Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 512 Agree to be silenced

Chapter 512 Agree to be silenced

Yan Feng went to find a way to silence him, while Song Shutang went to the secret service headquarters.

When Song Shutang came to the secret service headquarters again, he could indeed feel a hint of nervousness in the air.

The previous confrontation between Li Qun and Wan Liang was conducted secretly, and many people below were unaware of it, so on the surface, there seemed to be no problem at the secret service headquarters.

But this time it was different. Wan Liang jumped out in advance, and Mei Guan also showed up.

Under this situation, many people in the secret service headquarters are quite sensitive and have already realized the problem, so the current situation is that everyone is waiting and watching.

As a result, the atmosphere in the secret service headquarters was a bit tense. No one dared to make mistakes easily for fear of being caught.

As for the issue of taking sides?

Of course, there is no question of whether the confidants take sides, just like Song Shutang now, who cares whether he takes sides or not.

Everyone agreed that he was from Wanliang.

Well, there are many middlemen who want to be wise and protect themselves, that is, I don't care about both sides, pretending not to know about this matter, and see if they can avoid getting involved in such a fight.

Song Shutang didn't care what everyone thought of him, they thought he was a good person.

After all, Li Qun knew it in his heart.

Furthermore, Song Shutang also hopes that Wan Liang will regard him as his, which is what everyone wants to see.

Wan Liang can't say that he has been exhausted these past few days, but he is definitely not feeling well either.

He was already aware of the pressure of fighting Li Qun in the ring. He felt that he was ready before, but when it really started, Wan Liang realized that the pressure he thought was far from enough.

The reality is that the pressure will be much greater.

Fortunately, with the people from the Mei Agency behind him, Wan Liang is not at a disadvantage now, at least he has shown that he will not be at a disadvantage.

Seeing Song Shutang coming back, Wan Liang asked, "What's wrong?"

"Director, we have encountered new troubles here in the division."

"What trouble?" Now that he heard the word trouble, Wan Liang felt a headache.

Song Shutang explained: "The people who were arrested from Buhang rebelled in the patrol room, and they are now released by the patrol room."

"Let go?"

"My subordinates believe that the purpose of releasing people from the patrol office is very clear. They want to use these people to investigate the people in the subdivision and uproot the subdivision. After all, they know the members of the subdivision, especially the people who worked together in the branch before. We are even more familiar with each other.”

After hearing what Song Shutang said, Wan Liang thought it was indeed possible.

Because the patrol room cannot release people for no reason. There must be requirements for releasing people. They will release you only if you are valuable. If you are not valuable, then you can only die.

To the patrol house, the only value of this group of arrested people is to help arrest the people in the subdivision.

This is one of their few values.

There is nothing wrong with Song Shutang's analysis.

Wan Liang thought this was a trouble, and he asked Song Shutang: "How do you plan to solve it?"

"My subordinates feel that it is better to kill them. Only by silencing them can we put an end to this matter, and it can also serve as a warning to the patrol room, and even make the people in the subdivision understand that if they rebel after being caught, the consequences will be the same." Song Shutang said, he wanted to Kill three birds with one stone.

Not only will it solve the immediate trouble, but it will also make the people in the patrol room fearful. At the same time, it will let the people in the subdivision take a look and never take any chances in the future.

But when you say murder, Wan Liang thinks it’s too much.

It's not that he thinks these people can't be killed, of course they should be killed, but the problem is that the patrol room is still looking for you and looking for the location of the division.

Arrest the people in the division.

You should be silent at this time, reduce your activities, and wait until the spotlight of the patrol room has passed.

It's not about taking the initiative.

After all, if you take the initiative, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

But this group of people can't do anything without solving it. They do know the people in the partition, and there are more than one.

After thinking about it, Wan Liang could only say that Song Shutang's idea was very decisive and there was no problem with his starting point. He was just wondering whether your action could be completed smoothly.

Wan Liang asked: "How confident are you?"

"Now my subordinate is coming back to ask the director if he agrees to this plan. If he agrees, he will try his best to complete it without causing trouble to the district."

