Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 332 Red Party Inquiry

Chapter 332 Red Party Inquiry
Celebration banquet!
Under Zhu Yue's organization, a group from the intelligence department held a celebration party.

It was another gathering after the previous dinner, and this time there were more participants.

Everyone also congratulated each other and Song Shutang responded one by one.

It is indeed worth being happy.

After working for a long time, it was finally considered progress, and half of the Pofeng team was arrested and half were driven away.

The spy agency's huge plan to instigate rebellion was also contained.

This is worthy of celebration for the national government, so the intelligence department has funds to hold another celebration banquet, and many people have received awards.

As a member of the previous special investigation team, Yan Qinghui was also on the invitation list for the celebration banquet. At this moment, Yan Qinghui and Song Shutang were sitting by the side having a few drinks.

Looking at the people dancing on the dance floor, Yan Qinghui asked, "Want to ask Kota Miki?"

As expected, he couldn't hide his own thoughts from Yan Qinghui, so Song Shutang said directly without hiding it: "It's possible that Miki Xiaotai knows about the Sword Holding Group, I want to find a chance to ask him."

"I discussed it with Nie Hong, but you should stop asking and let Nie Hong ask." Yan Qinghui said.

"Let brother Nie ask?"

"It was Nie Hong who got the information from Shangkou Akiko, saying that Takata Miki knew about the Sword Holding Group, so it should be Nie Hong who is asking now."

"But it's more convenient for me."

"It's not convenient or inconvenient to be in the Military Control Bureau. As a member of the intelligence department, you participated in the arrest of Kota Miki. If you ask, it's better to ask Nie Hong."

"Do you think Kota Miki will tell us?" Song Shutang asked.

Yan Qinghui looked at Kaguchi Akiko in the middle of the dance floor and said: "Even she has her own ideas and wants to leave a way out for herself, there is no reason why Takata Miki wouldn't think so, so if he knows, he will definitely make good use of it. "

"I hope we can make some progress," Song Shutang said.

Yan Qinghui said in a low voice: "The intelligence department's information leaked before, in fact, the bureau has been investigating at the top level, and the telecommunications department has also secretly monitored some people's phone calls, but I can't be responsible for these things, but there is no progress now."

Although Yan Qinghui was not in charge of monitoring.

But it's all in the telecommunications, he still has some observations.

But with such a long period of calm, it may be that there has been no progress.

The previous news leak must have been done by an insider in the Military Control Bureau. No progress now does not mean it is safe, but Boss Dai arranged for monitoring, which is enough to show that Boss Dai is also very concerned about this matter.

"Let's pay attention to Miki Kota's affairs first." Song Shutang said.

He thinks that you can't interfere with the high-level affairs now, and the most important thing is to get accurate information from Kota Miki. As long as Kota Miki speaks, maybe he can help them clear the clouds.

After the celebration banquet, everyone dispersed.

Shangkou Axizi also drank some wine, walked over with a ruddy complexion, and said to Song Shutang with a smile: "Don't you want to eat late at night again?"

"not going."

"I feel sick to my stomach if I don't eat after drinking." Shangkou Akiko still invited.

But since Nie Hong was in charge of contacting Miki Kota, Song Shutang didn't need to ask for any news from Shangkou Axiko, so he refused with a smile.

Long Hao also came over from the side and said, "This woman is like a fish in water now."

no way.

Catchy Akiko is originally a long-sleeved and good at dancing character.

Previously, it was just that there was a problem with identity.

But this time she successfully proved herself, so her situation has improved a lot, and everyone's attitude towards her has also changed. Coupled with her own ability, Long Hao said that she is like a fish in water.

"It's not bad if it can be used by us." Song Shutang said.

Use it if you can.

As for when to use it and when not to use it, that's what the higher-ups worry about.

After the matter of the Pofeng group was over, Song Shutang and the others cared about the child's problem. The child was innocent.

The intelligence department discussed and planned to send him away secretly. After all, if the child's identity was revealed, it would not be safe.

In the end, the intelligence department directly sent the child out of the mountain city, and found a couple with a good family in another county to adopt. This is already a very good home.

As for the child's parents, they must surely die.

After all, it fell into the hands of the Japanese, and the end can be imagined.

Originally, this matter ended here, but before get off work today, Meng Jiaqi asked him to meet.

