Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 331 The list is in hand

Chapter 331 The list is in hand
Electric chair punishment!

It can be seen that it is extraordinary.

Miki Takata is hard to be human nowadays.

His face was covered in blood under his disheveled hair, and his pants were all wet.

Shen Lushui then asked, "How many members of the Pofeng group are still out?"

For specific inquiries, the Information Section is responsible.

Director Mao did not know many details.

The Pofeng group has been arrested with three groups of partners, that is, six people.

Miki Takata was also arrested.

How many people are still out now?

Kota Miki replied, "There are seven more."

14 people!
The total number of people in the broken wind group.

But singular.

Shen Lushui asked, "Why is it singular?"

"There are three other groups of partners, and a liaison who is in charge of making contact." Kota Miki replied.

It seems that the intelligence department's previous conjecture was correct.

There is indeed an intermediate liaison, who makes the connection.

"Is this contact person the earliest contact person of Goto Hayato and Aiyama Haruko?"


"But didn't this liaison person live near Hayato Goto at first, and he was regarded as a dedicated liaison person, and was also responsible for contacting other partner groups?" Shen Lushui felt that this arrangement was unreasonable.

Kota Miki explained: "Hayato Goto's operation here is the first mission of the Pofeng team to come to the mountain city. It was originally planned to complete this mission first, so we arranged for a contact person to be nearby, and made other arrangements after the evacuation."

"Why did you suddenly withdraw this contact person?"

"I sent the news that Hayato Goto went to the newspaper of the Red Party. I thought it was not right. I wanted to see the situation, and after I asked him to retreat, I found a problem." Takata Miki was really cautious.

Immediately, Miki Kota was asked to provide the contact information of these seven people.

But Kota Miki said that he cooks every day in Qingyun Temple.

Cooking smoke is a signal, Song Shutang's previous guess is true.

He cooks on time and according to order every day, in fact, he is telling the contact person who came to see him that there has been a problem here.

According to what they first negotiated, if there is a problem with the Qingyun Temple, the contact person will notify all the members of the Pofeng team to transfer.

And where it was transferred to, only the contact person knew, Miki Kota didn't know.

And where the contact person went, he didn't know.

This arrangement is actually understandable.

It's a backhand.

But Miki Takata still provided the information, and the intelligence department immediately arranged for someone to arrest him.

The follow-up will continue to interrogate Miki Kota.

The main thing is to want the list in his mouth.

This is the key point, Boss Dai and the principal are waiting for this list.

When it came to the list, Miki Takata was a little hesitant. He asked what the Military Control Bureau had promised him before, did it still count?
Director Mao made it clear that it counts.

As long as he can provide the list, then these are not problems.

Under such circumstances, Kota Miki asked them to provide pens and paper, but it was already very difficult to write. In the end, Song Shutang ghostwritten, Kota Miki dictated, and got a list of 37 people.

The list included Zong Ziqian, Ke Jun, and the two people who had made public appearances in Shanghai before, as well as Ran Hetong.

"Who is the target of the operation now?" Shen Lushui asked.

Miki Kota told the target, and the intelligence department will now go to watch them first, and also check them, whether they have been contacted by spies, or whether they have been successfully instigated.

"Didn't Ran Hetong start instigating rebellion now?" Song Shutang asked.

"I am personally responsible for him, but there is no need to instigate rebellion so early." Miki Kota said.

When Director Mao got the list, he had to hand it over to Boss Dai as soon as possible. This list was too important.

There are a full 37 people.

If they are all instigated, not to mention all of them are instigated, even if the instigation is half successful, it will be a huge blow to the government.

The list is now in hand.

At least these things can be prevented.

As for why these people were selected, it must be because they all have characteristics that are easy to instigate rebellion in the eyes of spy agencies.

But Miki Takata is too weak now.

Director Mao decided to let him recuperate first, and then ask these details. After all, after the list is in hand, other things are secondary.

Bao Yiwei also intended to do the same, don't let Miki Xiao die too much, but he won't be able to get too many clues.

And it is true that Miki Takata has changed places, not in the cell.

Ask someone to treat him, as well as good food and drink.

Afterwards, the intelligence department went into search and arrest.

And in the list of personnel provided by Kota Miki, there are indeed Kuike Jingran, Usagawa Ken, and Shangkou Akiko's earliest statement is not wrong.

And the two are still in the same group.

However, the search and arrest of the intelligence department did not make any progress.

After they rushed over, they all went empty.

