Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 575 Successful instigation of rebellion

Chapter 575 Successful instigation of rebellion
Reasonable explanation.

In fact, as long as you explain it, it is unreasonable.

You can't convince Bu Kaijie no matter what, why you want to assassinate this person and listen to the secret service headquarters.

You said it was forced by the other party, but you had nothing to do?

Not to mention whether the other party is really forcing you, even if you have no choice, can't you just tell Bu Kaijie?

You can at least report it by saying this. After all, do you know whether this writer is a member of the military command?

It is true that Bu Kaijie did not say yes, but it is possible that he does not know. He is not a person on your line. It is normal not to know the identity of the other party.

Therefore, when you perform an assassination mission, you definitely need to report it and confirm it.

But there is none here.

You have completed the task, what do you think if you give in to Capgemini?
As for your statement that you don't have time to report, do you think that's possible?

They are all in the concession. Bu Kaijie doesn't believe that you, as the district chief, will have no time to report.

After all, this mission is not a capture mission, but an assassination mission. For Song Shutang, you are free enough.

So how to explain to Bu Kaijie now and make the other party believe it so that there will be no hidden dangers due to this matter is a more important matter for Song Shutang.

If you don't explain this doubt clearly, I'm afraid Bu Kaijie won't let you go easily. The other party is also very professional, so it's impossible for you to expect him not to be suspicious.

So after returning to the concession area, Song Shutang has been thinking about this problem and how to solve this trouble.

After thinking about it, Song Shutang decided not to say anything at all.

No one knows about this matter. At least it is kept secret among the Japanese and puppets, so it is impossible for the organization to tell it.

When the organization releases news, it will at most say that the puppet government and the Japanese assassinated the writer, and it is impossible to say who killed him.

Then it's very likely that Li Qun arranged for someone to do it, and it didn't go through Song Shutang at all, so he didn't know at all, would this work?
Of course it makes sense.

But there is a problem in explaining this to Bu Kaijie, that is, if this matter comes to light in the future, the military command will definitely doubt you.

Because you have not reported this matter.

But Song Shutang decided not to report in the end. After all, if you report now, you will arouse suspicion. It is not certain whether the incident will be revealed if you don't report.

Maybe, maybe not.

It will be too late for you to think of countermeasures when the incident comes to light, rather than causing trouble for yourself now.

And if no one can learn the truth about this matter, wouldn't Song Shutang be safer?

So Song Shutang decided not to say anything about this matter.

If he is suspected by the military commander at that time, the worst he can do is ask Nie Hong to cover it up and say that Li Qun indeed arranged for someone else to take charge of this task, not Song Shutang.

With Nie Hong here, what he said is still credible.

Therefore, Song Shutang did not go directly to Bu Kaijie to report the matter, but planned to wait until they needed to meet later to discuss the matter.

After all, the writer has died in the hospital. You are just informing him if you run over to report it. But you don’t need to inform him of this news. The military command will definitely receive it.

So if we can reduce one meeting, we can reduce one meeting.

Song Shutang didn't plan to do anything right now, but Wan Liang was quite busy here. After meeting Li Qun, he took the initiative to make an appointment with Mr. Jiu Si.

When Wan Liang went to see Masato Jiuji, he undoubtedly wanted to show that he had made a contribution here.

After killing the thorn in the side of the Japanese, can we make up for the mistakes in our previous work?

Moreover, the mistakes in previous work were mainly caused by Li Qun.

Wan Liang still feels very angry when he thinks about this incident.

If it weren't for Li Qun, why would he be in such a scene and be so passive now.

After Mr. Jiuji met Wan Liang, he was quite satisfied with Song Shutang's completion of the task.

But Wan Liang thought that his impression of him would be restored, but how could that be possible?
Masato Kuji knew that Song Shutang was the person he chose, which was a secret move.

Now that Song Shutang is able to complete the task, in Masato Jiuji's view, it is because of his own choice and his good vision.

What does it have to do with Wan Liangneng?
Moreover, Wan Liang still thinks that Song Shutang is one of his own, and he is actually complacent about Song Shutang's meritorious service. Masato Jiuji will only think that Wan Liang is stupid.

No one can understand what role Song Shutang plays.

