Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 553 Protecting Safety

Chapter 553 Protecting Safety
Nie Hong agreed to establish contact with the organization, which was a qualitative leap in Uncle Li's opinion.

This not only shows that the organization can obtain intelligence from the agent headquarters, but also that the comrades of the organization have a channel for communication with Nie Hong.

Song Shutang's profession and beliefs, and his determination to resist Japan and save the country, in Nie Hong's view, have nothing to do with the Red Party.

When he was still in the Military Command Bureau, Nie Hong believed that Song Shutang already had these, and even surpassed the determination of ordinary people.

Therefore, when Nie Hong interacted with Song Shutang, he would not regard each other as a red party, but as Song Shutang.

They are their comrades.

But now that the organization and Nie Hong can independently establish contact, comrades in the organization can contact Nie Hong. Such contact must be defensive, tentative, and even somewhat resistant at the beginning.

But in Uncle Li's view, they had come step by step from this kind of defense, temptation, and resistance. They were able to make friends in the mountain city because they were cold-shouldered.

So Uncle Li thought it was an opportunity.

He believed that as long as there was an opportunity to contact Nie Hong, he could let Nie Hong truly understand the organization, just like letting Song Shutang understand the organization.

Uncle Li felt that there was no need to elaborate on the good and bad aspects of military unification. Nie Hong worked at the headquarters of the Military Unification Bureau, so how could he not know about it.

It's just that in the eyes of the other person, it's the same elsewhere.

The struggle for power and profit has been a topic since ancient times.

No one is exempt from vulgarity.

Therefore, when looking at the Red Party, I won’t feel any difference.

I even think that it is difficult for you, a grass-roots team, to ascend to the elegant hall.

But Uncle Li was confident that during the contact process, Nie Hong would understand that they were different, and that the Caotai team was really stupid because most of the members of the organization were workers and peasants.

But aren’t these people the largest group of people?
They are a group that cannot be ignored and should be respected.

Uncle Li contacted the person in charge of the organization in Shanghai that night. The organization trusted Uncle Li very much.

He had been lurking in the army for so many years, and even though he was disabled in the end, he was still fighting against Japan and saving the country.

Therefore, the organization gave Uncle Li high authority.

Such authority is enough for him to contact the person in charge in Shanghai.

In an apartment at night, Uncle Li finally met the person in charge of Shanghai. This was the first time he met since he came to Shanghai to lurk.

The apartment serves as a temporary meeting place.

Even if Uncle Li is able to contact the person in charge, it is only through layers of contact. The organization will arrange a safe meeting place. After the meeting between Uncle Li and the person in charge, Uncle Li will not know where the other person lives.

This is to keep the work confidential, which Uncle Li can understand.

Even the room where they met was very dark, and it was basically difficult to see each other's appearance, but their voices could be heard.

It's just that Uncle Li doesn't know the owner of this voice, so he's not an old friend.

After being sent in by the organization comrades, Uncle Li sat on the stool.

The person in charge of the organization in Shanghai said: "Hello, Comrade Ksitigarbha."


"You are contacting me so urgently. Is there something important?"

Even if Uncle Li can contact the person in charge, it is often not possible to meet immediately. The time still needs to be coordinated according to the work arrangement of the person in charge.

Because if you send information, you can report it to the person in charge when you have time.

But you ask to meet, which requires some preparation.

It's just that Uncle Li said that the situation was very important. It happened that the person in charge had nothing to do these days, so he was able to meet at night. It was usually impossible to meet so quickly.

Uncle Li really didn't expect to see each other tonight, and he was already ready to wait.

But since you can use your troops quickly and quickly, that's also good.

Uncle Li said: "Do you know the news that the military commander arranged for Nie Hong to lurk in Shanghai?"

"I have received all the information you reported before."

"Now Song Shutang has convinced Nie Hong that he can establish contact with us independently and provide us with future information about our organization more conveniently, ensuring that no losses will be caused by poor contact."

Hearing what Uncle Li said, the person in charge said: "What you said is indeed good news. We have been arranging personnel to break into the secret service headquarters, but you also know that we suffered heavy losses in Shanghai before, which makes it difficult now. make it happen.

