Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 574 Mission Completed

Chapter 574 Mission Completed
Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi had already checked the situation along the way.

The details that need to be negotiated have also been discussed and feasible solutions have been obtained.

So the next step was to prepare other things, such as the rickshaw and the driver's clothes, as well as a rack truck filled with goods, etc.

These things are actually easy to prepare.

They can buy rickshaws with money, and the same goes for stand-up trucks.

As for why the rickshaw driver and the cart owner disappeared after the incident, isn’t this very strange?
Just run away in fear of crime.

There's nothing strange about it.

After all, no matter what the accident is, someone needs to be involved. Do you still need the concession authorities to catch the person?
If someone is caught, your accident will be self-defeating.

Therefore, it is reasonable to say that you are afraid of crime and absconded. After all, if such a big thing happens and you are afraid of taking responsibility or going to jail, it is not impossible to run away.

So the two of them prepared everything that day. Song Shutang said: "It seems that we will come very early tomorrow."

"Why don't we just rest nearby tonight." Mei Mu Zhizi suggested.

"It's better to go back to the division." Song Shutang thinks that if you don't go back to the division today, and something happens in the concession the next day, then the people in the division will definitely be able to find out.

When they heard the news and thought about Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi not coming back last night, they would probably have some guesses in their minds.

Although this matter is not a secret, it is hardly a secret in the end.

But you cannot ignore the details that should be ensured during the operation. In this way, even if the secret service headquarters and the Japanese investigate and inquire in the end, at least there will be no problem with what you did.

Seeing that Song Shutang insisted on going back, Mei Mu Zhizi agreed.

After all, he felt that Song Shutang's concern was necessary, because the current situation was like this, and everyone knew you couldn't do it.

The two returned to the subdivision to rest in the evening, and left the subdivision early the next morning. Song Shutang changed into the clothes of a rickshaw driver, and then went to wait in front of the writer's door.

Wear a hat to cover your face.

As for Mei Mu Zhizi, he will first cooperate with Song Shutang to get the rickshaw driver away, and then go to the slope to wait for the cart to be pushed down. The goods inside are already full.

Sure enough, after a short wait, the writer came out. After all, he said he would go to the newspaper office every day, and he really did it.

Came out early this morning.

After seeing him come out, Mei Mu took a step ahead and removed the two people and vehicles here, leaving Song Shutang alone.

Because there were not many rickshaws, it was very convenient for Mei Mu to get there. After finishing, she rushed to the next location in advance instead of waiting for Song Shutang.

After all, she also needs speed here, she needs to be in position first.

When the writer came out today, his mentality actually changed, because he knew that today was the task assigned to him by the organization, and he could escape after faking his own death.

So after coming out today and seeing the rickshaw, the writer was a little hesitant.

I don’t know if I want to come up.

But it was just a rickshaw, so he walked up and said, "Why are you the only one here today?"

"The others are alive."

"Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, sir, there is no place in Shanghai that I can't go to."

"is it?"

"Don't dare to lie, as long as it doesn't go to heaven or earth."

The writer got on the rickshaw only after the conversation was over, because this was the code word the organization told them to confirm the rickshaw.

After getting on the bus, Song Shutang asked: "Where are you going?"

"Newspaper office."


Song Shutang began to pull the man forward, and said, "There will be a cart coming over later, don't worry while you're on the cart, just jump when I tell you to, it would be best if you can hit your head on the ground so that there are some injuries."

"Understood." Although the writer has not experienced this, his faith is very firm and he is not afraid of life and death.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t keep writing these radical articles.

Therefore, after hearing Song Shutang's arrangement, he had no hesitation and would do whatever was asked of him.

Seeing the other party's cooperation, Song Shutang felt good. This cooperation was at least very convenient.

Soon the car arrived at the agreed place. After Song Shutang was in place, Mei Mu Zhizi would take action.

This was what they had agreed upon in advance.

So the truck rushed down from above, and Mei Mu Zhizi pretended to shout in a bold voice: "Get out of the way, avoid..."

This serves as a reminder to pedestrians.

But it was still early and there were not many pedestrians on the road.

