Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 566 Let go

Chapter 566 Let go

Wan Liang has no other work these days, except interrogation.

Ding Yingzhuo was already being interrogated and was a little unable to support himself. Wan Liang felt that he was about to win.

In fact, in order to make everything more believable, Ding Yingzhuo is still challenging the limits. He wants to see where his limits are.

How long can I hold on to the torture tools of the secret service headquarters?

Ding Yingzhuo had to say that the torture instruments at the secret service headquarters were indeed terrifying. He had a way out and could stop at any time. This was a huge support for him to persevere.

But even so, Ding Yingzhuo could hardly bear the pain several times.

At this time, Ding Yingzhuo wanted to tell everything, and then start to complete the organization's plan, so that he could suffer less physical pain.

But when this idea came up, Ding Yingzhuo was very surprised. He didn't know how he could have such an idea, so he immediately gave up the idea and started to persist.

However, Ding Yingzhuo must admit that the instruments of torture are really not something people can withstand.

Those comrades and soldiers who can stand firm in the face of torture and would rather die than surrender are heroes without exception.

After all, Ding Yingzhuo can only understand what this means if he really tries it.

Now he will not underestimate the secret agent headquarters. The enemy is very scary, even scarier than you imagine.

But he will also not be afraid of his enemies.

Ding Yingzhuo just had a deeper understanding of his subsequent latent work.

He had experience in latent work before, but this time Ding Yingzhuo understood that everything was different and he had to learn to adapt.

Only by adapting to the new latent job can you complete the tasks assigned to you by the organization.

While Ding Yingzhuo was still being tortured here in Wanliang, Nie Hong had already reported the news to Li Qun, saying that someone had been arrested in Wanliang.

Li Qun was a little strange. How could Wan Liang arrest someone in the current situation?
Li Qun asked: "Why did you start closing the net? Is it because you were suspected?"

Nie Hong said: "My subordinates also found it very strange, so they secretly inquired about it and heard people under Director Wan complaining, saying it was a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding?"

"The person they were responsible for tracking and monitoring was a carpenter. He wanted to repair a neighbor's cabinet, so he brought tools with him. One of them fell to the ground and fell down the slope. The carpenter went to pick up the tools and was mistaken for being out of sight.

When Director Wan's people rushed over, everyone's eyes met, and the other party started to run. Director Wan's people had no choice but to catch the person back, only to realize that they had made a mistake. "

Hearing that there was such a misunderstanding, Li Qun said disdainfully: "The people under Director Wan are too unprofessional."

"That's right. After all, if they catch this carpenter, they might alert the enemy."

"Although the current arrest is considered a secret and has not caused a big stir, it is only a matter of time to alert the snake sooner or later."

"And I heard that the interrogation here by Director Wan has not yet concluded."

"Then the identity of this person as a Red Party member can be determined." Li Qun said.

Because this person was tracked and monitored by Wan Liang's people. After Li Qun and others investigated the matter, although they were following the clues, they would definitely not be faster than Wan Liang, nor would Wan Liang have more control. .

Therefore, many people are controlled by Wan Liang, but Li Qun is not.

Nie Hong also knew that this phenomenon was not good. After all, when the Red Party took the initiative and wanted Li Qun to help create chaos, many people, Nie Hong, had not yet grasped it. How could they help you create chaos?

But unable to wait, the Red Party was worried that Wan Liang would close the net here.

Therefore, we can only take the initiative now.

Nie Hong also knew that this was a hopeless solution, and there would be no better situation than this solution.

So Nie Hong followed the Red Party's wishes and said to Li Qun: "Director, since it is only a matter of time before this place is exposed, Director Wan will definitely close the network gradually. If we do nothing, we can only watch." "

Nie Hong can now speak more clearly. After all, he wants to make meritorious deeds, and he understands the current situation. It is not difficult to understand that you have such an idea.

Li Qun was actually thinking about it in his heart.

After all, the current situation is obvious, but how to choose?
Li Qun felt that if he closed the net now and committed suicide, even if he could catch many people, the number would be much less than that of Wan Liang.

But you have to understand that if you don't close the net now, you won't be able to catch anyone, and maybe you will be arrested by Wan Liang's people.