In this situation, do you still think that you are doing meritorious service here?
If Wan Liang was not needed now, Masato Kuji really wanted to give up on him. After several missions, he became more and more disappointed with him.

On the contrary, he valued Song Shutang even more.

But Song Shutang's current position is far from capable of fighting against Li Qun.

Compared with Wan Liangdu, it is much worse.

Therefore, Masato Jiuji could only reluctantly praise a few words in front of Wan Liang, as if it was because of this incident that he had saved some of his image.

When Wan Liang heard this answer, he felt relieved and said: "The director is delaying and refusing to complete the task. I think he is just worried about getting into trouble, otherwise it would have been over long ago."

What Wan Liang wants to say now is that Li Qun cherishes feathers and is unwilling to get himself into trouble for the Japanese mission.

Masato Jiu Si was indifferent to his attempts to sow discord. He felt that Wan Liang and Li Qun were like this, and neither wanted to make things easier for the other.

But obviously in the eyes of Masato Jiuji, Wan Liang has lost.

And he lost quite completely.

Although during the confrontation between the two, Li Qun also made mistakes, and Wan Liang also took advantage.

But overall, Wan Liang has lost.

Because Li Qun had many opportunities to make mistakes, but Wan Liang did not.

Masato Kuji can protect Wan Liang, but it is impossible to help him all the time. He mainly needs himself.

Masato Jiuji could only give a few perfunctory compliments, then scold Li Qun and send Wan Liang away.

You will definitely still use it now, but Masato Jiuji will not be interested in it anymore. On the contrary, Song Shutang's performance makes him feel good, and he thinks that Song Shutang can be developed slowly.

Let Song Shutang directly confront Li Qun.

It's just that the difference in status between the two is too big. If this problem cannot be solved properly, Song Shutang will die.

However, there is a certain degree of difficulty in solving this problem. Even if you solve Wan Liang now, Song Shutang will not be able to take over Wan Liang's job.

The most important thing is that Song Shutang cannot take over the people in Wan Liang's hands.

Once Wan Liang dies, the whole group will be without a leader. At that time, some people will definitely choose to join Li Qun.

So even if the new person who takes over Wan Liang's position wants to continue to fight against Li Qun, your manpower will be reduced.

It is already very difficult to deal with Li Qun. If the manpower is further reduced, it is better to let Wan Liang continue to be in office now.

Wan Liang didn't know what Masato Kuji was thinking. After the meeting, he was in a good mood and felt that he had finally saved some face this time. Unexpectedly, there was good news after returning to the secret service headquarters.

What good news?

Ding Yingzhuo's rebellion work here has made progress, and he successfully instigated a comrade in the organization.

In fact, Ding Yingzhuo has been scolded very unpleasantly these days. He has endured a lot, but he has not complained at all about his comrades in the organization.

Instead, I feel indebted.

However, in order to complete the tasks assigned to him by the organization, Ding Yingzhuo had no choice but to work hard to instigate rebellion. Many members of the secret service headquarters looked at Ding Yingzhuo with admiration and felt that this person had truly changed completely.

Wan Liang has somewhat forgotten about Ding Yingzhuo. After all, it is just a try here. Who knows it will actually work.

Moreover, according to reports from people below, Ding Yingzhuo has been working very seriously these days, which even made everyone think it was a bit incredible.

Ding Yingzhuo relied on this perseverance to successfully instigate a Red Party member to rebel. Ding Yingzhuo really couldn't hate this comrade who chose to rebel.

He knows that everything is his fault, and the other party would not rebel without him.

But it is a fact that you are rebelling now because you don’t know Ding Yingzhuo’s identity.

Therefore, Ding Yingzhuo is very conflicted about this person, but there is no doubt that he needs someone to be successfully instigated so that he can prove his worth and prove his loyalty.

So after Ding Yingzhuo succeeded, he immediately wanted to report it to Wan Liang and let him know about it.

After Wan Liang learned about this incident, he also called Ding Yingzhuo to see him.

"Director Wan, fortunately you fulfilled your mission and completed the mission." Ding Yingzhuo said excitedly.

"Even if you succeed in inciting rebellion, you can say that you have completed the task." Although Wan Liang felt that Ding Yingzhuo did a good job, and it was a double happiness. The operation in Song Shutang was successful, and now he instigated the Red Party to rebel again.