The loss of intelligence about the special agent headquarters is very passive for our overall work. Nie Hong can provide information. Although we cannot grasp more comprehensive information and can only grasp the intelligence of our organization itself, it can be regarded as solving an urgent need.

This allows us to prepare better and have greater confidence in infiltrating our people into the secret service headquarters. "

Of course it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for help yourself.

The person in charge is actually very happy to have such a development, but more importantly, he cannot give up here and pin all his hopes on Nie Hong. After all, the other party is a member of the military commander.

It's not that the person in charge has any other opinions about the people in the military command, but only with your own people can you guarantee that there will be no problems.

What would you do if the military commander suddenly made changes to Nie Hong's work?
You are passive.

Therefore, the time gained now is time that the organization can make good use of, so the person in charge is still very pleased to have such a result.

It's just that if that's all, there's no need to meet.

So the person in charge asked again: "Do you have anything else to say when you see me?"

"I don't know if what I say now will be inconsistent with our identities, but since I dare to ask for a meeting, I won't hide it."

"But it doesn't matter."

"In terms of organization, I want to choose very professional and reliable comrades to be responsible for establishing contact with Nie Hong."

"this one?"

"This is very important to me."

"Do you care about Nie Hong's safety?"

"I do care about Nie Hong's safety, and it's not just out of concern for the intelligence of the Secret Service Headquarters. It's really mixed with personal emotions."

I heard Uncle Li say this.

The person in charge pondered for a moment and said: "You are very candid, and I understand your thoughts. It is not a problem that you have such a reaction to your experience. It is the organization that feels sorry for you and allows you to endure such a long and difficult life."

Hearing what the person in charge said, Uncle Li felt really sad, but his age and latent experience prevented him from showing anything.

The person in charge continued: "I can agree to your request. After all, Nie Hong agreed to provide us with information, which is to help us. It is natural for us to ensure his safety.

Even if Nie Hong can take this step today, it is good news for our future development. This time I will not only choose a person with strong ability, but also find someone suitable for dealing with people. In intelligence work , to draw closer to each other. "

What the person in charge said undoubtedly coincided with Uncle Li's thoughts, so he felt relieved.

It seems that there is no need to meet with such an exhortation.

But Uncle Li felt his own guilt.

You said it is true that you have no guilt about lurking among the Japanese and traitors.

However, he was lurking in the army and getting along with Nie Hong and others day and night, going through life and death. The scene of mutual rescue is vivid in my mind.

You say that Uncle Li really doesn't feel any guilt in his heart just because of the different camps. That's impossible.

He has betrayed the other party's trust, so Uncle Li believes that the only thing he can do now is to ensure the other party's safety.

This is something that he can give himself some comfort in, so it is not important in the eyes of others, but it is very important in the eyes of Uncle Li.

So he wanted to meet the person in charge in person. If the other party had different opinions, he had to find a way to convince him.

It seems that the person in charge thinks the same as Uncle Li, that Nie Hong deserves to be protected.

You have to thank the other party for providing them with information. How could you put the other party in danger?

As for subsequent development.

That is a matter of slowly getting into contact with it. Letting capable people in the organization take charge of this matter will be conducive to subsequent development.

When talking about this development issue, Uncle Li said: "If you want to develop Nie Hong, Yan Qinghui is actually the key."

If Yan Qinghui had been in the hands of the military commander, he would have been a very important hostage.

Let alone Nie Hong, not even Song Shutang dared to act rashly.

Although Song Shutang has joined the organization now, if Yan Qinghui is involved, he will definitely still be hesitant and entangled.

Uncle Li thinks he knows this better than anyone else.

"Boss Dai regards Yan Qinghui as a hostage and uses it to notify Nie Hong and Song Shutang. Then the security in the mountain city will be extremely tight. If we want to use Yan Qinghui to cause problems, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Although the person in charge also wanted Nie Hong to surrender.

But you have to understand that the internal situation of Shancheng is equally important to the organization.

The development of the organization in the mountain city is also very difficult. It is not easy to get the recognition and help from people from all walks of life to reach the situation we are in today.

If you do intelligence work on members of the Military Command Bureau, then the Kuomintang will have reason to expel you, which will affect the overall situation.