After thinking for a while, Li Qun asked: "Can we get the confession of the person arrested by Director Wan after he opened his mouth?"

"It depends on whether Director Wan wants us to take control of it. If not, they will use the excuse that the mission is not over yet, so it will be difficult for us to know without reporting it." Nie Hong said.

After Nie Hong and others discovered Wan Liang's people, they actually took control of two Red Party strongholds.

As for Wanliang's people, they don't know how much they have mastered based on these two strongholds.

After all, after these people have arranged their respective responsibilities, it is impossible for them to meet at any time, and they may not come to the stronghold in a short period of time. Of course, it is difficult for Li Qun and others to control them.

Therefore, the person Wan Liang is interrogating now seems to Li Qun to be an intelligence source, but he just said that Wan Liang would not give them this opportunity.

"What do you think are the chances of Director Wan closing the net here?"

"My subordinates think it should be very big." Nie Hong now needs Li Qun to take action in order to give the Red Party a chance. It has already taken a risk and took the initiative. If Li Qun does not cooperate, it will be troublesome.

Looking at Li Qun's current appearance, he is indeed a little hesitant.

Nie Hong seemed to want to close the net but didn't want to close the net. Now Nie Hong felt that he should work harder here.

We cannot let this matter run aground, otherwise it will have too great an impact on the Red Party.

Although he has completed the Red Party's request and given help, there is no problem even if he does nothing now.

But Nie Hong also wanted to fight Japan and save the country. This time the Red Party was in so much trouble, he must have wanted to help from the bottom of his heart.

Otherwise, so many compatriots and soldiers would have to sacrifice, which is really not what Nie Hong wants to see.

So after finishing speaking, Nie Hong continued: "Director, my subordinates believe that the number of people we have now is very small. If we wait until Director Wan comes to act first, then we will not have the upper hand, and we will need to fight with their people." Rob these people.

Moreover, Director Wan has many people we don’t know about, but they all know the people we know. When the time comes to fight for them here, Director Wan will be able to arrest many people over there, but we will be passive. "

Li Qun admitted that Nie Hong was right.

It's just that he feels that the information he has now is too little. If he arrests like this, Wan Liang may still snatch some people away. Then Ding Yingzhuo, who is now arrested, will provide information, and the people arrested here by Li Qun will provide information. If the information is the same, then Li Qun is not arrested. So there was some hesitation.

Nie Hong struck while the iron was hot and said: "We are arresting people now to catch Director Wan off guard. Moreover, our actions may alert other red parties to the situation. If they are prepared, Director Wan's people will want to It’s also difficult to arrest people.”

Li Qun understood what Nie Hong meant, which was that I would arrest him now and then alert him.

Let Wan Liang's people who are following and monitoring them be alert and make it more difficult for them to catch them. Then there may not be such a good chance of arrest, but they won't be able to make too many meritorious deeds.

This seems to be a process of ebb and flow, which Li Qun thinks is acceptable.

"Do you think you can close the net?"

"And my subordinates think this is a good opportunity, why do we close the net?
We can explain to the Japanese that it was Director Wan's people who arrested the Red Party members, which caused the Red Party members we were following and monitoring to become alert and about to evacuate and escape, so we had to arrest them.

It's not that we want to arrest people in advance, but we do it as a last resort. "


You said you arrested and closed the net in advance. When the time comes, Wan Liang may tell the Japanese that it is you who wants to take the credit.

However, Li Qun's explanation to the Japanese was that it was Wan Liang who arrested the Red Party members first, which led to him being discovered following the surveillance here, so he had no choice but to order the arrest.

Then a single move affected the whole body, and all the Red Party members began to behave strangely, so they were all arrested.

What's wrong with this?
You said that my arrest affected you, leading to the fact that many of the people you followed and monitored were not caught.

Then think about it first, did I influence you or did your people make a mistake and capture Ding Yingzhuo and influence me.

Li Qun heard that it was indeed possible. This time's excuse could at least ensure that he would not be at a disadvantage in front of the Japanese.

So Li Qun said: "Get ready, I will dispatch troops for you. We must carry out the closing operation this time."


