Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 559 The stronghold is exposed

Chapter 559 The stronghold is exposed
Using confidentiality as an excuse to refuse is too blunt.

It seems like a boss is perfunctory to his subordinates. Wan Liang is now perfunctory to Song Shutang, which is obviously inappropriate.

After all, Song Shutang told him the news several times.

It was Song Shutang who told Wan Liang the news about Li Qun's detainees in the concession, including this time when Nie Hong assisted Li Qun in investigating the mole, thinking that Wan Liang secretly informed the military commander of the news.

This important clue was also provided by Song Shutang. Do you want to ignore it?
Song Shutang has told you so much information and even helped you survive several dangers. At this time, you are not willing to reveal anything, which seems too outrageous.

As if unfamiliar.

In other words, the relationship seems to be very good on the surface, but in fact you don't think so at all, and you are even a little defensive.

It’s not that Song Shutang didn’t understand the requirement of confidentiality, nor was he unprofessional.

Instead, he naturally asked Wan Liang about his mission here.

It was as if I knew the confidentiality work and the confidentiality requirements.

It’s just that I think our relationship is too good, so I asked casually.

I think our relationship is good, so I asked you this without thinking too much about it. Isn’t this attitude okay?
Of course, at least Wan Liang can't say anything now.

He couldn't say that Song Shutang did it on purpose. He just felt that it was at this point, so couldn't he just ask?

That's certainly possible.

Therefore, facing Song Shutang's waiting, Wan Liang didn't have much time to hesitate. Either you say it or you don't say it.

It's definitely not an option for you to keep silent.

Song Shutang also frowned slightly, wondering if Wan Liang's reaction was a bit unpleasant. After all, he regarded the other party as completely one of his own.

Wan Liang also felt some changes in Song Shutang's mood. He was worried that Song Shutang would say in the next second that he would not ask and should keep it secret.

It seems that Song Shutang has reacted and stepped down for you.

But Wan Liang cannot ask for this step. If you ask for this step, then there will be a gap, and problems will arise sooner or later.

So Wan Liang took the lead and said, "The task is indeed quite complicated."

He couldn't let Song Shutang say that he wouldn't listen anymore, as it would leave more hidden dangers in his heart than the gain. He couldn't wait until Song Shutang said that he wouldn't listen before he told the other party.

Then it seems like it is forced.

Although Wan Liang finally spoke, the result was completely different.

The effect will also be greatly reduced.

So Wan Liang spoke first and told the other party that he had planned to say it.

Hearing Wan Liang relent, Song Shutang felt happy. It seemed that today's investigation would not be so troublesome.

I might be able to figure out what mission the Mei agency gave the secret service headquarters tonight. This is very funny.

Although Song Shutang delayed for several days before coming to Wan Liang to inquire.

But there is no doubt that the efficiency is very high, and accurate information can be obtained by just making the first preliminary inquiry.

That's why Song Shutang said before that sharpening the knife will not waste time chopping wood. This time is a good example.

If you are anxious in the early stage, you will not achieve such an effect at all. You may also alert the other party to increase their vigilance, but you will not have the opportunity to pry for information.

He was happy, but Song Shutang didn't show it to avoid being noticed by Wan Liang.

So he just continued to ask curiously: "What task makes the director so difficult?"

follow up.

When pressed, Wan Liang said: "Mei's agency received news that two Red Party strongholds were found, so it is necessary to launch a control investigation and try to arrest more people."

"Two strongholds?" Song Shutang was already nervous after hearing this. After all, every stronghold discovered was a heavy loss.

Wan Liang said: "That's true."

"Where is the stronghold?"

"I can't tell you this at the moment. It's not that I don't believe you, but the confidentiality required by Mei's agency is such that you know it's not good for you. What do you think?" Wan Liang said.

He couldn't refuse directly, it would look bad.

But it was impossible for Wan Liang to tell Song Shutang the news, and that was even more undesirable.

So Wan Liang's idea is that I will tell you part of it, but I can't tell you everything. You have to be considerate of me.

Song Shutang wants to understand now.

After all, there are two strongholds, this is too critical.

But after Wan Liang said this, you can't pretend to be indifferent and continue to ask questions.