People go to the building to be empty, and people left a few days ago.

It can be seen that they stared at Kota Miki for too long, and they were detained for several days, which was enough time for other members of the Pofeng group to escape.

It will be very difficult for you to escape after you want to arrest people.

Miki Kota's arrangement can be said to have considered all aspects of the situation.

Use cooking smoke to send out signals.

The liaison is responsible for contacting each group of partners and asking them to transfer the silence.

But the location is only known to the contact person.

Afterwards, the contact person also transferred himself. Miki Takata didn't know his location, and he couldn't provide new clues to the intelligence department.

It has to be said that such an arrangement does reduce losses.

But the intelligence department stared at Qingyun Temple, but it was also a helpless move.

At that time, Miki Kota's identity could not be confirmed.

The same is true when caught in the intelligence department.

There is no way to lose time.

Moreover, the cooking smoke can be seen from a long distance away. The contact person of the Pofeng team should be far away at that time, and the intelligence department could not monitor it even if it wanted to.

So now the remaining seven members of the Pofeng team, even if the team leader Miki Kota is captured, there is still nothing they can do about it.

But Bao Yiwei was in a good mood.

So is Boss Dai.

Because the list is mastered.

What is the mission of the Breaking Group?
It is a member on the instigation list.

It's just that they have mastered the list now, so the members of the Pofeng group have nothing to do, and they will be easily exposed if they continue to do things.

It doesn't make sense for the spy agency to arrange for the Pofeng team to enter the mountain city.

Unless it is a follow-up to continue to arrange new tasks.

But at first glance, this list was sorted out by the spy agency with great difficulty. If you change the target, the success rate is not high, and it is easy to be exposed.

It will be easy to deal with in the future.

And Miki Takata has been arrested, and the rest of the people are leaderless, it depends on how the spy agency plans to arrange it.

It will also take time to arrange for a new leader to take over.

In short, Boss Dai gave a commendation to the intelligence department.

This is something worthy of praise and commendation, after all, none of the people on the list is of low status.

All of them are dignified and high-ranking.

It can be seen how much the Wang puppet government has spent in order to make itself appear orthodox.

The Pofeng team gave up all tasks and remained silent in the mountain city.

Takata Miki was arrested.

The remaining seven people are hiding now, and according to Kota Miki, they may all evacuate.

After all, although they can hide.

But Miki Takata knows their identities and can provide them to the intelligence department, which will greatly affect their lurking, not to mention their work.

The list has been leaked.

What else do you work on?
To instigate rebellion now is just throwing yourself into a trap.

Moreover, they had already been carrying out some rebellion missions before, and all of them had been known by the intelligence department. Under such circumstances, it would be better to retreat and find some people to lurk, which would be safer.

The intelligence department searched for several days.

Including those on the list provided by Kota Miki who said they had begun to instigate rebellion, none of them could find any clues of the Pofeng Group.

There are traces of previous contact.

But now it's almost impossible to find.

At the same time, after Kota Miki's situation got a little better, it also provided why the spy agencies chose these people as targets. Everyone has more or less opportunities to take advantage of.

The national government has also started to deal with these things.

But certainly not what will happen to these people, just tell them not to accept the spy's instigation, and other issues can be discussed.

The violent instigation of the Pofeng group has now been contained.

The list made by the Wang Puppet Group and the Japanese was also exposed.

So there is actually a lot of resistance to the instigation work they want to carry out next.

This time, the Military Control Bureau has made a major performance.

Although two people were still instigated, but looking at the list of more than thirty people, the instigation of the two was stopped in time.

The principal is very satisfied with the work of the Military Statistics Bureau.

Boss Dai is also very satisfied with the work of the intelligence department.

Song Shutang and others who were in charge of this matter received more awards.

And when these matters were being dealt with, there was also news from Shanghai that they saw Kuike Jingran and Usagawa Ken.

But not sure if it is.

After in-depth investigation in Shanghai, it was finally confirmed that it was these two people.

It can be seen that Miki Takata was right.

These two people have already returned to Shanghai, which means that the Pofeng team has withdrawn from the mountain city, so the investigation of the Pofeng team has come to an end.

It can also be said to be a perfect ending.

Shen Lushui gave the intelligence department a day off so that everyone could have dinner together.

This time is indeed worth celebrating.

Shangkou Akiko is also in a good mood, after all, she has helped a lot.

And the information she provided at the beginning is now all correct.

The team leader may be Kota Miki.