Then he would be overjoyed.

But for the Red Party, Wan Liang felt that he couldn't give him a good look, at least not from the beginning.

After hearing what Wan Liang said, Ding Yingzhuo said helplessly: "Their beliefs are very firm, and I have worked hard to successfully instigate one person to rebel. This is already a rare achievement."

"Whether this achievement is difficult or not is not up to you, you have to understand."

"That's what Director Wan taught you."

"Can anyone else instigate rebellion?"

"No." Ding Yingzhuo shook his head and said it was impossible.

It is true that he does not want to continue doing this job. It is enough if he can successfully instigate rebellion.

It was really unbearable for him to let Ding Yingzhuo continue.

A comrade became a traitor because of him. This feeling was very painful for Ding Yingzhuo.

But now he can only bear and taste this pain, there is no other choice.

Seeing that Ding Yingzhuo said that he could not instigate rebellion, Wan Liang continued to ask: "Where is the information he provided?"

The members of the Secret Service headquarters immediately said: "It has been verified. It is all information we know."

"In other words, the information provided is of no value."

"Director Wan has investigated and obtained the valuable information a long time ago." Ding Yingzhuo also complimented Wan Liang at this time.

Wan Liang scolded him, but he was still very positive about Ding Yingzhuo's actions, so he said: "You and the people who were instigated to rebel take photos, and then publish them in the newspapers."


Ding Yingzhuo understood that the meaning of doing this was nothing more than to discredit the organization and make everyone aware of this matter.

But since you choose to lurk, you must complete it.

So Ding Yingzhuo and the people who were instigated to rebel took pictures with the people from the secret service headquarters. The picture showed them eating and drinking.

They felt that they would have a good life after instigating rebellion, but Ding Yingzhuo didn't know what kind of work Wan Liang would arrange for him.

After all, this is crucial.

So at night after the photo shoot, Ding Yingzhuo still wanted to ask Wan Liang.

But Ding Yingzhuo also knew in his heart that the abilities he showed this time were not many. It was just that he succeeded in instigating a rebellion. Although it was somewhat useful, it was not enough to show his ability.

Then it is more difficult for you to want Wan Liang to look at you with admiration now.

But you must ask what you should ask. It just means that Ding Yingzhuo did not find Wan Liang at night, so he can only give up.

This was published in the newspaper the next day, and it was urgent.

The effect of publicity is naturally there. The Japanese are quite satisfied with this. Masato Kuji feels better after seeing Wan Liang here and making new achievements.

I even made a special call to praise him.

After receiving a call from Masato Kuji, Wan Liang was relatively happy. He felt that he had made two meritorious deeds in succession, and the effect was very good.

But there is new news coming here, that is, the writer was killed by the Japanese and people from the puppet government.

The organization has already sent the writer away from Shanghai, so it must start publicizing the news immediately. After all, the organization should react immediately after a person dies.

So the news spread quickly.

Because no matter how you kill people, the anti-Japanese elements will say that it was the puppet government and the Japanese who did it, so it is not surprising that there is this news now.

Of course, the Japanese and the puppet government did not admit it. They said that the accident happened in your concession, so the people in your concession should be responsible. How can you say it is their problem.

If you say it's a conspiracy, then find out the rickshaw driver and others and you'll find out once you ask them.

You can't find it now, but you are wrongly claiming that we did it.

So now you say it's me, but I don't admit it.

As a result, many people who don't know the truth are really difficult to distinguish now.

And there were also many people who were present at the time and thought it was an accident, so now they are saying whatever they want.

Moreover, the public opinion and tongue outside the concession are all in the hands of the Japanese, which makes it impossible to publicize it even if you want to.

It can only be described as a stalemate.

But that was enough for the organization, after all the writer was fine and now safely gone.

It is also enough to let everyone know that it may be the puppet government and the Japanese who have done it, and many discerning people will know that it is inseparable from the Japanese as soon as they hear it.

The second is that Song Shutang has made meritorious service, which has already achieved a lot of benefits, and the organization can accept it.

Of course, the secret service headquarters can accept it, so it turns out that Song Shutang's mission was completed well, and Wan Liang was even more satisfied.

I plan to give Song Shutang some more awards. Being clear about rewards and punishments is the ability that managers should have.

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