Because what Wan Liang is saying now is relatively clear, that is, don't embarrass him.

Song Shutang is not a person without eyesight. How could you keep asking after the other party said such things?

If you ask Wan Liang now, not only will you not feel guilty for choosing to tell you, but you will only feel that you don't understand what he said, or you are not smart enough.

On the contrary, it will make the other party unhappy.

This is a question of degree. Song Shutang could indeed pursue the question at the beginning, but now he cannot.

Song Shutang also took advantage of the situation and said, "I understand."

You have no way to ask further questions, you can only express your intention not to ask, but this matter must not be left alone.

Seeing that Song Shutang was very eye-catching, Wan Liang was also quite satisfied and said: "Thank you for today's news. I will calculate the credit for you in the future. Be careful when you go back at night."

"The director should also be careful."

"it is good."

After separating from Wan Liang, Song Shutang walked towards the concession. The information obtained today was considered to have made progress, and it was a great progress.

But there is no conclusive evidence, which is a pity.

But with the information you have now, you have to inform the organization, because it is already very critical.

After Song Shutang returned to the concession, he did not go back directly to the subdivision, but went to see Uncle Li.

Don't delay this news, because it is not accurate news. You have to see what new orders the organization gives you, and whether the organization can use the time to investigate more clues and determine the stronghold after you tell the organization such news. Where exactly is it. These all require time to investigate, so Song Shutang did not waste a moment.

Go see Uncle Li in the evening and wake him up.

When Uncle Li saw Song Shutang coming so late, he knew that he might have discovered something, so he immediately didn't feel sleepy at all. He asked Song Shutang to sit down and asked, "Have you found any clues?"

"I haven't dared to investigate in the past few days because I was worried about being exposed. I waited until today to find the opportunity. When I went to report to Wan Liang, I met Brother Nie. I got very crucial information from Brother Nie. I sent it to Gave it to Wan Liang.

It was because of this information that Wan Liang took me to see Masato Kuji, which allowed me to hear their conversation and indeed mentioned the mission. This allowed me to better inquire, but Wan Liang did not give a clear answer here. .

They only said that two Red Party strongholds had been discovered and that more information needed to be obtained through surveillance and investigation. However, they refused to disclose more information about these two Red Party strongholds. "

After hearing Song Shutang explain the problem clearly, Uncle Li said: "Wan Liang is a professional intelligence worker. Of course, when faced with this information, he will subconsciously want to keep it secret.

In addition, the information this time was given by Mei Agency, and Mei Agency must have emphasized the issue of confidentiality when giving it. Maybe Masato Kuji was not worried about us knowing, but worried about Li Qun knowing. After all, their struggle was also fierce. "

"Anyway, Wan Liang is unwilling to tell me now, and I have no way to continue to ask questions, so how is the organization going to investigate?"

"If you can provide this information, at least the organization will know where the investigation direction of the Mei agency is, and the organization can also conduct a secret investigation next."

"The organization has so many strongholds in Shanghai, how can we investigate them? And if we happen to investigate a stronghold that is targeted by the enemy, the comrades in the organization who are responsible for eliminating it may be exposed," Song Shutang said.

There must be many organizations with strongholds in Shanghai.

However, Uncle Li said: "From what Wan Liang told you about this mission, it seems that the other party trusts you and does not tell you specific information just because of confidentiality reasons.

So in other words, if the stronghold is in the concession, even if there is only one stronghold in the concession, Wan Liang will definitely ask you to participate in the operation, but now he has not. "

"Uncle Li, you mean there are two strongholds, both outside the concession?"

"Obviously." Uncle Li thought he could make this judgment with confidence. The two strongholds were outside the concession. After all, Song Shutang was a basis for judgment.

You said Wan Liang wanted to avoid Song Shutang during his investigation mission?
There is no reason.

If it is in the concession, Song Shutang is the most suitable candidate, and there are also partitions that can be used.

Therefore, Song Shutang did not participate, and in Uncle Li's opinion, the concession could definitely be ruled out.

Song Shutang thinks this is also true. After all, Wan Liang trusts him now, otherwise he would not reveal the news to him.

