Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 169 Two Gun Players

Chapter 169

The rain is gradually picking up!

The wind of lateness came rushing in.

In the distance, the ancient trees on the mountainside shake like a giant dragon calling for wind and rain.

The gunshots could not be heard very far in such an environment, and the members of the intelligence department who were in charge of ambush outside the village could not detect the movement here.

There was no explosion.

Meng Jiaqi's pupils were full of shock!
Kuno Mutaka also looked at Song Shutang in horror.

Most of his assassinations were silent killings at close range, and he rarely used guns.

But the marksmanship is not bad.

But Song Shutang's performance today is ashamed of Kuno Mutaka.

For a moment, he felt that it was not a humiliation for Ichiro Takeuchi to die at the hands of such a person.

After shooting, he got up and looked at Kuno Mutaka, but Song Shutang didn't raise his gun.

Raising a gun at a distance is not deterrent.

Just now he untied the children and told them to leave here.

Physical discomfort but strong belief in survival allowed them to help them leave.

Song Shutang began to approach Meng Jiaqi.

Takashi Kuno did not stop him.

You can stop at Song Shutang on the way.

He turned to look at Takashi Kunoki.

"It shouldn't be that simple?" Song Shutang shouted.

Kunoki Takashi did not answer.

Song Shutang approached Meng Jiaqi to observe carefully.

The rain washed the ground, leaving no trace of value to explore.

But Song Shutang noticed something different. The soil around Meng Jiaqi was slightly different from that around the child.

From this point of view, Meng Jiaqi should be surrounded by mines.

There are two ways to detonate a bomb.

Press hair!


Just now the organ is Lafa.

Destroying the mechanism may become suppression.

Rely on pressure to touch.

Of course, there are now more advanced detonations through wires, but at this time the 'Mountain Ghost' certainly does not have such conditions.

Song Shutang reacted in an instant.

If he had chosen to save Meng Jiaqi just now, he would have detonated the bomb first, and both he and Meng Jiaqi would have a hard time living.

But he chose to save the child, but the 'Mountain Ghost' did not lay the mine.

It was hoped that he would live to see Meng Jiaqi killed in the bombing.

And then into pain.

He didn't move forward and told Meng Jiaqi not to move around, and Song Shutang didn't get closer to Kuno Mutaka, after all, you can't tell whether there will be a bomb on the way.

Ke Kunomu retreated slowly and planned to enter the mountain.

I let the tiger go back to the mountain before, but now I want to continue to let the tiger go back to the mountain?
Although there are officers in the mountain detours to arrest, but the trees in the mountain are a natural place to hide. Entering the mountain with Kuno Mutaka's ability is like a fish entering the sea. I am afraid that the whole mountain will become his hunting ground.

Xu Hui, the members of the intelligence department, died in the mountains.

Today Kuno Mu Chong thought that either Song Shutang and Meng Jiaqi were killed together, and he went into the forest.

Either Song Shutang rescued the child and watched Meng Jiaqi be killed, and he would also go into the forest.

He wanted to keep Song Shutang in pain.

At the same time, all the members of the intelligence department in the forest were assassinated by using their natural advantages to intensify the pain.

Let Song Shutang live in pain and panic, and then find a chance to solve it.

Kuno Mutaka's fear of Song Shutang prevented him from rashly fighting head-on.

But Song Shutang was able to save both parties, which obviously exceeded Kuno Mutaka's plan.

Now he can only go into the mountains and kill people to vent his anger.

But Song Shutang shouted: "Don't you want to know what words Takeuchi Ichiro left for you before he died?"

Don't let the tiger go back to the mountain again.

Otherwise, the members of the intelligence department in the forest will be in danger!

Takashi Kuno, who was planning to leave, stopped abruptly when he heard this.

This sentence is too important to him.

Kuno Mutaka shouted to Song Shutang: "Throw away the gun."

The stunning shot just now made him quite afraid.

Without any hesitation, Song Shutang threw the pistol into the distance.

Takashi Kuno then walked forward slowly.

As for whether he still has a pistol hidden on his body?
The rain-wet clothes cling to his body, and he can clearly see that there are no extra pistols.

Song Shutang kept in mind every step Kunomu Takashi took, the places he stepped on were safe, and these needed to be recorded.

Seeing Song Shutang throw away the gun, Meng Jiaqi wanted to struggle anxiously.

But thinking that there are landmines buried beside him, only anxiety can appear in his eyes.

You throw away the gun, and the 'Mountain Ghost' pointed the gun at you, so you have no power to fight back.

Indeed, after Kuno Mutaka approached, he immediately pointed his gun at Song Shutang.

But Song Shutang knew it in his heart.

He can't shoot.

How could Takashi Kunoki be willing to shoot without hearing Ichiro Takeuchi's last words from himself!
"Ichiro Takeuchi was captured by me, and I sent him on the road with my own hands. He only left some words to me."

"What did Takeuchi-kun say?"

"It's hard for me to talk to you with your attitude."

"If you don't tell me, I'll shoot."

"Then you may never know Takeuchi Ichiro's last words in your life."

"Don't challenge my patience." Kuno Mutaka's eyes did not waver.

