Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 431 Step by step

On schedule.

It’s actually not difficult to slowly get into the formal routine.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi entered the concession and moved into the apartment. All their identity information was legal.

Afterwards, both of them dressed up in disguise.

Song Shutang found the oily powder noodles collected by the barber shop and started wearing suits and ties all day long.

This is very consistent with the style of the concession, and it is a big change from his previous appearance. Mei Mu Zhizi feels that he is an unfamiliar person and has difficulty recognizing him.

There are many ways to disguise yourself.

Either covering facial features or disguising them.

Song Shutang is now completely exposed, even his forehead is not covered by hair, but this can also have a good camouflage effect.

This is a science that requires more experience.

The most important thing is that you have the same temperament, otherwise you will look neither fish nor fowl.

Song Shutang fits this temperament very well now. He looks like a rich man and a businessman.

Moreover, he is young and rich, and he is young and promising.

The identity given to him was that of a wealthy overseas Chinese from Nanyang. Song Shutang was quite satisfied when he saw himself in the mirror.

You just need to take care of it when you go out in the future.

Whether it’s hair or eyebrows, they all need regular maintenance.

No beard is allowed either.

All require formal suits and leather shoes.

It’s definitely different from my previous dressing habits, but it’s okay.

As for Mei Mu Zhizi?
Dressed up very colorfully.

When she followed Song Shutang before, Mei Mu Zhizi deliberately dressed up not to look good, and even deliberately dressed up to look bad.

Now it’s a change from normal.

Song Shutang has a majestic appearance.

Mei Mu Zhizi is beautiful and generous.

The two of them are really talented and good-looking together, but they have a very good camouflage effect.

The two of them looked at each other and were very satisfied. Mei Mu took Song Shutang's arm and left.

You might have been embarrassed before.

But not now.

Because they are pretending to be a couple.

Mei Mu Zhizi felt that it would make him happier if he pretended to be a private person, so Song Shutang would certainly not refuse.

Whether it's for better lurking or to stabilize Mei Mu's childishness.

After all, in the entire concession area, only Mei Mu Zhizi and he are of the same mind. If he has any problems with Mei Mu Zhizi, it will really be a big trouble.

Even the secret agent headquarters gave a large amount of the first tranche of funds, which were all handed over to Mei Mu Zhizi, because since they are rich people, they must need some clothing, clothes and the like are indispensable. Song Shutang also Replaced it with a high-end watch.

As for Mei Mu Zhizi, she also needs some jewelry.

However, high-end watches and jewelry were given by the secret service headquarters. These items were either confiscated from home or stolen goods.

Anyway, let them use it now. If they need to return it in the future, it will be recorded.

For other things, they can just buy them in the concession.

The two of them also took the time to take a look at the interrogation room. It was indeed well prepared and looked ready for use.

I opened the torture instruments in the box and took a quick look. They were quite complete.

Being able to get such a set of things in the concession shows that the person in charge that the secret service headquarters had previously found is very capable in the concession.

But after he completed this order, he was already planning to leave and return to China.

Originally I wanted to stay for a few more years.

But after finishing this order, I thought it would be better to leave early. I have to say that this person has a sense of crisis.

It’s not that he thinks the concession is dead.

And I feel that the secret service headquarters is not easy to deal with.

After all, those who built tombs for emperors in ancient times would eventually be killed because they needed you to keep them secret.

If he does these things for the secret service headquarters, will he be killed in the end because of confidentiality issues?
So he simply left without giving the secret service headquarters this chance.

The Secret Service Headquarters is more than happy to see this, because the other party may indeed expose this secret. You said killing people will solve the problem, but what if the other party leaves a backup plan?
Furthermore, killing this person would expose the concession area of ​​the secret service headquarters, which would be even more detrimental than gain.

Therefore, the other party is willing to leave on his own.

not bad.

At least the secret service headquarters also ensures a certain level of safety.

After Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi finished preparing, people from the concession area of ​​the secret service headquarters also came in one after another, and then began to rent shops and houses.

Those who rented a shop began to prepare for decoration and opening.

Song Shutang signed a contract with them, and now he has started to work.

There was a meeting in the warehouse in the evening, and Song Shutang sat at the head of the meeting.

Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng led the people below to sit quietly. Although they had different factions, they were all very respectful to Song Shutang.

However, Song Shutang did not use his status as district chief to pressure others.

Everyone is kind and cheerful.

