Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 600 Want to get rid of

Chapter 600 Want to get rid of
Of course Nie Hong is happy to see the development of the zoning.

But he could also understand the deep meaning behind what Li Qun said now.

It's just that they are worried that Song Shutang will be difficult to control in the future. After all, Song Shutang dared to pretend to be a military policeman, and now he dared to kill people in the police station. Can you tell me that this kind of person is easy to control?
Nie Hong could actually understand Song Shutang's approach, after all, they were too familiar with each other.

So when Li Qun said these words, Nie Hong said: "In the end, I am still too young."


"The concession has just been cancelled, and there are opportunities for development in the zoning, but he doesn't know how to take advantage of it, and he is advancing all the way.

He even pretended to be a military policeman to assassinate police officers. It seemed that he had unparalleled momentum, but to put it bluntly, I was afraid that Director Wan would be displeased with him. "

Li Qun felt that the issue analyzed by Nie Hong was indeed reasonable, but Song Shutang was a young man, and it was normal for him to have these radical behaviors.

It would be strange if not.

Li Qun said: "If you don't have the ability to be so aggressive, it is indeed easy to die young, but Song Shutang is obviously capable. His approach really shocked the people in the police station, which made him safe."

Nie Hong knew that Li Qun would definitely not agree to such a proposal, so when he said it, it seemed that he had considered it very comprehensively, and he was thinking about it all for Li Qun.

Even if there is a trap behind it, it won't work.

Expansion was not discussed before.

How could Wan Liang feel comfortable now? He couldn't stop Song Shutang from developing like this.

In fact, Li Qun feels that the problem is not that bad. He is also waiting here. After Song Shutang reaches a certain level of strength, the two of them can discuss and solve Wan Liang first.

At this time, Wan Liang felt that he was in trouble. Before Li Qun could be solved, another Song Shutang appeared.

So at this time, Wan Liang will not care about what Song Shutang has done before, but only wants to know what the other party will do in the future.

Li Qun smiled and said, "Don't we dare too?"

Forget about pretending to be a military policeman before, he couldn't say anything to avoid pushing Song Shutang to Li Qun.

"Song Shutang's problem should be the biggest headache for Director Wan. If he continues to develop, he will be uncontrollable for Director Wan.

When the time comes, Director Wan will have to find a way to deal with Song Shutang first, and he won't even have time to confront the director. When the time comes, they will fight each other and both will lose. "

Li Qun and Nie Hong already knew about this matter, and Wan Liang certainly knew about it too.

"The situation you mentioned is of course the best, but you have to understand that Wan Liang is not stupid. How could he go against Song Shutang at this time?"

He even regretted that he asked Song Shutang to be in charge of the division.

Nie Hong suggested here: "Whether Director Wan wants to take action depends on whether we can sow discord between them. If possible, Director Wan may choose to deal with Song Shutang as soon as possible."

Now that I'm talking about this, just looking at Nie Hong's reaction, I have to say that Nie Hong still has some feelings for Song Shutang, but not much.

If Song Shutang and Li Qun unite, Wan Liang will die.

"I don't think the director needs to worry about Song Shutang's problems now."

"So this is the current problem." Li Qun said.

Generally speaking, now it is to kill first and then play. This time, it is simply to kill first and not play.

When the time comes, Li Qun can just unload the mill and kill the donkey.

So it means that without this secret, there is no danger.

"If he doesn't confront him, the situation will be very complicated in the future." Nie Hong said.

As for your claim that you have evidence, you said that Song Shutang and Wan Liang were pretending to cooperate earlier, but in fact they were following your orders.

So to put it bluntly, whether it is leverage or threats, they are used when the opponent is weak. If you wait until the opponent becomes stronger, your leverage will no longer be enough.

It is human nature to have feelings, after all, they all come together.

As for the secret between the two, this secret is fatal to both of them.

At that time, I thought it was just a division within the concession, and there couldn't be many people there. To put it bluntly, it was just a small team.

Sure enough, after listening to this, Li Qun said: "Don't worry yet."

Do you think Wan Liang will still care when the time comes?

Moreover, Song Shutang appeared too quickly.

Wan Liang's information came quickly, so after learning about this matter, Wan Liang felt really uncomfortable.

Li Qun felt that these could all be seen.

