Chapter 292
Long Hao continued to talk about the clues of today's investigation.

"The rickshaw driver who sent Xin Zhiye away from Eling said that it was already afternoon, and he planned to go back to rest after finishing the order. Get off at the street, because it is near the driver's house."

"Linjiang Main Street!" Shangkou Axizi immediately found Linjiang Main Street on the map and marked it.

The map of the mountain city is very familiar to her now.

It can be seen that she did not waste her time in the intelligence department.

As a professional intelligence worker, there is no problem with Kashiguchi Akiko's professionalism.

Although Xin Zhiye got off at Linjiang Main Street.

But you can't judge that this is his destination.

Long Hao continued: "The rickshaw driver who took Xin Zhiye back to Eling charged a relatively high price that day, because it was already night, and it would take a long time to go to Eling and come back, so it is also very expensive for this item. Things are more memorable.

He said that he received Xin Zhiye from Shenxiankou on Zhongzheng Road and sent him back to Eling. "

Shangkou Akiko marked Shenxiankou.

But his brows were a little wrinkled.

The span of one south and one north is huge.

It is from the Jialing River to the Yangtze River.

Xin Zhiye was too careful.

Long Hao also said: "I don't know what Xin Zhiye did that day, but it is indeed from Linjiang Street to Zhongzheng Road, which is almost a cross."

"When did Xin Zhiye arrive at Linjiang Street, and when did he drive on Zhongzheng Road?" Zhu Yue asked.

"I asked the driver for the detailed time, but they couldn't remember very clearly, so they could only provide an approximate time, but I have judged that the time is a bit tight for walking." Long Hao said.

"That is to say, Xin Zhiye may have also taken a rickshaw from Linjiang Street to Zhongzheng Road?" asked Akiko Shangkou.

"It can also be a bus. There are buses on this route."

"It's hard to check." Zhu Yue said.

Be it a rickshaw or a bus.

You can't even investigate.

Unlike Eling, which has a clear and rare destination.

The number of rickshaw pullers in the urban area is very large every day, and there are even more rickshaw pullers.

You have no way of knowing what kind of car Xin Zhiye took.

But it is indeed within the urban area, which can also explain why Xin Zhiye's shoes are clean.

After all, if you change to a rickshaw halfway, maybe the walking distance is not far.

Long Hao finished talking about the clues he had investigated.

Shangkou Axizi got up and said: "Deputy leader Song and I went to the Department of Health to inquire, and learned that they only had one group of disinfecting teams that day. The scope of disinfecting was near the small school grounds, and they worked there all day."

As he spoke, he marked the small school grounds on the map.

Look at three locations on the map.

Zhu Yue said: "From Linjiang Street to Shenxiankou, you should walk along Linjiang Heng Street, pass Fuzichi, go through Youshi Street, Osmanthus Street, and Yangliu Street to Shenxiankou, and never pass by the small school ground."

"That is to say, after Xin Zhiye got off the rickshaw at Linjiang Street, he went to Xiaoxiaochang to complete his goal, and then went to Shenxiankou to take a rickshaw." Long Hao said.

"Linjiang Street and Shenxiankou must be some distance away from Xin Zhiye's destination. He deliberately chose the place to get on and off the bus, just to deceive others."

"Then he must have passed by the small school grounds, so the scope of his activities should be the range east of the small school grounds."

"But how big is this range?" Long Hao asked.

"Xin Zhiye has not been in Shenxiankou for a long time. He should have taken a vehicle to pass through Xiaoxiaochang by detour. It is estimated that he passed Xiaoxiaochang from Linjiang Street, and then passed Xiaoxiaochang to Shenxiankou. Assuming that the rickshaw does not It seems on foot.

It goes to Jiangjia Lane in the north, Central Park in the south, Xiaoxiaochang in the west, and Temple Street in the east. "

A range is drawn on the map by Kamiguchi Akiko.

Although the rickshaw driver does not remember the exact time from Eling to Linjiang Street.

However, according to the daily work habits of rickshaw drivers, this time can be calculated.

Then, according to the time when Xin Zhiye arrived at the embassy provided by Kengo Fukuhisa, the approximate time to get on the bus from Shenxiankou can be calculated, and then this intermediate time can be judged.

According to this judged time, such a range can be locked.

This range is greater.

After all, it is impossible for Xin Zhiye to let the rickshaw driver take him all the way.

It must be to get out of the car and walk after approaching the target.

