Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 602: Sudden Trouble

Chapter 602: Sudden Trouble
The situation is relatively clear now.

Everyone knows that Song Shutang is ambitious.

Including Masato Jiuji, everyone came forward to criticize us. Do you think Wan Liang and Li Qun don't know this?
But Song Shutang was willing to show his ambition, which was safe.

At least no one would doubt his identity. After all, if he were a lurker, it would be best to protect himself wisely at this time and gain the trust of the enemy.

But Song Shutang did the opposite. He didn't need to gain the trust of his enemies, but wanted to strengthen his own power.

It seems like it's for power.

This is actually safe. As for the intelligence from the secret service headquarters you mentioned?
Of course, Song Shutang can obtain it from the subdivision. He is the district chief, and all information cannot be bypassed by him.

Secondly, inside the secret service headquarters, Li Qun has Nie Hong's information, and he can get it through Nie Hong.

As for Wanliang here.

Now that you have Wan Liang on guard, the other party may really not tell you some things, so Ding Yingzhuo's status needs to be improved.

The report went smoothly, after all, no one in Song Shutang suspected him, and no one in the division dared to doubt him.

"He was exposed, so even if he doesn't recognize his identity as a member of the military command, the division will not release him," Song Shutang said.

After all, people from the division were rushing in at that time.

The military commander gave an order here, and he naturally followed it.

Song Shutang originally thought that he could be stable for a while and develop well in the zone.

And even if it is really too late to stop, or there is no way to stop for safety reasons, resulting in the arrest of the person, Song Shutang can also send the message, and the organization and military command can respond in advance, evacuate relevant personnel, etc.

First of all, his identity here is confidential. There can be no problems with Boss Dai, so all he needs to worry about is being killed in the struggle for power.

After meeting Bu Kaijie and learning the news, Song Shutang also asked helplessly: "Since they are people coming from the mountain city, why didn't the Shanghai authorities arrange personnel to protect them during the evacuation?"

He knew the people from the secret service headquarters division, even though he was wearing casual clothes that day.

One of the people who rebelled against the puppet government happened to have met him when he was in the mountain city.

They have no problem. How many anti-Japanese members do you think they can arrest?
It's not like the anti-Japanese members are running rampant in their jurisdiction. If you can't catch them, it seems like they have poor performance at work. There is no such situation here, so Song Shutang, as the district chief, behaves without problems.

After the people from the pseudo-government recognized this man, they did not rush forward rashly.

In this way, all parties are dealing with their own affairs. The investigation work in the division will naturally progress with Song Shutang here.


The other party has the qualifications that he is a member of the military command, and Song Shutang cannot release him regardless of whether the interrogation results or not.

Jiang Qi thought that he was just trying to gain Song Shutang's trust now, and then when the time was right, he would find a way to deal with Song Shutang. So giving the other party funds would be to paralyze the other party, and there was nothing wrong in Jiang Qi's opinion.

Song Shutang now lets the division continue to recruit troops. Anyway, he has Jiang Qi's support.

If there were members of the Shanghai Military Command around to protect them at that time, they would probably be arrested together now.

Then they swarmed up and captured the person.

But when he was first in the mountain city, he was responsible for secretly protecting an official. When the official met other people, he waited outside the door, so he was recognized.

And the military commanders don’t know yet.

Of course, neither the organization nor the military command would do anything within the jurisdiction of Song Shutang, and this place was a concession before. After the concession was abolished, it experienced large-scale raids, so it is easy to understand that there were relatively few anti-Japanese activities.

Now the helper in obtaining intelligence is Nie Hong. There are no important people here in Song Shutang. Ding Yingzhuo's status is not enough to obtain important information, so now Nie Hong is responsible for the intelligence in the secret service headquarters.

Now Wan Liang also knows that Song Shutang is unreliable, so he needs someone to continue to help him charge into the battle. Instead, Ding Yingzhuo has the opportunity.

Therefore, it is difficult to achieve much results, but this is the work of these institutions, and it is considered good to have such a performance, because there are no problems within the jurisdiction of the zoning jurisdiction.