So when they heard the sound, they started to dodge to avoid being hit. However, Song Shutang kept his head down and ran upwards. After all, it was an uphill slope.

By the time he looked up and realized it, it seemed to be too late.

Then it was a little too late. Seeing this, he was in a panic. Song Shutang said to the writer from a blocked position behind the carriage: "Jump."

This writer was really serious. He jumped down immediately and hit his head on the ground.

The impact was light.

After that, he became motionless. He didn't know whether he was knocked unconscious or knocked unconscious.

Anyway, the rickshaw had already collided with the frame truck, and then made a loud noise.

After that, Song Shutang left in a hurry, and everyone around him shouted: "Someone is injured."

"They all seem to be dead."

"What about people?"

"Where's the guy with the truck?"

"It seems he ran away."

"Where's the rickshaw driver?"

"Run away too."

"Forget it, call the hospital quickly." Passers-by started to get busy.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi had already left the scene. They went to change their clothes and then returned to the crime scene to find out the situation.

Mei Muzhizi asked: "How do you feel?"

"Hit a solid one."

"Don't you have a follow-up move?"

"The collision was a bit far away from me, and there were pedestrians watching, so I couldn't make a move, but I don't think it's a big problem." Song Shutang explained.

Mei Mu Zhizi felt the same way. There were indeed many pedestrians here at that time, and it was really inconvenient for Song Shutang to make a last-ditch attack.

Just as the two of them were talking, they saw an ambulance from the hospital coming and taking the person away.

Mei Muzhizi said: "Let's go to the hospital to find out."


This is their mission, to see if they can kill the writer, so they must confirm it in the end.

If you don't know the specific situation, you won't be able to report the news to the special agent headquarters after you go back.

When they arrived at the hospital, the two of them waited in secret because the person had already been sent for rescue.

They just need to wait for the rescue results. Of course Song Shutang knew the result.

After all, it must be arranged by the organization to be sent here for treatment, so the organization comrades will prepare in advance and just declare the person dead when the time comes.

Then the next thing is to hand it over to the patrol room.

As for the patrol room, they might take a look at the corpse and forget about the rest. After all, so many pairs of eyes saw the scene at that time. What do you expect a dead person to say to you?

The police patrol room may not be too lazy to deal with the body, so it will let the hospital handle it, and then the organization can take the person away and send it out of Shanghai.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi were guarding outside the hospital. Not long after they arrived, they saw people from the patrol room approaching. Mei Mu Zhizi said, "I'll go inquire about it."

Mei Mu Zhizi is a woman, so it is easier to inquire.

Not long after, Mei Mu Zhizi came back and said: "I have already asked clearly. The writer died in the hospital, so the hospital let people from the patrol room come over."

"Have you seen the body?" Song Shutang asked seriously.

"The police were surrounding us. I just took a look from a distance."

"hold on."

"it is good."

The two waited here for a while before they saw the people from the patrol room leaving. As for the body, it had been put away by the hospital and was ready to be disposed of.

But they can't think about the corpse now.

What you need is for the outside world to think it was an accident.

But if you try to kill the body, it will let everyone know that it was not an accident, so they need to be careful now.

But judging from the reaction of the hospital and the arrival of the patrol room, the other party was indeed dead.

Therefore, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi left the hospital. On the way back, Song Shutang said, "Let's go directly back to the headquarters to report this matter."

"it is good."

This is the task given to you by the above, and you naturally need to report it after you have completed it.

And this task is very important, so of course it needs to be reported as soon as possible.

And face-to-face reporting is best.

So Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi went back to the secret service headquarters. When they met Wan Liang inside the secret service headquarters, Song Shutang said, "Director, the task assigned by the director has been completed."


"It is confirmed that the other party is dead. People from the hospital and patrol room have gone to see it. They just said that this time it seems to be an accident, but there are still many doubts."

Of course Wan Liang knew what the doubts Song Shutang was talking about. After all, the rickshaw driver was missing, and the person transporting the goods was also missing.

These may all be suspect.

But what they don't want to face is the pressure of public opinion, as long as the people think it might be an accident.

