Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 567 Messy

Chapter 567 Messy

Wan Liang is now struggling with the issue of whether to stay or leave the carpenter.

Now the carpenter Ding Yingzhuo speaks, he must be a traitor. The Red Party has no tolerance for traitors.

Not only Wan Liang knows this, he believes Ding Yingzhuo knows it even better.

So even if he puts the other party back now, Wan Liang will not worry about the other party going back on his word. After all, if you don't follow the agent headquarters now, you will have no way to survive.

However, the torture was too harsh. Wan Liang felt that the members who used the torture could not be blamed. Who said that Ding Yingzhuo was a tough guy and did not let go at first.

If it hadn't been for these guys, I'm afraid Ding Yingzhuo wouldn't have spoken yet.

Therefore, Wan Liang feels that there is no problem with this torture, and these injuries are inevitable, but do you want Ding Yingzhuo to go back to work?

In fact, there are many benefits to letting Ding Yingzhuo go back.

That is, he can lurk within the Red Party and maybe provide more intelligence.

After all, Wan Liang now has a lot of information here, but he just stares at it silently, and no one gives him a job.

Ding Yingzhuo may be the first.

This person might be able to bring surprises. This is where Wan Liang hesitates.

Ding Yingzhuo seemed to see Wan Liang's hesitation, and he immediately said: "The injury on my face doesn't matter, I just said that I fell."

"You fell by yourself, how could you fall like this?" Wan Liang felt that he couldn't lie to others like this.

It's impossible for you to get such a scar from a fall.

Ding Yingzhuo immediately said again: "Then let's say that I went home with someone. Let's say that I was robbed by gangsters when I went home at night. Then I was beaten and my money was robbed. I also went to the hospital, so I haven't had anything in the past few days. Appear."

After hearing Ding Yingzhuo's explanation, Wan Liang felt that it was indeed useful.

But even if you are hospitalized, you probably won't stay there for so many days, because you are just a carpenter and you don't have that much money.

Even if you have money, you won't be willing to spend it on the hospital.

The person who robbed you has run away, and you have to pay for your hospitalization. Are you willing to do this?

The second thing is that even if the person who robbed you is caught and someone pays for your hospital bills and you want to stay a few more days, you still have to tell the store.

The shop is watching your work. If you can't go there for a few days, don't you even have a chance to find someone to talk to?

Therefore, Wan Liang had never thought about putting Ding Yingzhuo back before, so he did not consider these follow-up issues. During the interrogation, he just wanted the other party to speak.

As a result, if you want to deal with it now, help you work and work hard, there are many doubts.

Ding Yingzhuo said: "But there are no people from the organization in the shop. Even if they think it's strange that I haven't appeared in the past few days, no one will guess why. Moreover, the contact between the people from the organization and me is only one-way, and there is no way for them to contact me." There will be contact with people in the shop.

So even if I go back, I will not be suspected, and people from the organization will not contact me during this period because they have just been contacted. "

Wan Liang believes this.

After all, it was because the Red Party members were in contact with Ding Yingzhuo that the secret service headquarters targeted him.

He also said that it was okay to have no contact with people in the organization during this period.

As for the people in the shop, they are not engaged in this job, so it is normal that they can't react.

After all, people don’t think about it that way.

Ding Yingzhuo's current idea is very simple, that is, I want to lurk in the secret service headquarters. You can't shout that you want to join the secret service headquarters now.

First of all, your shouting like this is too abrupt. Secondly, if you say join, will the other party let you join?
Ding Yingzhuo also knew that the information he provided was of no value, or that it was of no value to the current secret service headquarters, otherwise the organization would not let him reveal the information.

So now Ding Yingzhuo wants to let himself be used. Only when he participates in the work of the agent headquarters, Wan Liang will start to consider his joining.

After all, with members of the Red Party joining, this news is also very good publicity.

Therefore, Ding Yingzhuo only needs to follow the steps to join the secret service headquarters. He cannot be too deliberate or anxious.

He knew very well that this kind of work was different, and you had to be careful enough when working latently.

Wan Liang looked at Ding Yingzhuo and finally said: "I can let you go back, but you must ensure that you will not be suspected."