"It's not about trying your best, it's about completing it. The partition can't have any more problems, do you understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

"These people really want to be killed. You are responsible for this matter personally. There must be no hidden dangers."


Song Shutang was actually not surprised that Wan Liang would agree to this plan in the end.

After all, you have no other choice but to silence yourself.

Just to avoid this trouble, if nothing else, you must keep silent.

It's just that Wan Liang gave him full responsibility, so if there is a problem in the future, he will definitely be troubled.

Although he is currently fighting with Li Qun, if there is a problem in Song Shutang, it is impossible to let it go.

And even if Wan Liang wanted to let it go, Li Qun would not agree.

You have to pretend to be more like it.

As for how to deal with these people in the concession, Song Shutang is still confident, so now he just shows that he is under a lot of pressure, and grumbles a little: "How prepared is the headquarters for retaliating against them? Hurry up and retaliate against them, so that They can’t be that comfortable either.”

When Song Shutang mentioned this matter now, it was as if he was annoyed by the military commander and brought a lot of trouble to the division, and he was unwilling to do so.

Therefore, Wan Liang has no doubts here.

After all, Song Shutang did know something about this matter before.

This time Wan Liang did not say he didn't know, but lowered his voice and said: "The director must have started preparations here."

"The Director actually doesn't know?"

"The director will not treat me the same way as before."

"But didn't the director say before that even if there is a plan, we still need to implement it?" Song Shutang asked.

Li Qun had a plan here, and Song Shutang certainly wanted to figure it out, otherwise he might be caught off guard by the secret service headquarters.

You can't say how much damage will be done.

Wan Liang said helplessly: "Even if we need to execute it, you may not tell me until the end, just let me be responsible for the execution."

Song Shutang felt a little helpless when he heard the news.

It seems difficult now to inquire through Wan Liang, but he has no way to go to Li Qun to inquire directly. And when Wan Liang finally knew the news, he might have already started taking action, and Wan Liang might not notify Song Shutang immediately.

Even if Song Shutang learned this information and inquired immediately, Wan Liang told him without any concealment that it might still be too late.

So in this case, Song Shutang felt that it was very necessary to figure it out in advance.

Therefore, he said next to Wan Liang: "If the director doesn't say anything here, and we don't know anything in advance, will the organization be used as a shady?"

Upon hearing Song Shutang's question, Wan Liang frowned and said, "Probably not."

After all, this was an operation of the secret service headquarters. In Wan Liang's view, it was impossible to make a fuss about this matter according to Li Qun's style of conduct.

And if you use this matter to make a fuss, then if there is a loss, the Mei agency and members of the secret service headquarters may protest very much, which is not good for Li Qun.

But Song Shutang still remained skeptical and said: "But now that the director is so powerful, I think the director must also feel the pressure. Under such high pressure, it is difficult to say what the director will do."

Wan Liang was said to be a little hesitant by Song Shutang, and that was indeed the case.

If the position of director is gone, it is obviously a bit ridiculous to care about other things.

Taking advantage of Wan Liang's hesitation, Song Shutang said: "The director should still inquire about this matter clearly, and even verify it in advance to avoid being tricked."

Although Wan Liang has not made it clear what he will do now, he has indeed listened to Song Shutang's words.

But now Wan Liang said: "Don't worry about this matter. When you go back, you will deal with the trouble in the partition. It is very difficult to silence these people. Don't be distracted."

"My subordinates understand, but if the director needs to give any instructions, he will arrange for his subordinates to do it."

"it is good."

Wan Liang was quite happy to see Song Shutang standing with him like this, but he also understood that the secret between the two of them might have played a big role.

But no matter what, as long as the relationship is close.

Moreover, Wan Liang likes this kind of relationship with reason more. He doesn't believe in those illusory things, and he doesn't want to believe them.

Although Wan Liang now asked Song Shutang to be responsible for the divisional work and did not indicate that he would inquire deeply about Li Qun's plans, Song Shutang felt that Wan Liang would do so.

