Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 462 Leaving the Bungalow

Chapter 462 Leaving the Bungalow
The ambulance drove away from the bungalow.

Patrol followed.

Cao Xinrong looked at the expert who was pretending to be stunned in the car, and then at the two patrol officers.

Thou shalt not kill!
Only survey experts.

Killing the patrol and taking away the experts are two different results.

Don't want to make things too big.

Secondly, if you kill people, it means that it is the action of the secret service headquarters. It is better to just take away the experts and make the concession authorities mistake them for the Red Party.

After all, Gaojiao is pretending to be a red party member.

Although he did not have the opportunity to talk to the experts about this matter, it was included in the information.

Although this information may be false, it may also be true. It is difficult for the patrol room to judge.

Therefore, the order given by the headquarters is not to kill people, and Song Shutang of course told Cao Xinrong.

The method of action had been discussed in advance, but while the car was driving, the back door of the ambulance suddenly opened.

Then the medical staff directly pushed the two police officers out of the car.

Everything happened too fast.

And the patrol is close to the back door.

After all, the medical staff had to surround the experts for rescue, so they were pushed out without even reacting.

He fell heavily to the ground and rolled several times.

The patrolman who was following the ambulance was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then immediately realized that something was wrong. He took out his gun and wanted to shoot but was worried about accidentally killing the expert.

So we could only fire warning shots.

I want the patrol officer on daily patrol ahead to help stop him.

There was chaos in the concession. Song Shutang heard the gunfire and said to Mei Mu Zhizi: "Let's withdraw too. This place may also be searched."

"Aren't you going to wait at the interrogation place?"

"I'm worried that Cao Xinrong will lure the police over, so we'll go back to the subdivision and wait."

"it is good."

Because there was an ambulance, I got some head start and ended up in a corner.

Get the expert out of the car and put him on the prepared rickshaw.

Then Cao Xinrong was responsible for pulling the cart.

As for the ambulance, it continued to be driven away to attract the attention of patrol officers.

The experts were not aware of the problem yet and were very cooperative.

This is the importance of pretending to be a red party. Now experts are very cooperative. That is to mistakenly think that you are a red party.

If you say you are from the secret service headquarters, can he still sit in the rickshaw and remain silent?
So Wan Liang's strategy this time is indeed good.

The ambulance attracted the attention of the patrol, and Cao Xinrong was responsible for pulling the car away.

Others in the subdivision were secretly protecting the surrounding area.

In this way, we spent several roads.

After all, not many people know what the expert looks like, and neither does Luka, the patrolman in charge of the search.

The second thing is that the ambulance is still running and the police are still chasing.

They all thought the person was in front.

Little did he know that he had already returned.

Cao Xinrong pulled the expert and ran past the door of the bungalow again. There was no obstacle here.

The expert was sent to the interrogation room smoothly.

Cao Xinrong said: "This is the interrogation room we prepared in the concession to interrogate those Japanese and puppet members. Now you hide here, I will report the rescue situation to the organization, and there will definitely be a large-scale search in the concession next. We still have to find a way to send you out of the concession, we have wronged you."

The expert is now very excited to have escaped.

He held Cao Xinrong's hand and said, "It doesn't matter. I can accept the difficult conditions here, as long as I can run out. Thank you very much this time."

"You came all the way back to China just to join us and fight against the Japanese invaders. It was our duty to rescue you, but we just found out that this happened late and made you suffer."

"Don't talk about that."

"I won't accompany you here for now, leaving two people responsible for protecting your safety and taking care of your meals."

"it is good."

There is naturally no problem with Cao Xinrong pretending to be a red party member.

After all, how can an expert tell who is a Red and who is not?
After settling the experts, Cao Xinrong returned to the division.

Song Shutang asked: "How?"

"The experts have been successfully sent to the interrogation room."

"You performed well on your mission. I will ask for credit for you in front of the director."

"Thank you, District Chief."

"We will arrange for people to be on tight guard. Next, we will not only have to face the people from the patrol room, but also the Red Party and the military commander. We are afraid that they will also take action. There is absolutely no chance of trouble."

"My subordinate understands."

"You are personally responsible."


This mess will definitely happen eventually.

So Song Shutang asked Cao Xinrong to take charge.

When a problem does arise, it will also be Cao Xinrong's problem, and he is Wan Liang's man.

Let’s see what Wan Liang can say when the time comes.

Song Shutang didn't go to the interrogation room at all.

