Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 599 Trouble Resolved

Chapter 599 Trouble Resolved
The search lasted all night.

The people in the subdivision found nothing, but that's how the search works in most cases. It doesn't mean that if you search, there will be results.

But what about here at the police station?

Their man actually died, just outside the casino, and he was shot in the head.

Regarding this way of death, if you say it has nothing to do with the two people who died before, who would believe it?
The person who died before was the one who planned to assassinate Song Shutang. The high-ranking police officer who died this time was the one who strongly suggested that Song Shutang be killed. They are all dead now.

Anyone who is not a fool understands what happened?
Isn’t it hard to guess the murderer?

Zhao Pan actually knew better than anyone else that when he saw that the police officer was indeed dead, he felt a little complicated.

Now he even vaguely felt that he was right to get into Song Shutang's car.

After all, the other party's behavior is too fierce.

The fierce Zhao Pan was a little uncomfortable.

After bringing Mei Mu Zhizi and Zhao Pan to meet again, Song Shutang said with a smile: "You're welcome, Officer Zhao."

When the people at the police station saw this, what was it called?

What to do in the end?
Don't let it go.

And those who were searched could testify.

Therefore, everyone understands very clearly that face is a problem of the police station. I can lose face, but I cannot lose my life.

You just jump out and say that the Japanese have problems. How do you say this?
So what is the final discussion at the police station?

"Thanks also to Officer Zhao for his cooperation."

Because you have no way to explain to the Japanese why your people died at the hands of Song Shutang.

And I am not afraid of suspicion from your police station. Now I even tell you clearly that I am the one who killed the person. What do you want?
how about it?
What do you think people from the police station dare to do?
We must find evidence as soon as possible. Only by finding evidence can the Japanese and people from the puppet government come forward to see if Song Shutang's life can be taken.

Song Shutang obviously won the last incident. Since he won, how could he still keep an eye on the people in the police station? So there must be a reason for everything?
Because they couldn't explain it, the people in the police station had to suffer the consequences of being dumb.

So who committed the murder?

"I understand what District Chief Song means." Zhao Pan knew that the other party's words meant that they were the same thing and there should be no distinction between you and me.

If you say these words now, you might be the next one.

But what about the results after the investigation?

Who wants to follow suit?
To put it bluntly, even if the top brass of these police stations wanted to kill Song Shutang in their hearts, they would not dare to say it to their faces.

It is difficult for everyone to find a solution. After all, no matter how you negotiate, problems are likely to arise.

So everyone is holding back.

Someone has died.

But if I have to stand out now, and then get shot in the head by a bullet, how can I be successful?

No impact.

Mei Mu is childish!

Everyone’s pursuits are different.

Zhao Pan did not know the status of the high-level discussions, but when he inquired later and learned the news, Zhao Pan admitted that Song Shutang was right and that he had indeed frightened the people at the police station.

The police department was embarrassed by what happened before, and I also feel ashamed and want to take revenge.

But Song Shutang killed him whenever he said.

After investigating the information, the people at the police station understood that Song Shutang did this on purpose.

After Zhao Pan found out this information at the police station, he contacted Song Shutang.

Song Shutang didn't have time to kill people.

If you don’t tell me, neither will I. Anyway, I don’t want to die.

Song Shutang led the people from the division to search the whole night, and many people saw it with their own eyes.

No one said not to deal with Song Shutang, but no one said they would deal with Song Shutang. As for this matter, it was even more impossible to tell the Japanese.

Are you so frightened?
But regardless of whether they were really scared to death, no one would admit it anyway, but if you asked me to take the initiative to propose continuing to assassinate Song Shutang, I wouldn't mention it.

The people at the police station thought it could only be Mei Mu, but the other party is Japanese, and you still have no evidence.

I came to the puppet government to enjoy the blessings.

After working in the police station for a long time, Zhao Pan has encountered some official talk, and there are few such decisive people.

I want something delicious and spicy.

Who wouldn't be afraid of a strong headshot?
The anti-Japanese elements are not afraid, but you are not an anti-Japanese element now, you are just a member of the police station.

