Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 385 Taking the opportunity to collect information

A farce is over tonight.

Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi left the headquarters to go back to rest.

As for other matters, Wan Liang and the gendarmerie will handle them.

Song Shutang and the others don't care.

Wang Hong and the others have also left, but they feel that it is an innocent disaster, which obviously has nothing to do with them.

It's fine now.

Call Song Shutang to eat.

It gave the red party assassins an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But at this time, Wang Hong and the others must be innocent.

You can't doubt it, but Wang Hong also understands that the director will definitely know about it.

Then the gendarmerie will know too.

He will inevitably be said a few words by all parties.

You can only consider yourself unlucky.

How else could it be?

If you ask someone to eat well, you can have problems?

Where does this make sense.

On the way back, Mei Muzhizi also said helplessly, "How could it be such a coincidence."


Inside the guest house every night.

Just not tonight.

Song Shutang said: "The director asked me to investigate who leaked Feng Tiexi's information in the guest house. If I didn't know in my heart that it had nothing to do with Wang Hong and the others, I would doubt whether it was intentional."


Song Shutang didn't expect such a coincidence today.

If you don't know that the other party is not your own.

It is inevitable to guess in my heart.

Mei Mu Zhizi asked, "How do you plan to investigate?"

"The members of the Red Party were responsible for the assassination mission, and they must have started to act after Feng Tiexi's incident was exposed, or even after Feng Tiexi was arranged to live in the guest house.

Therefore, I plan to look at the registration list of the hostel tomorrow, and then collect the information of these people, sort out and screen them. "Song Shutang said.

This is the easiest way to investigate.

It is also the most reasonable.

But Song Shutang's real purpose was not to find leakers.

Because he leaked the secret.

Song Shutang intends to use these materials to see if there is anyone who can be his scapegoat and bring this matter to an end.

So as not to become a hidden danger in the future.

The second is that through such data collection, the enemy's intelligence can be effectively grasped, and the information of these intelligence personnel can be handed over to the military command and the Red Party.

It can be prevented in advance.

Mei Muzhizi felt that such an investigation was indeed no problem.

He just asked with some concern: "Is it possible that the military police leaked the news?"

Mei Muzhizi was doing latent work before.

Actually know a lot about this.

Among the Japanese are not those who have not chosen justice.

The Japanese also secretly arrested some before.

Then, there may also be ghosts in the Gendarmerie, who disclosed information about Feng Tiexi to the Red Party.

Just completed such a mission.

In fact, Song Shutang thinks that Mei Muzhizi's idea is not impossible.

Only if you investigate like this.

It might make things more complicated.

Under other circumstances, Song Shutang would choose this way.

But not this time.

Because this time he leaked the secret.

He just wanted to get things resolved as soon as possible, not to keep things here forever.

You say someone in Secret Service is the insider.

Then Secret Service Headquarters can easily solve it.

But if you say that there is a problem with the gendarmerie in the gendarmerie, the investigation process will be infinitely prolonged.

And you want to prove that there is something wrong with the military police.

Where is your evidence?
The gendarmerie doesn't kill their own people casually.

In the end, the hidden danger is still here, so Song Shutang didn't have this idea.

So he said to Mei Muzhizi: "Regardless of whether there is a problem with the gendarmerie, we have no ability to investigate. Since the director asked us to investigate the Secret Service Headquarters, we can just complete our duties.

If there is no discovery in the investigation results, it depends on what the director intends to do, and it is beyond our control. "

Mei Mu Zhizi heard that it was true.

If you want to doubt the gendarmerie now, you are completely unqualified.

Stay overnight at home.

Song Shutang came to the guest house the next day.

The person in charge of the guest house was found, as well as the person in charge of the surrounding work of the guest house.

Both of them now know that Song Shutang is in charge of investigating this matter.

It's an order from the director.

So it will also cooperate.

Song Shutang said to the person in charge of the guest house: "Please provide me with the list of people who have stayed in the guest house during this time."

"How long ago?"

"As early as possible." Song Shutang said.

He said as early as possible, to appear more professional.

In fact, he just wanted to get more information about traitors.

This is all recorded, so it was quickly handed over to Song Shutang, and the person in charge said: "This has not been backed up, and you will give it to me after you use it up."