Although it seems that the disclosure is not specific enough, you have to understand that if it were not out of trust, this information would not be given.

But even if you now lock the scope outside the concession, the scope is still very large, and there are still many strongholds of the organization. The trouble for you to investigate is also not small. Song Shutang still feels not optimistic.

"If I want to investigate in depth, I must start with Wan Liang, but I'm worried that he will be suspicious of me." Song Shutang said.

Everyone is doing intelligence work.

You said it was not a mission you participated in, and then you kept asking around here. Do you think the other party would have no suspicion at all?

This is impossible, everyone is on high alert.

Especially since Wan Liang has already shown that he doesn't want you to pry, yet you keep asking questions.

Tell Wan Liang why this is?
You don't even have a reasonable explanation.

Next is Nie Hong. If Li Qun was responsible for this task, then Nie Hong could indeed come in handy, but now that this task was given to Wan Liang by the Mei Agency, Nie Hong had no choice.

After all, regarding Nie Hong's current relationship with Wan Liang, it would be foolish for you to ask for information, so Song Shutang is still responsible.

But Song Shutang's current problems are also obvious.

Uncle Li thought for a while and said: "You can find a way to get as much information as possible under the premise of safety. I will report this news to the organization and ask the organization to start a careful investigation."

You must be careful during the investigation, otherwise it will be easily exposed.

Because the stronghold has been targeted, any actions of comrades may be considered suspicious by the other party.

Secondly, all strongholds must be working, so when you are working, the enemy will be watching you.

Can you ensure that your work will not be seen by your enemies?

If the enemy sees it, doesn't it mean that the work is also exposed? The exposure of the work content means that the comrades are exposed.

This undoubtedly exposed more comrades to the enemy.

But you can't stop everyone yet. After all, there are many strongholds and there are activities at each stronghold. Is it possible for you to stop everyone?
Is it possible that no one has to work anymore?
So now is a very dangerous situation. You can't stop everyone in a hurry, but in the process of taking action, more people may be exposed.

Moreover, the function of the stronghold is to communicate with others, and you cannot stop them even if you want to.

The traffic officers are all on the road. When they arrive at the place, they will contact the base. You can be silent at your base, but how do you notify the traffic officers on the road?

He will still show up.

Therefore, Uncle Li feels that it is necessary to find out the truth as soon as possible so that you can prescribe the right medicine.

It is very difficult to organize an investigation here, but no matter how difficult it is, we must investigate. At the same time, if we can gain something here in Song Shutang, it will be better.

After all, the information obtained by Song Shutang is more intuitive.

After the arrangement was over, Song Shutang stood up and said goodbye, "I will find a way to pay more attention."

On the way back to the division, Song Shutang kept thinking that the answer lies in Wan Liang's mouth. How to pry open the other party's mouth is now a crucial question.

It needs to be subtle and not too blunt.

After returning to the subdivision, Song Shutang hadn't figured out this solution yet. Instead, he heard Mei Mu ask naively: "Why are you back so late?"

After all, Song Shutang was going to report on his work today, so he was supposed to be very fast, but Song Shutang only came back at night.

Facing Mei Mu Zhizi's inquiry in the room, Song Shutang said: "After I reported my work today, I met Nie Hong. During the chat, he said he knew about our conspiracy and said that the mole had not been caught at all. He is here Restart the investigation..."

After hearing Song Shutang's words, Mei Mu Zhizi said: "Do you think there is something wrong with the director?"

"Yes, I did think that there was something wrong with the director, so I reported the news to the director, and then the director asked me to wait until I got off work to see Major Masato Kuji, and that's why I was delayed until now."

"Then you have done the director a big favor today." Mei Muzhizi said.

No wonder I came back so late, at such a time.

"The director is indeed more grateful to me. After all, Nie Hong has no idea about our situation, otherwise he would not be able to tell me this."

"He may have thought that his guess was correct, and we were secretly happy, so speaking out made me aware of their capabilities. At the same time, he also wanted to see if there would be anything unusual in our reaction, which would help him identify the suspect. "

"Your analysis makes sense." Song Shutang affirmed Mei Mu Zhizi's analysis.

(End of this chapter)

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