Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 463 People are lost

Chapter 463 People are lost

Song Shutang immediately told Bu Kaijie the news.

Sure enough, just as he and Uncle Li had guessed, Bu Kaijie also wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Anyway, it seems that the impact on Song Shutang has been minimized, so it is indeed possible to give it a try.

Song Shutang will go back to the division and ignore it.

Anyway, the organization and military commanders will take action, and Cao Xinrong will also arrange to send the experts away.

He just had to wait for the results.

Cao Xinrong told the experts that he wanted to take him out of the rental house to prevent people patrolling the house from finding him.

But the problem is that it needs to be hidden in the box for shipping goods. I want to see if the experts can accept it.

Experts have no problem with this.

As long as you can leave, there is nothing to be afraid of hiding in a box.

In this way, Cao Xinrong hid the expert in the box and began to walk outside the concession.

Luka's search here is indeed very strict.

However, the search of goods is carried out by a dedicated person and is not the same search team as pedestrians.

After all, most goods require transportation.

Therefore, Luka is designed to be larger here.

The patrolman in charge of the search, Cao Xinrong, had cooperated with him before, and the relationship was pretty good.

Naturally, this time I also warned people in advance not to search too much. After all, this batch of goods was fragile.

Of course the patrolman agreed.

After arriving at the place and being searched, Cao Xinrong went to get close to the patrolman.

Helping the patrolman to light the cigarette, Cao Xinrong said, "When I come back from outside the concession this time, I'll treat you to a meal."

But the smoking patrolman looked troubled.

Cao Xinrong asked: "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to search you either, but the patrol room has issued a death order. Anyone entering or exiting, especially goods, must be strictly searched. No one can be exempted."

After hearing this, Cao Xinrong went to see his goods.

Sure enough, the patrol officers had already gathered around.

And from the looks of it, he must be planning to conduct a thorough search.

Cao Xinrong said hurriedly: "We didn't agree, this batch of goods is very important."

"There are orders from above, but we can't do anything about it. I asked them to be gentle." The patrolman said and was about to step forward.


It's useless to be gentle.

The experts are hidden inside.

Seeing this, Cao Xinrong wanted to stop him, but there was no chance to stop him.

The more you stop the police from searching, the more the police will think there is something wrong with you.

But such a careful search will definitely expose the experts.

Cao Xinrong did not expect that this would be the case.

He only brought two people with him, and everyone was looking at each other now.

Seeing the current situation, Cao Xinrong said: "Put the searched boxes aside and sort them out."

The members of the zone understood this.

The three of them carried the box to the roadside and sorted it out, while the patrol continued to search.

Cao Xinrong whispered: "As soon as something goes wrong, we will separate and evacuate."

"Where are the experts?"

"How do you take an expert with you in this situation?"

Cao Xinrong also didn’t want to leave the experts behind.

But with so many patrols here, it will definitely be a big problem if you want to take away the experts.

It's just that you can't take the experts with you if you stay here, and it's easy to get yourself involved, so Cao Xinrong decided quickly enough.

As for how to explain this matter when I go back, what are the penalties above.

Cao Xinrong could only recognize it.

After all, it's better than falling into the hands of a patrolman.

If you steal someone from the police, they may actually kill you.

Because you say you are a red party member.

The Gaojiao Gaojiao also said that you are a red party member.

Then they take your life, what can you say?
What can the secret service headquarters say?
Furthermore, if he is caught and cannot bear the torture and reveals the division, the problem will be even greater.

So Cao Xinrong thought it was better to run first.

Sure enough, just as the three of them were discussing, the expert was found.

The patrolman immediately realized the problem.

Cao Xinrong and the others began to flee.

The patrolman yelled to chase someone.

After that, Luka got a little confused.

mess up.

Anyway, they did everything, but in the end they didn’t know what happened. When the patrolman brought the situation under control again, they found that the expert had disappeared.

This is strange.

But it is.

Song Shutang naturally doesn't know whose hands the expert is in now, but Cao Xinrong has returned.

Report this matter.

Song Shutang looked very ugly after hearing this.

Cao Xinrong also bowed his head and remained silent.

Song Shutang was silent for a moment and said, "Come back to the headquarters with me."

When I go back to report this matter, of course I have to take Cao Xinrong with me.

How could Song Shutang report by himself?

Moreover, Cao Xinrong was mainly responsible for this matter, and Song Shutang had not seen any experts.