After Cao Xinrong left, Song Shutang called Wan Liang to report that everything went well.

Because the person who drove the ambulance finally threw the ambulance away and ran back.

Wan Liang praised the division's ability to do things well over the phone, and at the same time asked those who had previously entered the concession to start evacuating.

Song Shutang ordered those who were doing business to evacuate.

Of course it would be inconvenient to evacuate now.

Because strict searches have begun in the concession to prevent experts from leaving.

However, Wan Liang just wanted these people to leave at this time, and at the same time, through their departure, he could judge the intensity of inspections and the blockade of the concession.

These people will of course be able to give the best answers if they go through it themselves.

Wan Liang here has already begun to think of ways to get the experts out.

The concession authorities want to find experts.

At the same time, see who snatched their people away.

The patrol here reacted and found that the appearance of Gaojiao was very problematic.

Then start investigating.

But Gaojiao has already run away.

But never mind.

The military commander stared at Gao Jiao, and with the secret help of the military commander, Gao Jiao was quickly caught by the patrol.

Take him to the interrogation room of the patrol room.

Can Gaojiao hold up?

Of course I can't hold it.

So I explained all the issues.

The patrolman discovered that this was indeed a rescue plan, and then asked Gaojiao who was behind it. Gaojiao said that he did not know.

But the other party said it was the Red Party.

Red Party?

Do the people in the patrol room think so?
But Gaojiao said he didn't think so, because this group of people was really different from the Red Party.

Moreover, we asked him to say that he was a member of the Red Party, instead of telling him that we were a member of the Red Party.

So Gaojiao thinks there is a problem.

After the people from the patrol room investigated, they found that it was indeed not a red party.

It should be someone from the secret service headquarters.

The people from the secret service headquarters searched outside with no results, but found the experts inside the concession, so they stopped the search and started operating inside the concession.

After all, the time when the Japanese and puppets stopped searching outside the concession was about the same time as Gaojiao was contacted.

And their behavior of threatening Gaojiao does not look like the red party.

The concession authorities also knew about the Red Party.

I think this style of conduct is not.

Looks like a Japanese puppet.

The concession authorities felt that it must have something to do with the Japanese and puppets.

Who else could be involved in this matter besides the Japanese and puppets?You said the concession decision was hasty?
Not hasty.

And it's normal.

After hearing the news, the military commander and the organization were relieved, as long as they were not misunderstood.

Although they also want experts, they don't want to offend the concession.

So at this time, how to get the experts away depends on everyone's ability.

In fact, Song Shutang directly told the location of the interrogation room, which was very convenient.

Because there are only two people responsible for guarding the interrogation room.

Both the military commander and the organization know the location, but they cannot act because if you act, it will be very detrimental to Song Shutang.

Here in Juntong, the value of experts is far less than that of Song Shutang.

In the organization, they don't want Song Shutang to leave any hidden dangers.

So still waiting and watching.

The same is true for Song Shutang, but he is not in a hurry. He is waiting for the secret service headquarters to take action.

Wait until Wan Liang informs him of the follow-up actions and then see if there are any clues.

But this time is not fast.

The reason is simple. The search in the concession is too strict.

It's too difficult for you to get people out at this time.

So Wan Liang wanted to have a steady hand.

After all, the experts are so cooperative now, it’s in their hands, so why are you anxious?

There is absolutely no need to rush.

After waiting for about five days, Wan Liang contacted Song Shutang.

The problem was discussed on the phone. After all, it was inconvenient for Song Shutang to leave the concession now, so there was no need to cause trouble.

What Wan Liang meant on the phone was that although the current searches in the concession were still very strict, they were not like those in the first few days.

Because many foreigners are not satisfied.

affect their travel.

Although the Japanese and puppet searches at that time were also very influential.

But the Japanese and puppets don't care what the foreigners say.

The organizational authorities cannot ignore it.

The only trouble is that in order to find this expert, the concession released the photos.

In other words, the appearance of an expert is no longer a secret.

It's easy to spot when crossing a roadblock.

What Wan Liang meant was whether he could hide in the cargo box and send it out.

After all, the business in the division is somewhat related to the patrol responsible for searching the goods.

Anyway, it's a bit familiar.

Is it possible to avoid being rigorously searched so that the experts can hide inside.

Wan Liang is a little anxious now.

Because you said before that it doesn't matter if you wait, but now the photos have been leaked.

Then people from the Red Party and the military will start taking action.