This time the arrest of the members of the Pofeng Group, the Red Party helped. Without the help of the Red Party, the arrest of Hayato Goto would not have been so smooth.

Since Meng Jiaqi wanted to meet and have dinner together when he was free now, Song Shutang didn't refuse.

The two made an appointment within the city.

It is also possible to go to a drama performance together.

Meng Jiaqi said that he had tickets, which were given to them by the theater company, and wanted them to go to the show and write a report.

Meng Jiaqi took an extra one.

After seeing Meng Jiaqi in the city, Song Shutang smiled and said, "You asked me to work with you."

"How?" Meng Jiaqi asked.

"You watch dramas to write reports. I watch dramas with you, so I don't want to accompany you to work?"

"But it's not work for you to see, you just appreciate it."


"Watch first or eat first?"

"I'm not hungry, let's watch the drama first." Song Shutang said.

The two head to the theater.

During the period, we also chatted and talked about some interesting things we encountered.

After waiting for a while before the opening of the theater, the two of them went in first to take their seats and waited. This play is a new play, and it is considered the first performance in the past few days, so many people came to see it.

Meng Jiaqi also took out his notebook and pen, and if he thought of anything while reading it, he had to write it down so that he could write a manuscript later.

Seeing this, Song Shutang asked, "Won't my words bother you?"

"will not."

But in fact, during the process of watching the drama later, Song Shutang did not speak. After all, everyone was watching, and your talking and chatting will affect everyone.

The second is to say that this drama is very successful and exciting, and you don't want to talk when you watch it.

And the performance is very tense.

After the end, Song Shutang asked: "Isn't this theater company rare before?"

"Actually, none of them are professional, they are all students of the school."

"Student?" Song Shutang asked.

To be honest, he didn't see that he was a student, because he acted very well.

"This is the characteristic of this troupe, or it is public welfare. They are all spontaneously together, and the money will be donated. As for the venue, it is also provided by the troupe for free." Meng Jiaqi obviously knows more about these.

Song Shutang was in awe.

After that is to eat.

But Song Shutang knew that Meng Jiaqi was looking for him today, not simply watching a drama and then eating.

Sure enough, at the dinner table, Meng Jiaqi mentioned the previous investigation of the Pofeng team.

Song Shutang also said: "It is indeed over."

"I heard that the leader of the Pofeng team provided a list of 37 people to instigate rebellion." Meng Jiaqi said directly.

But Song Shutang couldn't help being a little curious.

Not many people know about this list.

Not to mention knowing all 37 specific figures.

Who told the Red Party?

Song Shutang thought about it, and felt that it should not be someone from the Military Control Bureau. After all, Song Shutang knew about this matter that day.

These people should have nothing to do with the Red Party.

But the list was sent up.

Could it be that there are people in the Red Party elsewhere.

But now you obviously have no way to ask, even if you ask Meng Jiaqi, she won't tell you.

Song Shutang can actually say that he has no comment now, since it is confidential after all.

But since Meng Jiaqi said it so bluntly, it obviously depends on Song Shutang's attitude, we can talk if you want to talk, or you don't want to talk.

What about Song Shutang's attitude?
Of course he didn't want to talk.

But this time the Red Party asked Meng Jiaqi to chat with him instead of asking Uncle Li to ask for a list. Song Shutang knew that this was the sincerity of the Red Party.

The choice is up to you.

And he won't make things difficult for Uncle Li.

Remembering how many times the Red Party helped, Song Shutang finally nodded and said, "Yes."

He acknowledged the list and the number 37.

I don't want to get involved.

But now I have to get involved.

Song Shutang smiled wryly in his heart, the Red Party's scheme was well played, and it was really hard for him to refuse.

Seeing Song Shutang's answer, Meng Jiaqi smiled.

In fact, she didn't have the confidence to meet her today, it was the arrangement from above.

Lei Yanbin told her directly that the Red Party also wanted to thoroughly judge Song Shutang's attitude now, even if they couldn't instigate rebellion immediately, they could still cooperate.

After all, they helped Song Shutang a few times before, and the cooperation was very good.

"Can you give me the list?" Meng Jiaqi asked directly.

Facing this question, Song Shutang was a little caught off guard, so why don't you just ask?

Seeing Song Shutang's eyes, Meng Jiaqi smiled wryly and said, "It should be the same to you whether I am tactful or not."

Exactly the same, because you have to ask.

Song Shutang also smiled bitterly and said, "You are forcing me to make mistakes."