"Don't worry, I will definitely return to Zhao."

After that, the person in charge of the guest house left.

Leave the person in charge of the guard.

This person was very dissatisfied with the person in charge of the guest house. After all, he said last night that it was because of their perfunctory search that the Red Party brought the gun in.

But when killing the military police and Feng Tiexi, no guns were used at all.

Instead, traces were found behind.

Only use guns when fighting.

This gun is not the key.

Song Shutang asked this person: "During this time, I was in charge of the siege and search, do you think who is more suspicious?"


All their own.

Who do you say is suspicious.

I didn't think anyone was suspicious before.

But after a problem occurred, I felt suspicious again.

After all, they are all engaged in intelligence work, and they are used to acting cautiously.

Now it's all suspicious.

The person said, "There are a few people who are more suspicious."

"Can you provide the list?"


This person also provided several lists.

After that, Song Shutang began to organize.

According to the list, it was found that there were 76 people, which met the suspicion.

Then six of them were provided by the person in charge of the guards, who said they were more suspicious.

Song Shutang didn't rush to check.

Instead, he took the list and went to the headquarters to find Wan Liang in the afternoon.

"Director, I want the information of these people." Song Shutang directly submitted the list.

Wan Liang took it over and took a look. The people on the list were all from their division.

Some identities are still important.

But you have to find out the ghosts of the Red Party.

Otherwise, the more important the position, the greater the possibility of causing them trouble.

The greater the damage caused.

So finding out the ghosts of the Red Party is the key now, Wan Liang said: "I will give you the information later."

"Thank you Director."

Wan Liang's action here is relatively fast, and he will hand over the materials to Song Shutang the next day, and Song Shutang will check them all.

There are indeed many discoveries.

Many clues can be seen through these data.

Song Shutang noticed the difference between the two from the lines.

There may be other identities.

But that has nothing to do with his investigation.

Song Shutang didn't take the time to see Wen Derun until Mei Muzhizi had other things to do today.

After meeting Song Shutang said: "He committed suicide."

Wen Derun actually already knew.

After all, the Red Party has been paying attention to this matter.

"Thank you for the information you provided." Wen Derun said.

"The information I provided is not the key, the key lies in his sacrifice."

This topic is a bit heavy.

The two did not continue.

Instead, Song Shutang provided the information of the Secret Service Headquarters personnel and said, "This is the information of some people. I hope it will be useful to you."

intelligence work.

It is difficult for you to tell whether the news is useful or not.

Maybe not now, but there will be later.

And the news about traitors is naturally valuable, Wen Derun expressed his gratitude.

Song Shutang said: "Can you please cooperate to solve this trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Among these people, I selected a person. If you can make him disappear, the Secret Service Headquarters may think that he is absconding in fear of crime." Song Shutang said.

Wen Derun understood as soon as he heard it.

Song Shutang wanted to find a scapegoat.

To solve this trouble.

Song Shutang has provided them with such great help, and now he has provided them with personnel information.

Wen Derun felt that it was necessary to cooperate in protecting Song Shutang.

Song Shutang can still help you in the future.

So Wen Derun nodded immediately and said, "This is no problem."

Song Shutang informed the person's information.

Wen Derun didn't think it was difficult.

Just let someone from the organization come forward, secretly kidnap this person, and then deal with it.

This gave Secret Service Headquarters the illusion of absconding in fear of crime.

They will not be allowed to continue investigating this matter.

"I will provide the Secret Service Headquarters with a list of suspicious persons. None of these persons are related to you?" Song Shutang asked.

Wen Derun looked at the list and said, "Probably not, I will confirm later."

"it is good."

"As for the person you choose to disappear, I will arrange it right away. He can disappear within two days."


"no problem."

After meeting with Wen Derun.

It can be regarded as solving the follow-up problem of this matter.

But Song Shutang still needs to see Bu Kaijie.

It's also a regular time for the two to meet.

After the meeting, Song Shutang said directly: "Something happened in the Secret Service Headquarters. I don't have time to observe and judge the problem of 'Ginkgo' these days."

"Assassination of the Red Party?" Bu Kaijie also had a certain understanding of this matter.

