Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 291 Clues

Chapter 291 Clues
Scope may arise by time-locking away from the legation.

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

But the capture of Miki Kota's spy team is of extraordinary significance to the four of them.

The suspected information leak of the intelligence department, the arrest of the spy team can prove the innocence of the intelligence department and restore the impact of the failure of the previous mission. As the team leader, Zhu Yue is most concerned.

Akiko Shangguchi was finally able to participate in the investigation, and it was still a secret investigation by the intelligence department. If she can make some achievements and make contributions, maybe the current situation can be improved. This is one of her few opportunities.

Needless to say, Song Shutang, Kota Miki is related to the sword-holding group, and arresting Xiaota Miki is a task that must be completed.

As for Long Hao's enthusiasm for catching spies, Xin Zhiye's pity has been turned into strength by him.

The goals of the four are exactly the same.

The temporary investigation team can be described as one mind.

Since it is necessary to use the time to leave the embassy, ​​delineate a range.

Long Hao went to find a map and came over.

Spread the map on the long table in the conference room.

Long Hao said: "According to the clues provided by Kengo Fukuhisa, Xin Zhiye left the legation at 09:30 p.m. and returned at [-]:[-] p.m.."

"Five and a half hours." Zhu Yue said.

"And according to the information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa, Xin Zhiye took a rickshaw when he went out."

Eling is remote.

If Xin Zhiye didn't have transportation, it would be a waste of time.

Although he will not let the rickshaw take him to the place completely, at least the first half of the journey will definitely need to take a rickshaw.

"Can this rickshaw driver still be found?" Zhu Yue asked.

"It shouldn't be hard to find a rickshaw driver who works in Eling. Even if he is no longer in Eling, he is still registered with the rickshaw company. It's just that time has passed. The rickshaw driver has to pull a lot of customers every day, so I'm afraid he won't remember. "Long Hao was worried.

After all, rickshaw pullers have a lot of work every day.

Most of the time, I wear a straw hat.

The guests got on the bus and said their destinations, and then buried themselves in work.

Guests pay when they get off the bus.

Xu Shi would not even look at the guests.

"Whether he remembers it or not, find it first and then talk about it."

"Then I'll check this rickshaw driver in the afternoon."

Shangkou Akiko said at this time: "Now let's assume that Xin Zhiye takes a rickshaw for the whole journey, then he takes five and a half hours for a round trip, which means that the one-way time is two hours and 45 minutes. Based on this time, we can preliminarily judge that he can place to arrive."

Rickshaws are naturally faster than walking.

So the scope of this inference will only be greater.

It must include the place where Xin Zhiye appeared.

But two hours and 45 minutes.

According to the speed of the rickshaw, this range is too wide.

Long Hao frowned and pointed at the map and said: "Looking at it this way, it is completely enough to reach the urban area, that is to say, from Eling to the urban area, you can't even draw a straight line, you have to draw a circle, then the other side of the Jialing River and the other side of the Yangtze River are all It is possible, do you know how big this range is?"

It's not that Long Hao has never participated in the city-wide search and arrest mission of the Military Command Bureau.

But if it is said that the whole city was raided, it was only the old city that was raided.

From Chaotianmen Wharf to the White Bone Pagoda.

This is already looking for a needle in a haystack.

But according to the current scope.

It was at least five or six times larger than the previous city-wide raid.

There are only four of them.

Even if the investigation lasts forever, it will not be exhausted.

Even the map is not comprehensive enough, after all, this map is more of an urban area.

Shangkou Axizi said: "After finding the rickshaw driver, you can judge the direction Xin Zhiye is going, so it should not be a circular range, but a fan-shaped range."

"But it's still very big." Long Hao felt that when the size reaches a certain level, it won't be a matter of circle and fan shape.

No difference.

Zhu Yue said: "If we can determine whether Xin Zhiye has crossed the river or not, we may also narrow the scope."

Without crossing the river, the scope can be narrowed down again.

If you cross the river, the scope can also be reduced.

"It's just that Xin Zhiye will definitely not let the rickshaw puller take him to the pier. Even if he crosses the river, he will walk there by himself. There are more people crossing the river. If you want to find someone who has seen Xin Zhiye or even remembers Xin Zhiye It's even more impossible." Long Hao is really motivated, but now that he talks about it, he still feels powerless.

Let's continue the discussion.

It will only hurt morale.

Zhu Yue said: "Check the rickshaw driver first."

Immediately everyone stopped discussing, and Long Hao went to check the rickshaw driver by himself.