The team members include Kuike Jingran and Usagawa Ken.

Including providing Miki Takata Manchurian information, investigating the part of Yi Xue and so on.

The current catchy Akiko has gained the trust of the intelligence department.

After all, she really dealt with the spy agencies.

And there is no such thing as a bitter trick.

After all, Miki Kota's abilities are stronger than Kaguchi Akiko's.

It is obviously impossible to use Miki Takata to help Shangkou Akiko to do bitter tricks.

And there are so many spies caught.

It's not just the breaking wind group.

There are also two spies in the legation.

Just to get Akiko Shangkou to gain the trust of the intelligence department, and it's not completely trusted.

Also, there is still no access to any important information, and there is still no personal freedom. Spies will not do such things.

Therefore, the intelligence department intends to keep Shangkou Akiko.

After all, when investigating spies, she does sometimes know better.

Otherwise, the investigation of the Pofeng team this time might not yield any results from the intelligence department.

You don't even know that the team leader is Kota Miki, how do you start the investigation?

How many people have been instigated by the Pofeng group now?
The Military Command has no face left.

Catchy Akiko is very satisfied with this.

But what about Kota Miki?
He also hoped for better treatment, even better than Akiko Shangkou, after all, the information provided by Akiko Shangkou at that time was not as valuable as his list.

Miki Kota's thoughts are also being discussed within the bureau.

There are two opinions.

The first is to kill Miki Kota, let the spies know the end, and boost the morale of the people.

But the second is that Miki Kota should be kept. First of all, if you kill the other party, I am afraid that other spies will feel that after being caught by the intelligence department, they will die whether they speak or not, so it is better not to speak.

The second is that the Wang puppet group is constantly instigating against the government personnel.

Can they also instigate some spies.

At the same time, some people were brought back from the Wang puppet group, saying that they were chosen wrongly at the time, and they can still be reused by the government when they come back. Is it okay to disintegrate the other party first?
The two voices diverged somewhat.

In the end, it was decided to keep Kota Miki.

The above consideration is more about arresting spies in the future, will they speak up?
With the example of Kota Miki here, the effect will actually be much better.

If Miki Kota is killed, you can do it secretly, the spies don't know.

But if you kill people just to boost morale, then everyone will know about it.

Doesn't it mean to tell the spies that the intelligence department will not tolerate you.

This is not good for interrogation work.

It is also unfavorable to those who oppose the Wang puppet group.

Do you think these traitors have the value of instigating rebellion?

In fact, there are.

If they can be allowed to come back, it will be a big blow to the Wang puppet group. As for the fact that they are all traitors, if they are allowed to come back, will the public opinion be affected badly.

This is all secondary.

So Miki Takata was also released.

Rehabilitate in the intelligence department.

Because Miki Takata was born as a spy, he is also in the intelligence department now.

However, Miki Takata was not there during the dinner party. On the one hand, he was seriously injured, and on the other hand, he was a newcomer, so the dinner party was very embarrassing.

On the contrary, Akiko Shangkou was in the intelligence department and chatted more with Takata Miki. After all, they were both spies. Secondly, Akiko Shangkou was also more curious about Takata Miki.

At the same time, I also understand that Kota Miki chose to hide as a fake Taoist priest.

On the one hand, he really has a lot of research on Yi Xue, and his relationship with Taoism is not easy to be seen through.

On the other hand, it is said that his hair is gray, but after growing long hair, it will become gray, and the gray hair will be more obvious and more.

This way the features of the hair are concealed.

There is also the problem of his accent. Shangkou Akiko said Miki Takata has been in Manchuria for a long time and has a heavy accent.

But in fact, Fan Ruici didn't exist.

Kota Miki's explanation for this is that he said that he knew he was going to lurk in Shanghai from Manchuria, and it took him a year to completely change his accent.

I have to say Miki Takata is very strict with himself.

The best in many ways.

Even the accent can be completely changed within a year, which can be regarded as a talent.

At the same time, Peng Xu is indeed a spy.

After dealing with Miki Kota's matter, he was arranged to leave the mountain city.

After all, the existence of Peng Xu is a hidden danger.

The spy agency did not want to leave this hidden danger, and directly transferred the feign death to escape.

It seems that the spy agencies have high expectations for the Pofeng team, and all aspects are in place. It is true that the Pofeng team has brought a lot of trouble to the government, and the investigation by the intelligence department has twists and turns. Xiaotai caught it and cleared the Pofeng team.

(End of this chapter)

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