Because the military commander chose this person to come to Shanghai because of his appearance.

"He is familiar with the environment in Shanghai, so arranging personnel for protection would be too big a goal. Leaving alone is a safer choice."

After all, he knew that the other party was from the military command, and he was afraid that he would die if he stepped forward, so he told the people in the special agent headquarters division.

Therefore, the job of arrest fell on the people in the special agent headquarters division. This was a pie-in-the-sky pie, and the members in the division were overjoyed.

Who knew that there would be a problem right away.

The new people who joined the special agent headquarters division were very motivated, so they really achieved some results. Song Shutang didn't notice it in advance, so there was no way to stop them, so when they captured the people, Song Shutang reported the news.

Mei Muzhizi was very satisfied with Jiang Qi's support. After all, he was very straightforward in speaking. Of course he was straightforward.

However, the news obtained after the report made Song Shutang feel a little troublesome, because the arrested person was from the military command and came from the mountain city.

The secret service headquarters has never been a place for reason, and now the divisions are no different.

The organization also prepared some things and began to cooperate with Ding Yingzhuo.

Even if there is really an arrest, Song Shutang will usually find a way to inform the news in advance.

Ding Yingzhuo's organization has also begun to exert its efforts, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to allow Ding Yingzhuo to gain Wan Liang's trust and thus begin to enter the other party's field of vision.

This person actually wanted to leave Shanghai, but encountered a problem on the day of evacuation.

He came with the latest work instructions from Juntong. Juntong has already had contact with this person and the tasks have been completed.

Song Shutang is currently doing a very good job in lurking. When he can gradually become independent from the secret service headquarters, at least he will not worry about being exposed as a lurking agent.

Would rather kill the wrong person.

Bu Kaijie also knew that the problem was difficult, so he said: "What is the situation now?"

"I've arranged for the people below to interrogate him, but I haven't spoken yet." The preliminary interrogation will not be too severe, so there is no news yet.

Song Shutang continued to ask: "Does the other party know the situation in Shanghai?"

"He knows the situation of the person in charge who came to Shanghai for the connection, but you informed this matter in advance. The transfer has been arranged, but it is difficult for us to say how much information he knows about Shancheng." Bu Kaijie said.

The other party is from the mountain city, so it's unclear whether he has any information about the mountain city.

"Didn't you send a telegram to Shancheng to inquire about the situation?" Song Shutang asked.

"I've sent a telegram to Shancheng, and I'm still waiting for news," Bu Kaijie said.

At present, there is no news from Shancheng. "Then you have to prepare in advance."

"Can you silence me here?" Bu Kaijie asked directly.

Although this question is cold-blooded, they are intelligence workers and are somewhat familiar with it. No matter how reluctant they are, their reason forces you to make the most correct choice.

Faced with this problem, Song Shutang said: "It's difficult."

The military commander was captured, and he appeared in the mountain city. This importance is self-evident.

Do you think that such a person, as the district chief, Song Shutang can let him die easily?
Certainly not.

What a low-level mistake can make the other party die in his own hands.

And now that Song Shutang is expanding its zoning, many people are watching. If you do this at this time, someone will take the opportunity to make trouble.

Whether it is Li Qun or Wan Liang, they are troublesome to Song Shutang.

But the current situation is that you definitely can't save the other party, because his identity has been reported, and you can't say that there are no problems in the interrogation and let him go.

After much deliberation, Capgemini realized that it could only give the other party a ride. This is too common in intelligence work, and this was the case with the Red Party before.

Bu Kaijie finally said: "Don't we still have a member lurking in the zone?"

This one does.

One each for the organization and the military.

It was arranged when the concession still existed.

"Do you plan to let him carry out this plan?" Song Shutang asked.

"He is indeed more suitable than you, and after completing the plan, you can escape from the partition."

Song Shutang felt that if he deliberately cooperated here, the other party would indeed have a certain chance. After all, the simplest thing would be to arrange for the other party to be on duty, and then he would find an opportunity to kill and silence him.