"District Chief Song is a good man."

The past is the best example of hitting the first bird with a gun.

Even members of the night patrol passing by these places can testify.

But will it affect my eating hot and spicy food?

"That's good."

"But as for joining the special agent headquarters division, can we wait?"

"What does Officer Zhao mean?"

Zhao Pan thought to himself, what do you mean by me? I want to join the special agent headquarters division directly, but you have caused such a big thing. If I join now, am I not courting death?

Zhao Pan said here: "The people in the police station are very concerned about how the news was leaked this time, so they must investigate it and make this person pay the price. By joining the special agent headquarters division at this time, I admit that it is not very safe. "

People in the police station really don't dare to retaliate against Song Shutang now, but the person who leaked the news must be someone within their ranks.

Then the people in the police station cannot ignore such a traitor. They must find him out and kill him to vent their anger.

It's just that Zhao Pan and Song Shutang had the biggest grudge, so no one at the police station suspected him, so he was still safe now.

But if you join the partition now, it is equivalent to admitting it.

Zhao Pan didn't want to be targeted by people from the police station, who might end up killing him first.

So he wanted to wait until the storm had passed.

Song Shutang saw Zhao Pan's worry and said with a smile: "Our division is not afraid of people from the police station."

"District Chief Song is not afraid, but I am just a police officer who defected here. I am afraid that I will not be able to resist him when the time comes."

Seeing that Zhao Pan did have such worries, Song Shutang could only say: "That's up to you."

In fact, Zhao Pan can't come over now, and Song Shutang thinks it's not bad. After all, joining the special agent headquarters division will not have much effect.

But if you stay here at the police station, the situation will be different. You might get some information at some point.

Song Shutang felt that he could be regarded as his spy in the police station, which was pretty good anyway.

And there is no need to worry about Zhao Pan having second thoughts. Everyone has been killed now. The information was provided by Zhao Pan. If people at the police station find out, Zhao Pan will definitely die.

Then there is no retreat, and there is no need to worry about Zhao Pan messing around.

At the same time, Zhao Pan also told the police station's plan. Song Shutang felt that it was pretty much what he expected, so he acted fairly calmly.

After that, Zhao Pan left here.

After he left, Mei Muzhizi said: "The people in the police station are really afraid of death." Song Shutang said with a smile: "It's not a deep hatred anyway, it's just a bit embarrassing. And the problem is Zhao Pan's. They really don't have to do it for him." This is a desperate matter.”

You have to understand that absolutely no one who joins the puppet government wants to fight for their lives.

If you really want to fight, you choose to join the anti-Japanese organization. Why join the puppet government?
It's not that they traitors don't understand what is right and wrong, it's just that they don't choose what is right.

My heart is clear.

Now that the people at the police station have calmed down, Song Shutang can feel relieved.

Mei Muzhizi said: "It's actually a good thing that Zhao Pan doesn't join the division now. If he stays in the police station, he can help find out what's going on inside. If there are any sudden changes, he can tell us."

"So when he said he wanted to stay, I agreed."

"Looks like he was scared out of his wits."

"Zhao Pan is not scared out of his wits. He just said that he is convinced now and is too provocative to the police station. He is worried that the other party will jump over the wall and kill him.

And Zhao Pan probably also feels that our division will not come hard for him and the people from the police station, so he still needs to consider his own problems. "

"His thoughts are normal." Mei Mu Zhizi felt that if it were him, he would think more.

After all, who wants to trust someone else with their life?

Song Shutang said with a smile: "It seems that the plan this time is going smoothly, and the problem here in the police station has been solved."

"I just don't know if other people will know the news."

"As long as the police station doesn't say anything, no one will know." After all, these people seem to have no connection. Whether it is the two people who died before or the police officer, the connection between them is not close.

So what can associate these two events together is nothing more than the way of death.

But you can say it was an assassination by anti-Japanese elements who wanted to identify themselves, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Mei Muzhizi said, "I'm afraid the people at the police station will tell me."

"They wanted to assassinate me, and then the news leaked, and we killed the police officers. Isn't it even more embarrassing to tell them now?"

