Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 603 Cleaning up the interior

Chapter 603 Cleaning up the interior
The person arrested died?

He was still killed by people in the special agent headquarters area!
How could Song Shutang accept this?
Seeing Song Shutang's expression so ugly, Mei Mu Zhizi could only pick up the conversation and ask: "Where is the murderer?"


In the subdivision, you kill people when you say you want to, and you run away when you say you want to. Why do you eat? "

Facing Song Shutang's interrogation, members of the division bowed their heads and remained silent. Whatever you say at this time is wrong.

Upon seeing this, Mei Mu Zhizi said to the people below: "Go down and search."

The other party hurriedly thanked Dade for leaving. After all, he felt that he was under too much pressure now that he continued to face Song Shutang.

Mei Mu Zhizi asked the rest of the staff to continue working, and he and Song Shutang went back to the division first. After returning, Mei Mu Zhizi said: "Now that the matter has come to this, don't be too angry."

"This person came from the mountain city. You know what this means. Nothing has been interrogated, and then the person was killed. It was someone from within us who did it. Do you think we can not pursue this?"

"Domestic thieves are the most difficult to guard against," Mei Mu said childishly.

Soon something like this happened in the division and everyone knew about it.

"How to recover the losses?"

"If we were in charge, this problem would certainly not arise now."

If he is embarrassed, Song Shutang will be able to show a very angry look. Then he can use this opportunity of anger to clean up the members in the zone.

Mei Muzhizi said: "Then let's start doing this."

Only in this way can everyone understand that something big happened in the partition.

It's not a good ending to break up at this time, but now there is an opportunity, that is, you can use the excuse that people who joined the special agent headquarters division before have no way to verify their identities, so they need to be persuaded to leave.

He needs to divert Mei Mu's attention here. After all, the other party is an anti-Japanese organization lurking in. It is already obvious and there is no need for you to continue investigating.

Masato Kuji took the opportunity to strike again.

After calming down and getting rid of his anger, Song Shutang said: "This person was not chosen by us."

After all, the person arrested was from the mountain city by the military commander. If he could provide valuable information, it would be very good.

Upon hearing the news here at the secret service headquarters, Li Qun and Wan Liang had different reactions.

This seems to everyone to be a good thing, but it is indeed a pity.

"Now that things have come out, we have to recoup the damage."

So at this time, let Mei Mu continue to doubt this matter, why not let her do other things.

Including members in the division, so no one dares to talk nonsense now. After all, at this time, everyone knows that Song Shutang is very angry.

But when Li Qun and Wan Liang thought about it, Song Shutang had obtained the important information. On the contrary, it would be the icing on the cake for the other party, which was not as good as what it was now.

Many members who left the division have not yet realized what happened, but they must be obedient.

"Let everyone know about such a major mistake in the work here in the division."


For example, kick out all the people in the partition who are not theirs.

“Not only say it, but exaggerate it.”

Of course Song Shutang came up with this excuse. Do you think what he said makes no sense?

But the Japanese are not satisfied here.

Of course, Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng would not drive them out. After all, Yan Feng was one of their own, and Cao Xinrong was almost the same. Although they did not express it clearly, it could be seen from some of the reactions.

Because if you do this, you will definitely break up.

"Drive all the people who are not ours out of the subdivision," Song Shutang said.

As long as Song Shutang did this this time, Cao Xinrong knew that he needed to choose. If he chose Wanliang, he would go directly back to the agent headquarters. If he chose to stay, the meaning would be self-evident.

The Japanese think differently from Li Qun and Wan Liang. They think it is very bad for you to waste an opportunity like this.

But in the end, he did not choose to leave.

After waiting for three days, Song Shutang saw that the time was about right and began to clean up the people in the subdivision, saying that it was to prevent the enemy's undercover presence.

But they all felt that this was a good thing. It could at least dampen Song Shutang's arrogance, and they could even use this incident to suppress Song Shutang's development momentum.

Those who should be driven away will be driven away, and those who should be sent back to the secret service headquarters will be sent back.

This matter is a scandal, but even if it is a scandal, Song Shutang must let everyone know.

Mei Muzhizi said at the same time: "The importance of the person who was killed must also be revealed."