"But people from the police station actually dare to attack people from our special agent headquarters. It's too disrespectful of us." Nie Hong took the topic to the police station.

The only thing Li Qun needs to worry about now is Song Shutang's betrayal.



When Song Shutang finds out that he has a chance, he might really unite with Wan Liang and deal with him.

Song Shutang's actions are the best proof.

Not much because now everyone has his own master, and you have to understand what you want.

But if you don't tell me now, people have already started assassinating police officers, and they haven't discussed it with Wan Liang either.

Who would have thought that the development of the situation would make you completely unexpected. After a lot of back and forth, the partition has grown so much that people are caught off guard, and the Japanese actually acquiesce here.

Even in the beginning, the Japanese advocated expansion.

In this case, Wan Liang couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

At this moment, if you ask Wan Liang to stop him, you are not clearly trying to prevent Song Shutang from getting stronger. Then you are preventing the other party from gaining power. You are blocking even in the face of power. Do you think the two of you are not enemies?

After Wan Liang learned about this matter, he never contacted Song Shutang, and he would not ask at all.

Was it Song Shutang who killed the police officer?
Is this important?
First of all, it was what Song Shutang did. Secondly, whether the other party did this or not, the momentum of the division rested here.

As for the people he had placed in the division before, they could not play a big role at all now. Even if he was a little careless, Wan Liang was worried that Song Shutang would find an excuse and clear them all out.

It is really impossible to arrange a mission to trap and kill all these people.

Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang's current style of conduct was really possible. When these people died, there would be more vacancies and he could recruit his own people. Why not?

Therefore, under this situation, Wan Liang decided to see Masato Kuji again. When he met Masato Kuji, he didn't take it seriously when talking about it.

But today is different from the past, and Wan Liang feels that it is still necessary to meet. Wan Liang made an appointment with Masato Jiuji to meet. As soon as he sat down in the evening, Wan Liang said: "Major, you know the situation in the division now. It is really difficult to reassure people."

"Is it still Song Shutang's problem?"

"Before, Song Shutang pretended to be a military policeman, and then contacted businessmen to obtain funds, and expanded in the subdivision without consulting me. Now he just assassinates the police officers. I don't even know any information about this. Even if I ask him now, he I will definitely say that I don’t have it.”

After hearing Wan Liang's accusation, Masato Jiuji felt that Song Shutang had indeed gone too far.

After all, some are too obvious.

Seeing that Masato Jiuji was silent, Wan Liang felt that he had a chance and continued: "Song Shutang will definitely not cooperate with me when the time comes, and it will even be an unstable factor."

"What do you mean?"

"Now that the partition has taken shape and is developing well, replacing Song Shutang should not have any impact." Wan Liang said.

Replace Song Shutang.

Before, Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang was one of his own, so he felt relieved.

Now that I'm worried, the best way is to replace him with a Wanliang person.

Wan Liang doesn't think it will affect anything.

Although his ability is not as good as Song Shutang's, he is loyal.

Better than now.

When Masato Jiuji heard Wan Liang's suggestion, he cursed in his heart, "Can you do it if you replace Song Shutang?"

You don’t even understand who Song Shutang belongs to.

Replace the opponent and expect you to deal with Li Qun?

Of course Masato Kuji would not agree with Wan Liang's words, but he asked: "How do you plan to replace the other party?"

"It's definitely not possible to resign normally, so it's better to get rid of him secretly." Wan Liang also showed no mercy.

Because Wan Liang feels that this can ensure that the secret will always remain a secret. Do you think Mei Mu knows about this?

Wan Liang thinks that it is impossible for Song Shutang to tell anyone that Mei Mu Zhizi is Japanese. Do you feel relieved if you tell the other party?
So as long as Song Shutang dies, all problems will be solved.

"Get rid of him?"

"Now the police department is in tit-for-tat with Song Shutang, and they all say they were scared by Song Shutang. But what if the police department pretends to be scared and wants to calm things down, but continues to act secretly?"

"You want to put the blame on the police department."

"Major Hideaki."

Wan Liang felt that this was an opportunity to take advantage of the grievances between the police station and Song Shutang. Now that he could get rid of the other party, he could also fall on the police station.

"You're not afraid that if you can't kill the other party, the whole thing will be revealed."

"My subordinates will make arrangements."

"I think it's dangerous for you to do this."

"What do you mean, Major?"

