Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 513 Shooting Plan

Chapter 513 Shooting Plan

A meeting was arranged here in the division that night.

There are many people participating, and anyone with certain talents can participate.

Even the hidden personnel of the organization and military command participated in this meeting tonight.

The theme of the meeting is actually very simple, that is, the previously arrested members chose to rebel in the patrol house, and now help the patrol house to search for them in the concession.

The current plan is to silence this group of people, but how to do it is the key.

How to proceed with the specific plan.

Yan Feng has also said that the difficulty is to be solved at the same time to avoid that if you solve one or two, other people will be more vigilant and more determined to help the patrol room search for them, which will be troublesome.

At the same time, Yan Feng also shared the information obtained in the past few days for everyone's reference.

In fact, everyone will understand the key point of this matter as soon as they hear it. How to deal with these people simultaneously is indeed a huge difficulty.

At the beginning of the meeting, everyone was thinking, and not many people spoke now.

So much so that after waiting for about ten minutes, one person said: "Since they have all gone back to their rooms to sleep, although we cannot deal with the people in the patrol room, can we be targeted and deal with only the traitors?"

"But when you deal with the traitors, will the patrol just let it go?" Someone immediately retorted. What you want to say is how this plan solves the obstacle of patrol, not that you are talking nonsense.

The first member to speak awkwardly shut up, but Song Shutang encouraged him and said, "You can say whatever you have ideas, and we can discuss it."

With his encouragement, everyone gradually spoke more and more, but he just said that if he wanted to have a good strategy, it was difficult to find one.

The latent personnel of the organization and military command also spoke. After all, this time they were dealing with traitors in the division, so there was no psychological pressure on the two of them. If they could use this matter to make meritorious deeds, it would of course be the best.

It's just that they learned this information right now, and they won't be able to provide any feasible clues for a while.

However, brainstorming means that everyone puts forward their opinions. Of course, there are problems with every opinion, but through such discussions, there are more and more questions, and we are getting closer to the answer.

In the second half of the process, it was Mei Muzhizi who said: "Since the problems are more difficult now, I think it is better to shoot with a rifle."

"Rifle shot?"

"It's impossible to solve the problem secretly, and this time we kill people to scare the monkeys, so it doesn't matter if we make some noise." Mei Muzhizi said.

It’s understandable that you didn’t want to make a fuss before.

But now that the partition has been exposed, the patrol room confirms the existence of the special agent headquarters in the concession. Whether you act or not at this time, it will not change the patrol room's perception.

The second thing is that if you want to scare the monkeys, you can’t do it without taking action.

So at this time, whether you kill in secret or in a big way, from the patrol room's point of view, it is a zonal killing, so there are no restrictions on the means of action.

Song Shutang thought that what Mei Mu said was very reasonable. He nodded and said, "It is true."

Mei Muzhizi continued: "Since we don't have to worry about the means of action, shooting with a rifle is the best. This can kill people from a distance and gives us a lot of room to retreat."

"But it's still difficult for rifles to kill people at the same time." Yan Feng said.

If you do this, five groups will still perform at the same time, but it is difficult to achieve perfect tacit cooperation. When the time comes, it will still happen that someone takes action and someone does not take action, causing the person who takes action last to lose the qualification to act.

"It only takes one shot to kill a rifle, so the five members of their team may not realize the problem immediately. When they realize the problem, they can find opportunities to shoot during the process. Even if there is no good opportunity, they can still force it. Just shoot, as long as you don't hit the patrol officer."

"But if they don't shoot people to death, they will be more vigilant and help patrol and hunt for us more wholeheartedly, which will put more pressure on us."

"We use rifles to kill people from a distance, which makes them afraid, because they feel that the protection of the patrol house is difficult to fully protect against rifle killings, so they may not dare to come out. Even if the patrol house forces them to come out, they will not If they are timid, we can still find opportunities to deal with them in the future." Mei Mu Zhizi said.