"You mean that the other party came in lurking, but the secret service headquarters didn't notice it."

When Mei Mu Zhizi heard that Song Shutang wanted to take the opportunity to do this, she felt that it was indeed an opportunity. After all, she had always felt that continuing like this was not an option, but she had no excuse.

Therefore, when Song Shutang began to clean up personnel, Cao Xinrong was very confused.

"It's obvious."

Yan Feng saw Song Shutang's behavior and immediately realized the problem.

It doesn’t make sense, why do you think people are being killed now?
Putting the facts here, do you think it is unreasonable?

Mei Muzhizi was very quick here. He left more than fifty people in an instant, and most of them went back to the agent headquarters, saying that the division did not need so many manpower now.

Anyway, these manpower were seconded by Li Qun and Wan Liang at that time to help him build the subdivision. Now that the construction is almost complete, it is reasonable to return the manpower to you.

In the special agent headquarters, Li Qun and Wan Liang were stunned for a moment when they saw the people returning.

Wan Liang directly threw the investigation bar in his hand on the ground. He felt that Song Shutang was a bit too bullying, but he just saw that you were still useful and didn't want to cause you trouble, so you came here like this.

Moreover, Cao Xinrong has not come back. Can Wan Liang still not understand what this means?

Wan Liang was so angry that he kept cursing in the office, feeling that he was the same type of person as Nie Hong, and both were ungrateful.

But Wan Liang didn't want to think about what kind of kindness he had to Song Shutang. He was just using him.

Wan Liang wanted to kill Song Shutang directly. In this situation, it was clear that he was no longer cooperative, but Wan Liang couldn't do anything.

You said assassination.

Masato Kuji won't let you do this here.

Now Wan Liang's biggest supporter is Masato Kuji. If you disobey Masato Kuji's orders and ask the other party to abandon you, Wan Liang feels that there is only a dead end waiting for him.

So now I hate you, but I can't say anything.

Wan Liang could only endure it by himself.

Looking at the members who had returned from the subdivision, Wan Liang felt angry and arranged for all of them to be sent out to the field so as not to be upset inside the secret service headquarters.

But the only good thing now is that Ding Yingzhuo, who defected from the Red Party before, performed much better than Wan Liang thought before.

This was a surprise. Song Shutang was obviously unreliable now, and Wan Liang felt that he also needed to find a new candidate.

Moreover, there were work mistakes in Song Shutang's division before. Wan Liang didn't say anything here because he didn't want to make Song Shutang feel bad, so he could win over the other party.

Now that this was the case, Wan Liang felt that there was nothing to win over, so he directly reported the criticism and even directly fined his salary and funds.

You asked the members of the secret service headquarters to come back. Wan Liang didn't say anything, and it was really hard to say anything.

But it's reasonable for him to punish you. It's your fault.

There was no punishment before, but now there is no problem with punishment.

After receiving such a punishment order, Song Shutang looked at Mei Mu Zhizi in front of him and said, "It seems that the director is very angry now."

"I'm afraid whoever is placed in the position of director will be like this."

"Fortunately, we don't have a big problem with funding now. If the director wants to punish him, he can punish him."

"Now everyone in the division understands what we are thinking, so everyone is very loyal." Among the people Mei Mu Zhizi mentioned, Cao Xinrong was included.

Song Shutang said: "We are all smart people. Since we have not chosen to leave, we know that we should calm down."

"What do we do next?"

"I'll give it to everyone, and then I'll give you some benefits." Song Shutang felt that this was not difficult, it was nothing more than this.

Mei Mu Zhizi was also familiar with the situation, so he took charge of this matter.

People in the division admired Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi's thunderous methods. After all, the matter was over before they could even react.

Moreover, Song Shutang and the others did not hesitate at all when they drove the people in the subdivision back to the secret service headquarters.

No matter who you are or who is behind you, if you are told to leave, you will leave.

What Yan Feng didn't expect was that Cao Xinrong actually chose to stay here.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, Yan Feng thought it made sense. After all, Cao Xinrong had a certain status in the division and was in charge of many people.

If he went back to the secret service headquarters, he would have returned from a failed mission. How could he have a good life?

