Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 578 Early Contact

Chapter 578 Early Contact
After learning that the concession was about to be cancelled, Mei Mu Zhizi got busy.

Through some means, they obtained the patrol roster of the patrol room, and Tianmi and Song Shutang began to check these rosters.

But these alone are not enough. Corresponding information is also needed.

Later, Mei Mu Zhizi obtained relevant information about the corresponding personnel through looking for connections and paying money to bribe them. Although it was very basic and preliminary, it was enough for them now.

Through these things, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi have selected fifty people. These fifty people are not only very suitable to join the concession area, but also relatively easy to agree to the proposal.

When they select, whether they agree is also a very important assessment criterion.

After all, if there are too many different and good people, then your selection is of no value.

After the selection, Mei Muzhizi asked: "Should we contact the patrol now?"

You wait until the news comes out later, which is of course the best time for you to contact them.

But the situation will definitely be a little chaotic by then, and it's not just their concession area that has this idea. It seems that many people want to directly recruit patrols.

Not only is this the most familiar with the work in this area, but it is also a person who can get started directly.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Mei Muzhizi thought it would be better if they started earlier, so that they could at least ventilate the situation first.

The other party may disagree, but the concession zoning can express sincerity.

So when things happen, the first thing these patrols will consider is the concession zoning. After all, they have been contacted in advance.

Song Shutang could understand what Mei Mu Zhizi meant. It was simply that we didn't really want to get their consent to join, we just wanted to let them know that we want you.

Then when you need to make a choice in the future, you will think of it immediately.

"Let's get in touch, but keep it secret." Song Shutang said.

Of course there is no problem with contact, but you need to keep it secret to avoid making this matter known to everyone.

After all, this information provided to you by Masato Kuji is very important, so you need to keep it secret.

Of course, Mei Muzhizi knows best about confidentiality work, so he said: "I will be responsible for it."

It is not difficult to contact these people confidentially.

It’s not like we really want to develop.

Of course, the contact work is still assigned to Mei Mu Zhizi. After all, Mei Mu Zhizi is responsible for everything they do now.

It was possible for Song Shutang to do everything himself, but since he was the team leader, it was impossible for him to do everything himself.

However, many things involve confidentiality, so the only person who can be completely trusted is Mei Mu Zhizi.

So it’s okay if you don’t hand over responsibility to the other party.

Mei Mu Zhizi liked this feeling very much. Song Shutang could only trust her feeling. Mei Mu Zhizi was very happy with it.

Therefore, no matter how much work she has to do, how complex the situations she encounters, and how tiring Mei Mu is, she is still very motivated.

The mental state is very good.

So in this case, Mei Mu Zhizi directly stated that he would be responsible and there would definitely be a good result.

After all, this proposal was put forward by Mei Mu Zhizi, so it is not difficult to achieve a good result. After thinking about it, I already have a certain idea in my mind.

None of them would talk nonsense, but Song Shutang still understood it.

Watching Mei Mu Zhizi leave the subdivision to go busy, Song Shutang is resting here. As for whether you can use this opportunity to let the organization and military commanders continue to place manpower in the concession subdivision.

Song Shutang thought it was unnecessary.

Already installed first.

So it doesn't make much sense if you continue to arrange it now.

Secondly, Song Shutang is the district chief, so he can get information.

However, if his subordinates are penetrated too much by the anti-Japanese elements and are exposed due to some tasks or other things in the future, it may affect Song Shutang.

After all, you are responsible for the concession zoning.

Your place has been infiltrated by the enemy like a sieve. If you say you have no problem, can the higher ups believe it?

At the very least, your ability to work will be questioned.

This is still the smallest impact. If people lurking in the concession area cause very serious mission losses, Song Shutang will be responsible.

So it seems that this is not good for Song Shutang.

So this time, Song Shutang had no intention of letting the organization and military commanders continue to deploy manpower here by allowing patrol officers to join the concession area.

Nie Hong is with Li Qun, Ding Yingzhuo is with Wan Liang, and Song Shutang controls the concession area. Now that the triangle has been formed, the information that needs to be obtained can be obtained, and there is no need to continue to deploy personnel.

