Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 561 Nie Hong’s participation

Song Shutang told Li Qun about this matter in order to get Li Qun to intervene in the investigation. Song Shutang had no way to intervene.

If Li Qun wants to intervene in the investigation, Nie Hong may learn the information.

Then Nie Hong can tell the information to the organization after he learns it. This is relatively safe.

And this effect is the best.

After all, it is reasonable for Li Qun to want to understand Wan Liang's mission here.

After all, this is the stronghold of the two red parties. If we don't figure it out, can you guarantee that there won't be any problems?

Wan Liang performed meritorious service here and suppressed Li Qun. Is this what Li Qun wanted to see?
So Song Shutang used the power struggle between the two people to find a chance of survival. Now it seems that Li Qun is interested in this matter, otherwise he would not ask Song Shutang if he could continue the investigation.

Li Qun understood when Song Shutang said that he had no way to investigate.

First of all, Song Shutang was not responsible for this matter, so Wan Liang really had no reason to tell him. After all, Wan Liang was not inexperienced.

This has nothing to do with trust or distrust, confidentiality is a necessary requirement.

The first is to ensure that the news will not be leaked, and the second is that after the news is leaked, the number of people you suspect is limited.

If you make the news known to everyone, then if something goes wrong, everyone will be suspicious of you, which will be even more troublesome.

In addition, Song Shutang is in charge of the zoning in the concession, not in the secret service headquarters. If you want him to be responsible for investigating Wan Liang, it is indeed a bit difficult here.

Song Shutang continued: "Director, Major Masato Jiuji attaches great importance to this matter, and it seems that he has an agreement with the director. As long as the director can complete this task well, it seems that something can be done."

"It's nothing more than helping him put in a few nice words in front of the Japanese." Li Qun said.

Although it sounds like he doesn't care, there is no doubt that if Masato Jiuji helps Wan Liang to say a few nice words in front of the Japanese, it will definitely affect Li Qun's image here.

After all, it is a process of ebb and flow.

So now Li Qun is already planning to launch an investigation to see how this matter will proceed.

However, Li Qun's investigation also did not require Song Shutang, so he did not tell Song Shutang in detail how he would investigate.

However, Song Shutang got the news from Wan Liang after all, and Song Shutang still has such convenience, so Li Qun said: "If you can still receive news here, tell me as soon as possible."

"My subordinate understands."

From Li Qun's arrangement, Song Shutang could understand that he was ready to intervene.

So now Li Qun's candidate must be Nie Hong. It's not that Nie Hong is outstanding. After all, Li Qun has many capable people under his command.

Moreover, Nie Hong is now responsible for investigating whether Wan Liang leaked the information to the military commander. Then Nie Hong's interest in Wan Liang's affairs will not arouse Wan Liang's suspicion.

It will only make the other party feel as if they are looking for evidence that he gave the information to the military commander, rather than investigating matters related to the Red Party stronghold here in Wanliang.

Therefore, Nie Hong is the most suitable candidate to confuse the opponent.

In this way, he can lower the other party's vigilance, allowing him to carry out his work better. That's why Song Shutang came to this conclusion.

It's just that you couldn't bring it up in front of Li Qun, so after talking about it, Song Shutang stood up and left.

Of course, he didn't eat much food, but Li Qun was obviously in a normal mood now, and Song Shutang didn't want to stay here anymore.

After Song Shutang left, Li Qun felt that he made the right choice to develop Song Shutang.

After all, the information provided this time is enough to prove this point.

Masato Kuji's help to Wan Liang was indeed great.

Li Qun couldn't help but think about whether he should cause some trouble for Masato Jiuji.

You said that of course he wouldn't dare to let Li Qun deal with the Japanese major directly, but the Japanese don't have the right to fight, so can Li Qun take advantage of it?

After all, if you had done nothing and allowed Masato Jiuji to join forces with Wan Liang, it would have caused a lot of trouble for Li Qun.

After Song Shutang left, he was now waiting for news from the secret service headquarters.

Mainly waiting for news from Nie Hong.

He felt that based on Li Qun's performance today, his plan could go smoothly.