But they also know that in the aftermath of this incident, the anti-Japanese elements may add fuel to the flames and create some public opinion topics.

But they can refuse to admit it now. Anyway, it makes sense that you said it was an accident.

Therefore, Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang had done a good job in completing the mission this time, and it was still under Li Qun's calculations, which also allowed Wan Liang to restore some of his image with Masato Jiuji of Meiji.

As long as it's quick.

Li Qun had been responsible for this task before, but there was no progress for a long time. Now it was handed over to Song Shutang and it was solved in just a few days.

This is different. Wan Liang feels that he is proud of himself.

Therefore, he praised Song Shutang endlessly.

Song Shutang also accepted it happily. After all, the task was completed and it was normal to receive praise.

Wan Liang is now more optimistic about Song Shutang's ability, and at the same time, he tells Song Shutang not to worry too much when he returns. Even if there is a problem of public opinion, they can just refuse to admit it, and it will not cause trouble to Song Shutang.

"Thank you, Director."

"You completed your mission well this time. I will apply for a reward for you."

"I would like to thank the Director."

"Don't be so polite."


After the report, Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi left the secret service headquarters, and Wan Liang informed Li Qun about the matter.

After Li Qun learned about it, he also criticized it, saying that it might cause trouble in public opinion.

But Wan Liang knows very well that you are deliberately looking for trouble. After all, the anti-Japanese elements must know that there is something wrong with this person's death.

No matter how you kill, no matter how well-planned it is, the other party will eventually leak the news, saying that it was you Japanese and the puppet government who killed people.

So when this situation is unavoidable, the Japanese and the puppet government only need an excuse to refuse to admit it, and now Song Shutang has provided you with this excuse.

It just makes you refuse to admit it.

And the other party has no evidence, it's just speculation.

In fact, this is considered a success of the mission. Why do you still say these words? In Wan Liang's opinion, you did it on purpose.

However, Wan Liang didn't refute Li Qun. He just listened. Anyway, the mission is now like this.

Do you still want to criticize Song Shutang?
He has completed the task, but it is not that he has failed to complete the task.

The most you can do is not give me any commendation. It is impossible to criticize me, but you can give me the commendation yourself.

So after saying a few words in the end, Wan Liang was asked to leave. However, what Li Qun said was just what needed to be said for the occasion, making Wan Liang think that he had nothing to do with Song Shutang.

However, he felt that Song Shutang was indeed very capable and could complete the task so quickly. Fortunately, the other party was cooperative. It happened that the newspaper office did not accept manuscripts, so he had to go there every day to find them.

Li Qun also had spies in the concession, so he had already received the news. The hospital declared the person dead, and Li Qun also knew about it.

There are even spies in the patrol room, who can also know that the person is indeed dead.

After all, this news was released by the organization, and there were organized comrades in the hospital.

Moreover, you can arrange a shot for the writer, and if the people from the patrol room come to check, basically they won't find anything.

Furthermore, the other party is not a human being, just an ordinary person, so you can't go back and give him a knife.

The people in the patrol house won't be so boring either.

Even if the people at the secret service headquarters wanted to, they wouldn't have the chance.

So even if the temporary problem is successfully solved, the next step is to organize people to leave.

It depends on whether it can be completed smoothly. As long as it is completed successfully, news will be released, saying that the people were killed by the Japanese and the puppet government. After all, if the organization does not release this news, it will be even more detrimental to Song Shutang.

But Song Shutang next had to think about how to explain it to the military commander.

After all, Bu Kaijie reminded you that the agent headquarters will give you this task, so you need to think of countermeasures.

But now you are actually cooperating with the secret service headquarters to kill people.

You can't tell Bu Kaijie that he didn't kill him, right? Then you can explain where he went.

If you say you are cooperating with the Red Party, you are not causing trouble for yourself.

So Song Shutang is now thinking about how to explain this matter to Bu Kaijie, or simply not admit his involvement. After all, no one knows that he did it.

Nie Hong might know.

But Nie Hong would not betray him.

Therefore, Song Shutang feels that he needs to come up with a reasonable explanation for this matter. When Bu Kaijie asks, you can answer it.

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