Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 170 Stunning

Chapter 170 Stunning
The world is silent!
Suddenly it rained heavily.

The movement of everyone in the intelligence department rushing forward was shocked by a shot.

A hit from a distance of 300 meters is really surprising.

Zhu Yue led people forward.

Song Shutang hastily stopped and informed that there might be landmines, and they need to be cleared before they can pass.

No demining tools are carried today.

Zhu Yue immediately ordered the members to go to Xiao'an Village to borrow donkeys and cattle, and dragged log rollers behind them for mine clearance. Livestock would naturally be dangerous, but it was better than people taking risks with their own bodies.

The Information Section will compensate for any loss.

Thorough demining can also solve the hidden dangers of the people in Xiao'an Village.

Members of the intelligence department went to prepare. Song Shutang came to Meng Jiaqi and squatted on the ground to identify it carefully.

Naturally, the mines planted in front of her couldn't be eliminated with livestock.

Meng Jiaqi's mouth was blocked to signal Song Shutang not to approach, but he couldn't make a sound.

Zhu Yue stepped forward and grabbed him and said, "Wait for someone from the blasting team of the Operation Department or the Special Technology Research Office."

"It's okay."

"Don't be brave."

"Group leader Zhu, don't worry." Yan Qinghui stepped forward and said.

Seeing that Yan Qinghui didn't look worried, Zhu Yue let go of his hands doubtfully.

Song Shutang continued to squat on the ground and scraped away a piece of mud with his hands, and he could see the real appearance of the mine under it. It really was a pressure-type explosion.

Gently shaking the surrounding soil, he let the rain flow down his cheeks.

The rainwater on the arm gradually turned red, and the front of the body was dyed red.

Yan Qinghui knelt down and said, "Stop."

Tore off a piece of cotton cloth to bandage the wound on Song Shutang's arm before allowing him to continue clearing the mines.

Slowly, a landmine was held in the palm of Song Shutang's hand.

Immediately, a member of the intelligence department stepped forward to take it carefully and took it away.

"If 'Lei Gong' sees this, the spirit in the sky will also be pleased." Yan Qinghui said with emotion.

Hearing this, Song Shutang frowned. This 'Lei Gong' has no spirit in the sky, but he couldn't explain it.

I had to half kneel on the ground and continue to check.

After making sure that there were no more landmines, he approached Meng Jiaqi, reached out and took out what was in his mouth and threw it on the ground.

The corners of Meng Jiaqi's mouth numb after doing this for a long time, but he still said immediately, "It's too dangerous."

But the voice is distorted and I can't hear what I'm saying.

"I'll help you up, don't move around, follow my steps and leave."

After saying that, she reached out to help Meng Jiaqi up. Her legs were stiff and uncontrollable. Seeing this, Yan Qinghui stepped forward to help. After all, Song Shutang's other arm was still injured.

The three returned.

Zhu Yue asked all the people to retreat, and then let the donkey pull the log roller to start moving forward. If it was not controlled, it would rampage in a large area.

Fortunately, there is a long rope to restrain.

Suddenly there was an explosion, and the donkey slammed around in shock. The rope in his hand was already out of control, and members of the intelligence department had no choice but to let go of the rope.

The black donkey screamed and ran away.

The wood-triggered landmine was still some distance away from the black donkey, so the explosion only injured the donkey, but did not directly kill it.

Then wait for the black donkey to run away and arrange another bull to come forward.

After this large-scale investigation, no landmines were detonated. It seemed that Takashi Kuno had planted mines beside Meng Jiaqi, beside the child, and on his own way of retreat.

As for the landmine next to the child, it had just detonated.

After ensuring that there is no danger, Zhu Yue ordered: "You go to the hospital for surgery immediately, and I will take care of the aftermath here."

"Go." Yan Qinghui also persuaded.

"Take a look at Kuno Mutaka and leave."

The members of the intelligence department who rushed out quickly came back and reported: "The person is dead."

Song Shutang shot in the back but it wasn't fatal, so he shouldn't have died so quickly.

The clerk explained that Takashi Kuno had a dagger in his chest, which showed that he chose to commit suicide after being shot.

But it also fits his character.

"This kind of lunatic will not provide any clues even if he is caught. If he dies, the trouble will be solved, so that's fine." Zhu Yue felt that it was good if he didn't let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Song Shutang did not stay any longer and left accompanied by Yan Qinghui.

Accompanied by Meng Jiaqi and the members of the intelligence department who escorted her.

Long Hao was not present, and he is still circling around the mountain now, and it may take a day before he can come out.

Meng Jiaqi didn't speak a word along the way.

Song Shutang also did not speak.

Several people crossed the river by boat at the ferry, and then went to the hospital.

Meng Jiaqi was taken to the Military Command Bureau by members of the intelligence department, and handed over to Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang in the bureau.

People went to the hospital Song Shutang arranged surgery to take the bullet.

Yan Qinghui accompanied them in the courtyard.

Not long after, Nie Hong also received the news and rushed to the hospital. Seeing Yan Qinghui, he asked, "How is the situation?"

"Small injuries." In the eyes of them and others, anything that is not fatal is a minor injury.

