Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 384 I Check Myself

Chapter 384 I Check Myself

Although dead.

In exchange for the safety of comrades.

The captain of the Red Party Action Team acted heroically.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Song Shutang was speechless.

Wan Liang has also rushed to the guest house at this moment.

He came immediately after hearing the news.

Feng Tiexi's body was placed on the ground.

Wan Liang asked with an ugly face, "What's going on?"

Song Shutang wanted to speak but couldn't answer.


"This subordinate had dinner with Mei Muzhizi, Captain Wang Hong and others today, and they were not in the guest house. They came here as soon as they heard about the accident," Song Shutang said.

Not in the guest house?
It is true that Song Shutang does not need to stay in the guest house.

You can go back to rest at night.

But obviously you have been here for the past few days, why is it that you are not here when something happened today?

Wan Liang looked at Song Shutang with suspicion.

Song Shutang hastily explained: "It was Du Yong who came to his subordinates in the afternoon to mention this matter, and his subordinates saw that nothing had happened in the past few nights, so they went to the appointment and did not expect this to happen tonight."

Wan Liang starts to investigate.

Ask when did the assassin come in?

The person in charge of the guest house took out the registration book and rummaged through it.

Say this person is a member from the following partition.

have their credentials.

Wan Liang took out his certificate for inspection now, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it.

The level of fraud of the Red Party is not bad.

Even the stamp on the photo is replaced.

"Go to the headquarters and ask someone who knows the division personnel to come over and identify them," Wan Liang said.

Someone has been to the headquarters.

Call and ask.

Soon the members of the headquarters were in place, saying that this person was not at all.

In other words, the photo on the certificate is fake.

This person is pretending.

The people in the guest house were a little panicked, how could this be their responsibility?
The person at the guest house hastily explained: "We all check the documents."

They only looked at the certificates. After all, there were so many people coming from other places, how could it be possible for the hostel to know everyone.

That's nonsense.

Documents are no problem.

Wan Liang knew it was a trick of the Red Party.

Ask the hostel when the person is coming.

I found out it was morning.

At this moment, Wang Hong and others also came here.

Wan Liang asked Wang Hong to come forward and ask him when he planned to invite Song Shutang to dinner.

Wang Hong replied that it was afternoon.

Ask Du Yong.

He came later.

In other words, the plan of the Red Party was before Wang Hong had dinner.

Song Shutang did not know in advance.

It can be seen that it is indeed a mistake.

But it was such a mistake that caused Feng Tiexi to be killed.

If you don't eat.

With Song Shutang watching outside, today's result is really uncertain.

Wan Liang still believes in Song Shutang's ability.

Song Shutang took the initiative to stay and participate in the protection before.

It seems to be a very correct choice.

But in the end, the goal fell short.

Wan Liang looked at Wang Hong. If he didn't know that Wang Hong couldn't have a problem, he would have suspected that this guy was deliberately cooperating with the Red Party.

There is no suspicion of Song Shutang for the time being.

After all, you can't suspect everything on him.

No reason, it really doesn't make sense.

Wan Liang asked how the members of the Red Party brought the guns in?
The member responsible for the security work of the guest house said that they had searched and all the weapons had been confiscated.

"It's confiscated, how did this weapon come from?" Wan Liang asked in a bad tone.

The person in charge of the guest house said, "This person left the guest house in the afternoon. I thought he was going to the headquarters to report the news."

"But when he came back, we checked again." The person in charge of the security said.

But the person in charge of the guest house said: "But your second inspection, compared with the first, is a lot more perfunctory."

This is true.

After all, it's the first time you come here, so you must search it carefully.

Then go out from the guest house and come back.

Although it will still be checked, it will definitely not be the same as the first time.

On the one hand, the weapons have been confiscated.

On the other hand, they are familiar with each other, knowing that they are one of their own, so they are not so cautious.

So now the person in charge of the guest house thinks that members of the Red Party may bring weapons in at this time.

Those in charge of the guards were unwilling.

Of course I don't want to admit it.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, but Song Shutang was relieved.

At least this weapon.

The possibility of taking it in can also be found now.

It cannot be said that someone brought it in with help.

He will be much safer.

The two argued.

Wan Liang was too lazy to listen.

Go into the room and take a closer look.

I learned that Feng Tiexi lived behind the sofa.

There is also a suspicious point in this place, that is, if members of the Red Party go straight to the sofa after entering, it means that someone has tipped off the news.

Otherwise, how would the members of the Red Party know?
But Song Shutang came in to see it before.