Therefore, within this range, it must include the place where Xin Zhiye appeared.

This range is much smaller than the previously delineated range.

It can even be regarded as a part of the old city.

But this is downtown.

The population is dense, and the housing is even more so.

Even if the scope is narrowed down to what it is now, how do the four of them investigate.

There are still great difficulties.

"Can it continue to shrink?" Zhu Yue asked.

"It's unlikely." Akiko Shangkou shook her head.

Xin Zhiye couldn't find the means of transportation he took in the downtown area, so the range couldn't be narrowed blindly.

No one is sure.

Song Shutang stared at the map and said, "This scope is still too large for us. Even if we split up, it will be difficult to gain anything."

"I'm afraid that the information department will be involved regardless of the information leakage, and the result will be the same," Zhu Yue said.

You don't even know what Xin Zhiye has done in this area.

You can only investigate if anyone has seen Xin Zhiye.

But if there are already spy intelligence personnel within this range, they must be vigilant in the face of an investigation like yours, and they will definitely transfer in advance.

So it's not a question of too many people.

Everyone will definitely not give up.

But want to have a more efficient way.

Song Shutang stared at the map and looked again and said: "There are many small roads in this area, and rickshaws are not easy to walk, but if you walk, Xin Zhiye can actually complete all this within a limited time."

"You mean Xin Zhiye might choose to walk?"

"According to the time provided by Kengo Fukuhisa, the mountain city was already very hot at that time. Although it was nearly [-] pm when we arrived in the urban area, the sun was still very hot. If Xin Zhiye chose to take a rickshaw, he should have opened the awning.

Whether it is to shade the sun or to cover people's eyes and ears, it is a very good choice, but if the awning is opened, when passing by the school field, it is impossible for him to be contaminated with the disinfecting powder, but he has it, and it is likely to be walking. "

Song Shutang's inference has some basis.

After all, awnings are not just about covering the sun.

It can also make Xin Zhiye safer, so he has no reason not to open it.

If it is opened, there will be no disinfecting powder on the body.

"Is it possible that he took a rickshaw and came back on foot, so there is disinfecting powder on his body?" Long Hao put forward a hypothesis.

Shangkou Axizi shook her head and said, "No, according to the information provided by the Department of Health, they finished their work at six o'clock, so the disinfectant powder must have been contaminated by Xin Zhiye when he went there."

"If calculated based on walking, this range can be reduced." Zhu Yue said immediately.

After all, walking is a path.

Certainly the scope will not be as large as it is now.

And since you choose to walk, it means that the destination is not far away.

In other words, getting off at Linjiang Street meant that he was almost at his destination, so Xin Zhiye chose to walk more safely.

This time the labeling work on the map was done by Song Shutang.

After all, although Shangkou Axizi is already familiar with the roads of the mountain city, she is naturally not as good as Song Shutang when it comes to small roads.

Mark the four locations again.

The scope is further narrowed.

Song Shutang said: "Xin Zhiye may appear within this range."

"Why don't you try to investigate?" Long Hao asked.

This is already the limit that can be reduced.

It's still hard though.

But it has to be tried.

Zhu Yue said: "If we can confirm what Xin Zhiye did, it will be more convenient to investigate."

Suppose Xin Zhiye is going to chat with people.

Then you have to investigate who has seen him.

Then see who he meets with.

Suppose Xin Zhiye is dealing with the issue of housing lease.

You can check to see if there is a successful rental house on that day.

Knowing exactly what was done is convenient for investigation.

But now you can't grasp what Xin Zhiye has done, and Kengo Tomiku doesn't know about this issue either.

"The contact between Xin Zhiye and the spy agency can be completed in the embassy, ​​and even if Miki Kota led the spy team to sneak into the mountain city, the spy agency probably would not arrange for them to meet, so the possibility of contact is very small. I I think house leasing is more likely." Akiko Shangguchi made assumptions based on her spy behavior.

Song Shutang also believes that this possibility is even greater.

"Let's first check to see if there are any houses rented out that day." Song Shutang said.

"Through an intermediary?"

"It is unlikely that Xin Zhiye will choose an intermediary." Zhu Yue felt that Xin Zhiye would not want to leave his information.

"Maybe he used fake information?" Long Hao said.

After all, housing in urban areas is very difficult to rent.

Hard to find a house is no joke.

There are basically very few private houses for rent, and even if there are, they will be sold quickly.

Only intermediaries may hoard houses.