"But what Zhao Pan said just now is that the police department has begun to investigate the person who leaked the secret. Zhao Pan is the leaker, but the investigation against him will not be very intensive.

Then the investigation pressure on other knowledgeable police officers will be great. They have not leaked the secrets, but if they are mistaken for leaking the secrets themselves, they may expose these things. "

Everyone has to sign up.

So if you are about to be unjustly accused and die, of course you want to find a chance to survive, so there is no problem in telling the Japanese about it.

Even if the Japanese ask you to cooperate with the investigation, you can live longer.

Regarding Mei Mu Zhizi’s worries, Song Shutang said: “Even if the police tell this matter, it will undoubtedly prove that they want to attack me first, and we are just fighting back, and we will not admit it when the time comes. They have no evidence."

It is absolutely impossible for Song Shutang to admit it.

As long as there is no evidence, he will never admit it. Even if you show evidence, I will say it is forged.

But if the police officers themselves reported this problem to the Japanese, it would be more clear about their intentions and plans. Song Shutang believed that it was a good thing.

Mei Mu knew that what Song Shutang said was right, and there was no need to worry about things getting out of control.

But you have to understand that if the Japanese knew about this matter, even if there was no evidence, they would not deal with Song Shutang.

But they would believe this in their hearts and understand that it was Song Shutang who killed him.

So in the eyes of the Japanese, they don't like this approach.

Therefore, they may pay more attention to Song Shutang in the future, which may easily bring danger.

Song Shutang took Mei Mu Zhizi back to the subdivision and said on the way: "Don't worry about this problem. Dare to pretend to be a military policeman and assassinate a police officer. It is nothing in the eyes of the Japanese."

Seeing that his worries were exposed, Mei Mu Zhizi said: "It seems that I am too cautious now."

"Of course we have to be cautious. We are in a place like Shanghai. If we are not cautious, we will die. But when it is time to be bold, we still have to be bold." Song Shutang said.

In fact, Song Shutang lived a more cautious life every day than Mei Mu, but this time he did so on purpose.

Of course he understood that the Japanese might guess or anticipate it in the end.

But this does not hinder Song Shutang's choice, because now with the exaggeration of the partition, his ambition has become bigger, and it is understandable that he will act a little radically.

After all, he is a young man.

Song Shutang now wants to express his ambition, which will make everyone wary, but not fearful.

But if you are ambitious and suppress it very well, but everyone knows that you are ambitious, then they will be afraid of you.

Think you are very dangerous.

Therefore, it is actually necessary for some problems to occur occasionally and only some hidden dangers to be left behind.

For example, Li Qun is in the office now, discussing this matter with Nie Hong.

Li Qun asked: "Have you heard about the police officer?"


"What do you think?"

"It should be revenge on them, right?" Nie Hong felt that although the two people who died the first time were not police officers, they were related to the police station. Then a senior police officer died the second time. What do you think? He didn't believe that the two things had nothing to do with each other.



"Who takes revenge?"

"Of course they are anti-Japanese elements."


"What does the director mean?"

"Song Shutang."

"Song Shutang?"

"Based on the information provided by the division, I learned about the two operations. The first time Song Shutang was in the division, but he never showed up. The second time Song Shutang showed up throughout the whole process, but Mei Mu Zhizi was not present."

"The director means that the two of them should cooperate."


"But why did Song Shutang want to provoke people from the police station?"

"Or was it someone from the police station who provoked him first?"

"Want to take revenge on him?" Nie Hong asked quickly. After all, Song Shutang had just offended the police station.

Li Qun nodded and said, "That should be the case."

"That's why Song Shutang struck first."

"He was really decisive."

"But isn't he afraid of this happening?" Nie Hong asked.

"Do you have evidence?

Moreover, the second operation was carried out by Mei Mu Zhizi, a Japanese. What did you ask the police to say? Even Song Shutang's deterrence was too great. No one wanted to become the other party's soul snatcher. "

"But this plan within the police station must be very confidential. How did he know about it?"

"So the zoning has developed to a surprising extent in places where we don't notice it." Li Qun said thoughtfully.

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