Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 551 Speculation on Action


It is actually difficult to persuade Nie Hong. After all, what he did can be regarded as treason within the military system.

Even talking about the color change.

Even if Nie Hong's experience is so similar to Song Shutang's, I may not be able to agree with you.

After all, choice is fatal and subversive.

Song Shutang believed that there was a certain chance, but he wanted to see whether Nie Hong would choose to help the organization for the sake of resisting Japan and saving the country.

The current situation of resisting Japan and saving the nation is very serious. Whether they are in the mountain city or in Shanghai, they all feel the same.

In fact, everyone understands that there will inevitably be confrontation between the two in the end, but at this time you cannot think about what will happen next.

Without victory, all you think about is empty talk.

So based on this logic, Song Shutang believed that Nie Hong might choose to help, so he wanted to give it a try and see if he could convince the other party.

No tricks.

It means to dig deep into your heart and soul and explain the problem clearly.

In fact, Song Shutang admitted that he had selfish motives. After all, he had chosen to join the organization, but in his heart he also wanted the best for Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui.

After all, Boss Dai's attitude now is that he doesn't trust them.

When two people go out to perform a lurking mission, the other person will be detained.

For them, this is a fatal existence that is very difficult to solve, and according to Boss Dai's style, both of them actually know very well that this situation will not change.

No matter how you develop, this will always exist, and Boss Dai needs this handle.

A hostage threat is required.

Only in this way will Boss Dai feel the safest.

For Boss Dai, he doesn’t believe what he hears or sees, he only believes what he holds in his hands.

If you want to get Yan Qinghui out, Song Shutang understands very well that you need to rely on the power of the organization.

The power of the organization in Shancheng is actually very powerful. Song Shutang had experienced this before when he was in Shancheng.

Organizations can often obtain some very secret information.

Even relevant military commanders, including Japanese spies, can find clues.

In this case, except for the organization, no one may be able to take Yan Qinghui away from the mountain city.

If he wanted the organization to help save people, it was impossible for Song Shutang to ask for it, but if Nie Hong also chose to join the organization, he could make his own request.

Moreover, when Nie Hong joins the organization, Song Shutang and Nie Hong together can make the decision to save Yan Qinghui.

There is no need to even ask what Yan Qinghui meant.

After all, they were two to one.

If it doesn't work and adds Uncle Li, then they will be three to one.

And if everyone joins the organization, Uncle Li can show up, which may surprise and delight the two of them.

These are the relatively good results that Song Shutang expected.

But in the final analysis, this is just Song Shutang's outlook. What will happen in the end depends on the development of the situation.

In fact, letting the organization establish contact with Nie Hong now is a test by Song Shutang.

He also understood that Nie Hong would know that this was a test, so Nie Hong's attitude of avoiding this test was a signal of whether there would be any chance in the future.

Therefore, Song Shutang did not dare to go to Nie Hong for a while, fearing that the other party would reject him.

If Nie Hong refuses, Song Shutang will completely give up the idea and will not mention it again.

So it is inevitable that you will be nervous before mentioning it. This is human nature.

Then he planned to wait.

And it happened that Nie Hong was also performing tasks during this time. Since Li Qun had recognized Nie Hong's abilities, of course he arranged some tasks within the agent headquarters.

They are even some relatively long-term tasks, and it is inconvenient for Nie Hong to interrupt him when he is busy. Moreover, since he is new here and contacts Song Shutang during work, it is indeed easy for others to suspect him.

Secondly, under such circumstances, Wan Liang would not want Song Shutang to meet Nie Hong often, so Song Shutang could wait and think carefully about how he would speak to Nie Hong when he saw him in the future.

The people in Li Qun's custody were disturbed by Wan Liang's people, and now they are very vigilant. There are no good opportunities for military commanders here.

Moreover, Li Qun's people secretly moved once after Nie Hong's investigation was completed.

And in this transfer, they assumed that Wan Liang's people were still secretly watching, so by some strange combination of circumstances, General Tong's people were thrown away.

As a result, you currently have no idea where the other person is hiding.

This makes the military commander very angry. They have told you the location of the personnel, and you can still monitor the target.

Song Shutang has no choice now.