Since you can't kill five people at the same time, you can only give up this plan and settle for the next best thing, rather than insisting on wasting time on this.

It was irrational in Mei Mu's opinion to waste time here knowing that there was nothing he could do.

Kill as many as you can, and deal with the ones who run away later.

At least there is deterrence.

And if you can shoot someone once, you can shoot him a second time.

Mei Muzhizi knew Song Shutang's marksmanship. He had learned a lot about it when he was in the mountain city. Many Japanese lurkers fell to Song Shutang's gun.

At the same time, Mei Mu Zhizi was also confident in his marksmanship and felt that among these five people, there was no problem in killing two people in the first action.

Song Shutang agreed with Mei Mu Zhizi. Since it couldn't be solved at once, it was really necessary to change its thinking.

Song Shutang asked: "Who is confident in his marksmanship?"


If you say the target will not move, everyone present will be confident.

But this is a living creature, and the other party can move.

The second is the long range of the rifle, which is very difficult. If it is too close, it is difficult to evacuate and it is dangerous, and if it is too far, you are not sure.

The most important thing is that you don't know when you can take action. After all, there are five groups together.

Then you won't be able to wait in a fixed position. You may need to carry a gun and track the opponent.

Then suddenly a shot was fired.

The time may not be right, the location may not be right.

In this case, who dares to say that he is sure.

Even the hidden personnel of the organization and military command who want to take advantage of this incident are silent now.

Because they are really not sure.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Song Shutang asked again: "Isn't anyone confident enough in their marksmanship?"

Yan Feng said helplessly: "District Chief, this operation is indeed too difficult. We are afraid of being a disservice."

Mei Mu's plan is indeed feasible.

But there was no one to carry out this plan.

With only Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi, they could only kill the traitors in two divisions. This was much different from what they expected.

However, not all the people in the division are here. Song Shutang said to Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong: "Go down and ask and find the three people with the best marksmanship in the division."

Now only three people are needed, plus him and Mei Mu Zhizi.

Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng immediately went down and asked who had better marksmanship, so today's meeting ended.

After returning to the room, Mei Muzhizi said: "I don't know if this method will work."

"The idea you proposed is the best at the moment. You can give it a try whether it works or not."

"But the evacuation must be arranged well, so as not to be caught by the people in the patrol room, otherwise the zoning will be really troublesome."

"Of course." After a night's rest, Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng brought people with good marksmanship early the next morning. One for Cao Xinrong and two for Yan Feng.

None of these three were at the meeting yesterday, but their marksmanship is really good.

But after hearing Song Shutang's request, he looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Song Shutang knew that it was difficult for them to be completely sure, so he said: "You have to shoot to see if there is a chance, but you must not accidentally injure the patrolman, otherwise it will be very troublesome for us, and the retreat must be arranged. Well, even if the operation fails, you can leave safely."

Song Shutang now just thinks that if three people try it, it doesn't matter even if they don't succeed, as long as they don't get caught.

If the three of them heard this, of course they could give it a try.

Mei Muzhizi said: "Let them shoot first."

Because the person who shoots first has an advantage, and the person who shoots second is basically forced.

But Song Shutang said: "You go first."

Because of the abilities of these three people, Song Shutang is not optimistic about them now. Even if you give them the chance to shoot first, it is unlikely that they will be effective, or it cannot be completely guaranteed.

So Song Shutang's idea was to let Mei Mu Zhizi take the first shot, so that if Mei Mu Zhizi was well prepared and unaffected, he would definitely be able to succeed.

Then Song Shutang's marksmanship is even better. Although Mei Mu Zhizi will be affected, the impact will not be too great, so let's ensure the success of the two of them first.

As for the other three, it's just luck.

Mei Mu Zhizi agreed to Song Shutang's proposal when he thought it made sense.

At the same time, Song Shutang said: "There are rifles in the division, but we need to understand the performance of the firearms, so we all leave the division and go to the headquarters, go to the school field to train with rifles, and after you select the firearms you need, someone will send them to the division for you."