Takeuchi Ichiro's words are important.

But Takashi Kunoki has not lost his mind.

Song Shutang didn't continue to provoke him, and said facing the gun, "He told you to send the ashes back to your hometown for burial yourself."

Hearing this, Takashi Kunogi clenched his teeth, and his facial muscles twitched.

He failed to fulfill Takeuchi Ichiro's last wish, but spread the ashes between heaven and earth with his own hands.

Takashi Kunoki did not see the letter sent to the Doihara Office, and he was unable to verify whether there was such news on it.

The people above did not inform him of this matter, perhaps because they were worried that he would be arrogant.

Kuno Mutaka continued to ask: "What else did you say?"

"I told you not to come back after returning to Japan. Your character is not suitable for intelligence work. Even if you do assassination work, you will die in the mission one day. Go back and live well."


"Takeuchi Ichiro also said that he hated you from beginning to end, didn't like you at all, and didn't like you staying by his side."

"You are talking nonsense."

"Please don't avenge him!" When Song Shutang said this sentence, Kuno Mutaka's angry voice disappeared.

He seemed to understand Takeuchi Ichiro's good intentions.

At this moment Song Shutang suddenly rushed forward, he knew that this was one of his few opportunities.

But Kuno Mutaka seemed to be in a daze, but in fact he didn't relax at all.

Seeing Song Shutang approaching, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he was waiting for this moment.

Seeing this, Song Shutang knew that he had made a mistake in his judgment, but there was no turning back when he opened his bow, and it was too late to stop now.

Kuno Mutaka fired as soon as he fired, and he never missed a shot at such a close range.

Even people who are in motion cannot escape the fate of being the souls of his guns.

Nowadays, I am afraid that only the immortals can escape the catastrophe.

Song Shutang is obviously vulgar, and a blood lotus blooms in the rain.

It was difficult for the blood mist to stir up ripples in the rain curtain.

But after being shot, Song Shutang's speed was not slow at all, and he was already in front of Kuno Mutaka in an instant. He wanted to fire a second shot but had no chance.

Song Shutang grabbed his hand holding the gun, and his thumb was stuck behind the trigger, making it difficult for him to pull it.

At the same time start to attack.

Kuno Mutaka's reaction was also extremely fast, and his other hand slipped out the dagger from his sleeve, and grabbed Song Shutang's hand holding the gun.

Seeing this, he had no choice but to take Takashi Kuno's hand together to escape the catastrophe.

Then he hurriedly kicked the gun hard, causing the pistol to fall to the ground.

Blood mixed with rainwater trickled down Song Shutang's arm.

Seeing that he was injured, Takashi Kunogi looked sullen, holding a dagger in his hand to kill him.

The main attack is on the side of Song Shutang's injured arm.

But Kuno Mutaka was also injured, although it was not as severe as Song Shutang's injury, but he was not good at fighting for a long time, and he was evenly matched in the fight for a while.

Song Shutang only needs to stall for time.

The members of the intelligence department would start to come in half an hour after he entered Xiao'an Village. This was planned in advance.

Members of the intelligence department had already entered the village after looking at their watches.

It will take time to slowly investigate to this point, but as long as Kuno Mutaka is held back, he will be unable to escape today.

Sure enough, after some fighting, Song Shutang suffered a few more dagger injuries, but Kuno Mutaka still had to work hard to take his life.

But at this time not far away, Zhu Yue and his men had already appeared.

Seeing Song Shutang and Kuno Mutaka fighting together, he hurried forward.

Kuno Mutaka was unwilling to see this scene, but he could only run towards the back, preparing to go up the mountain according to the original plan.

Song Shutang began to pursue.

The footsteps are impartial, stepping on the position that Takashi Kunoki walked just now.

To ensure that he would not make a wrong step, the speed was a little slow, and he failed to catch up with Kuno Mutaka. He had already run past the position where he was standing just now, and Song Shutang did not dare to chase again.

After all, looking down at his feet, he didn't have a chance to see the position of Takashi Kunoki's latest run.

Seeing this, Yan Qinghui stepped forward quickly, and Song Shutang hurriedly backed away, not allowing him to step into this area.

Yan Qinghui rushed forward with a rifle in his hand that he had snatched from members of the intelligence department.

He raised his hand and threw it to Song Shutang.

Song Shutang received the gun with his right hand, but was hit by a pistol in his left arm, and was targeted by Takashi Kunoki. At this moment, he couldn't hide his trembling.

Yan Qinghui stepped forward and half-kneeled on the mud, resting the front of the rifle on his shoulder.

Song Shutang put the butt of the gun on his shoulder, stepped down, and aimed at Kuno Mutaka who was running.

When he pulled the trigger just as he was about to enter the forest, Takashi Kunogi fell down in response.

Slam it straight down, causing splashes on the ground.

Seeing this, Yan Qinghui stood up and said, "Qin Ruzhou's ability has taught you well."

"Brother Zhao's ability, I haven't let it go."

"Qin Ruzhou and Zhao Chenghong play with guns."



What you have learned in the past, make the best use of it today!

(End of this chapter)

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