Zhu Yue said to Song Shutang and Shangkou Akiko: "You can ask Kengo Fukuhisa again to see if he can provide more detailed clues, which will help us delineate the scope of Xin Zhiye's activities."


The two went to interrogate Kengo Fukusa together.

He already knew that Xin Zhiye was dead.

The whole person is terrified now.

I feel like I can't escape death.

After all, Xin Zhiye's worth is dead, he has no value anymore.

Although he still has the status of a member of the International Intelligence Organization, he has also realized in the past few days that the intelligence department has no intention of letting him go at all.

But see catchy Akiko.

Kengo Fukuda felt that there was no possibility of survival.

I want catchy Akiko to help me talk.

Shangkou Axizi told him that if he wanted to survive, he could provide clues, carefully recall Xin Zhiye's leaving the embassy at that time, any details would be fine.

Kengo Tomiku really wanted to live.

They have already spoken, if they are still dead.

Picture what?
It might as well be as silent as Xin Zhiye.

At least you can get a reputation.

You are a traitor now, so die again.

It was difficult for Kengo Tomiku to accept.

So I started to recall carefully.

Don't forget that Kengo Tomiku has another identity, he is a member of the International Intelligence Organization.

When he looked at Xin Zhiye, he also had an observation eye.

It is to grasp the intelligence of the spy agency.

Give it to the International Intelligence Organization and give him credit.

Therefore, his observation of Xin Zhiye is actually very good.

Without this layer of identity, Fukui Kengo might not be able to remember these things, but with this layer of identity, he would subconsciously observe, explore, and even want to dig out the secret behind Xin Zhiye.

So under threat of death.

Fujiku Kengo began to recall carefully.

Both Shangkou Akiko and Song Shutang didn't say anything to disturb them. What Kengo Tomiku said before was all about the spy news, and some details were not mentioned.

Because he also imagined that the international intelligence organization would rescue him from leaving.

But now that he understands his situation, Kengo Fukuhisa has to save himself.

After a long while, Kengo Fukuhisa said: "Three days ago, Xin Zhiye used the radio station in the embassy to receive the news from above. I was in charge of watching the wind. This time it took a long time. Although it was still very short, it was longer than usual. I guess there is something wrong with it. important task.

After Xin Zhiye came out, I asked him, but he didn't say anything, so I couldn't continue to ask. "

Actually shouldn't ask.

But Kengo Tomiku wanted more information.

It’s better to hand it over to the international intelligence organization behind it, that’s why I asked.

Kengo Fukuhisa continued: "On the fourth day, there was nothing to do in the embassy, ​​and many people went to meetings. The off-duty time in the afternoon is relatively free. Xin Zhiye left at four o'clock. I took advantage of the time when he left to sneak into the embassy. The embassy uses a radio station, and at the same time wants to observe whether he has left any clues in the communication room."

"It's a pity I didn't find out. He was very careful, but he left the embassy so early, it must be because of a mission, there is no doubt about it. So I have been waiting for him, wanting to see when he will come back, until the evening Xin Zhi I just came back from Karma, and I came back by rickshaw."

It was also a rickshaw when I came back, and it was delivered directly to the gate of the embassy.

This is also a clue.

Kengo Tomiku didn't mention it before.

It seems that Long Hao's investigation needs one more target.

Record it all, and signaled Kengo Fukuhisa to continue.

"Of course I pretended to go out for a walk in the yard by chance and bumped into Xin Zhiye. In fact, I wanted to observe what he did all day."

"Did you observe those clues?" Kamiguchi Akiko asked.

This is very critical.

Kengo Fukuhisa said: "Xin Zhiye was well-groomed at the time and didn't feel dusty. I observed his leather shoes, and they were also very clean. Not only the surface, but also the edge near the sole. I didn't feel dirty. , it can be seen that I have not been to very remote places.”

These are very detailed observations.

Catchy Akiko wrote it all down.

"anything else?"

"He didn't buy anything back, maybe because he was worried about exposing where he had been, but I found some white powder on his clothes, very fine on the back of his shoulders. In those few days, the Department of Health had plague prevention and elimination work. He may have been passing through that area."

"Where is the anti-plague work?"

"The range is mobile, and the places where the disinfecting is done are different every day. I went to the city a few days ago, and when I passed the Huangjia Pass, I was also contaminated with these things, so I know what it is." Fukuhisa Kengo said .

"Is there any other information?"


Kengo Tomiku has provided all the information he can provide.

That's all he observed that day.

Shangkou Akiko told him to stay in the interrogation department with peace of mind, and if the investigation made progress, he would be credited.

