Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 577 Important Information

Chapter 577 Important Information
After completing the organizational tasks, Song Shutang returned to the concession area.

He is now doing well in the concession area, and has even begun to plan to expand the concession area.

But just when Song Shutang was about to leave and go back, he was stopped halfway.

who is it?

Hisashi Masato!

Song Shutang really didn't expect Masato Jiuji's sudden appearance. After all, the other party hadn't looked for him for a long time.

Now that Song Shutang suddenly came to his door, he was also surprised.

But since he wanted to meet, of course he couldn't refuse.

Following the Japanese from Mei Agency, they came to a coffee shop. Masato Kuji was already waiting inside, and Song Shutang entered under the leadership of the Japanese.

"Major." Song Shutang hurriedly stepped forward and said.


"Thank you, Major. I wonder what the Major's orders are today?" Song Shutang asked formally.

"You already know what happened before the Secret Service Headquarters, right?"

"My subordinates do understand a little bit."

"What do you do about this matter?"

"My subordinates have no opinion."

"Just say what you say, don't be careless about me."

Seeing that Masato Jiuji seemed a little unhappy, Song Shutang said: "My subordinates feel that the current power struggle in the Secret Service Headquarters is fierce, which will inevitably cause some problems, which will affect the current work and inevitably cause some losses."

What Song Shutang was talking about was the current problems at the Secret Service Headquarters. It was indeed easy to see at a glance, so it was certainly not wrong to say it.

After listening to Song Shutang's words, Masato Jiuji said here: "You also know the current problems of the special agent headquarters, and I gave Wan Liang this mission. Now that it is like this, it also puts a lot of pressure on me."

"But the Director has not made two consecutive meritorious deeds here. He should be able to redeem himself."

"If he can complete the task I gave him very well, and add these two things together, then it will be considered effective, not a failure." Masato Kuji became even more angry when he said it.

It seemed like he was calling to praise Wan Liang, but in fact he was very angry, feeling that you couldn't seize such a good opportunity.

You have to fail the task first, and then make a contribution.

Can't you make meritorious deeds one after another?

Moreover, you failed in big tasks, but succeeded in small tasks. What do you think is the use of this?

Seeing that Masato Jiuji is so dissatisfied with Wan Liang now, Song Shutang doesn't know what to say. He can't continue to say bad things about Wan Liang. After all, you don't know Masato Jiuji's mentality.

After waiting for a while, Masato Jiuji said: "I really didn't have any hope for Wan Liang from the beginning, but now it's even more difficult to count on me. So I'm looking for you now because I want you to be ready to compete with Li Qun."

"Me?" Song Shutang asked in surprise.

"That's you."

"Major, aren't you joking? Let me come and compete with the director. Even my subordinate's current status is not good enough. The director is not good enough, let alone me."

"Of course you can't do it now." Masato Kuji said.

Masato Jiuji had thought about this issue before. At that time, he also thought that Song Shutang was not suitable. After all, people nowadays are very soft-spoken.

He seemed to be the district chief of the concession area, but in front of Li Qun, he was really not enough.

"Then Major also wants me to fight with the director?" Song Shutang asked in confusion.

"Of course you can't do it now, but not necessarily in the future."

"I don't understand what the Major said."

"After that, the concession may be cancelled, and then the Mei government will recommend to preserve the concession partition so that the concession partition can exist long-term and independently. Then you can expand your concession partition. The reason is that the concession now needs to be managed by me, so the concession partition Getting expanded is a must.”

"Cancel the concession?" Song Shutang asked in surprise.

The information revealed by Masato Kuji is too crucial.

They say they want to cancel the concession.

This is undoubtedly a signal on the global war situation.

Seeing Song Shutang's reaction, Masato Jiuji said: "Isn't this a matter of time?

It is true that Song Shutang had thought about this matter for a long time and was aware that it might come to this point, but now that he got the exact news, he was still shocked.

"Can the concession area be retained by then?" Song Shutang asked.

This is also very important to him.

Masato Kuji said: "If the Mei agency proposes to be exposed, then the new government will definitely keep it, and the concession is now under our control, so someone needs to be responsible. The concession zoning was in the concession before, so it is reasonable to take over this job. , and more convenient.”

"Major's words make sense."

"And Wan Liang will definitely help you when the time comes. After all, he thinks you are one of his own. It is also good for him that you can control the concession zoning, so it is not a big problem."

"The director should be able to help." Song Shutang felt that Wan Liang would also help. After all, he would have no reason to refute the Mei agency's arrangements.

At the same time, Masato Kuji said: "But there are too few people in your concession area. If you want to be responsible for the situation in the concession, it is absolutely not enough.

So when the time comes, the Mei Agency will directly allocate funds to the concession area, and you can start recruiting troops. Then your size will be expanded in a short period of time, even bigger than Wanliang's first place. So you say you have Are you qualified to challenge Li Qun? "

"I understand." Song Shutang nodded.

If Masato Kuji's vision is really followed, Song Shutang is not only qualified to take over the throne, he can even be regarded as a local emperor.

After all, with a large number of people, Li Qun would have some trouble dealing with him.

Now we cannot expand for fear of being targeted by the concession authorities.

But after the concession is gone, Song Shutang's concession area can be expanded at will, and the Mei government provides funds here, so there is no need to worry about money.

Song Shutang only appeared happy on the surface, but in his heart he wanted to report this information to the organization and military commander as soon as possible.

The cancellation of the concession represents a very important signal for the international situation.

And from what Masato Kuji said, they were all ready to accept the concession. It seemed that it was inevitable and there was no other possibility.

Masato Kuji said: "So if you work hard, I won't treat you badly."

"Thank you, Major. I will work hard and won't let you down."