"Because of the affairs here at the police station, it is strictly forbidden to do anything behind the scenes. Although I didn't name him, everyone knows who he is talking about.

Then the police station will definitely not take any action in a short period of time. It is not easy for you to pretend to be them and act successfully at this time. Even if Song Shutang is eliminated by you, do you dare to kill Mei Mu Zhizi? "

"Of course my subordinates will not kill Mei Mu Zhizi." Wan Liang explained hurriedly. After all, the other party is Japanese. If you say that you dare to kill, then you are seeking death in front of Masato Jiuji.

Masato Kuji continued: "Since you don't dare to kill Meimu Zhizi, but she also feels that the police station will definitely not continue to act now, so she wants to investigate who made the arrangement.

Then it is difficult for you to completely avoid it. After all, it is your people who have taken over the division, and you are the biggest beneficiary. When the time comes, will you be able to avoid Mei Mu Zhizi's assassination? "

When Wan Liang heard this question, he really found it difficult to answer.

After all, Mei Mu Zhizi killed a police officer before, and the other party's ability was also proven, so Wan Liang was also very worried about being targeted by Mei Mu Zhizi.

Seeing that the other party was indeed intimidated by him, Masato Jiuji continued: "So what you want to think about now is not how to get rid of Song Shutang, but how to get rid of Li Qun. When you take control of the secret service headquarters, Song Shutang will naturally be able to solve it."

Wan Liang also knows that this can indeed solve the problem, but the question is how do you solve Li Qun?
In his opinion, it is much more difficult to deal with Li Qun than to deal with Song Shutang.

"My subordinate is just worried."

"I know what you are worried about. I will meet with Song Shutang and use my identity as Mei Gao to beat him."

"Thank you Major."

Wan Liang felt that this was all he could do now and let the Japanese suppress Song Shutang.

As long as Mei Guan is still on his side, Wan Liang feels that he still has a chance.

Watching Wan Liang leave, Masato Jiuji felt that his death was unlikely to be a big deal. It would have been difficult to deal with Li Qun. Now that Song Shutang is gaining momentum, you should seize this opportunity and build a good relationship with Song Shutang, no matter how unwilling you are. Then deal with Li Qun first.

He was actually worried about his own problems here and wanted to solve Song Shutang first. Masato Jiuji felt that it was difficult for Wan Liang to become a big deal.

However, Song Shutang's actions this time were indeed a bit too much.

Although Masato Kuji recognizes the other party's ability and acknowledges that the other party has done a good job, your behavior clearly reveals your ambition.

It’s not that Masato Kuji doesn’t like Song Shutang’s ambition, he even thinks that Song Shutang should be ambitious, otherwise how can he complete his plan.

But you are ambitious, so don't show it. If you show it like this, it will put Wan Liang and Li Qun on guard, and it will have an impact on subsequent actions.

Masato Jiuji originally thought that Song Shutang would lurk here and give Li Qun a fatal blow, but now that Li Qun will be wary of you, it would be very difficult for you to quietly and unexpectedly deliver a fatal blow to the opponent.

Therefore, Masato Kuji said that he wanted to see Song Shutang and give him a blow, which was not a perfunctory thing. He really planned to do this here.

After Masato Kuji and Wan Liang left here, they went directly to the jurisdiction of the division. He wanted to meet him.

At the same time, after going there, Masato Kuji also investigated the situation here at the police station. The method of killing their people was probably done by Ume Mujiko.

After all, Song Shutang was searching with members of the division at that time, and everyone knew about this matter. It is obviously impossible for you to say that Song Shutang could still kill people.

Meimu Zhizi, a Japanese, really obeyed Song Shutang's words.

Masato Kuji was not happy about this either. After all, in his opinion, the Japanese were born to be noble, and Song Shutang should listen to Mei Mu's childishness.

But Masato Kuji can't say anything about this matter, because Mei Mu Zhizi was not a member of the Mei Agency before, and it's useless to talk about a woman's thoughts.

When beating up Song Shutang, Masato Kuji thought that Mei Muzhizi should also be beaten up. If you are asked to assassinate the top brass of the police station today, will you obey the order? Will you obey the order if you are asked to assassinate the Japanese in the future?
Although Masato Jiuji thought that Song Shutang would not issue such an order, Mei Mu's actions meant just that, and he was too obedient.

(End of this chapter)

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