After all, the more demand, the higher the value.

They like to see such a hard-to-find house.

Therefore, in order for Xin Zhiye to rent a house as soon as possible, it is better to choose an intermediary.

Of course, you can use a false identity to sign the contract.

It should not be difficult for Xin Zhiye to obtain a fake identity.

"Then start the investigation from the intermediary." Zhu Yue said.


"Split up, Long Hao and I are in a group, Song Shutang, Shangkou Axiko and you are in a group." Zhu Yue arranged.

Because there are many real estate agents now.

After all, there is always a need.

Then there are people who provide this service.

Therefore, by acting separately, you can grasp the information faster.

It's getting late today, everyone rests separately.

Wait until the next day and start to split up to investigate the news from the intermediary.

According to the clues they have, there are as many as seven intermediaries, large and small.

Some serve the grassroots.

Some serve the rich.

But these are within the scope of their investigation.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary troubles, it is necessary to scare the snake away.

The four of them did not use the identity of the intelligence department to investigate.

Instead, I borrowed the certificates of the relevant departments to check their rental records.

Turn every page.

But in fact, it is intentional to record the time they need and the situation of renting out the house on the day.

And the information of the person who rents the house.

In this way, the intermediary will not be suspicious, and naturally it will not contact the tenant.

Song Shutang and the others read it. Even if you contact the tenants, do you know who to contact?
This information is not difficult to obtain.

In the evening, the two groups met in the Intelligence Section.

It is still a summary of the clues we have so far.

Long Hao took the lead and said: "We went to four agencies. There were 25 houses for rent that day, but there were only nine houses within our locked range."

The turnover is very high.

It can be seen that the houses in the urban area are in great demand.

Shangkou Axizi waited for Long Hao to finish speaking, and also got up and said: "We went to three houses, and the number of them that day was twenty, and the range was six."

"Fifteen rooms!" Zhu Yue felt that this number was not bad.

"This is the tenant's information." Long Hao took out the information of the nine people on his side, and Akiko Shangkou also took out the other six people.

"First investigate whether these people just arrived in the mountain city at that time, or whether they have lived in the mountain city for a while and just changed their lives." Zhu Yue said.

This will exclude some of them.

For the remaining people, they will conduct in-depth investigations, and some of them can also be excluded.

The staff of the agency did not directly show Xin Zhiye's photo to identify, mainly to prevent the intention from being exposed and let the spies know in advance.

And they all thought that Xin Zhiye would pretend, and the staff of the agency might not recognize it.

"We are in charge of eight, and you are in charge of seven. The investigation will start tomorrow." Zhu Yue made arrangements for tomorrow's work.

Song Shutang and Shangkou Akiko also got the list of seven.

Subsequent investigations will be slower.

They need to check it out by themselves.

Because of the confidentiality, I can't ask others to help me.

Therefore, it took three days to complete the work.

Among the fifteen people, eight people have been eliminated.

Or eight families.

Because they have lived in the mountain city for a long time, at least one year, they just changed houses, so they have nothing to do with the spies.

Then among the remaining seven people, there may be spies hidden.

But none of the seven are single.

They all have families.

The least is a husband and wife.

However, spy lurking may also pretend to be husband and wife, so these people cannot be ruled out.

"How to get rid of these seven people?" Long Hao asked.

"Is it possible to reduce suspicion if you have children?" Akiko Shangguchi asked.

After all, it's easy for you to pretend to be a couple.

But pretending to be a kid is hard.

Because the child is too young to understand anything.

It is very likely that you will say the wrong thing unintentionally, which will not only fail to help your latent work, but may also cause harm.

Such destabilizing factors should not arise.

But Song Shutang said: "There are two families with children, but their children are too young, one is only eight months old, and the other is just one year old. They can't walk or talk, so there is no accident. Possibility of exposure, so it's a good cover for concealment, not a destabilizing factor."

If the child is three or four years old.

Seven or eight years old.

Maybe it's an unstable factor.

But the child is still too young.

What it does is helpful.

"So their suspicion cannot be lowered," Zhu Yue said.

After all, the spy agency has suffered several times in the mountain city.

The current lurking must be more cautious, maybe the factor of children will be added to create a more perfect cover.

"Let's monitor and investigate one by one." Long Hao felt that since the suspicion could not be lowered now, he could only investigate one by one.

"It's better to split up, so hurry up." Zhu Yue said.

(End of this chapter)

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