"Don't worry, they only have one-way contact with me. They basically have no contact with the people who live and work here." Ding Yingzhuo said confidently.

Wan Liang thinks this is normal. After all, the Red Party's contacts are carefully kept secret. How could someone familiar with Ding Yingzhuo see who he was meeting? Wouldn't that arouse the other party's suspicion?

"Now I will ask someone to wash and dress you up, and then send you to the police station. Even if you call the police after being robbed, you will be sent to the hospital for treatment. At the same time, the person who robbed you has been caught, so you will be sent to the police station. Identification caused you to come back late."

"I understand." Ding Yingzhuo nodded hurriedly.

In fact, faith is like this. If you don't speak out, you would rather die than give in.

But when you speak, all your persistence is meaningless, so Ding Yingzhuo's reaction now seems normal to Wan Liang.

Now that he has spoken, what he wants to think about now is how to survive. Ding Yingzhuo wants to show that he is useful. This is no problem.

Wan Liang really needs Ding Yingzhuo to go back. After all, he doesn't want to close the net yet. The arrest of Ding Yingzhuo is a misunderstanding.

In other words, if you don't let Ding Yingzhuo go back now, you will definitely alert him. After all, a person has disappeared and the Red Party will not be able to contact this person in the future. Do you think you can avoid suspicion?

There will be no contact during this period, and that is because we have just been contacted.

But what about after this period of time?
There will definitely still be contact.

But if you let Ding Yingzhuo go back, as he said himself, there will be no contact with people in life and work, or with people from the Red Party.

In other words, Ding Yingzhuo may be exposed when he returns, or he may not be exposed.

Then this investigation work can continue. The current secret investigation work is actually progressing very well here in Wanliang.

He already knows many members of the Red Party, their residences, etc.

As long as you give him enough time and let him continue investigating like this, no one can stop this harvest.

It's even something that many people can't imagine. You have no way of imagining the final achievement.

This is the reason why Wan Liang let Ding Yingzhuo go back, for meritorious service.

The agent headquarters took Ding Yingzhuo to wash up, hoping to make his injuries look less serious and make everything easier to explain.

The cooperation of the police is also required.

Please explain it to Ding Yingzhuo.

But just as Wan Liang was preparing these tasks, suddenly the outside began to close the net. Wan Liang's people saw something wrong. This was obviously the task they were responsible for, so how could anyone come to close the net. He rushed forward directly, regardless of whether it was a secret investigation or not.

Upon seeing that it was Li Qun's people, the two sides immediately started to stalemate.

The person in charge within the stronghold has received the news. When he saw this situation, he immediately asked the internal personnel to break out. He would break through first and talk about it later.

After all, not everyone can tell the organization about arranging a breakout in advance. It can only be told to the person in charge. Otherwise, after these people are arrested, people at the secret service headquarters will understand that the organization knew about it in advance.

It is not good news, it is not conducive to the organization's work, and it is not conducive to Ding Yingzhuo's latent work.

So I only told people I could trust.

Li Qun wanted to close the net, but Wan Liang's people stopped him and immediately told Wan Liang the news.

How could Wan Liang be like this?
It's not that he can't accept Li Qun's troubles. After all, he himself has been troubled by Li Qun, so it is reasonable for the other party to make trouble for him now.

However, in order to prevent the other party from causing trouble, Wan Liang had always been very careful. Masato Jiuji told him that he was keeping this mission a secret. He didn't believe how Li Qun's people could investigate.

The people he arranged to take charge of this mission have not been allowed to go back to the secret service headquarters. What is going on?
Moreover, Wan Liang did not want to close the net and wanted to continue the investigation.

Not to mention that he is not closing the net now, but someone is rushing to close the net. Faced with this situation, Wan Liang can only order people to be robbed.

After all, whoever catches these people belongs to them. If you say Li Qun sabotaged your mission, you have no evidence.

And thinking of Ding Yingzhuo who had just been arrested, Wan Liang guessed that Li Qun might use this person's arrest to take a beating. So what can you do now that you can't rob someone?
But the good news is that Li Qun doesn't have all the people here, so they arrange to close the network, but they can't close the network completely.