But Nie Hong knew very well that when Li Qun was about to arrest people, the Red Party would tell the news to Wan Liang's people, or deliberately cause some turmoil.

It must be Wan Liang and Li Qun's people who get entangled first, then the Red Party people will be waiting for the opportunity.

While Nie Hong was waiting for Li Qun to mobilize his troops, he sent this news to the Red Party people.

Let the Red Party prepare in advance and start executing their plan. After all, even if this chaos has begun, it will be just as troublesome for the Red Party people to evacuate.

Fortunately, the Red Party has used the past few days to tell the comrades who were being followed and monitored about the incident, letting them know when to evacuate.

Otherwise, when something happens, many members of the Red Party will not know what to do immediately, and the best opportunity will be wasted.

Now at least let them all know when they want to take action.

But not everyone has been notified. Some people really have no way to notify them, but after the start, other informed notifications will be given to them, which will not waste time.

Success or failure depends on this.

Li Qun had already started taking action silently, but Song Shutang, who was far away in the concession, had no idea.

On the contrary, Ding Yingzhuo, who was being interrogated by Wan Liang, showed some signs of relenting. He felt that it was almost done and it was time to relent.

And these instruments of torture really make people not want to bear them anymore.

So Ding Yingzhuo relented to Wan Liang and said that he could confess.

Then Ding Yingzhuo first admitted that he was a Red Party member. Wan Liang had already determined this, and the difference between whether you admit it or not is not big.

Let him tell you all the information he knows.

Ding Yingzhuo also followed the organization's arrangements and told all the information he knew, and it was still very uncomfortable when he said it. After all, he didn't know that the information had been exposed.

After listening to it, Wan Liang felt that what Ding Yingzhuo said must be true. After all, they had already mastered it.

So I asked: "Is there any more?"

"No more, that's all I know." Ding Yingzhuo said.

Are you saying that Ding Yingzhuo deliberately concealed it?
Wan Liang didn't think so. After all, the intelligence he told contained a lot of important information.

And he has already chosen to speak, and he is not pretending.

Because this torture was real, if the information was given falsely, in Wan Liang's opinion, there was no need to endure such a long torture instrument.

The suffering that Ding Yingzhuo endured in order to make everything more real was not in vain.

Wan Liang indeed believed that this matter was true because of his persistence.

At the same time, Ding Yingzhuo also said a lot of details. Although Wan Liang had some information, all the details were not available. Combining the details Ding Yingzhuo said, the content of the information became more clear.

Therefore, Wan Liang believed that Ding Yingzhuo did not hide anything, and could only say that he did not know much.

But in fact, Ding Yingzhuo knew enough.

In the final analysis, it was Wan Liang who obtained the information from the Mei Agency and investigated the matter very thoroughly. He obtained more information than Ding Yingzhuo, which made the other party's information meaningless.

However, Ding Yingzhuo said that the information provided exceeded the contents of the Red Party strongholds and was of value.

But you said that Wan Liang's work is progressing well, is there still a problem?
Do you want to say that Wan Liang's work is not being carried out well?
Wan Liang definitely doesn't think there is a problem with his work. He even thinks it is very good. If the people and affairs under his command had not captured Ding Yingzhuo this time, the situation might have been better.

I’m just saying that now that Ding Yingzhuo has been arrested, will he be able to alert others?
Ding Yingzhuo was interrogated for several days, and he somewhat understood the current situation, so he took the initiative and said: "I can go back and continue working, making it seem as if everything never happened."

What Ding Yingzhuo meant was that he could cooperate with the secret service headquarters. In other words, if I opened my mouth to provide information, then my persistence would be meaningless, so I don't want to die now.

Since you don’t want to die, of course you must reflect your own value.

But Wan Liang glanced at him and said, "Are you trying to run away secretly?"

"I've already told you this information, where else can I go?" Ding Yingzhuo said that he had no way out.

Wan Liang thought the same was true, but Ding Yingzhuo looked miserable these past few days, especially with injuries on his face and head. If he had known this, he should have avoided these places.

Going back like this will probably arouse suspicion, but if you don't let him go back, the missing person will make people even more suspicious.

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