In the past, Li Qun would arrange people in the concession, so of course Song Shutang could take the opportunity to investigate, and at that time, the concession was still strictly prohibited.

But now?
There are no more restrictions in the concession.

Even if you assassinate again, it will be useless to continue to restrict the concession. After all, the people Li Qun should arrange to come in have already been arranged.

There's no point in you doing this anymore.

As a result, Li Qun's people disappeared, and it is now difficult to find clues.

The military commander here is very anxious to search. After all, they have already made a mistake in their work.

At the same time, the organization also started an investigation here.

Because the person who was imprisoned by Li Qun is still confused as to who he is.

As for Song Shutang, he was more than willing but not strong enough.

There is no chance to intervene.

And Nie Hong didn't know about this either. After all, the transfer within the concession was after Nie Hong's leadership was over, so it was obvious that Nie Hong was being guarded against.

Although Nie Hong has now passed the temptation, he has also proved his ability and value.

But you have to understand that Li Qun’s professionalism is not your responsibility, so you shouldn’t know about it.

If you know it, then you must not know it.

After the transfer, the level of confidentiality returned to the original.

Moreover, Nie Hong also found the so-called mole inside. In this case, Li Qun certainly thought that he could sit back and relax.

Mei Mu Zhizi discussed this matter with Song Shutang in the concession area and said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, the director has an advantage here, but there has been no action in the concession. Do you think the trial did not go well?"

Song Shutang shook his head and said, "I don't think the interrogation went well."

"Why do you think so?"

"First of all, this person came into our sight because he met the foreigner. Then he was able to meet the foreigner, and there was a high probability that he would meet the foreigner in private, because the foreigner ended up following him.

So from these points of view, the organization behind him most likely does not know about this person's meeting with foreigners. To put it bluntly, it is his personal situation. "

"Do you think that since he met foreigners in private and met with foreigners in private, you think he must have done some so-called violations of discipline, so after being caught by the secret service headquarters, he would not keep it a secret?" Mei Muzhizi asked. "This is obvious." Song Shutang said.

Based on the analysis of the current situation, Song Shutang believed that if this person was arrested, he would definitely not rather die than surrender.

If so, you shouldn't meet foreigners.

You said that his meeting with the foreigners was an order from the organization behind him, so why were the foreigners following him?

This makes no sense.

So Song Shutang now believes that this person has told the secret service headquarters the information he knows, which means that Li Qun knows everything.

It was true that no action had been taken for a long time by that time, and Wanliang's people had already caused a problem once. Logically speaking, it would be easier to alert the enemy when such a scene occurs.

If you are worried that the attempt will be in vain, you will take action when the opportunity arises.

Avoid missing out on opportunities when the time comes.

But Li Qun did not have it here. He even arranged for a transfer of personnel and continued to imprison him.

If action is needed, the personnel will not arrange the transfer, but it will be done without having anyone's eyes and ears.

It can be seen from this action that this action will most likely take some time.

Mei Muzhizi frowned and asked: "If it looks like this, it may be because of the special nature of the task that the director has been silent for a long time."

"What kind of mission would have such special characteristics?" Song Shutang has been thinking about it.

Mei Muzhizi said: "If we get some information, there is still some time before these things happen, so the director will have to wait all the time. Of course, he may have already started to act secretly, but we don't know. "

Mei Muzhizi thinks there are only two possibilities.

Starting an operation secretly, and then conducting a secret investigation to find out the clues, this is a relatively routine operation of the Secret Service Headquarters.

Then the information you get is not enough for you to act now, you can only wait.

It's just that Song Shutang thought that it was impossible to investigate secretly.

Because if Li Qun starts investigating secretly here, who will have the manpower?
Before, we didn't even have the manpower to interrogate and detain people, and we had to queue up to be interrogated and enter the concession despite the restrictions imposed by the concession.

Do you think Li Qun has any manpower in the concession?

Definitely not.

Because there was a possibility that the previous person was a traitor, they were not allowed to participate in this operation at all, so Song Shutang could not have started it secretly no matter what he thought.

Moreover, Nie Hong was also responsible for investigating these people. If someone was already conducting an investigation secretly, Nie Hong could not have noticed it at all.