Therefore, the person in charge believes that it is too early to talk about Yan Qinghui's matter, and it is not of the same magnitude at all.

Even adding Nie Hong and Song Shutang is not enough.

The situation in the mountain city cannot be broken easily. It was finally achieved through constant friction.

Uncle Li also understood the current situation and said that Yan Qinghui's question was indeed too early, but he still reminded: "We don't have to take action, but can we collect relevant information first, so that even if we want to take action, we can make a quick decision? No Leave hidden dangers."

Regarding Uncle Li's suggestion, the person in charge thought about it carefully and said, "I will discuss this issue with Shancheng, but Shancheng is responsible for this matter. I can't guarantee anything."

"Thank you."

"What I can assure you is that in Shanghai, Nie Hong will definitely receive very high attention here. Our safety protection for him will not distinguish between you and me. Even if he is a member of the military commander, his value is placed here. You You should also understand that my commitment is valuable.”

"I see."

"But I also hope you don't feel too guilty. That's what intelligence work is like. Even if they know about it, they won't blame you. They just do their own thing."

The person in charge also comforted Uncle Li, saying that he actually understood that this kind of hidden work was tiring.

They even directly turned many comrades into the other party's people.

But this kind of subtle change is often the most fatal. But since Uncle Li has broken away, the person in charge will not worry about his rebellion.

I just don't want him to endure such torture in his heart. This is something that consumes a lot of energy and energy.

Uncle Li also understood that what the person in charge said was reasonable, but he was deeply involved in it. The so-called parties involved were not easy to ignore.

But he still said gratefully: "Thank you."

After the person in charge saw the question and finished speaking, he did not stay with Uncle Li anymore, but said, "I will arrange Nie Hong's affairs. Just take charge of Song Shutang."


Comrades from the organization came in and took Uncle Li away, and the person in charge of the organization also left in a car under the cover of darkness.

Tonight's meeting is very important to the organization. The intelligence from the special agent headquarters can at least be hopeful, so that we won't be very anxious now, but there is no way.

But the person in charge did not intend to talk about this matter and kept it confidential.

Secondly, let the person responsible for infiltrating the comrades into the secret service headquarters continue his mission.

Because entered tasks cannot be canceled.

This is something determined by the person in charge.

There are people of your own lurking inside, and people of other people lurking inside. These are two different concepts for the organization.

At the same time, the person in charge also started to look for candidates. After all, your contact with Nie Hong is not only responsible for collecting information from the other party.

You also need to let the other party understand the organization and even develop a strong interest in the organization.

Then it will be a great test of this person's ability.

It's just that this matter was finalized by the person in charge, and Uncle Li didn't have any information.

And this line cannot be told.

In other words, if someone from the organization has established contact with Nie Hong, Nie Hong will not tell Song Shutang his identity.

Moreover, the person assigned to Nie Hong was also someone who did not know the identity of Song Shutang.

This is good for everyone’s safety.

Song Shutang didn't know that Uncle Li was meeting directly with the person in charge in Shanghai. He just felt that with Uncle Li coming forward, the organization would definitely take Nie Hong seriously, and Nie Hong's safety would be guaranteed.

Song Shutang and Uncle Li had the same idea.

It's not that he feels guilty.

He was a member of the Juntong before, but was forced to join the organization later with some experience, so Song Shutang didn't feel so guilty about Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui.

But he still wanted to ensure the safety of the other party, because he regarded Nie Hong as his teacher, brother, and comrade-in-arms.

In terms of guilt, Song Shutang's only guilt may be that he hid the news that Uncle Li was not dead and did not tell Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui about it.

But at that time, he already knew Uncle Li's identity as a member of the Red Party.

He didn't want Uncle Li to go back to the Military Command, but he just wanted the Red Party to take Uncle Li away.

After all, Uncle Li was already seriously injured at the time.

But Uncle Li refused to leave and stayed with Song Shutang, so it didn't make much sense for him to prevent him from returning to the Military Command Bureau.

But after you have done this, there is no way to make Uncle Li show up again, so you can only lie again and again.

This may be the only thing he feels guilty about.

This is also something he wants to explain clearly in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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