Sure enough, when Li Qun went to work the next day, he immediately called Nie Hong to the office and told Nie Hong about the matter.

Nie Hong also understood immediately that this was probably what Song Shutang meant.

Nie Hong can also understand that it is difficult for the Red Party to allow him to investigate. After all, the current cooperation is very shallow.

However, after Song Shutang did this, Nie Hong's investigation became Li Qun's order, so of course there was no risk for Nie Hong to complete Li Qun's order.

It's what you should have done.

Moreover, after investigating the information about the Red Party, Nie Hong needed to tell the Red Party, which was what he had promised before.

It is the basis of cooperation.

At the same time, Nie Hong also put forward his own request, that is, if the Red Party has any news, it can be reported to the military commander.

That is through Song Shutang.

After all, Nie Hong didn't want to see military commanders suffer losses.

The organization agrees with this.

After all, the organization also needs Song Shutang to lurk in Juntong, so all news about Juntong is informed to the other party through Song Shutang.

Moreover, we don’t want the military commanders to suffer heavy losses, and they are all working latently in Shanghai. Whoever suffers heavy losses will have a great impact.

So it coincides with each other.

Song Shutang's current arrangement can be regarded as a small calculation. Nie Hong is not disgusted at all. He even thinks that Song Shutang has made great progress.

This is good for everyone.

Therefore, Nie Hong immediately said in front of Li Qun: "Don't worry, director, my subordinates will investigate this matter."

"It must be done as soon as possible."


Li Qun also knows that if you delay for too long, Wan Liang may have already made a contribution here, and it will be difficult to do what you want to do.

In fact, Li Qun's current idea is to perform meritorious deeds on his own and see if he can cut Hu off from Wan Liang's hands.

At that time, you said it was Li Qun who influenced Wan Liang’s investigation?
You, Wan Liang, influenced Li Qun's actions twice in the concession, and then said that you investigated it yourself and did not know what Li Qun was doing.

So now that Li Qun uses the same method to say the same thing, can Wan Liang refute it?
Doesn’t your rebuttal show that everything you said before was false and that you also deliberately sabotaged it?

Therefore, Li Qun does not have any psychological pressure here. As long as he can investigate and intercept Hu, he will not have any hesitation.

He even said that if Hu couldn't be cut off, Wan Liang had already prepared everything, so it was really difficult to intervene?
Li Qun admitted that he had thought about whether to tell the news to the Red Party. Although he couldn't run away, he could at least prepare the Red Party for a fight with Wan Liang, so that Wan Liang would lose miserably even if he won.

It even cost Wan Liang a very heavy price. At that time, I will say that Masato Kuji has given you the information in advance, and yet you still end up like this.

How do you explain it?

However, this kind of thing is shameful after all, so Li Qun has not spoken now. Even if he really wants to tell the news to the Red Party, Li Qun will definitely find a confidant here to secretly take charge of this matter.

Not to mention Nie Hong, no one else in the secret service headquarters could know. All they wanted was to keep it secret.

Nie Hong also knew that the Red Party was worried about this matter, so he also led the team, pretending to investigate the failure of the previous military unification operation, but in fact, he began to secretly investigate Wanliang's mission here.

Because this mission was given by Masato Kuji, and it was for two strongholds.

Therefore, a lot of manpower is needed, so Wan Liang cannot complete it with only the people he keeps in secret.

Moreover, the person Wan Liang raised in secret had lost part of his previous actions.

And some of them have been placed in the concession area, so there are very few people living in the dark here in Wanliang.

It is obviously not enough to take charge of this mission.

Not only is it not enough, it is much worse.

Therefore, people from the special agent headquarters must be used. Nie Hong's idea here is to keep an eye on these people and see who can investigate this mission clearly.

But the members in the agent headquarters are also very busy with their daily work. Even if they don't have a mission, they will have their own investigations, so you don't know who has a mission when they come in and out.

After all, those who receive the task are required to keep it confidential.

And there will be no scene where everyone comes in and out together. After all, it is too obvious. Wan Liang must pay attention to this regarding his current relationship with Li Qun.

So Nie Hong was also in trouble.

There are not many members in his team. Who you choose to follow in the investigation is very important.