"I like you very much and think you have more potential than Wan Liang. Don't let me live up to my expectations."

"I will definitely live up to the expectations of the major." "Then you can prepare during this period so that you can start your work better when the time comes, especially the recruitment of soldiers. You can think about it carefully."


After leaving Masato Jiuji, Song Shutang got a very important piece of information, so after returning to the concession, he did not go to the partition at all.

Instead, he went directly to Uncle Li.

Report this matter.

When Uncle Li heard this, he immediately realized the problem and said: "It seems that the international situation will undergo a very big change, which is also very important to us. The anti-Japanese situation will probably become more severe. This information is very crucial. I Will report to the organization.”

"But the situation here may be a little different, and the hidden work of organizing comrades can be considered stable now."

"No matter how the situation changes, we must do our job well, do you understand?"


"You also have to be prepared, because when the concession is cancelled, it will indeed be a very important opportunity for you, but you will definitely face a big impact, so you must be careful."

"I will."

I reported it to Uncle Li, but he couldn't say anything about the situation.

After all, changes in the international situation are not something you can influence, nor can you change them if you want to.

So after Song Shutang left, he went to see Bu Kaijie.

It's the same issue.

Bu Kaijie's reaction was the same as Uncle Li's, telling Song Shutang to be careful and report the matter to the military commander.

As for what happens in the end, that's really not something they can interfere with.

Let alone them, even the Military Command Headquarters and even the mountain city are not qualified to intervene.

There is no doubt about this.

But they must be prepared in advance to cope with the big changes after Shanghai. If you are not prepared, you will easily be eliminated.

You have to understand that the concession was actually very important to the anti-Japanese organization before. Although it was felt that the concession was no longer safe in the middle, some institutions and personnel were transferred out.

But there are still many inside.

When the Japanese and puppets move into the concession, these will be the first to encounter trouble, so you have to start thinking about solving this problem now.

Instead of waiting until the problem actually arises, sit back and wait.

Bu Kaijie also asked Song Shutang to leave after getting the news. After all, he also had to report to the military commander immediately.

Song Shutang originally just went to the secret service headquarters today to see Wan Liang and talk about Ding Yingzhuo. Unexpectedly, he was called by Masato Jiuji and then got the news.

I went to meet Uncle Li and Bu Kaijie, which wasted time and led to my return to the division very late.

When Mei Mu Zhizi came back in the evening, she was of course curious and asked.

Faced with Mei Mu Zhizi's inquiry, Song Shutang did not hide Masato Jiuji's words, but said it directly.

After all, it is very necessary to properly reveal some information in front of Mei Mu Zhizi.

And since you came back late, you need an explanation after all.

After hearing this, Mei Mu Zhizi was also surprised, but she also thought it was an opportunity.

She immediately said: "If we really follow what Major Masato Kuji said, we can grow rapidly in the division."

"But the problem now is that if we can only seize this opportunity to grow rapidly, the division chief and director will feel threatened by then, so we may not be in a good situation now."

"No matter whether the situation is good or bad, as long as we can get actual benefits, even if we face some difficulties in the future, we will have enough ability to deal with it."

"So you suggest we take a chance?"


"Then prepare in advance." Song Shutang said.

"I will start preparations from now on." Mei Muzhizi said.

There are a lot of things to prepare, which is unavoidable, but with Mei Mu's naive ability, it's not a big problem.

At the same time, Mei Mu Zhizi said: "When the time comes, the foreigners in the patrol house will definitely leave, but the people in the concession will stay. They are very familiar with the environment here in the concession, so I think we can recruit more troops by then. Start with these people.”

Mei Mu's idea was not wrong. After all, you said you were recruiting new people, and you need to train some new people before they can put them into work.

But the police officers in the patrol room have been trained, and they can go directly to work.

This is their advantage.

And they have a certain degree of discipline, which makes it easier for you to control them.

But Song Shutang said: "The patrol room is too large, and it is impossible for us to eat them all."

After all, when the time comes, the concession will not only have the special agent headquarters division, but also people from the police station will take over the security work, so they will also need patrol officers from the patrol room to join in. After all, they all need to recruit troops.

Ume Mujiko said: "So we need to select first. We select people we think are capable and leave some for other institutions that we don't want."

"But we can't get the patrol room information. It's difficult to choose. And even if we choose, what should we do if the other party doesn't want to join?"

"Patrol information can be obtained from people in the patrol room. This kind of thing is not confidential, and it is easy to get it if you are willing to spend money.

As for their unwillingness to join, then they will be the most dangerous after the concession disappears. After all, there were certain obstacles to us before. Most people are worried about getting into trouble, so they will definitely agree, but a few will not. It has little impact on us. "

"Then you are responsible for obtaining the patrol information and then selecting the personnel."

“How many more people can we add?”

"You just select fifty people to prepare. If some people don't want to join, then there are more than forty people, which is almost enough." Song Shutang said.

Mei Mu Zhizi also nodded secretly. As a result, there are more than a hundred people in the concession area. If possible, try to get two hundred people, which is already a very good size.

In fact, Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi don't want to recruit more people, but you have to understand that the Mei Agency will not give you so many places and funds.

Therefore, it is rare for the first batch of people to have so many people.

Mei Mu Zhizi is very motivated now. After all, she realizes that this matter is an opportunity, but there are still some worries here in Song Shutang.

Although you can't change the situation at hand, after all, you are affected by the situation, so you will naturally think more.

Therefore, when Mei Mu Zhizi asked these questions at night, Song Shutang was multitasking and thinking about other things.

When he fell asleep, Song Shutang didn't feel sleepy at all.

But no matter how things change, persistence in fighting will not change, and the current situation is indeed more difficult. Organizations and military commanders have also suffered many losses. This is the time when persistence is most needed.

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