"How did you get hurt?"

"Originally, Shudo wanted to use Ichiro Takeuchi to make Takashi Kunogi lose his mind, so that he could seize the opportunity to attack, but Takashi Kunoki was not fooled at all, so the shot was unavoidable and he had to catch the bullet with his arm." Yan Qinghui had already inquired on the way back from Xiao'an Village.

"Catch the bullet, he really dares to say it!"

"Criticize him more later."

"Why don't you criticize?"

"I've been critical all the way."

"it is good."

While waiting for the operation, Nie Hong asked in a low voice: "This time it is to help the Red Party. Director Dai agrees to this action. Do you think Shutang and the Red Party are innocent?"

"Before, you and I wanted to investigate Meng Jiaqi's identity. At that time, we thought that if she had the identity of the Red Party, there might be problems. Now we can confirm that she does have the identity of the Red Party."

"But the situation is different now."

"So the investigation needs to continue."


The operation ended in less than an hour. Song Shutang originally wanted to go back to the intelligence department, but Yan Qinghui and Nie Hong persuaded him to rest and observe in the hospital overnight.

At the same time, Nie Hong began to teach him a lesson.

Song Shutang looked helpless.

As for the intelligence department, Zhu Yue has brought people back, and at the same time Kuno Mutaka's body has also been brought back.

Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang are also there.

Meng Jiaqi had already changed into dry clothes.

Everyone sat in a room and Bao Yiwei asked about the situation at that time. Although Song Shutang was not there, Meng Jiaqi could still answer, and everyone was curious.

Meng Jiaqi began to tell.

When everyone heard that the "Mountain Ghost" used innocent children to play tricks, they were all angry, especially Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang felt that it was insidious. Didn't this force Song Shutang into a dilemma?
But the child is not dead!
Meng Jiaqi is still alive!
How Song Shutang did it, everyone has never found out, and they are all waiting for Meng Jiaqi to clarify.

When she said that Song Shutang rushed towards the child without hesitation, Shen Lushui and Bao Yiwei nodded secretly, Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang were not dissatisfied, and it was the same for letting them make a choice.

But when Meng Jiaqi said that after Song Shutang cut off the lead wire from the child, he turned around and shot the thin wire behind her, the conference room fell into a brief silence.

Amazing marksmanship!

This is not the most surprising.

After all, everyone is a soldier, and they deal with guns the most. Such marksmanship is actually not rare in the army.

Now in the game, no less than five people can be randomly drawn out to have this marksmanship.

The Southern Bureau and the Mountain City Office of the Eighth Route Army can also find such talents.

What surprised everyone was Song Shutang's on-the-spot reaction.

According to Meng Jiaqi's words, Song Shutang had to make a decision in less than a minute from the display mechanism to the activation mechanism.

And run at high speed to save the child.

Then he raised his gun under high pressure and fired.

The difficulty undoubtedly increased a lot, but Song Shutang succeeded.

These are the key points!

Meng Jiaqi paused slightly when he talked about it, just to give everyone a buffer.

Then she told about the fight.

Everyone takes it for granted.

Song Shutang didn't want to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and was worried about the members of the intelligence department in the mountain.

Kuno Mutaka admired Ichiro Takeuchi the most, and he was unwilling to leave when he heard that he had a last word.

After fighting with injuries, Takashi Kunogi waited for support, Takashi Kunogi saw that the situation was wrong and got up to run, Yan Qinghui cooperated with Song Shutang's rifle to shoot, there was nothing to marvel at.

As for rifle accuracy, it's fine.

Compared with the previous pistol blow, it looked dull.

And indeed.

Don't say 300 meters.

400 meters or even 600 meters, there are also capable people in the army.

If a scope is installed, it is not without precedent to take the head of an enemy general within a kilometer.

That's the end of the whole thing.

Bao Yiwei asked Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang to inform the outside world that members of the intelligence department risked their lives to save them.

Faced with this request, Xiong Yuxiang made it clear that "Xinhua Daily" would publish a report.

Although he understands the calculations of the Military Command Bureau, the Southern Bureau also has plans, and the continuous conflicts and tragedies can not be affected by cooperation in the anti-Japanese war.

Now Meng Jiaqi came back alive to get what he needed.

Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang expressed their thanks repeatedly, and then left with Meng Jiaqi.

Bao Yiwei took Shen Lushui up to see him off.

Watching the three go away in the rain, Shen Lushui couldn't help saying: "Song Shutang really dares to think and do."

"Now I just want to know what would happen if he didn't break the thin thread when he shot." Bao Yiwei believes that there must be an element of luck in this move.

"Wait until he comes back and ask."

"How's the injury?"

"It's okay for the hospital to call back."

"Let him stay for a few more days."

"It's the director."

Shen Lushui naturally understood the reason for staying for a few more days. Now that he has solved Kuno Mutaka's troubles, he has to settle accounts with the Central Statistics Bureau.

In front of the chairman, they can't be made too comfortable.

 Thanks to Jialai Pavilion, lhk's wishes come true, lf07, Feng Yiyun, god damn meow, Yang Xiaomiao who likes Dongbula, book friend 20190144133712277 boss's monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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