After all, the struggle for power is not about the appearance, the important thing is secretly.

Song Shutang said: "Currently, our sneaking into the concession is going smoothly. Then we will open the store according to the headquarters' plan. But during this period, we can't do nothing. We don't need so many people to be responsible for the decoration. Take your time. If you have nothing to do, you can go and look around the concession.

On the one hand, it is to familiarize yourself with the environment in the concession to facilitate various emergencies and actions encountered in the future. On the other hand, it is also to see if there are any discoveries. After all, the partition has just been established. I think everyone, like me, wants to have something. What we have accomplished, getting off to a good start is very important to us, do you understand? "

"Understood." Everyone said in unison.

"There is a hidden compartment in the warehouse. Weapons are kept here every day and are not allowed to be taken with you." Song Shutang said.

This provision is actually reasonable.

Because you are now a lurker, the weapon will reveal your identity.

There is a difference between inside the concession and outside the concession.

The second thing is that now you cannot be discovered by the patrol room, so you cannot carry weapons when you are not in action.

This is also a kind of protection for the organization and military commanders, that is, if they encounter a sudden situation, they can escape. After all, the people in the secret service headquarters have no weapons, so it is difficult to cause substantial harm to them.

But when encountering the Operation Agent Headquarters, they will definitely get weapons in advance, which is another matter.

Everyone is fine with this.

After all, they are not young people, they have been working for some time, and they have seen and heard a lot at their age, so they understand that Song Shutang's safety is not a problem.

"Stores selling department stores have been trying to get their phones connected as soon as possible in the past few days. This is an important channel for us to contact the headquarters."

"Yes." Cao Xinrong said, because he was responsible.

Wan Liang wanted to take control of the phone so that if there were any problems, he could report them directly to him.

Song Shutang certainly supports this.

After all, it is difficult for you to contact Li Qun directly now, and Li Qun even deliberately did not meet with Song Shutang in order to stabilize Wan Liang.

Therefore, in this case, Song Shutang should also stabilize Wan Liang and appear to be following the lead.

It is more important to establish contact channels first.

Yan Feng asked here: "There are also their secret intelligence exchange channels in the concession. Do we need to contact them?"

In fact, he is an information dealer.

This kind of gray profession is prevalent in the concession.

They dare to sell information from any one of them, whether it is the anti-Japanese organization or the puppet government, the Japanese or the concession authorities, or even various companies and enterprises, as well as other information, etc.Now that you have entered the concession, you will definitely not be able to avoid dealing with them.

Song Shutang said to Yan Feng: "You also need to hide your identity when contacting them, so as not to expose us, and don't buy information for the time being."


Why can't you buy intelligence?
If you buy information, it must be related to the anti-Japanese organization.

Then the other party can easily guess your identity.

Then you will know that you are definitely not welcomed by the patrol house now. So, does the patrol house need this information that people from the secret service headquarters sneaked into the concession?

Of course it will be needed.

What intelligence traffickers sell is intelligence. Do you expect them to keep it secret for you?

They only recognize money and not people.

So now their foundation is unstable and it is really not appropriate to expose them.

You can establish contact with the information dealer first, but do not buy the information until later.

I have roughly arranged the current work. In fact, it is mainly preparation, and there is no action against the anti-Japanese organizations.

After all, they have just come in and have not yet established a firm foothold. It is indeed too early to act now.

After the meeting, everyone went to rest.

Cao Xinrong deliberately took a step slowly here and walked with Song Shutang and said: "District Chief, the store needs some funds to stock the goods."

You definitely need investment to run your business.

Otherwise, how can we do business?

Then you must pay for the goods, so Cao Xinrong approached Song Shutang.

After all, all the funds for the secret service headquarters have been given to Song Shutang.

But will all the money Cao Xinrong asks for be used to stock the goods?
You don't know.

After all, Song Shutang can be greedy, and so can Cao Xinrong.

If the district does not have a professional money manager, this kind of problem will arise.

However, Song Shutang still said in a very easy-going manner: "You can apply to Miss Mei Mu for how much you need, and then record the purchase list and price clearly. You will also need to report to the headquarters later, so it won't be a hassle for anyone."

"Don't worry, district chief. We will keep clear records here. I will let the district chief review and sign the purchase list and price list in advance." Cao Xinrong said that he would not be greedy for the money, but if it is not a scene, you can't be sure.