"We want the list just to see if there are any of us on it." Meng Jiaqi was also very frank.

They want the list not to do anything to the government.

Now that the government knows that the list is no longer valid, even if the Red Party gets it, it is useless. The Red Party wants the list now, in fact, it wants to see if there are any of them on it, and whether it is possible for the spies to instigate rebellion.

This shows that there are indeed people from the Red Party lurking in the government.

Meng Jiaqi's frank attitude made Song Shutang hesitate now.

Of course he knew the list.

And clearly.

After all, this list was written by him.

There is no risk in telling the Red Party. After all, the Red Party gets the list only to see if there are any of them.

If there is one, they will investigate under the hood.

But most likely not.

So it will not bring danger to Song Shutang.

And the Red Party will handle these things themselves, Song Shutang is assured of this.

But the problem is that if you give out the list, you will actually be in a cooperative state by default, otherwise this is the handle.

Meng Jiaqi did not force Song Shutang, but said, "You can give it or not."

"Isn't your organization absolutely necessary?"

"I want it, but I don't have to."

"Or even if I don't provide it, you can still get it?" Song Shutang asked.

He felt that the Red Party asked him for the list, perhaps for further cooperation, but it did not mean that the Red Party could not get the list from other places.

Meng Jiaqi smiled and did not speak.

To give or not to give actually changed a lot for Song Shutang.

The involvement with the Red Party will be great.

But there are benefits too.

Song Shutang had experienced it before.

In the end Song Shutang decided to give the list to him.

It is a violation of discipline, and it can even be said to be communist, but he also has his own ideas.

"I can only dictate." Song Shutang said.

He didn't want to write it down, and he didn't want to leave a handle.

While handwriting can be changed, dictation is safer.

"I don't record it either," Meng Jiaqi said.

It can be seen that she is also confident that she can write it down, but she didn't see Meng Jiaqi's ability before. It seems that you can't underestimate everyone.

Following Song Shutang's dictation.

Meng Jiaqi remembered all the names.

Then the two began to eat. Naturally, it was Meng Jiaqi's treat today, and Song Shutang was of great help.

After eating, they separated. Meng Jiaqi stayed in the city today and lived in a female colleague's house, so there was no need to go back.

After Song Shutang left, Meng Jiaqi went to see Lei Yanbin.

As soon as he met Lei Yanbin, he asked, "Did he say it?"

"Say it," Meng Jiaqi said.

"Okay." Lei Yanbin also said with a smile.

"Is it the real list?"

"Yes." Meng Jiaqi replied.

How did Meng Jiaqi know if it was the real list.

That's because they've got the real roster in their hands.

Meng Jiaqi went to Song Shutang today, not for the list at all, because they had already mastered the list.

As for what to say to see if there are members of the Red Party on it, it is also an excuse.

The Red Party now wants to judge Song Shutang's attitude through this matter.

If Song Shutang resolutely refuses to speak, it shows that his attitude is very tough, and he will have to make adjustments to the development plan, or even give up.

If Song Shutang agreed to provide the list, but provided the wrong list, then you should think about whether Song Shutang is worth developing. Providing the wrong list is more serious than not providing the list.

But if Song Shutang agrees to provide the list, and what he provides is the real list, then the cooperation has been reached, and the instigating rebellion can be put aside first.

Because after the success of instigation, you still let Song Shutang work in the Military Control Bureau, which is no different from now, so instigation and cooperation are the same for the time being.

The organization believes that since there are certain difficulties in development.

Then it is possible to establish cooperation first.

That's why today's incident happened. Now it seems that it is good news, and the cooperation with Song Shutang has been reached.

You can get what you need in the future.

It is good news that everyone takes what they need in the early stage and develops slowly.

Lei Yanbin felt that he needed to tell Comrade Ksitigarbha, after all, he had promised before that he would be notified of any progress in the development work. This time it was obviously good news, so telling Comrade Ksitigarbha would also make him happy happy.

Going home in a rickshaw, Song Shutang actually thought that the Red Party had already obtained the list.

But he didn't grit his teeth and refused to provide the list, because providing the list was beneficial to him personally, as for the military command.

He may not have any objections to the military command regarding the matter of the Sword Holding Group.

So the current choice is correct in his opinion, at least it is the correct choice that Uncle Li wants to see.

It was also what Sister Ao expected.

(End of this chapter)

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