After all, this incident had a considerable impact on him.

As for you saying that after he found out about this matter, would he tell Song Shutang?

Ignore this for now, at least let Wan Liang inquire first, so that Song Shutang has a chance to learn this information.

Otherwise, there is nothing he can do about it.

Now we can only leave it to Wan Liang and let him take charge, and see if he can reap the benefits in the end.

After returning to the subdivision, Song Shutang called Yan Feng and asked him if he had thought of a solution.

Yan Feng replied: "Everyone who leaves the patrol room is protected by the patrol. Basically, everyone is surrounded by two or three fellow patrols. It is too difficult for us to attack five people at the same time."

"The headquarters has agreed to our action plan. Now it is up to us to see the results of our actions. No matter how big the difficulties are, we must overcome them."

"My subordinate understands."

Although Yan Feng understands that this plan must be implemented, he honestly doesn't know what to do. At least for now, he has no good solution.

Song Shutang said: "First arrange for someone to keep an eye on them and see their movement trajectory."

Song Shutang actually doesn't have a good solution at the moment, so the plan is to collect information first and see if he can find countermeasures from the collected information.

Yan Feng then arranged for people to start collecting information on these people.

After collecting it for three days, the information was provided and handed over to Song Shutang.

The daily activities of these people are actually relatively regular. When they are not sleeping, they follow the patrol officers and wander around the streets to see if they can meet anyone from the subdivision.

When it's time to sleep, sleep.

But Song Shutang found a clue from the collected information.

He asked Yan Feng: "Do these people all live together?"

"The patrol room arranged a house for them. The five of them and the patrol officer in charge of them all live in it." Yan Feng said, following him in the past few days, he had seen it.

Song Shutang said: "Then they will all gather in the room. This may be an opportunity to take action."

"My subordinates have thought about this problem before, but when they are all gathered in the room, the patrol will also be in the room. There are five of them, plus the patrol in charge of them, there may be nearly twenty people. We want It's impossible to deal with them, and we can't do anything to patrol them."

Yan Feng has actually thought about this issue for a long time.

But when these people are concentrated in the room, it is actually not a good time to start, because there are many patrols.

The return of these people means that the patrol will also return.

And they can't touch the patrols. They can only kill the traitors in the division, but they can't kill a few patrols, let alone whether they have such ability, even if they do.

That would cause a lot of trouble for the partition.

Since you can't kill the patrolmen, but the patrolmen are responsible for protecting the rebels in the division. If you don't kill them, they will kill you when you do.

So Yan Feng felt that this was not a good opportunity.

Song Shutang looked at the information and found that apart from this opportunity, there was no other good solution.

You said to divide into five groups and attack all five of them at the same time, when they are separated during the day.

This is even more nonsense, because you have found an opportunity here, but other team members have not found an opportunity. If you take action, the patrol will be alert, so what will the other teams do?

The reason why the military commander used this method to take action outside the concession was because the outside of the concession was bigger. After taking action here, the other side did not know the news for a while.

Secondly, they did not expect that the military commander would carry out multiple assassinations at once, catching them off guard.

But the area inside the concession is small.

If you start here, the other side will basically know immediately.

The second thing is that they are all traitors in the division. The patrol will know in an instant that they are coming for them, so they will be very vigilant.

It’s too stressful to do it separately.

It's hard to get a perfect fit.

Neither outside nor inside the room. Yan Feng and Song Shutang are now a little out of ideas.

Seeing this, Song Shutang said: "We will have a meeting tonight."

Since they don't have a good idea, they might as well hold a meeting to brainstorm ideas. Moreover, this meeting will not only be attended by Mei Mu Zhizi and Cao Xinrong, but also by other people in the zone.

After all, there will definitely be no shortage of personnel required to perform this task.

Yan Feng felt that he could only hold meetings now to see if others would have any ideas, but Yan Feng felt that he had no ideas and it was unlikely that others would.

But you can discuss it together. In the process of discussion, you may be able to bring new ideas to yourself, and then you will suddenly become enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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