On the bed, Feng Tiexi would roll out the quilt every night, stuff things inside, and pretend that he was sleeping in it.

Now the quilt on the bed has been lifted.

Said that after the members of the Red Party came in, they did go to bed to find Feng Tiexi.

I got it wrong.

It stands to reason that during this process, Feng Tiexi should wake up, but he didn't.

Found behind a couch by members of the Red Party and killed.

Wan Liang asked: "After the incident, have you touched the quilt?"

"No." Everyone replied.

No one has touched the quilt.

It shows that the members of the Red Party have indeed made a mistake.

Song Shutang knew in his heart that this must be Wen Derun reporting this issue, when members of the Red Party acted, in order not to leave hidden dangers for Song Shutang.

Kill Feng Tiexi first when entering the door.

After you succeed, go to bed and move the quilt.

Create the illusion that you are looking in the wrong place.

Minimize the hidden dangers in Song Shutang.

Wan Liang can only say now that the Red Party has long wanted to kill Feng Tiexi.

Now even at the expense of life.

The way is to pretend to be a member of the secret service headquarters division and sneak into the guest house.

Then kill the military police first, and then kill Feng Tiexi.

The two gendarmes were killed quietly.

Wan Liang cursed inwardly.

Is this still elite?
No shame.

And Feng Tiexi.

Say what work experience.

I dare not even sleep on the bed.

Those who assassinated you have all gone wrong, and they didn't find you in the bed, and you were still sleeping like a pig, killed behind the sofa.

After all, it should be said that the people of the Red Party have strong working ability.

Or are the military police and Feng Tiexi too weak?

What is this called.

And the news of the Red Party is well-informed.

It's not difficult to know that Feng Tiexi is at Secret Service Headquarters.

The difficulty is the situation in the guest house. They have figured it out?
Or is it that the member of the Red Party responsible for the assassination is highly professional, and he figured it out by himself after he sneaked in today?

No proof now.

what can you say
Moreover, there are people coming and going in the guest house every day, and it is not impossible for someone to tip off the news.

But Cha can't change the ending now.

As for Song Shutang.

Staying every night to participate in protection, if it was him, there was absolutely no need for him to do so.

Get yourself in trouble.

Otherwise, it will be the same trouble tonight.

Wang Hong's action brigade, Wan Liang looked more and more disliked.

Incompetent bungler.

When can I ask Song Shutang to eat?

Just tonight.

It was really a coincidence.

Now Wan Liang's face is so ugly that he is dying.

Feng Tiexi's death is naturally one aspect, but it really doesn't matter.

After all, it is the Red Party.

Useful for the new government, but not for Wanliang.

The reason for his distress was that two of the military police died in the guest house.

The Japanese is dead.

Just trouble.

The gendarmerie would definitely say that it was their guest house that allowed the Red Party to sneak in.

And the Red Party can complete the assassination in the guest house.

Secret Service has a dull face.

They and the military commanders fought back and forth.

Fight to the death.

Forcibly, it was the general's frantic assassination and anti-rape operation, and it was suppressed.

It's good now, the Red Party is directly at your home and taught you a lesson.

Wan Liang ordered everyone present to keep tight-lipped today and not to discuss this matter.

At the same time, report to Li Qun.

As for the gendarmerie, he doesn't need to report.

The living gendarme will go.

Song Shutang also left with Wan Liang.

But he couldn't say anything. After all, he was also responsible today. Although Wang Hong asked him to eat, something went wrong.

After returning to the secret service headquarters, Wan Liang went to see Li Qun.

Song Shutang was waiting.

After Li Qun heard about this incident, he didn't know what to say.

They all expected Feng Tiexi to be targeted by the Red Party.

Putting it in the guest house is also for protection.

But who knew that the Red Party would not die.

Hard to assassinate.

The military police in charge of protection did not work.

The security force of the guest house allowed the Red Party to break through a fake certificate.

Shame on Secret Service and Gendarmerie.

As for Song Shutang.

What you arrange for others is not a protection task.

People can take the initiative to be responsible for protecting so many days and nights, which is considered serious work.

But today who knows what kind of style Wang Hong has.

Judging from this time, Song Shutang is fine.

After all, it was impossible for him to predict when Wang Hong would ask him out.

The members of the Red Party lurked in and acted for a short time, and they had a chance tonight.

It can only be said to be a coincidence.

It is indeed a coincidence.

Song Shutang never thought that Wang Hong could come to him for dinner.

It's true that there are some mistakes.

Wan Liang asked, "Two gendarmes died this time, how do we explain to the Special High School?"