They don't have sniper rifles.

Only use rifles.

But it is actually enough in the concession.

It just means that if you want to ensure success, you must at least understand the performance of the rifle. It does not mean that you can use it just by getting it.

Basically, very few people can use it as soon as they get it.

At most, you can grasp the rules after firing a few shots.

This is the knowledge that members of the group taught Song Shutang, and he learned it very well.

Mei Mu Zhizi and Song Shutang also need to leave the division and go to the school field to practice firearms. In fact, they are familiar with firearms.

They left together that day and went back to the subdivision. After getting the guns, they went to the school grounds.

Song Shutang also saw the marksmanship of the three of them at the school ground. They were indeed very good. It can be said that they can hit the target with perfect accuracy.

But for moving targets, there are some shortcomings.

However, the three of them were all very familiar with firearms, so they quickly selected the rifles they wanted to use. Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi were faster here, and Mei Mu Zhizi also studied it for a while.

Song Shutang just picked up the rifle and tried two rounds at random, and he knew what he was doing.

Then give the five rifles to the people at the headquarters and ask them to deliver these things to the subdivision. Although this is difficult, it can be done.

Otherwise, how did all the weapons in the partition get in?

Not only them, the organization and military commanders also have many weapons in the concession.

The operations here at the headquarters were very fast. By the evening, the rifles had been delivered. Song Shutang looked at them and said, "Get ready and take action tomorrow."

They started preparing for action early the next morning, but without guns.

Because it is impossible for them to carry out the shooting mission immediately on the first day, but each person is assigned a defector within the cloth. Today you need to track and monitor your target person to see what he did throughout the day, and what he said about him. some personal habits.

This will help you know when you really need to take action.

There is actually very little information that can be learned from the first day of observation. These people are basically walking around in the concession under the protection of patrols, or under supervision.

Because they were looking for members of the division, these five people all acted separately, which would be more effective.

And as time goes by, their positions will become farther and farther away. They are basically the farthest around four o'clock in the afternoon, and then they will prepare to come back, so the distance will become closer and closer.

So Song Shutang's tentative operation time is between three and four o'clock in the afternoon. The view is better at this time. If it is later, there will be more pedestrians and the light will not be good.

However, after just one day of observation, it is difficult for them to take action immediately.

Song Shutang meant to continue observing for two days. During the next two days of observation, he would master some more specific information.

They even exchanged goals midway.

Because one of the subdivision members said that he was very careful about his targets and basically hid behind patrols.

This person guessed that Partition might silence them.

So I protect myself very well.

Song Shutang felt that this person was left to him because the members of the division felt that it would be difficult for him to win this goal.

Basically, what should be done has been done. Song Shutang asked them to go back and have a good rest today and start the official operation tomorrow.

Sitting in the room at night, Mei Mu Zhizi disassembled his rifle and wiped it, and at the same time asked Song Shutang: "Who do you want to partner with you tomorrow?"

Because you need to track first and act later.

You can't carry a gun with you all the time, it's too obvious.

And even if you take it apart and hide it, the size is still too big. Secondly, you can’t take it apart. Then you will most likely be forced to act. After all, after one person shoots, the other four people may not have the chance to wait. , but found it forcefully.

So you need to get it immediately and use it.

So Song Shutang's plan was to arrange a partner, who would pretend to be a rickshaw driver, carry the gun in a box, and cooperate at any time.

And when evacuating, you can also have someone to take care of you to ensure a smooth evacuation.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi are both responsible for the action, and they cannot be each other's partners.

Facing Mei Mu's naive question, Song Shutang said: "I asked Cao Xinrong to cooperate with me, and I arranged for Yan Feng to cooperate with you."

Of course, we need to find two more capable people.

Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng are obviously the most suitable in the division.

As for the latent personnel of the organization and military command you mentioned, it is not appropriate to have unprovoked contact with them.

(End of this chapter)

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