The situation is definitely far worse than in the division, so just don't leave and take a gamble for yourself.

Obviously Cao Xinrong chose to bet on Song Shutang. Yan Feng felt that he had a much better vision than the other party because he had already bet on Song Shutang.

Now it seems that his choice at that time was not wrong. In a short period of time, Song Shutang already had the strength to challenge the secret service headquarters.

Of course, it is inseparable from the fight between Li Qun and Wan Liang in the secret service headquarters.

But being able to make good use of this matter is Song Shutang's ability.

Now in the special agent headquarters area, no one dares to have second thoughts, because they all understand that your life will not be lost if you go to Song Shutang this time.

On the contrary, it would be easy to get together and part ways. After all, there was nothing we could do at the time and everyone was helpless.

But you have to seize the opportunity given to you. If you don't choose to leave now, but want to stay in the zone with Song Shutang, then if you want to leave later, it is not impossible for Song Shutang to agree.

After all, if you leave then, it will prove that your purpose of staying now is not pure.

You may even have completed some task secretly, so you left.

I won't let you go alive.

As for you saying you left secretly?

They all understand Song Shutang's marksmanship, and no one thinks they can survive unless you hide and don't show up for the rest of your life.

Regarding this matter, Li Qun also called Nie Hong to the office to analyze it.

Nie Hong also understood Song Shutang's handiwork, and he had to say that the other party was very courageous, and he actually dared to use this matter to cut off the mess quickly.

He stood directly opposite Li Qun and Wan Liang.

This change is very sudden.

Seeing that Li Qun asked him to speak, Nie Hong analyzed and said: "My subordinates feel that Song Shutang wants to not be controlled by others."

Of course, the issue Nie Hong mentioned does not need to be discussed too much. After all, Li Qun understands the starting point.

That's all.

What else could it be?
Li Qun asked: "I want to ask you, do you think there are really people lurking in the subdivision and then killing the people they catch?"

"The director suspects that this matter is false?"

"Song Shutang had no say in the people who joined the division at that time. Director Wan and I arranged it. The identity of the other party must have been verified."

"But Song Shutang would never direct or act on his own. After all, the arrested person who was killed was still very important. He came from the mountain city." Nie Hong said.

"If it wasn't important, would it have the current effect?"

"Isn't it a little too radical?"

"Perhaps the arrested person didn't say anything during the interrogation. Song Shutang thought that since this was the case, why not just use this matter to make a fuss?"

Li Qun is now considering a brand new reasoning, feeling that there are no latent anti-Japanese elements at all, it is Song Shutang who directed and acted on his own, and what he wants is to take the opportunity to clean up the people in the subdivision.

Of course Nie Hong knew otherwise.

But after hearing Li Qun's analysis, he seemed to have just thought of this. He looked very surprised and said: "The director is right. If the arrested person does not speak, or even if he does speak, the information provided will not be accurate at all." It has no value, so why not just make use of it.

Now it seems that the result Song Shutang wanted has been completely achieved, so if it was really imagined by him in advance, it is indeed a bit unexpected. "

"In fact, Song Shutang's ability is already very strong. If it was planned in advance, I can only say that this person is a bit scary." Li Qun said here.

He admitted that Song Shutang was very capable, and even admitted that this person was a bit scary.

How long has it been since you joined the Secret Service Headquarters? What are your current achievements?
This is probably something that many people dare not imagine.

Nie Hong said here: "His learning ability is very strong. Basically, he has learned all our abilities. Although I don't dare to say that he can definitely surpass us in any single event, the improvement in all aspects is terrible."

"You have taught a good student."

"It's his own high understanding."

Li Qun has even begun to consider that Song Shutang is more difficult than Wan Liang. Even if you solve Wan Liang, Song Shutang will still be watching you.

Even Li Qun is beginning to suspect that Song Shutang said that he wanted to take refuge with him and chose to stand with him, which was probably planned in advance.

"Interesting." Li Qun said.

"Does the director plan to take action against him?" Nie Hong asked.

"The most angry person right now is Director Wan. It's never our turn to take action. Let's wait and see what happens."

"Yes." Nie Hong also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Li Qun said there was no action.

(End of this chapter)

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