Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 560 Invitation to join the game

No matter what your guess is now, it is Li Qun who ordered Nie Hong to continue investigating the mole.

Wan Liang was worried that he would be mistaken for informing the military commander, so he told Masato Jiuji one step ahead of time to prove it to himself.

Song Shutang made meritorious service there because he got the information from Nie Hong, so he had meritorious service with Wanliang, so he could know about the tasks assigned to Wanliang by the Mei Agency.

But when asking about the mission, Wan Liang didn't explain it clearly.

This is the situation now.

But this is not enough at the moment, because there is no precise information. After all, the stronghold is targeted, and the loss can be big or small.

If you can discover and prepare in advance, you can use all your strength to reduce losses, but if you don't know the inside story and let the situation develop, the situation will be very bad.

There may even be more strongholds exposed, not just these two.

Secondly, if the two strongholds are exposed together, is there any connection between the two strongholds?

If there is no connection, it should be difficult to expose them together.

Moreover, all the Mei agencies are in charge of Wan Liang, so whether there is indeed a connection between them needs to be considered by the organization.

It depends on where the organization will start the investigation.

But organizing an investigation is also risky. As I have said before, your investigation may expose more people at any time.

If one thing affects the whole body, it can easily lead to irreversible consequences.

So although Wan Liang did not intend to tell him the details here, Song Shutang had no intention of giving up the investigation. After all, he was the only person who could contact the secret service headquarters. Although Nie Hong could also do it, Nie Hong was not suitable in the current situation.

The first thing is that you have to consider getting along with Nie Hong. This is very sensitive.

If the other party can give you the information about the Red Party that it has investigated, it is considered to have done its best. It is unreasonable for you to give the other party a task at this time and let the other party complete it.

In order to complete your mission, the other party is exposed, or exposed to the military commander. Who can be responsible for this?
Therefore, Nie Hong is not suitable, so as not to create a rebellious mentality. Secondly, Wan Liang is responsible here, and it is difficult for Nie Hong to intervene.

The only candidate is Song Shutang, so he will not give up just because Wan Liang disagrees with sharing the information.

You gave up today because of the situation at that time and you had to give up.

Then it will be difficult for you to investigate again in the future.

So when he was lying on the bed to rest, Song Shutang was not sleepy. This was what he kept thinking about.

Mei Mu Zhizi chatted with him, and he responded, but not too attentively.

Just like this, after Mei Mu Zhizi fell asleep, Song Shutang was still thinking about how to solve this matter.

After all, every night and every day, you may be causing irreparable damage.

In the end, Song Shutang felt that it was impossible to find Wan Liang himself.

After all, Wan Liang told you clearly today not to ask, and I won't tell you. I have said enough today.

So if you go again later, what reason will you use?

You said you wanted to work?
Wan Liang doesn't need you. The other party is not in the concession. Do you still want to go out?
It's not like there's no one available in the secret service headquarters, so Song Shutang feels that Wan Liang's approach is unworkable, so since Wan Liang's approach isn't feasible, Li Qun is the only one left.

Song Shutang can also try it through Li Qun.

This allows Nie Hong to participate.

Then there is no need for Nie Hong to take the initiative to take responsibility secretly. Instead, he may openly help Li Qun investigate, so that Nie Hong can tell the organization if he knows the news.

This is what was said before.

There is a very big difference here, because Nie Hong is safe.

You said Nie Hong was investigating, but Li Qun asked him to investigate.

You said there was a problem with the final mission, then you said it was Nie Hong's problem?
Can't it be said that there is something wrong with Wan Liang himself?

So if Nie Hong is safe, this matter will be easy to handle.

Secondly, taking a step back, is it possible that Li Qun deliberately gave up to cause problems?
After all, his previous actions against military commanders had not been successful, so he suspected that Wan Liang was responsible. Now that Wan Liang had a task to complete, couldn't Li Qun interfere with it?

If Li Qun takes the initiative to interfere, it will be very simple for the organization to deal with the matter, and no one will even need to face suspicion in the end. Wan Liang will directly target Li Qun.