Doing too much is a hidden danger.

That's why Song Shutang didn't take any action.

What he is thinking now is that in the future, the Mei Bureau will let him be in charge of the concession zoning. To put it bluntly, it will establish a zoning in Shanghai.

After all, the concession will no longer exist by then, but the zoning will still exist.

To put it bluntly, in Shanghai, the power of the secret service headquarters must be divided.

Then the Japanese people's thoughts are very obvious.

Even if Sima Zhao's intentions were known to everyone, he didn't hide them.

Song Shutang can understand the Japanese approach, which is to tell Li Qun explicitly that they want to divide your power.

At the same time, it is also a message to the relevant personnel at the Secret Service Headquarters, telling them to think more when facing Li Qun. Secondly, will it make some people also ready to act?
To put it bluntly, I want Li Qun's power to be analyzed. By then, Mei Agency will definitely not be able to continue to support them, but the pressure on Li Qun has already been put.

After all, you said that the concession zoning is uniquely endowed to complete such a transformation. Others have no chance, and Li Qun would not agree.

If the Mei Agency insists on doing this, then Li Qun will not sit still and wait for death.

So Song Shutang is a special case, and he just wants to use this special case to make others feel that they also have a chance, thus causing Li Qun a little trouble.

When Song Shutang was thinking about this, he was also thinking about how he would start his work. Will he really start recruiting troops to compete with Li Qun?
I'm just afraid it's not good.

After all, he is now considered one of Li Qun's, and the same is true with Wan Liang. There is no need to worry if he can get both sides.

Song Shutang's idea was to first help Nie Hong get reused by Li Qun and even become a confidant.

Then help Ding Yingzhuo become a confidant here in Wanliang.

If the three of them have enough ability to control the secret agent headquarters, they can try to slowly eliminate Wan Liang and Li Qun.

Don't cause any turmoil and let Nie Hong and Ding Yingzhuo take over. When the time comes, the Japanese will be happy to see a three-legged situation in which no one is dominant.

The three of them also restrained each other and secretly competed for power. In the eyes of the Japanese, they were easier to control. After all, there was no one to speak out.

Secondly, the three of them were all wary of each other, and no one dared to start a fight with the other, lest the last family reap the benefits.

Thus a balance can be achieved.

This is what the Japanese want to see most.

Then Song Shutang, Nie Hong, and Ding Yingzhuo can perform it for the Japanese to make them feel that the three of them are estranged and secretly competing with each other.

They all want to get rid of each other quickly.

In fact, the three of them cooperated tacitly, allowing the secret service headquarters to take control.

You have to understand that the secret service headquarters in Shanghai is very important and has a great impact on the situation against Japan.

Especially after the concession is gone, the influence of the Secret Service Headquarters will only expand.

Being able to control the secret service headquarters would be of unparalleled help to the anti-Japanese work in Shanghai.

That's why Song Shutang has such a long-term vision. It's just that it's too difficult to implement such a vision, but the benefits are obvious.

Therefore, Song Shutang's idea is to sort out this plan first, and then report the information to Uncle Li next time to see if the organization will adopt it.

If you adopt it, you can start following this idea.

At the same time, the intelligence can also be reported to the military commander, but it is necessary to save Ding Yingzhuo and say that he and Nie Hong control the secret service headquarters.

I think the military commanders would be very interested.

Boss Dai, in particular, is very supportive of this idea.

After all, Boss Dai likes big moves.

Song Shutang sorted out his thoughts, and Mei Mu Zhizi was responsible for contacting the people in the patrol room. After a few days, Mei Mu Zhizi said: "I have met more than a dozen people so far. These dozen people did not speak too harshly. They all seem to be human beings." , I want to leave a way out for myself.”

"They want to leave a way out for themselves, which is enough for us." Song Shutang said.

"I thought so too, so I kept my enthusiasm for them and let them lose contact. But in fact, we have to wait until the concession is cancelled." Mei Mu Zhizi also understood clearly, and what he said was just for the occasion.