After all, if you make the wrong choice, you may need to waste time to react. It may take at least a day, and it may take more than three days before you realize that you have made a mistake in your investigation.

But you can’t afford to waste it.

If you choose one time and you waste a few days, if you choose one time and you waste a few days of time, wouldn't it mean that the people from the secret service headquarters should take more days to target the red party's strongholds.

Maybe by the time Nie Hong finally investigates it, it will be meaningless.

There is no way to save the day.

So Nie Hong was thinking about how to get this matter investigated faster, so that he could not only help the Red Party, but also show his abilities in front of Li Qun.

But now that he had just received this task, Nie Hong really didn't have any good ideas here, and he didn't know how to proceed.

On the one hand, he has a small manpower, and on the other hand, he does not want to alert others.

After all, Nie Hong knew that if he alerted the enemy here, it would be very detrimental to the Red Party.

While Nie Hong was directing his people to investigate, he was thinking about how to go faster.

However, none of these Song Shutang currently knows that he is already in the concession area and is responsible for the work of the concession.

In the past few days, Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong's investigation here has also made some progress, and both of them are deeply involved.

However, Song Shutang had already sent the news out, and the investigation by these two people must have ended in vain.

That’s not to say that the people in the zoning district have no effect at all.

They can often find traces of organizations and military commanders, but here Song Shutang will definitely solve this problem one step ahead, so it seems that there has been no progress.

Moreover, sometimes in order to cooperate with Song Shutang, military commanders and organizations would deliberately leave some clues and information for the division to investigate, making it appear that they also had a job.

At the same time, Song Shutang also reported to the organization that he had asked Li Qun to be responsible for the investigation and Nie Hong to participate. Uncle Li felt that Song Shutang had done a good job.

The problem of asking Nie Hong for help was solved relatively smoothly.

So now just wait for the situation to develop. After all, it is really difficult for the organization to investigate on its own. There are too many strongholds.

And which stronghold has a problem and which stronghold does not have a problem, you can't investigate in depth.

So as not to expose more people.

So now the organization is investigating secretly, but its greater hope is on Nie Hong.

After all, the investigation that the organization can carry out is really limited.

There is just one advantage to the organization here, that is, as long as Nie Hong provides information, they can judge whether it is a stronghold.

After all, the person in charge of the organization in Shanghai knows the location of the stronghold.

Then Nie Hong doesn't need to make a judgment. He only needs to tell the people at the secret service headquarters where the responsible tasks are, and other organizations can make a judgment.

It’s just that there is no news from Nie Hong yet.

Thinking about it, he knew that the investigation would not be so fast, so the people in the organization were patient and did not rush Nie Hong.

Now Nie Hong is the key to the investigation. They just need to wait for Nie Hong to contact them and not add unnecessary trouble to Nie Hong.

Nie Hong is quite satisfied with the reaction of the organization's comrades.

If he has gained something, he will definitely tell it proactively and will not wait for people from the Red Party to ask.

If he doesn't contact him, it means he has gained nothing. If the Red Party keeps contacting him at this time, Nie Hong will be very unhappy.

Fortunately, the comrades in the organization still have strong control over this aspect.

But Nie Hong did get into some trouble. He was unable to make progress in his investigation of Wan Liang.

He also followed Wan Liang's people several times and found that they were doing daily investigations after going out, and they didn't seem to be responsible for any specific tasks.

But according to Nie Hong's investigation in the past few days, there are indeed some people under Wan Liang who are not at the secret service headquarters these days.

It seems that he is responsible for some task.

In this case, Nie Hong would focus on a few of them, but you don't know where the other person went.

It's hard to find you now.

He could only wait and see if the other party would come back to the agent headquarters to report the news. If they came to report the news, Nie Hong could keep an eye on them and see where they would go after reporting the news.

See if we can make any progress.

But this method is more time-consuming, resulting in no news at present.

However, Nie Hong has no other good method except this method. After all, Wan Liang has the information, and it is difficult for him to find out clearly.

Even Song Shutang couldn't ask, so one can imagine the difficulty of Nie Hong's investigation.

Everyone needs to be patient now. Whoever loses his composure first will be at a disadvantage.

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