Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 432 Layout

Chapter 432 Layout
Cao Xinrong's current feelings about Song Shutang are actually quite good.

Because Song Shutang has always regarded himself as a good person, at least in the process of getting along with Cao Xinrong, Song Shutang behaved this way.

Moreover, he has repeatedly stated that everyone is his own person. Cao Xinrong even thought that applying for funds would be difficult, but who knew it would be so easy.

Just look for Mei Mu Zhizi.

It can be seen that Song Shutang has placed his position correctly, so Cao Xinrong has one less job, and he only needs to be responsible for the concession zoning operations.

After all, Wan Liang had secretly assigned him a task before, which was to help keep an eye on Song Shutang.

Now it seems the job is better done.

After reorganizing and filling out the purchase list and price list, Cao Xinrong went to find Mei Mu Zhizi again. After all, this store must be opened as soon as possible so that the work of the division can be formalized.

Cao Xinrong also wants to do something big.

After all, he was just a spy before, but now he has the identity of a member of the secret service headquarters, and he is still in such an important position in the concession.

Who doesn't want to do meritorious service?
Moreover, Cao Xinrong also knew very well that with his own identity, it was impossible to replace Song Shutang.

In other words, even if Song Shutang cannot be the district chief, this position has nothing to do with Cao Xinrong. This is self-awareness.

Therefore, Cao Xinrong does not mind cooperating with Song Shutang to work well. As long as Song Shutang does not confront Wan Liang, then he can also perform meritorious service in different areas.

So the work is very serious now.

The purchase list and price list were prepared quickly and in a very professional manner.

As for the corruption of money.

Cao Xinrong is not doing this now because Wan Liang warned him not to spend money.

Because Wan Liang doesn't like the money.

He also needs to perform meritorious service in the concession area.

When Cao Xinrong found Mei Mu Zhizi again, she looked at the new purchase list and price list.

After a rough calculation, it has indeed exceeded the budget by a lot. When Yan Feng comes to ask for money, it will definitely not be enough.

So Mei Mu Zhizi directly signed and said: "I won't care if the funds are given to you. The district chief trusts you and makes you fully responsible. You just follow this list and report to the superiors later."

Seeing that Mei Mu Zhizi also had great trust in him, Cao Xinrong felt that the working environment in this concession area was not bad.

At least no one blocked his order.

Is there anyone who asks questions?

I doubt the price or anything.

Or even just ignore it later and let him take responsibility.

Cao Xinrong said immediately: "Don't worry, district chief, I will definitely get it done."

"That's good. If we open the business as soon as possible, we can enter the formal stage sooner. I'm waiting for your good news."

"I'll work overtime."

"We also need to balance work and rest."

"Thank you, Miss Mei Mu, for your concern."

Mei Mu Zhizi immediately gave the funds to Cao Xinrong and asked him to take it directly.

After all, their funds are not stored in the bank. It is a bit inconvenient to access the funds in the bank in the concession, so they just keep them nearby.

There is a safe in the warehouse, which Mei Mu Zhizi is in charge of.

Song Shutang can also open it, but usually he has no interest in this safe.

This safe is specially used to store property, and there is also a safe for storing data and documents. However, there are currently no data files in the concession area that need to be stored, so the safe has not been activated yet.

This safe was placed in Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi's room to ensure safety.

Work is being done on all sides.

Sure enough, Yan Feng also came to apply for funding the next day, which was as expected by Song Shutang.

Song Shutang said that Mei Mu Zhizi was responsible for all funding issues and asked Yan Feng to find Mei Mu Zhizi.

Yan Feng can also understand this. After all, Song Shutang is the district chief, and it is natural for someone to help share the work.

Therefore, Yan Feng also prepared a purchase list and price list and went to Mei Mu Zhizi.

Mei Mu Zhizi looked at the list and said with some embarrassment: "Do you need so many?"

Yan Feng cursed in his heart when he saw this, he had already compressed himself to the lowest level.

Because he also knew that Song Shutang came from Wan Liang, he must be treated somewhat differently, so in order to avoid conflicts before the work officially started, Yan Feng compressed his budget.

It can be said to be very economical.

But even so, Mei Mu was still embarrassed, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"What does Miss Mei Mu mean?"

"Can it be less?"

"It's already the minimum. It can't be any less. If you can't make a decision, I'll go find the district chief."