On the contrary, it is too dangerous inside the concession.

The patrol room, the Red Party, and the military are all looking for someone.

You think your interrogation room is safe, but you may not be targeted at any time. Not only the experts will be exposed, but also the concession area of ​​the secret service headquarters may be exposed.

Therefore, under this situation, Wan Liang felt that he could take the risk and try it.

After all, when searching goods, it is impossible for patrol officers to look at every box.

Moreover, they had given a lot of gifts before, and Cao Xinrong had a good relationship with the patrolman.

Faced with this situation, Song Shutang certainly agreed, and Wan Liang would try if he wanted to.

At the same time, Song Shutang told Cao Xinrong the news and asked him to let the experts enter the box directly from the interrogation room and then send them directly out of the city without coming back to report again to avoid more people knowing.

Cao Xinrong heard that this task was assigned to him alone, and this was a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Full of energy.

After the arrangements were made, Song Shutang took the time to see Uncle Li. Now it was time for the organization to take action.

Otherwise, people may be sent to the rental sector.

After meeting Uncle Li, Song Shutang began to report. After hearing the situation, Uncle Li said: "At present, it seems that no matter what you do, it will have a great impact on you. This is not what the organization wants."

"The idea of ​​​​the military commander is that they do not want the experts to leave the concession, even if they continue to stay in the hands of the concession, so after I tell them about this matter, the military commander may provide it to the patrol to facilitate the search, thereby discovering that the experts are in the goods." Song Shutang said.

"what do you mean?"

"It's better to let the experts discover Luka when he is being searched. Then the scene will definitely fall into chaos, and the people from the subdivision will definitely escape immediately. The experts will definitely not be able to take them away, so the people from the subdivision will not take care of it anymore. .

The people in the organization might be able to fish in troubled waters and take the experts away, thus saying that the experts are back in the hands of the concession. As for whether the concession recognizes it or not, it doesn't matter. They don't admit it because they don't want the Japanese and puppets to worry about it anymore. "Song Shutang said.

Fishing in troubled waters.

Luca can be really messy.

But it is indeed difficult for organizations to take advantage of the opportunity to take away experts.

It’s just that you can try it on this difficulty level.

Moreover, if there is a problem in Luka, you cannot say that Song Shutang leaked the secret, but that the patrol and search were too strict.

This is what the concession authorities may ask for.

It was Wan Liang who wanted to try it.

Song Shutang was just following orders.

As for who will be the expert in the end, let’s just guess.

This impact on Song Shutang is indeed minimal.

After all, if Song Shutang wanted experts in the concession, there was no need for him to put forward those ideas and let the secret service headquarters find the experts.

And it was actually taken out of the bungalow.

Song Shutang did it without any problems.

He was discovered while crossing the road. You can't say that Song Shutang leaked the secret.

There is no reason for this.

Moreover, it is easy to handle military affairs here.

I did tell you the action plan of the secret service headquarters. You have to tell the patrol room and let the patrol room search and intercept the experts to leave.

Then in the end the experts returned to the patrol room. Isn't this what the military commander wanted?

What's wrong with Song Shutang?
As for the last information, it was the Red Party who took him away.

That still has nothing to do with Song Shutang.

In order to find experts, the Red Party may have arranged for someone to secretly guard Luka. After discovering the problem, they benefited.

Isn't this normal?
But Uncle Li said: "But now there is one more problem."

"what is the problem?"

"If we can fish in troubled waters, then the military commander can also do the same." Uncle Li said.

Indeed it is.

Any organization is fine.

There is no reason for military reunification.

They first told the patrol so they could search for experts.

Then he took advantage of the troubled waters to fish.

This is the same idea as the organization.

It didn't have much impact on Song Shutang, so how could Juntong give up.

"We have no way to stop this." Song Shutang said.

The secret service headquarters wanted to send the experts out. How could Song Shutang not tell the military commander the news?

If you don't tell the news, wait until the experts are raided in Luka and cause a riot.

It would be strange if the military commander did not doubt Song Shutang.

Uncle Li finally said: "Then let's each rely on our abilities."

This is an opportunity, and you cannot give up just because the Military Reunification Council is involved.

You definitely have to try it too.

And you know that the military commander wants to take action, but the military commander is not sure whether you will take action.

Maybe the military commander would have guessed that the Red Party had someone in Luka, but they didn't know that the organization would be better prepared. Then it would depend on who has the chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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