Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 552 Agree

Chapter 552 Agree
Inform the organization and military commander of the current speculation.

Next, it depends on the organization and military commander's own judgment whether they can find out from the many complicated tasks what tasks may be exposed to Li Qun.

Song Shutang is currently unable to provide new clues.

The main reason is that the cases that Nie Hong is currently responsible for are all the previous cases in the special agent headquarters, not the current cases in the concession.

Otherwise, Song Shutang might have grasped the real information long ago, and there would be no need to worry here now.

We can only let the organization and military commanders investigate and judge, but cannot provide more help.

The guesses of Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi may be correct. Li Qun, the agent headquarters, has not shown any action for a long time. Maybe he is really waiting.

It's just that four or five days have passed, and neither the organization nor the military commander has contacted Song Shutang. I don't know if they have investigated the clues or if they have no clue.

Song Shutang currently believes that it is more likely that he has no clue. After all, the current situation is like this. The clues are very limited. If it is not a sudden thought, you will not even have a chance to become a traitor.

There was no news from the organization or military commander, but Nie Hong had time to wait.

Nie Hong was responsible for handling the cases assigned by Li Qun. Although no one was arrested, he solved two cases from the previous backlog.

Both times, we found the enemy's hiding place. When we went to inquire, we found that he had left for more than a month. In other words, if Nie Hong had been put in charge of investigating these cases earlier, none of these people would be able to escape.

But more than a month ago, Nie Hong was not in Shanghai either.

It was just delivered not long ago.

However, Li Qun discovered that it was still a matter of selection. There were people from the special agent headquarters responsible for investigating these tasks, but there was no progress.

If it were Nie Hong, he would have been caught.

When Song Shutang heard the news in the concession area, he felt that this must be the help behind the scenes of Jun Tong. It should be Nie Hong who established contact with Jun Tong and then told Jun Tong what he was currently investigating.

Jun Tong heard that there were indeed their strongholds inside, and the personnel in two of them had been evacuated and moved, so they told Nie Hong that there was no problem.

This can help Nie Hong make meritorious service.

Therefore, Song Shutang was not surprised that Nie Hong was able to perform meritorious service, and there were military commanders helping him behind the scenes.

Li Qun's investigation tasks must be aimed at anti-Japanese elements, so it is not surprising that the military commander knows the inside story.

In fact, there are a lot of things about military control in these intelligence materials, but you can't suddenly arrange for the evacuation of personnel, otherwise it will look like the personnel were evacuated as soon as Nie Hong started investigating.

Therefore, only those who left early can speak out.

The current situation is that Nie Hong did not arrest anyone, but he investigated in the right direction in a very short time. What do you want everyone to say?
No one dares to say anything.

If you speak now, and you are asked to do the next investigation, will you be competent?

Moreover, personnel from the Secret Service Headquarters were responsible for this matter before, so this was already considered a work error.

The military commander would not tell Nie Hong the information about the remaining personnel, nor would they say whether there would be anyone from the military commander inside.

But Nie Hong thinks there must be.

Otherwise, how could Li Qun investigate like this?

But who are these people?
Nie Hong didn't know anything about it. He could only say that he had completed two tasks and found the enemy's stronghold. There was no other gain after that.

However, Li Qun still offered praise.

After receiving the praise, Nie Hong also came to see Song Shutang.

The reason why Nie Hong came to see Song Shutang was actually very simple. He still wanted to win over Song Shutang, at least to the outside world.

That's how it manifests itself.

However, after Song Shutang met Nie Hong, the other party provided Song Shutang with the information he had obtained from Li Qun.

I want Song Shutang to see if the Red Party will need it.

Nie Hong didn't know who the military commander was here, and the military commander didn't tell them either.

But there are a lot of innocent people here, and you can tell at a glance, so the investigation was abandoned in the end.

Therefore, we are not afraid of leaving it to the Red Party. The Red Party can only single out people from their own organization to see if they need to be transferred and protected. Others cannot see it.

Seeing that Nie Hong really provided information to him, Song Shutang was very happy and thought this was a good start.

So he said: "Thank you, Brother Nie."

"You don't have to thank me, this is what I promised you."