"You go to the extra-high school in person tomorrow, and explain it to the head of the class. This time it's our lack of protection." Li Qun said.

At this time, you should not say that the gendarmerie is not doing enough to protect it.

It is enough to say that you are not strong enough to protect yourself.

Wan Liang understood what Li Qun meant, but he asked worriedly, "Will the section chief be relentless?"

"The person was killed in the guest house of the Secret Service Headquarters, and he was still under the protection of the military police. This incident will not benefit everyone at all. It is all embarrassing enough. The section chief will not be relentless, but criticism is inevitable."

"Criticism is fine, and you won't lose a piece of meat." Wan Liang felt that if it was just criticism.

It's not a big problem.

However, Li Qun said: "But the Red Party still has a lot of information. You said that he observed clearly after he entered the guest house. I think it is unlikely."

"is it?"

"First of all, after he entered the guest house, he still had to pretend to come to the headquarters to report on his work. At this time, he had no way to observe him. Secondly, it was not that no one at the headquarters knew him. After he returned to the guest house, he would definitely not dare to hang around outside, so as not to be caught pretending things.

They should all be hiding in the room. Feng Tiexi is worried about being assassinated, so he usually hides in the room as well. Therefore, if the assassins of the Red Party can learn such accurate information, someone should have tipped off the information. "Li Qun believes that such people exist.

"Could it be Song Shutang?" Wan Liang asked.

"Not very likely."


"If it was Song Shutang, he would be very dangerous tonight. After all, if there is no Wang Hong, then if it is Song Shutang who reveals the news, he knows Feng Tiexi's affairs too well, and he should also know that the other party is sleeping behind the sofa."

Li Qun believed that Song Shutang was responsible for receiving Feng Tiexi.

It is impossible not to observe the detail of sleeping behind the sofa.

But the Red Party members went to bed anyway.

It is enough to show that the other party is ignorant.

"Is it possible that the bedding on the bed was moved after killing Feng Tiexi?" Wan Liang didn't doubt Song Shutang, but just made a hypothesis.

"After the murder, you should evacuate as soon as possible. There may be a chance of life. Moving the bedding will only cause trouble for yourself." Li Qun believes that according to human nature, he will flee immediately after the action.

And Li Qun believes that the most critical point of Song Shutang's innocence.

It was Wang Hong who called for dinner.

At this point in time.

Moreover, the Red Party and Song Shutang are also a bit incompatible.

After all, Li Qun knew how much Boss Dai feared the Red Party.

"So, Director, you mean that there is a problem with a person in the guest house?"


"We block and investigate the guest house?"

"I was only afraid that the whistleblower had already left, so I let the assassin lurk in." Li Qun said.

After all, in the guest house, people do come in and out every day.

Possibly the person responsible for providing the intelligence.

Observation ends.

Then the Red Party prepared to arrange for people to sneak in.

Worried that the person in charge of providing information would be in danger, let him leave before letting the person in charge of action come in.

The two staggered.

"Everything is recorded and can be investigated," Wan Liang said.

Just live in a guest house.

That must be on record.

Even if you leave, you know who it is.

Unless you run away directly.

Otherwise, you can find it when you go back to the partition, and you can continue to control it.

Li Qun thought for a while and said, "Let Song Shutang be in charge of investigating this matter.

"Song Shutang?"

"He is in the guest house every day, and he must be the most familiar with these situations. He is responsible for the investigation and gets twice the result with half the effort."

"My subordinate understands."

"Let Mei Mu Zhizi cooperate with him."


Li Qun plans to find out now.

Find out who gave the Red Party information about the guest house.

Someone must have a problem here.


Otherwise, it would be difficult for members of the Red Party to act so smoothly.

As for the troubles of the gendarmerie, they were just troubles.

After all, people die.

The gendarmerie special high class can't let the people from secret service headquarters be buried with them, isn't it.

As for Wang Hong.

Li Qun felt really speechless.

The Green Gang is indeed a serious problem now.

The three directors in Secret Service Headquarters are also fighting each other for power and profit.

Li Qun didn't want to be the leader to deal with the Green Gang.

If something goes wrong.

Instead, give others a chance.

Song Shutang was waiting outside, and heard Wan Liang say that Li Qun asked him to investigate, and that there were leakers in the guest house.

What can Song Shutang say?
I check myself?
You let me investigate by myself, and that will never be found out.

However, Song Shutang felt that there was absolutely no hidden danger in wanting to make this happen.

A scapegoat may be needed.

We will see who is the most suitable at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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