After leaving the interrogation section, the two went back to Song Shutang's office.

Akiko Shangkou looked at the information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa and said: "Based on these contents, we can first judge that Xin Zhiye should not have crossed the river."

After all, you need to take a boat to cross the river.

There are bound to be some water spots on the pier.

And the local roads after crossing the river are not very well constructed.

Mostly dirt roads.

And come back again.

Then Xin Zhiye's shoes will inevitably be a little dirty.

But Kengo Fukuhisa said that Xin Zhiye's shoes were very clean.

That is to say, the place where Xin Zhiye took a rickshaw from the gate of the legation, got off, and where he ended up going were relatively clean and tidy roads.

Then only urban areas have such conditions.

After the personnel of various agencies moved to Chongqing, the government repaired the streets and sewers in the urban area.

And there are people who are responsible for street sanitation.

Song Shutang agrees with Shangkou Axizi's inference.

Immediately afterwards, Shangkou Axizi said: "As for the location of the disinfecting, we can ask the Department of Health to provide it. They should have work records for their daily work. Give them an accurate time, and they should be able to get an exact answer. We can also judge Come out, where did Xin Zhiye pass by, so as to further lock his scope."

This information is important.

If all the information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa works.

Plus the clues provided by the rickshaw driver investigated by Long Hao.

In fact, the scope of Xin Zhiye's activities can be compressed within a certain range.

Although it is difficult to find a needle in the river.

But it's a little more hopeful than looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Inform Long Hao to investigate a rickshaw driver more, and it's best to find the rickshaw driver who brought Xin Zhiye back." Song Shutang said.

"Shall we go to find Long Hao?" Shangkou Akiko asked.

After all, you are notifying now, and you cannot tell other people. After all, the four of them are responsible for this task now.

But you don't know where to look for Long Hao.

"Let's talk about it when he comes back at night, let him investigate overnight." Song Shutang knew that Long Hao would not be able to sleep at night without investigating.

"Then shall we go to the Department of Health now?" Akiko Shangguchi thought not to waste time.

"it is good."

Song Shutang and Shangkou Axizi went to the Department of Health together.

At the same time, tell Zhu Yue that when Long Hao comes back, let him continue to check the rickshaw driver who sent Xin Zhiye back to the embassy.

The two came to the Department of Health and met the staff inside.

After revealing their identities, tell them that they want to check and disinfect the work records.

Because he is from the intelligence department.

The Department of Health is very cooperative.

Because disinfecting work records is no secret.

The staff know.

The people who saw them disinfect on the street also knew it.

So it is very convenient to check.

During the corresponding time, Song Shutang and the others got the materials they wanted.

After getting the information, go back to the intelligence department.

Zhu Yue told them that Long Hao had come back first, and now he went to investigate the rickshaw driver who sent Xin Zhiye back to the legation.

Then they can wait in the intelligence department.

No one is in a hurry to get off work.

Waited until about eight o'clock in the evening.

Long Hao just came back.

Then the four gathered in the conference room again and began to summarize today's investigation.

Not to mention the content of today's investigation, the harvest is more than imagined.

Long Hao was the first to report and said: "The investigation of the rickshaw pullers is progressing well, and both rickshaw pullers have been found, but the rickshaw puller who sent Xin Zhiye away from the embassy is more difficult to find, because he doesn't remember when and who he pulled.

But the rickshaw driver who brought Xin Zhiye back was hard to find. There were still a few people who went to Eling at that time in the evening, and there were no customers when they went there, so they usually asked for extra money. He was more impressed. "

"Then how did you lock the first rickshaw driver?" Zhu Yue asked.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a meeting in those few days. There were many embassies and embassies in Eling, so there were more rickshaw drivers. But the meeting started in the morning, and usually the rickshaw driver had already pulled away in the morning. This driver He was the one who didn't get a job in Eling.

Like him, the rickshaw driver who hadn't been able to find a job originally planned to go back to the city directly, because today the Eling legation and embassy are basically unable to get jobs here, and those who should go to the meeting have already left.

He also wanted to go back with him, but those few days were rather tiring, and going back and forth was considered a waste of time, and half a day was wasted in it, so he wanted to stay in Eling to try his luck and let himself rest. He waited for a deal. "During the investigation, Long Hao also thought that he would not find anyone, but he didn't expect that it happened to be the meeting time of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and instead left some clues.

This statement was corroborated by the information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa that someone from the embassy went out for a meeting.

Xin Zhiye chose to go out at this time, probably because the important personnel in the embassy were not there, and he went out to deceive others, but unexpectedly, there were traces to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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