"But I must thank Brother Nie for being willing to give me this information."

Seeing Song Shutang questioning and thanking him, Nie Hong didn't say anything more.

Since they had already met today, Song Shutang thought it would be better to strike while the iron is hot and ask about what he wanted Nie Hong to do to establish contact with the organization.

After all, based on the information Nie Hong has obtained now, there is actually no need to come to the concession at all.

Although Nie Hong has a certificate and can freely enter and exit the concession, you can't use wooing Song Shutang as an excuse every time, right?
Now is the beginning, of course you can continue to use wooing Song Shutang as an excuse, but what about the future?

Song Shutang has always refused to win over, but you keep coming. This is unreasonable.

And if you keep coming, aren't Li Qun and Wan Liang surprised?

The conversation obviously ended on bad terms, but they kept talking.

What are you talking about?

Therefore, Song Shutang felt that it was very necessary. After establishing contact, Nie Hong's situation could be easily sent out.

Therefore, Song Shutang did not hesitate this time and said directly: "Brother Nie, I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"I think that every time you come to the concession to send me information, on the one hand it is too inefficient, and on the other hand the risk is relatively high."

"What do you want to do?" Nie Hong had already vaguely understood what Song Shutang meant.

"Since you have already guessed it, Brother Nie, I won't hide it. I really want you to establish contact with the Red Party. This will be beneficial to both of us." Song Shutang said.

"How dare you think about it."

"I know my idea is really surprising, but that's what covert work is. We must always be careful not to leak any clues, otherwise we may fail."

Nie Hong knew that what Song Shutang said was true, but you had to admit that the other party was right.

That's what covert work is.

And it is obviously impossible for you to enter the concession every time. You will definitely not have a suitable excuse in the future, or you will be able to find a suitable excuse every time.

But you asked Nie Hong to establish contact with the Red Party, what is this?
This is a rebellion here in the military, you say you haven't?

Does it make a difference?
Therefore, Nie Hong was certainly conflicted. He could also understand Song Shutang's thoughts and might want to develop him.

Regarding this point, Nie Hong actually knew that Song Shutang had good intentions, so he didn't say anything else.

But Nie Hong would really find it difficult to accept it for a while.

His idea is, if I can provide you with information, I will provide you with information. For example, this time, I will not hide what I can give you.

But if there is a more dangerous situation in the future, Nie Hong will not take risks, so don't blame me if I can't provide you with information then.

That's what he's been thinking.

But Song Shutang wants to avoid this situation now. Since he has obtained the information, why not give it to him?

Why give up if you can reduce your losses?
Even if contact is established, it must be Nie Hong's own judgment. If he feels it is safe to send information, he will send it. If he feels it is not safe, he will not send it.

The choice still lies with Nie Hong.

It just means that making it easier to send information will allow more information to be sent.

Nie Hong did not refuse directly, so Song Shutang knew that he was hesitating.

So Song Shutang felt that he should help, not that he wanted to use big principles to force Nie Hong to agree, but that now Nie Hong needed big principles, so that he would feel that he was focusing on the overall situation, not that he wanted to agree.

At this time, you need to be forced, and Nie Hong is waiting for you to force him.

So Song Shutang said: "Brother Nie, we are all fighting against Japan. Think about it in the future, you may be under very tight guard and unable to contact the military commander, but you happen to have very important information here that needs to be reported to the military commander.

Then maybe you have an extra communication line, through which you can send the information out, and then you can hand it over to me, and I can hand it over to the military commander. When the time comes, tell the military commander that it is inconvenient for you to pass on the information, and I happened to be there. Secret Service Headquarters, so give me the information.

In this way, the intelligence can be handed over to the military commander in a reasonable manner, and there will be no possibility of the intelligence not being sent out, or it can reduce the possibility. "

"You really know how to speak."

"Brother Nie, we really need this information."

Seeing Song Shutang's sincerity, Nie Hong understood that the anti-Japanese cause was indeed the priority.

But in the final analysis, their minds have changed. Otherwise, who would dare to agree to such a thing that is treasonous and unethical in the eyes of the military commander?
Nie Hong finally said: "Okay, I agree."

"Thank you, Brother Nie."