A good person will definitely not choose you.

So just express enthusiasm now and other times will give you the answer.

However, Mei Muzhizi is still confident. After all, the contacts between these dozen people are generally very good.

Let her be full of confidence in her plan.

Song Shutang said: "There should be a lot of time before this happens. You should not be too tired and take a proper rest."

Even if you look at it, I seem to have seen more than a dozen police officers during this period, not many of them.

But in fact, everyone spends a long time, so Ume Muji's workload is very heavy.

Seeing that Song Shutang was concerned about him, Mei Mu smiled and said, "It's okay."

"Take a rest." Song Shutang said without any explanation.

Mei Mu Zhizi was of course happy to accept this arrangement. After all, she felt Song Shutang's care and love.

Naturally, he would not confront Song Shutang.

And there is indeed plenty of time, so there is no need to rush for a day or two.

However, Mei Muzhizi said instead: "The Mei Agency knows about this matter, and I think many agencies know about it, so it is possible that everyone has already started taking action."

"They act their way, we act ours, it has nothing to do with each other."

"Of course it has nothing to do with these agencies. I am worried that the anti-Japanese elements will also learn about this situation, and then they will also start to try to win over the patrol officers in the patrol room. But it is not to recruit them to directly join their ranks, but to let these patrol officers lurk under the new government. among various agencies.”

You agencies want to win over the patrol officers.

Then the anti-Japanese elements only need to instigate rebellion and patrol, and then wait to be won over by you.

Wouldn't it be possible to complete the latent work?

Of course there won't be one here in Song Shutang, but Mei Mu Zhizi is right. Military commanders and organizations can indeed instigate some people to rebel, and letting them join organizations like the police station is also a kind of lurking.

"It's very possible what you said."

"And among these patrols, there were indeed many patrols who secretly helped the anti-Japanese elements. I'm afraid they would readily agree to such an arrangement."

"These problems of yours do exist, but we have carefully screened them when we selected them for patrol. There should be no undercover anti-Japanese elements among them.

Just to be careful, if these people really join us in the future, we need to investigate again. "Song Shutang said.

Now they can only think about the zoning of their own concession. As for what other organizations should do when faced with this problem, that has nothing to do with them.

Mei Mu Zhizi thinks that what Song Shutang said makes sense, but now it really can only be like this.

They paid attention to it when they were selecting it, so just keep checking it again when the time comes. After all, there's only so much you can do.

As for whether the other party will really be instigated by the Red Party to rebel, it may need to be judged in subsequent work.

After all, anti-Japanese organizations are also professional. They instigate rebellion, patrol and lurk work. It is difficult for you to find out through preliminary investigation.

Song Shutang continued: "We need to be responsible for this matter when the time comes, otherwise when we are about to grow and develop, there will be many anti-Japanese lurking personnel mixed in, which will be devastating to us."

Mei Muzhizi knew that what Song Shutang said was not alarmist, so he said: "Don't worry about this, I will personally take charge of this matter when the time comes."

"I will be responsible together with you." Song Shutang said.

He knew that the organization and the military commander would not arrange for personnel to come in, so he wanted to take responsibility with Mei Mu Zhizi. By then, he could even use this matter to deal with several patrolmen who had done many evil things.

Lest they join the secret service headquarters and start focusing on dealing with the anti-Japanese members.

Then it will bring trouble to the organization and military commander.

Because among the patrols he and Mei Mu Zhizi selected, there were still some people with good abilities, but they were just used in the wrong place.

If it helps the tyrants to do evil, then this ability will be a disaster.

"Okay, then we will review it together." Mei Muzhizi said.

She also hoped that Song Shutang would participate, so that at least there would be no problems, otherwise it would be fatal if they were affected when they were about to gain momentum.

Tomorrow, Mei Mu Zhizi needed to rest because of Song Shutang's request, so the two of them discussed going out for a walk. After all, they hadn't gone shopping for a long time.

Of course Song Shutang will be satisfied with this request. Mei Mu Zhizi is now intuitively important to Song Shutang's latent work, so some details cannot be ignored.

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