Nie Hong never discussed this issue with Song Shutang from beginning to end.

Therefore, Song Shutang can now rule out the situation that they started to act secretly and they did not know about it.

Then maybe you got some information, but you can't use it now and you need to wait.

However, in front of Mei Mu Zhizi, Song Shutang did not analyze these, just saying that it was indeed strange.

Because he doesn't need to analyze it for Mei Mu Zhizi, he can just think of these things. What are you analyzing for the enemy?

Moreover, Song Shutang did not tell Mei Mu Zhizi about the information Nie Hong gave here, so he could analyze it, but Mei Mu Zhizi could not.

You can't possibly tell Mei Mu Zhizi all this.

Then the other party may still ask why Nie Hong provided you with this information.

They were clearly trying to win over you, but you didn't agree.

Let Nie Hong be embarrassed in front of Li Qun. In this case, will the other party retaliate with kindness?


Therefore, Song Shutang did not make any guesses, and Mei Mu Zhizi thought it was normal. After all, it was indeed difficult for her to make considerations and judgments now.

Song Shutang said: "No matter what the situation is, this matter has nothing to do with us now, and it is still the advantage of the director, so we will ignore it."

They didn't want to give the director an advantage before.

Only then did he tell Wan Liang the clues he had investigated. Unexpectedly, Wan Liang was impatient this time. He simply alerted the snake but did not get any benefits. In the end, even the inner ghost who had finally developed was discovered by Nie Hong, and he was regarded as doing something for Nie Hong. Got the wedding dress.

Mei Mu was speechless.

Now even if you want to help Wan Liang, you can't.

Only the director can take advantage.

However, the two of them could still accept this situation. After all, Song Shutang had many identities.

After the casual discussion with Mei Mu Zhizi, Song Shutang felt that it was necessary for him to inform the organization and military commander about this matter.

Notice what?
That was the news Li Qun got here, and it was the information that came later, so he didn't take action for a long time.

Then we need to let the organization and military commanders conduct self-examination to see if they have anything important to do in the future and have the news spread.

This is kind of asking them to do their own internal investigation.

It would also be good if clues could be investigated.

So on the next day, Song Shutang left the concession area and went to see Uncle Li.

After the meeting, Uncle Li asked: "Have you met Nie Hong?"

"Not yet." Song Shutang knew that Uncle Li thought he had met Nie Hong and expressed his desire to establish contact, but in fact he had not and was still looking for opportunities.

Uncle Li felt the same when he heard it. This matter was not that easy to do after all. It was understandable that Song Shutang wanted to think about it for two more days.

"Then why are you here today?"

"I think the person Li Qun arrested here must have spoken, but the clues provided should be information about traditional Chinese medicine many days later, so that's why there has been no action. I want to organize an internal investigation to see if there are any tasks that match this reasoning. ." Song Shutang said.

After listening to this, Uncle Li felt that Song Shutang's suspicion was not unreasonable, but it would not be easy to organize an internal investigation in the future.

After all, the organization has many tasks, and many of them need to be carried out later.

So even if the information provided by Song Shutang is true and effective, it will be very difficult for the organization to determine who it is in the end.

This is difficult to avoid.

After all, there are too many tasks, and it is difficult for you to focus on one specific thing immediately.

But now that he has this line of reasoning, Uncle Li will definitely inform the organization and ask the organization to pay attention.

At the same time, Song Shutang also left and went to see Bu Kaijie.

After meeting Bu Kaijie, they talked about the same problem. Bu Kaijie also reminded the military commander.

However, Bu Kaijie's considerations are the same as Uncle Li's, that is, even if the inference is correct, it will be difficult for you to deal with it.

First of all, among the many tasks, how do you judge which one has the news leaked?

However, Bu Kaijie felt that the new idea provided by Song Shutang was worthy of in-depth investigation.

Secondly, Bu Kaijie also asked about Nie Hong's news, but Song Shutang said that there had been no contact in the past few days, and Nie Hong said that he would establish contact with the military commander, so he would not tell Song Shutang any future news.

Bu Kaijie thinks this is normal. After all, they all have their own intelligence lines, rather than being lumped together.

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