"That's not what I meant. Take a look at this list." Mei Mu Zhizi handed the list prepared by Cao Xinrong to Yan Feng.

Yan Feng took a look at it and frowned.

"Why so many?" Yan Feng asked.

"That's what the list is."


"If it's not good, don't criticize it." Mei Mu said awkwardly.

The feeling given to Yan Feng was that Song Shutang actually didn't want to approve it, but Wan Liang's face was here, so he had no choice but to approve it.

Yan Feng felt that Cao Xinrong had gone too far.

Although it is reasonable for you to do this, the concession zoning has just begun to be established, so you must at least consider the overall situation and not just yourself.

Funds are limited, so everyone should save some and get started first.

Good thing you did it all at once.

Mei Muzhizi said in embarrassment: "We have a lot of problems at the beginning of the construction, and there are more places to spend money. You must be clear about this. As for the funds given by the headquarters, you also know the amount. Now it is simply not enough for what you need. of.

Moreover, we have only been here for a few days. If we have to reapply for funds at this time, it will only make the headquarters feel that the district director is not capable. The district director has just taken office and really does not want to talk about this matter. "

Song Shutang didn't want to say that Yan Feng could understand.

After all, whoever is in this position has the same idea.

But Yan Feng was also very embarrassed and said: "But the watch shop can't be without goods, otherwise the secret will be exposed at first glance."

"Can you get some second-hand ones? We are also doing repairs anyway. We can take them back and repair them. They are just for display."

"Second-hand?" Yan Feng wanted to curse.

Doing maintenance is a way to hide your identity.

rather than the main business.

If you collect a pile of junk and let them repair it, then you don't have to do anything. This work alone will take you a lot of time.

When the time comes, Cao Xinrong and others will investigate and make meritorious deeds.

Yan Feng led the people to practice hard?

Is this reasonable?

Yan Feng now doubted whether it was Cao Xinrong's fault.

Or is it that Song Shutang also participated?
But he felt that Song Shutang should not be concerned. After all, he was already the district chief, and the first thing he thought about now was how to improve the district.

Instead of letting Cao Xinrong and the others do whatever they want.

Yan Feng looked unhappy and said, "Can you give me more?"

Although behind Yan Feng is Li Qun.

But how can he ask for funds?

Are you overstepping your level?

Moreover, even if Li Qun approves funding for you, how can he directly approve it to Yan Feng? Song Shutang must apply for it.

Mei Muzhizi said in embarrassment: "If I can give it to you, of course I won't be stingy, but you have to spend money everywhere during this period, and that's all right now."

Mei Muzhizi took out all the money sincerely, but there was still a lot less than what Yan Feng needed.

And do you think Yan Feng can take all the money away?
If you take them all away.

So when you need money for zoning in the future, what will you use?
You can't let Song Shutang take it out of his own pocket.Yan Feng was helpless and left some for Mei Mu Zhizi. The part he took away still required him to get some second-hand ones to repair, which undoubtedly increased the workload too much.

Mei Mu Zhizi also thanked Yan Feng.

After sending Yan Feng away, Mei Mu Zhizi collected the remaining money and went to find Song Shutang.

After seeing Song Shutang, Mei Muzhizi said: "Yan Feng has no way to leave."

"He really has no choice, but he will definitely report the matter to the director." Song Shutang said.

This is actually what he wants.

Let Yan Fenglai talk to Li Qun about this matter and the current situation in the concession area, not Song Shutang.

Song Shutang couldn't tell.

Sure enough, after Yan Feng got the money and left, he went to purchase goods.

But in fact, he found a public phone and called the secret service headquarters.

Yan Feng can contact Li Qun directly, which is a privilege given to him by Li Qun.

After being contacted, Yan Feng reported on the phone that the current situation of the concession area seemed to be Wanliang's.

Yan Feng's report was of course exaggerated, and that was because he was angry.

After all, Wan Liang had too much involvement in such a big matter within the division.

Yan Feng also said that Cao Xinrong had taken control of the phone.

Are you saying there can’t be telephones in watch shops?
Of course you can.

It’s just that your business is not that big, and your funds are not enough.

There is a phone next door, you can actually pay to use it, there is no need to get it yourself.

This is also in line with people's current needs for phones.

Even to contact the watch store, you can call the department store directly and ask them to notify you.

This is the norm now.

After all, the phones in department stores make money, and the phones in your watch shop are for your own use. Can you afford it?

The premise is that now the funds are not enough, what kind of phone should I buy?