Song Shutang said casually: "You don't have to ask me to sign. Just let Miss Mei Mu take a look. They are all introduced by the director. I can't trust them."

"Thank you district chief."

"carry on."


After sending Cao Xinrong away, Song Shutang lost all smiles on his face.

The funds for the concession zoning created by Cao Xinrong need to be clearly recorded.

So it is more difficult for Song Shutang to be greedy for ink.

I don’t know if Wan Liang arranged it deliberately.

But I can't say anything yet, I can only express my trust in Cao Xinrong.

Mei Mu Zhizi came over and said, "It seems that the director has been guarding against us."

"It's normal. After all, I'm doing intelligence work."

"Does his purchase list and price list need to be checked by someone?"

"No need to check, just hand it over to the director when the time comes." Song Shutang said.

There is absolutely no need for you to check. If you leave it to Wan Liang and he won't say anything, then there will be no problem.

If he wants to check, you can check.

This was just the beginning, and Song Shutang's lack of control over the divisions became apparent, and it was only Cao Xinrong.

When Yan Feng needs funds, the situation will definitely be similar.

Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi returned to the room upstairs, closed the door and said, "No matter what the director thinks, we must cooperate now and don't show ambition."

"I understand." Mei Mu said childishly.

Now that your ambition is known, Wan Liang will think of dealing with you, and you won't even have a chance to resist.

On the contrary, your cooperation with Wan Liang gave Li Qun the feeling that Wan Liang was too involved in the concession zoning, and that Wan Liang was even controlling the concession zoning.

So can Li Qun still be able to sit still?

When the time comes, there is no need for Song Shutang to look for Li Qun. Li Qun will come looking for him anyway.

So Song Shutang said at this time: "When Cao Xinrong comes to ask for funds, you just say that the quantity of goods he wants to import is not enough, it is easy for others to spot the clues, and such a large warehouse cannot be empty, and ask him to increase the budget."

"You want to give him more funds?"

"There are only so many funds. Cao Xinrong uses more, but Yan Feng has less. When Yan Feng doesn't have enough, the director will definitely know the situation." Song Shutang said.

Mei Muzhizi understood that Song Shutang had already begun to make arrangements.

He wanted Li Qun to know what Wan Liang's people were doing in the concession area.

Funding is a reflection.

Mei Muzhizi said: "Don't worry, I will do it well."

"But don't take it too seriously."

"I will be very natural." Mei Mu said with a smile, this little thing can't trouble her.

Although the funds are indeed quite large, the two of them have already used some. Cao Xinrong only needs a little more, but Yan Feng's will definitely not be enough.

After all, the first time the Secret Service Headquarters gave funds, it was calculated.

Funds cannot be given casually.

Although your application will be approved quickly, you need to have records.

Song Shutang just needs Yan Feng to tell Li Qun about this matter now. This is enough.

Cao Xinrong was very fast here, so he started preparations as soon as he got down. He solved the phone problem first so that they could contact the headquarters.

But the phone is in the department store, which means the people from Wanliang will always be there.

If Li Qun's people want to call to report, they can't avoid being heard. If you don't want to be heard, you have to go out and find the phone yourself.

Instead, they restricted the actions of Yan Feng and others.

After all, if you were caught looking for a phone, Song Shutang would definitely not like it, so Song Shutang would naturally be closer to Wan Liang.

Everyone has a lot on their mind right now.

It can be said that they all have a purpose.

Seriously speaking, arresting anti-Japanese elements is no longer the primary purpose.

When Cao Xinrong handed the prepared list and price list to Mei Mu Zhizi, she looked at it seriously and did not raise any objections. She just said: "Aren't you preparing goods for the warehouse?"

"Do you need it now?" Cao Xinrong asked.

"We are going to have a meeting in the warehouse, so there will be tables, chairs and benches. If we don't store some goods, I'm worried that it will be too distracting."

"Miss Mei Mu makes sense." Cao Xinrong felt that this consideration was indeed normal.

But Cao Xinrong asked: "Should we place less of these goods and put some in the warehouse?"

"Wouldn't it mean that we just opened the business and were not well prepared? It would be easy for the company to reveal its secrets during patrols and searches."

"Shall I add some more goods?"

"Please rewrite the list again."

"Individual matter."

Seeing Cao Xinrong leaving, Mei Mu could just wait for his new list. If it was still not enough, she would need to find another way to increase it, but thinking it should be enough.

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