Cao Xinrong definitely doesn't want to go back.

If he goes back to face Wan Liang, he will definitely be scolded.

So he said: "I just showed up in the Concession Road. I shouldn't be able to go out at this time. It's easy to be discovered by the patrol."

"You can disguise yourself, and the identity you used to transport goods out of the concession is not your current identity, so it's not a big problem." Of course Song Shutang will take Cao Xinrong with him. If you don't want to go, why don't you go?

As for exposure.

Now they can't guess that Cao Xinrong will come back again.

Besides, the people in the patrol room are looking for experts, so they have no time to take care of Cao Xinrong.

After hearing such an order, he had no choice but to follow Song Shutang and leave.

The two of them came out of the concession very smoothly indeed.

After that, he returned to the secret service headquarters.

Seeing that Wan Liang and the other two had not spoken yet, Wan Liang hurriedly asked: "Have the experts been brought out?"

Faced with this problem, Song Shutang said: "Let Cao Xinrong and the director report."

Cao Xinrong looked embarrassed, but in front of Wan Liang, he could only start making a report.

After listening to Cao Xinrong's words, Wan Liang's face turned ugly.

He scolded Cao Xinrong for a while.

After listening to the other party's report, Song Shutang felt that it was enough and what he said was understood.

Song Shutang's command from beginning to end was flawless, and the experts did get it right.

The decision to send him to the rental house was made by Wan Liang.

Then it was left to Cao Xinrong to take charge.

But something went wrong.

What does it have to do with Song Shutang?

Now they all believe that the experts are back in the hands of the concession, so Wan Liang is angry and feels that the problem is not that big.

After all, the experts came back to fight against Japan.

As long as it doesn't fall into the hands of the anti-Japanese organization, it's not the worst outcome.And after their meddling, I'm afraid the anti-Japanese organizations will never have the chance to snatch people from the concession.

So Wan Liang gave up after scolding him.

After all, Cao Xinrong belongs to Wan Liang and plays a very important role in the division, so Wan Liang cannot really do anything to him.

Song Shutang doesn't matter.

Anyway, he has finished this matter.

The expert was rescued from the hands of the concession and then did not fall into the hands of the secret service headquarters.

Now that he has no problems himself, it is considered the best result.

In the end, it would be better if it falls into the hands of the organization.

Seeing that Wan Liang had finished scolding him, Song Shutang knew that he should give him a step up, so he said to Cao Xinrong: "You go out first."

Cao Xinrong glanced at Song Shutang gratefully and left.

After the people left, Song Shutang said: "Director, your plan this time is perfect, and the experts were indeed taken away by us. It's just that there were problems in the final search, which we did not expect."

"Cao Xinrong thought of the problem too simply, thinking that this was how he entered the rental industry before, so he could do the same now, but he didn't realize that the problem is different now."

"It also has something to do with the dereliction of duty by my subordinates. This matter should be carefully thought over and discussed. However, after the experts got it, they wanted to send it out early to avoid burning the potato, and they also wanted to make merit early." Song Shutang said.

Wan Liang felt that there was nothing wrong with Song Shutang's idea.

Because it was the same as what he thought.

People really should send it out sooner.

But Song Shutang is just the district chief. Do you think he can do anything to send people out?

So now Wan Liang comforted Song Shutang and said, "You don't have to blame yourself. This time you took charge of the action, and the effect has been unexpected."

"Thank you, Director, for not blaming. However, Cao Xinrong's appearance in Luka should have been seen by the patrol. Do we still need him to enter the concession area?"

Faced with this question, how do you want Wan Liang to answer it?

You said no?
Cao Xinrong was chosen by him to monitor Song Shutang and his confidants in the division.

If you say now that Cao Xinrong doesn't need to enter the concession, then after a while, you won't know who belongs to this partition.

Therefore, Wan Liang said: "The division is short of manpower. If Cao Xinrong doesn't go, it will be even worse. And seeing that he can leave the concession smoothly this time, I guess it won't be a big problem."

Since Wan Liang insisted, Song Shutang said nothing more.

After all, he just mentioned it casually.

There is no real intention to keep Cao Xinrong at the headquarters.

But from this incident, it can be judged that Wan Liang is still cautious about his trust.

But this is normal.

How could they, who were engaged in intelligence work, completely trust others so easily?