After complaining on the phone, Li Qun just asked Yan Feng to overcome it.

Because it is impossible for Li Qun to come forward to help solve the problem now, whether it is asking Wan Liang or providing funds to Song Shutang, he cannot do any of these things.

So it’s just a matter of listening.

But what Song Shutang wanted was for Li Qun to listen and make him fear Wan Liang first.

Let him understand that Wan Liang's hand stretched too far.

And I understand that it has already affected the zoning work, otherwise both stores can run smoothly now and the pressure will not be too great.

But now the pressure here in Yanfeng is strong enough.

As for you asking Song Shutang to collect funds from Cao Xinrong and hand them over to Yan Feng?
I'm afraid it's hard.

Moreover, this was too obvious, and Li Qun could not come forward.

Therefore, no one helped Yan Feng solve his difficulties, but Li Qun also considered Wan Liang in his heart.

So as not to be caught off guard in the future.

As for Wan Liang, he also received a report from Cao Xinrong, but in the report Cao Xinrong said that Song Shutang was very friendly and was on the same front as him.

Wan Liang thought this was good, and ordered Cao Xinrong to cooperate with Song Shutang's work.

He needs Cao Xinrong to help Song Shutang.

But you have to obey your own words.

In other words, if Wan Liang needs Cao Xinrong to do anything, he should listen to Wan Liang, not Song Shutang.

Normally, he would assist Song Shutang in his work.

He even monitored Song Shutang, which was his current mission.

Wan Liang didn't realize that there was a problem with funding, because Cao Xinrong didn't make it clear. He just said that Song Shutang trusted him in terms of funding.

In fact, Cao Xinrong is a spy.

Not from here at Secret Service headquarters.

Therefore, he is not very clear about funding. Secondly, he has not experienced many such things.

I don’t know how much money Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi spent before, so I don’t quite understand.

But Yan Feng can.

Hence the current situation.

Li Qun was already a little afraid of Wan Liang, but Wan Liang didn't know it yet.

I just feel that my arrangement is very good. Now Song Shutang listens to him, and he basically has the final say in the concession zoning.

Do you think Wan Liang is not afraid of Li Qun?

Of course afraid.

But Wan Liang is even more afraid that he has no rights, and Li Qun can do whatever he wants in the future.

But if he has some rights in his hands, then even if Li Qun has any thoughts about him, he won't be able to act rashly.

And as long as Wan Liang has no intention of usurping the throne, Li Qun will not make a big move. After all, it will have too much impact on him.

You mean usurping the throne?

Wan Liang knew he was not qualified.

So having more rights is for your own safety.

Song Shutang doesn't care about this. He has already laid out the plan anyway. In the end, it depends on Li Qun's choice.

You say it once is not enough.

Then Song Shutang can look for opportunities later. After all, they are all in the concession area, so it is really not difficult to find opportunities.

But Song Shutang can’t visit too often.

So that's it for now.

Yan Feng is under a lot of pressure here. He also wants to open the store, but he encounters considerable difficulties.

After all, you say maintenance, but they are all lies.

There is only one person who can really do repairs. So the work efficiency is too slow. When can it be opened?

Yan Feng had no choice but to go to Song Shutang again.

Facing his problem, Song Shutang knew that it did exist.

As the district chief of the concession area, he must be responsible for solving the problem. Otherwise, it will affect the progress and it is his problem.

Song Shutang thought for a while and said: "The secret service headquarters gave some gold and silver jewelry before. I will check them in the future, but we will discuss the future matters later. Do you dare to use them if they are given to you now?"

"Dare." Yan Feng said directly.

What dare not.

He can explain to Li Qun then.

And even if he was looking for trouble, it was Song Shutang's trouble, not his Yan Feng's.

He just needs to solve his own problems.

And to put it bluntly, if the concession area really develops well, Song Shutang can make a contribution.

Will anyone really want this gold and silver jewelry in the future?
Who wants it?
So no wink.

Seeing that Yan Feng dared to take Song Shutang, I have to say that this person was a bit brave, and he gave Yan Feng something without any nonsense.

In fact, Yan Feng was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect Song Shutang to use such a method to solve it, but it will be fine if it can be solved.

The reason why Song Shutang did this was just to show Li Qun that he was helpless.

Wan Liang's decision doesn't count.

He didn't dare to offend Li Qun, so he had no choice but to make this move.

(End of this chapter)

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