Li Qun also knew that he had done it, which made everyone happy.

So after thinking about this, Song Shutang fell asleep.

He needs to find an opportunity to meet Li Qun and report this matter in person.

So one day, Song Shutang found a time to call Li Qun and said that he had something to report. Li Qun also gave Song Shutang a time to meet at the designated place.

Song Shutang took the initiative to call and report work. In Li Qun's opinion, he must have information, and it was relatively important information, otherwise he would not have made a special trip to report.

If it was something that could be explained clearly in one sentence, then Song Shutang should have reported it directly on the phone, so Li Qun didn't waste any time here.

After all, Li Qun was not busy at night, so meeting Song Shutang was not a big problem.

At the agreed time, Song Shutang went to the appointed hotel and waited for Li Qun in the private room.

Li Qun came on time. He was neither late nor early.

Because Li Qun never thinks that being late can highlight a person's status. He always says what time it is, but he doesn't like people being late.

If there is no special reason, he hopes you can stick to the time.

Song Shutang did a good job in this regard. He was already waiting. When he saw Li Qun coming in, Song Shutang hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Director."

"Sit down and order whatever you want to eat."

"Thank you, director. I wonder what the director would like to eat."


Upon seeing this, Song Shutang knew that Li Qun was really not interested in ordering, so he ordered a few dishes by himself without bothering Li Qun.

When the food was served, Song Shutang waited for Li Qun to move first, and then he said, "I have something to report here."

"Is it about Director Wan?"

"Director Yingming, it is indeed about Director Wan."

"Go ahead."

"Today, my subordinate met Brother Nie in the secret service headquarters. He told me that the director was still investigating the director and believed that the previous actions were caused by problems with the director.

My subordinates thought that Brother Nie told me this news, maybe he wanted me to convey it to the director to see if the director would be panicked about this matter, so as to determine whether the mole arrested before was correct. "

Song Shutang's analysis found no problem in Li Qun's opinion.

After all, Nie Hong was in charge of the investigation.

Then confirming whether there is a mole is the first step. Then tell Wan Liang the news through Song Shutang and judge by the other party's reaction. Li Qun thinks there is no problem.

Therefore, I don’t think Nie Hong did anything wrong. However, Li Qun did not speak at this time, but waited for Song Shutang to continue.

Song Shutang did not give in here and continued: "My subordinates immediately told the news to the director. When the director heard the news, he said it was nonsense. He said how could it be that he told the military commander the news."

Regarding this answer, Li Qun said nothing.

After all, even if Wan Liang really did it, would he admit it in front of Song Shutang?

This is a tip to the military commander. Who can be told about this?
Of course, the fewer people who know, the better.

"The subordinates didn't judge whether the director really told the military commander the news, so they planned to tell the director about the matter. But at that time, the subordinates didn't have the chance because the director asked me to go with him to see the director of the Mei Agency. His Majesty Masato and Major.

He asked his subordinates to tell Major Masato Kuji about this matter to help him explain his innocence, so the subordinates could only follow him and leave the secret service headquarters, and then went to see Major Masato Kuji. After that, he went back to the division, but never found a chance to report. "

Li Qun smiled disdainfully at what Song Shutang said.

Wan Liang's reaction seems to have nothing to do with him, but many things can be performed. If Li Qun did such a thing, he felt that he would perform it better than Wan Liang.

Next is Masato Kuji.

In fact, many Japanese people in the Mei Agency now choose to stand with Li Qun. After all, he is the director, and they were the ones who chose him before.

Of course I feel good about it.

It was Masato Kuji and his group who felt that Li Qun was not amenable to discipline and wanted to replace him.

Therefore, Li Qun hated Masato Kuji to death, even if he was Japanese.

If Li Qun wasn't worried about getting into trouble, he would have wanted to deal with Masato Jiuji first and vent his anger.

"What did Major Jiuji Masato say?" Li Qun asked.

"Choose to believe the Director."

Hearing Song Shutang's words, Li Qun was not surprised at all. After all, for someone like Jiu Si Zhengren, he chose to support Wan Liang, so of course he would choose to believe him now.