Bu Kaijie continued here: "And the other party was the person selected by Li Qun and Wan Liang at the time, and has nothing to do with you, so even if there is a problem, it is not your problem. Maybe you can use the topic to put them in place." Anyone with bad intentions should be kicked out."

Song Shutang did consider eliminating the other party's personnel. After all, some of the people who were arranged to come in at that time were of the same mind as Song Shutang, but some were not.

But Song Shutang didn't take action because he was worried about losing face.

This time, if we can use the topic to our advantage, it is indeed an opportunity.

At that time, not only will the Secret Service headquarters not be able to use this matter to cause trouble for Song Shutang, but they will not be able to express any opinions on the personnel in Song Shutang's cleanup area.

Hearing Bu Kaijie's words, Song Shutang nodded and said, "This method is indeed feasible."

"Then let's arrange it this way, and you can cooperate here."

"it is good."

As the district chief, Song Shutang's cooperation in this matter is relatively simple. He doesn't need to do anything deliberately, he can just arrange the work normally.

At that time, the latent personnel of the military command will be responsible for completing the work themselves.

As for whether it is cold-blooded or not, now is not the time to discuss this matter.

The longer I have been engaged in this work, the more I understand how difficult it is. It is often not just the difficulty of the work itself, but also the suffering of many choices.

Neither Song Shutang nor Bu Kaijie was too entangled, and they were not qualified to be entangled.

Information is changing rapidly and there is no room for you to get entangled.

After Song Shutang left Bu Kaijie, he contacted the military commander and suggested the plan. Then the military commander contacted the members lurking in the division and told him to carry out this task.

At that time, Bu Kaijie told Song Shutang that it would only take one day for the notification to be in place. After all, what was needed now was a quick resolution.

The next day, Song Shutang asked about the interrogation situation, and then asked about the guards. After all, the guards were equally important, so Song Shutang needed to pay attention.

After hearing that the members of the military commander were indeed on the list responsible for custody, Song Shutang did nothing because this was what they wanted.

There are only two people in charge of custody, so there is indeed a certain risk when members of the military command take action. They have to deal with another person, but for lurking personnel, it should not be a big problem.

After all, it was a sneak attack.

What you need to pay attention to here is just not to make any noise. Because people are detained in the subdivision, and there are people from the subdivision everywhere, so only two people are arranged to be detained.

Because everyone can notice the slightest movement, which is the difficulty of action.

Just on the day when the other party was on duty, Song Shutang also led the team on a mission, and Mei Mu Zhizi also left with him. This was an opportunity created by Song Shutang for the members of the military commander.

After all, if he and Mei Mu Zhizi were there, it would be very difficult for the other party to succeed, or it would be difficult to escape after success.

So Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi both left, taking some people in the area with them. This was a better opportunity to take action. As for whether they could seize it, Song Shutang didn't know.

Song Shutang behaved normally when he was responsible for work outside, and no one thought there was anything wrong. After all, it was not the first time Song Shutang led a team in an operation.

Moreover, this search mission was ordered by the Secret Service Headquarters, so Song Shutang should pay more attention to it.

He has been asking the members of the subdivision to search carefully, and every house in this area must not be spared. However, when they were searching until the afternoon, members from the subdivision rushed over in a hurry.

Mei Mu Zhizi looked a little unhappy at the other party's appearance, and asked sharply: "What happened?"

The member just stopped and before he could take a breath, he immediately said: "The person arrested before is dead."

Hearing this, Mei Mu Zhizi was very surprised and asked: "What?"

"The person arrested before was killed."

When Song Shutang heard these words, he hurriedly came over and asked with a serious face: "How did you die?"

"Killed by people in the area."

"Our people?" Mei Mu Zhizi was also surprised and turned to look at Song Shutang.

Song Shutang's face darkened and he immediately realized the problem.

The other members also heard the noise and came over.

Song Shutang shouted: "What are you looking at? Keep working."

Seeing Song Shutang's anger, the other members hurriedly left, not daring to continue to be curious, but they all whispered to each other, and it sounded like there was a problem within the division.

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