it again."

"Don't worry, whether it is correct or not, it has nothing to do with you, you are the hero."

I saw the bank clerk lost in thought.

Song Shutang stopped disturbing.

There was indeed guidance between his words, but the bank staff was the only witness.

The only eyewitness who wants to make a breakthrough is naturally extremely critical.

Song Shutang wanted to get more information from him, and there was no problem with his starting point and logic.

The bank clerk recalled for a long time and finally made up his mind. He went to Song Shutang and said, "I think there must be that woman among the suspects I have circled."

"Follow me back to the intelligence department."

"it is good."

The two left the cinema and went to the intelligence department.

Long Hao came back first.

Said in Zhu Yue's office: "Meng Jiaqi did donate 500 yuan on his behalf, signed by Mr. Song."

"Forget about it, it will rot in your stomach."

While the two were talking, Song Shutang shouted a report outside the door.

Long Hao immediately shut up.

"Come in."

Song Shutang led the bank staff into the office, and seeing Long Hao among them, his eyes were a little curious.

Afraid of being guilty of being a thief, Long Hao immediately asked, "Why are you back?"

"You said."

The bank clerk immediately explained his decision.

Zhu Yue asked him to leave first after a few detailed inquiries.

When someone went out, Zhu Yue asked, "What do you think?"

"He is the only person who has seen that woman, so what he said is still credible." Long Hao analyzed it seriously.

Song Shutang went on to say: "The investigation is currently at an impasse, it is better to believe what he said than to drag it on like this."

Everyone is right.

Zhu Yue finally decided to say: "Then follow this list."

If you don't believe the words of the only eyewitness, there is nothing to be trusted.

"How is the in-depth investigation going?" Song Shutang asked, he was very worried that Xie Ying would be excluded after the in-depth investigation.

At that time, he has no reason to bring only one Xie Ying back into the list of suspects.

"It has begun to bear fruit, and this is the latest list."

There were only eight people left on the list, but fortunately Xie Ying's name was still on it.

"Then lock down these eight people for investigation."


"It needs surveillance." Song Shutang was very worried about Xie Ying's escape, so he naturally suggested surveillance.

Zhu Yue thought for a while and said: "At present, it is impossible to go further in the secret investigation, so we should monitor it to prevent escape, and investigate slowly."

So Song Shutang didn't continue to talk too much.

He has done enough things today, even though there are bank staff charging forward, he still needs to be cautious.

In the afternoon, the first group of the intelligence department began to arrange deployment and control, and at the same time notified the second group leader Li to suspend the investigation.

Li Tairan asked and learned that according to the bank staff finally locked eight people, he didn't say much.

He also knows that the investigation is not easy, and the bank staff is the only clue, and there is no better way to believe it.

I didn't want to do this before, because I was worried about letting go of the real spy.

Now that Song Shutang knew that the spies were on the list, he naturally guided the bank staff to make a decision and helped everyone in the intelligence department make up their minds.

Zhu Yue was personally in charge of the control, while Song Shutang focused on Xie Ying.



Later today, the weather will not support street work, so Uncle Li is going to close the stall.

At this time, a customer came to repair shoes.

"Master, I'm in trouble."

"No trouble."

Sitting on the ponytail, Lei Yanbin looked at his senior, Li Jitong, with mixed feelings in his heart.

During the shoe repair, Lei Yanbin asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Drying the leather outside the house is a secret signal for Uncle Li to ask for a meeting.

So Lei Yanbin went to the appointment today.

"Are you approaching Song Shutang?" Uncle Li asked while working non-stop.


"Who told you to do this?"

"Isn't that what you meant?"

"I develop it myself, you don't have to intervene."

"This matter has been discussed and decided within the bureau." Lei Yanbin replied.

Li Jitong wanted to personally develop Song Shutang, which was clearly stated in the report.

It can be considered that he also has many inconveniences.

The bureau meant to arrange for Li Jitong to evacuate and let them be responsible for the development, but Uncle Li disagreed.

The Southern Bureau can only speed up the development progress.

Uncle Li has limited mobility, so he can only passively wait for Song Shutang to come to his door, which is indeed greatly affected.

Facing Lei Yanbin's answer, Uncle Li really couldn't refute it.

"I want to see the secretary of the working committee behind the enemy's rear." Uncle Li wanted to take back his order.

"There are difficulties in meeting. I will convey your opinion, but it is unlikely to change. At the same time, please consider evacuating. At least the organization can protect you."

"If you develop like this, if the military control bureau finds out, he will die." Uncle Li's tone was a little angry.

"The Central Committee is also a professional." Lei Yanbin is not a stunned young man, how can he not understand this.

Moreover, the staff of the Central Committee are all experienced in battles, otherwise they would dare to be placed in such a complicated environment like a mountain city.

Uncle Li also felt that if he cared about it, he would be chaotic.

When it comes to developing personnel, the members of the Central Committee are indeed more professional than him.

But it was about Song Shutang, so he couldn't help but worry.

(End of this chapter)

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