"Yes, the members of the Red Party who defected before lived in the guest house, and I was in charge." Song Shutang said.

After Bu Kaijie listened to Song Shutang's detailed explanation.

He was actually quite skeptical.

After all, when Boss Dai asked him to be Song Shutang's connector, he had specifically told him to be careful about Song Shutang's relationship with the Red Party.

So is it possible this time that Song Shutang cooperates with the Red Party?
if it is like this.

Indeed the program can be done.

But after listening to the whole content, Bu Kaijie didn't doubt it anymore.

Wang Hong made an appointment to have a meal, but he was not a prophet.

Otherwise, Song Shutang would have to face the assassins of the Red Party, and he might be in danger.

Song Shutang is very grateful to Wang Hong now.

Helped myself out of a lot of trouble.

Bu Kaijie said: "Fortunately, Wang Hong stepped in, otherwise your life would be in danger."

Song Shutang nodded and said, "I'm also lucky, but I wonder if it's just a coincidence."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think Wang Hong may be a member of the Red Party?"

Have it?

Naturally there is not.

But Song Shutang deliberately said this in front of Bu Kaijie now.

Let Juntong pay more attention to Wang Hong.

It also seems that Song Shutang did not hide information about the Red Party, he said everything he thought of.

Capgemini can't say whether there is such a problem.

After all, it's really hard to say now.

The military command has instigated many people, which is unexpected by everyone.

Can't you allow the Red Party to instigate rebellion?

And Song Shutang continued: "Before, Wang Hong still wanted your information and wanted to deal with the Green Gang. Do you think he is too ambitious?"

Hearing these steps, Capgemini immediately said: "I will report this news to the higher-ups. When you come into contact with Wang Hong, you must be more careful."

"I have this in mind."

"You are in charge of the investigation, what's the result?"

"This is information about the personnel of the Secret Service Headquarters." Song Shutang will provide the information to the Red Party, and naturally also to the Military Command.

Bu Kaijie felt that Song Shutang took the opportunity to search for information and controlled it very well.

At the same time Song Shutang said: "I'm more suspicious of these people, do you see if there are any of us in there?"

Bu Kaijie said: "Let me confirm with the higher-ups, if I haven't looked for you in two days, then I haven't."

"it is good."

It is similar to the arrangement of the Red Party.

After that, Song Shutang went back to rest.

After waiting for two days, neither the Red Party nor the military command contacted him.

Song Shutang went to find Wan Liang.

Provide a list of people you think are suspicious.

This time, because there were very few people, Song Shutang didn't think there were many suspicious people, which was far from the first time.

Just five people.

Wan Liang saw that there were only five people, and the investigation was actually very easy.

But these five people are not from the headquarters.

is partitioned.

They've all gone back now.

Song Shutang suggested: "Take them all back with work reasons."

Wan Liang said: "Take them back for work reasons, and at the same time let them arrange people to go with them in their respective divisions, so as to avoid problems midway."

Now you have no way to directly capture.

After all, you don't know who among the five has a problem.

But you can order your colleagues to bring them all back, and then check them slowly.

Song Shutang said: "The director is thoughtful."

"What do you think is the possibility that there are traitors from the Red Party among them?" Wan Liang asked.

Song Shutang said, "It's huge."

He is quite confident in himself.

"You've worked hard these two days. Take a rest for two days. After they are brought back, I will hand them over to you for investigation." Wan Liang thought that since Song Shutang was in charge.

Then be responsible to the end.

Song Shutang said: "Yes."

After leaving Wanliang's office, Song Shutang will be fine.

You can also be lazy and rest.

Mei Mu Zhizi handed him a cup of coffee and said, "I just bought it from outside."

"Thank you."

"It's going pretty well."


Song Shutang's progress here is relatively smooth.

However, the gendarmerie was quite angry a few days ago.

But when the sky fell, he was standing tall, so Song Shutang had no effect.

Wan Liang was criticized by Hao Yitong.

Fortunately, Li Qun knew that he was wronged, so he didn't follow the criticism, and even secretly encouraged him.

As for Wang Hong, it was even more unlucky.

Criticized by Secret Service along with the Gendarmerie.

For the past two days, Wang Hong behaved with his tail between his legs.

Afraid of bad luck again.

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