As for Li Qun's report here, Wan Liang can just go.

Should Song Shutang and Cao Xinrong be allowed to go?

Doesn't Wan Liang think it's embarrassing enough?

So let them go back and report on their own.

Li Qun was very disappointed when he heard this result.

After all, this is the expert the Japanese asked them to capture. If he is caught, the credit will definitely be considerable.

But now it's messed up.

And it still fell into Cao Xinrong's hands. Although Wan Liang didn't say so, Yan Feng's call had been called back one step ahead of time.

He already knew about this before Wan Liang came to report back.

But Li Qun didn't say anything.

Because this is a task that the division is responsible for, even if Cao Xinrong performs poorly, you should criticize Song Shutang instead of Wan Liang.

Is it possible that you really regard Wan Liang as the person in charge of the division?

So Li Qun didn't say anything, and just asked Wan Liang to tell the district to work hard and work hard.

Don't cause trouble again in the future.

Song Shutang didn't care about this and had already taken people back to the division. Cao Xinrong left in dejection.

Mei Mu Zhizi stepped forward and asked: "The expert ran away?"


"Caught by the patrol?"

"According to the information provided by Cao Xinrong and others, the expert must have been caught by the patrol. However, when I came back, I saw many patrol officers searching the streets. I don't know whether they were searching for the experts or Cao Xinrong and others who had escaped."

Song Shutang expressed his confusion.

But Yan Feng immediately came in to answer this doubt. He said: "The patrol is still looking for experts."

"But the experts should be in their hands?" Mei Mu asked naively.

After all, he was searched on the spot.

He must have been arrested.

Yan Feng said: "But I went to inquire about the information, and it was indeed a search expert, and I also took the expert's photo."

Hearing these words, Song Shutang felt relieved.

It seems that the expert did not fall into the hands of the patrol house.

But now I don’t know whether he was taken away by the organization or the military commander.

Hearing Yan Feng's words, Song Shutang frowned and said, "Could it be that the patrol room has already arrested the experts, but is afraid that we will continue to take action, or that the news is no longer a secret, and people from the Red Party and the military commander may also take action, so They just pretended that they didn’t catch anyone.”

Upon hearing such a hypothesis, Yan Feng immediately said: "I feel this is also possible."

Mei Mu Zhizi thought about it and it was indeed the most likely possibility.

The concession is worried about encountering bungalows rescuing people again, so now we simply pretend that we haven't caught anyone, so that they don't know where to go if they want to save people.

At the same time, Mei Mu Zhizi asked: "So here at the headquarters, do we still need to continue to follow up on this mission?"

"Need not."

Song Shutang said that the headquarters had given up.

After all, you were acting in secret before.

Now that we have alerted the enemy, and the patrol room experience expert has been recovered, the surveillance will definitely be tighter.

It is even possible to wait and see.

Even if the information about the address where the expert is imprisoned is really revealed later, would you dare to believe it?

Maybe the patrol room did it on purpose.

So just give up now.

So as not to waste the opportunity later.

Although Yan Feng was a little disappointed when he heard that he had given up the mission, he was in a good mood.

After all, Cao Xinrong was responsible for this task, and now it failed.

Yan Feng was in a very good mood when he called Li Qun to report.

After letting everyone busy with their own work, Song Shutang did not contact the organization or the military commander. After all, it didn't matter when he knew about the results of the matter.

There is no need to rush.

Because this result cannot be changed.

So Song Shutang didn't rush to ask.

The division has become more honest in the past few days, especially Cao Xinrong. On the one hand, he was hit because of the failure of the mission.

On the other hand, he has been seen by many police officers in Luka, so he doesn't want to go out and show his face now, and plans to avoid the limelight.

Mei Mu Zhizi has had nothing to do these days.

In fact, most of the days in the partition are like this. As for busyness, it is occasional.

Because you don’t have a daily job within the partition.

There is no need for training or checking.

Anyway, there is a lot less work, so naturally I feel free.

During this period, Song Shutang took Mei Mu Zhizi to the cloth shop, mainly to strengthen contact with the boss of the cloth shop and others.

Newcomers often don't come here either.

After all, they all have their own jobs and lives in the concession.

On the contrary, it will be more beneficial for them to collect intelligence.

We meet once a week to make work arrangements.

and provide collected information.

If you have important information, you can come and report it yourself, regardless of time issues.

(End of this chapter)

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