To put it bluntly, even if Wan Liang really did this, Masato Jiuji would turn a blind eye. After all, do you want to slap yourself in the face?

He is in the Mei organization, but he has always said that he supports Wan Liang. Could it be that he is trying to unseat Wan Liang now?

Therefore, Masato Kuji's attitude is not important at all.

But after all, his attitude represented the attitude of some Mei agencies, so Li Qun had no intention of making the matter a big deal, which was meaningless.

Li Qun believed that Song Shutang came today to tell him the news.

Li Qun seems to be of some use, but not much.

After all, he could make some guesses, and Song Shutang didn't know whether Wan Liang was acting or fake.

But just when Li Qun thought that what Song Shutang was going to report today was over, who knew that Song Shutang continued: "But when I followed the director to meet with Major Masato Jiuji today, I heard some additional things."

"Extra things?" Li Qun asked.

Listening to Song Shutang's tone of voice, it seemed that this additional matter was more important, and Li Qun became interested.

Song Shutang nodded and said: "Major Master Jiu Si arranged a task for the director, asking him to be responsible. He also said that the director just suffered a defeat here. If the director can make meritorious service, then the effect will be obvious. Fortunately, the Mei Agency Inside, speak for the director."

Hearing this, Li Qun felt a little unhappy on his face.

What do you mean I just failed here?

If it weren't for him, officials from Jinling would have faced assassination from the military commander.

He solved this matter by himself, made the military commander's plan a joke, and asked the military commander to sacrifice a lurker. Is this called a failure?

Tell me what meritorious service is?

Li Qun was dissatisfied. He just said that he felt that his credit was small, not that he felt that he had made a mistake in his work.

He may be dissatisfied, but the people in Mei's organization are dissatisfied. Would Li Qun feel comfortable saying he failed?
So now in front of Song Shutang, he did not hide his emotions.

When Song Shutang saw this, he didn't dare to speak anymore. Li Qun said, "Keep talking."

Li Qun sounded very calm. After all, as the director, he had never seen anything like this before. This kind of thing would not have much impact on him now.

It was just a moment of anger.

Song Shutang continued: "The subordinates realized that something was wrong as soon as they heard it, so they wanted to find out the matter and tell the director. However, the director used confidentiality as an excuse and was unwilling to tell his subordinates."

"Didn't you say anything?"

"It's not like I didn't say anything. Maybe because of the information my subordinates got from Brother Nie, I told them some clues, saying that Mei's agency told them about the two Red Party strongholds."





Li Qun felt even more uncomfortable. If he wanted to make meritorious deeds here, he would have to work hard to investigate.

But what about Wan Liang?
Mei's agency directly told him the two Red Party strongholds. This was the difference.

And you have to know that there are many possibilities in a stronghold, and it is very possible that you can make achievements that are unimaginable.

If Wan Liang does well, then he will definitely be blamed on Li Qun. This is the change brought about by meritorious service, nothing else.

It's very intuitive.

Regardless of whether Li Qun was willing or not, Masato Jiu Si told Wan Liang the information.

But Li Qun was the director of the secret service headquarters, but the task was given directly to Wan Liang without him knowing.

What is this thing called?
Have you been ignored?
Obviously it's not at this point yet.

Therefore, Li Qun feels that this approach is very bad, but even if you ask, there is nothing you can do.

Umekiji Masato would not admit that he told Wan Liang the news. Wan Liang would then say that he had investigated it himself. What could Li Qun do?
Do you have to point at Masato Kuji's nose and say that you told him?

Obviously it is impossible.

Now Li Qun feels that the information provided by Song Shutang tonight is indeed of very high value, and is much more valuable than the information just mentioned.

If these two Red Party strongholds can be used well, Wan Liang's status will be greatly improved.

So Li Qun asked: "Can you find out more information?"

"The director clearly told me that he will not take responsibility and will not allow me to inquire, so my subordinates cannot go further." Song Shutang said helplessly. He was really helpless.

If he could find out, he would also tell Li Qun what to do.

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