But Wan Liang has given the latest order, and everyone has closed the net.

Then all the tracking personnel that Li Qun didn't know about must be captured.

Although Li Qun didn't target these people, you have to understand that if the stronghold closes down the network on a large scale, then these people will definitely receive the news.

Sooner or later, you have to alert the enemy, and you must start arresting them when the other party is unprepared.

But in fact, the people in the organization who tracked and monitored Wan Liang discovered a lot of these things.

Because the advantage of the organization is that you know who the people are in contact with the stronghold, and you can observe whether they are being monitored and tracked by the enemy.

It is easier to judge these.

Although I dare not say that it can be completely determined, most of them are still included.

Moreover, the organization did not let these comrades evacuate on their own, but arranged for personnel to cooperate secretly. When the evacuation began, the personnel arranged secretly would assist.

Therefore, it is not necessarily a simple matter for Wan Liang to arrest people.

But Shanghai is now in chaos.

Li Qun and Wan Liang's people are arresting people.

Those who are caught must run.

People from the organization also secretly assisted them in evacuating.

It's a mess now. Ding Yingzhuo still wants to say whether he can play a role, but now he doesn't care about him at all.

Wan Liang was very worried.

Only now did Ding Yingzhuo know what a big deal had happened to the organization, and he also understood why he was asked to break into the agent headquarters at this time.

Ding Yingzhuo knew that he had a lot of responsibility here, so he also tried to figure out what to do next.

Song Shutang, who was in the concession, heard the news. After all, the commotion was too big.

Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong both discussed the matter with him, and Mei Mu Zhizi also heard about it.

Mei Muzhizi said at this time: "The headquarters actually has such a big task."

"What I'm saying is that I don't know any news at all." Cao Xinrong said.

Yan Feng also nodded here, also because he had never heard of it before.

Song Shutang was very worried now. After all, it seemed that the evacuation plan was not planned well.

Just from the information collected so far, it was known that it was in a hurry, so Song Shutang believed that it must be a last resort.

Since it is a last resort, it is difficult to say what kind of result can be achieved in the end.

As for the news about Ding Yingzhuo, no news has spread.

After all, when Wan Liang arrested Ding Yingzhuo, he definitely didn't want too many people to know about it. In the end, he even wanted to put Ding Yingzhuo back. One can imagine his confidentiality work.

Therefore, Song Shutang did not hear about it.

However, he would not deliberately inquire about who the organization arranged to break into the secret service headquarters.

If you really heard it, Song Shutang would definitely have a judgment in his mind, but he would not confirm it with the organization.

But if he hadn't overheard it, Song Shutang wouldn't have inquired. After all, although the two of them were lurking in the secret service headquarters, they were not on the same line, so they had to avoid contact.

Knowing each other's identities is not good news.

So now talking about the situation outside, Song Shutang said: "You guys have been keeping an eye on the entrance and exit of the concession in the past few days. I'm worried that people outside will be arrested and then desperate, running back to the inside of the concession."

"Understood." Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng said.

It's not that Song Shutang wants to arrest people from the organization, but as the district chief of the concession area of ​​the special agent headquarters, you must make reasonable arrangements after encountering such a thing.

Everyone wants such an arrangement, but you, Song Shutang, couldn't think of it, so why don't you arrange it?
This is inappropriate in the first place.

And if you don’t tell me, in the end, whether it is Mei Mu Zhizi, Yan Feng or Cao Xinrong, they will remind you that you will still have to do this, so Song Shutang simply makes the arrangements himself.

After making such an arrangement, let everyone disperse without any discussion.

At the same time, it also asked Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong to quickly get into work.

After the two people left, Mei Muzhizi said, "Why did the director and the director bump into each other again?"

"Now is the time to fight for power. Of course they will not let each other go. Before, it was the director who interfered with the director's tasks. Now it is the director's turn to interfere with the director's tasks."

"The secret service headquarters has always been so smoky, which always affects the progress of missions. I'm afraid the Japanese won't like it, right?"

"Whether you like it or not, this is the situation now. What else can they do?" Song Shutang feels that the problem at the secret service headquarters is very obvious. Everyone knows it but it is difficult for you to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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