"But you must tell the Red Party that the personnel assigned to me should be more professional and there should be no possibility of exposing me."

"Brother Nie, please rest assured about this."

"But that doesn't mean I want to join the Red Party, I hope you understand."

"Brother Nie, please don't worry. I don't think so, but I also hope you can."

Nie Hong did not speak, but shook his head.

After all, it is very difficult to change your faith.

It cannot be decided in a few words, and Nie Hong has indeed never considered joining the Red Party from the beginning to the end.

His feelings towards the Red Party have always been ordinary, and he has no close feeling.

That's why he and Yan Qinghui didn't want Song Shutang to join the Red Party, and that's why they said joining the Red Party was a misguided approach.

It's just that Song Shutang is in such a situation now that Nie Hong has nothing to do, and the fight against Japan really requires everyone to participate, so Nie Hong is also willing to provide some help.

As for establishing contact with the Red Party, to put it bluntly, it seems to be for Song Shutang's sake, otherwise Nie Hong would never agree.

After saying this question, Nie Hong left the concession.

Song Shutang wanted to see Uncle Li, not only to inform him of the information provided by Nie Hong, but also to inform him of the good news.

He went directly to Uncle Li and Song Shutang to provide him with the information Nie Hong had told him. When Uncle Li heard that Nie Hong was willing to give him information, he thought it was good news.

Uncle Li said: "I will inform the organization of the information, but from this point of view, it seems that we can try to establish contact."

"No need to try."

"What's wrong?" Uncle Li thought something had happened.

Song Shutang said: "Brother Nie has agreed."

"You're gasping for air on purpose." Uncle Li glared at Song Shutang.

But he immediately smiled and said: "This is very important to us."

Because the organization has not yet been able to place personnel into the agent headquarters, if Nie Hong does not agree, the organization will lose a very important source of intelligence.

If you are engaged in intelligence work in Shanghai and have personnel deployed within the secret service headquarters, there is no difference between you and a blind person.

Song Shutang reminded here: "Although Brother Nie agreed, he asked the organization not to expose him and to provide him with very professional personnel."

"I will tell the organization about this." Uncle Li's tone was unquestionable.

Regarding Nie Hong's protection work, Uncle Li believes that it is the first priority. This is what you must ensure.

If you can't even guarantee this, then how can you cooperate with the other party? There is no foundation or sincerity for cooperation at all.

The second thing is that the organization definitely still wants to instigate Nie Hong.

Then the protection you provide to the other party, the things you show, as well as Nie Hong's experience in getting along with the people arranged by the organization in the future, etc., will all be helpful.

If you don't arrange all of this, it will only be counterproductive.

On the contrary, the gain outweighs the loss.

So Uncle Li said that he would report it to the organization and ask the organization to take this matter seriously. In fact, even if Uncle Li didn't say anything, the organization would pay special attention to it.

After all, Nie Hong's current value is very high.

Moreover, it is possible to instigate rebellion in the future, which is even more valuable.

Therefore, this matter needs to be treated with the highest degree of attention. If you satisfy Nie Hong, the other party will also provide you with information. The organization also understands this.

And Uncle Li has no intention of continuing the conversation with Song Shutang now, after all, what needs to be said has been said.

Uncle Li was anxious to report two things to the organization.

Seeing this, Song Shutang stood up and left. He also wanted to solve this problem as soon as possible.

After the organization has made arrangements, it will not tell Song Shutang about the personnel, but it will definitely let Song Shutang send information to Nie Hong. Only then will Nie Hong believe where he should go and what method and code words he should use to establish contact with the members of the Red Party.

Therefore, Song Shutang still needs to complete the last step.

After all, after Nie Hong established contact with members of the Red Party, he only believed in Song Shutang.

After the organization and arrangements are made, Song Shutang can know about it, so he can just wait now and there is no need to worry.

As for how long it will take for the organization to be arranged?

It won't take long to think about it. After all, the lurking personnel in the secret service headquarters are too important. This source of intelligence is very critical. The organization cannot wait too long and is worried that Nie Hong will regret it.

Establishing connections as early as possible benefits everyone.

Of course the benefits to the organization are greater.

(End of this chapter)

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