Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 604 Attracting Attention

Chapter 604 Attracting Attention
Song Shutang is currently in the limelight, so Nie Hong is naturally worried that Li Qun wants to take action against him. Now that Li Qun has no such thoughts for the time being, he feels relieved.

But Song Shutang's actions really made him too many enemies. At least here at the secret service headquarters, you have clearly begun to show your ambition.

How could everyone not be wary of you?

Just the obvious thing.

Li Qun asked Nie Hong to go find Song Shutang to find out what he was thinking now. Nie Hong happened to have something to talk to Song Shutang, so he went to the division.

When Song Shutang learned that Nie Hong was invited here, of course he agreed immediately.

The two met in a teahouse.

After meeting in the private room of the teahouse, Song Shutang said to Nie Hong, "Brother Nie is a rare guest."

"If I didn't come and take a look, I might not recognize you. You've been making a lot of noise these days."

"An act of desperation."

"You cleaned up all the people in the partition this time because you want to completely control the partition. Li Qun and Wan Liang are very dissatisfied."

"I also know they will be dissatisfied, but that's all it can do."

"is it?"

"I originally wanted to blend in between the two of them, play both ways, and then find an opportunity to give them a fatal blow, but the problem is that this idea doesn't seem to work now, because both of them are wary of me.

Li Qun stopped talking, seemingly trying to win me over to help deal with Wan Liang, but as long as Wan Liang dies, my days will probably be over. "

Of course Nie Hong knew the reason why a cunning rabbit died and a lackey was cooked, so Li Qun would definitely not keep Song Shutang. Could it be that Song Shutang was left to take over Wan Liang and become the second Wan Liang?

Song Shutang continued: "The second thing is Wan Liang. It seems that he is in the same boat as me, but he must be worried about me. Originally, this worry can wait until after dealing with Li Qun.

But now he has asked Masato Kuji for advice and wants to assassinate me directly, which means that he has elevated my threat to that of Li Qun. He thinks that if he kills me and finds someone to replace me, he can still get the support of the division, even better than Li Qun. Better now. "

Nie Hong really didn't know much about this matter before, but now he understands it after listening to Song Shutang's story.

"So it's not that I want to do this now, but it's a last resort." Song Shutang said.

He wanted to hide himself and then have his way, but now he couldn't do anything.

So instead of going against each other to prevent various situations from happening, it is better to just jump out and express your thoughts and let them know the current situation.

On the contrary, it is safer.

Nie Hong said: "Although you are right to do this, you are in a very dangerous situation."

"I will be careful." Of course Song Shutang understood that he was in a dangerous situation, but it was difficult to say whether there was any danger in what they did.

Nie Hong also knew that what he said could only serve as a reminder and would not change the current situation.

Because Song Shutang's choice was indeed correct.

Song Shutang said here: "And my idea is that I will jump out now to attract their attention, so that you and the people in the organization can develop in the agent headquarters."

The organization arranged for personnel to break into the secret service headquarters. Nie Hong knew this very well.

Even Nie Hong participated.

Therefore, it was not a problem for Song Shutang to mention this matter in front of him.

Nie Hong said: "Do you want us to take advantage of the opportunity to develop?"

"I have made such a big noise here. I think it will definitely attract a certain amount of attention and attention. Then, Brother Nie, you will be able to develop to a certain extent in Li Qun's place."

Song Shutang wanted to help Nie Hong and Ding Yingzhuo, so he built a plank road openly and secretly to visit Chen Cang.

Song Shutang was responsible for building the plank road openly, while Nie Hong and Ding Yingzhuo were responsible for secretly assassinating Chen Cang.

Nie Hong admitted that doing so would indeed help him, but whether this help could be expanded depends on Nie Hong's own use and the use of Juntong.

At the same time, Nie Hong also understood Song Shutang's idea and stood on three pillars.

If they can really complete the three-legged alliance, then the Shanghai Secret Service Headquarters will be an excellent lurking location for them.

Now that the first step has been taken in Song Shutang, and he is now out of the control of Li Qun and Wan Liang, it now depends on what Nie Hong plans to do.

Nie Hong believes that it is actually difficult for him to become the second team player.

First of all, Li Qun is very difficult to deal with. If you want to bring down Li Qun, it is too difficult.

Otherwise Wan Liang would not have delayed it for so long.

Wan Liang still had support behind him, and there were many people in the secret service headquarters, so it was difficult for him to complete this matter.

It was even more difficult for Nie Hong to complete it when he first arrived.

The second issue is Nie Hong's qualifications. Even if something happens to Li Qun, why does Nie Hong take the position?
It's difficult for you to get the upper hand, and internal staff won't obey you.

So Nie Hong felt that Song Shutang's idea of ​​​​imagining a tripartite confrontation was not wrong, but it was beyond imagination to actually complete it. It was so difficult for Nie Hong, so why should Ding Yingzhuo say it?
It is much more difficult than Nie Hongshang.

"It's difficult to realize your idea." Nie Hong was not pouring cold water on Song Shutang now, but wanted to make him realize that this matter was far from being as simple as imagined.

Song Shutang certainly had enough knowledge about this, but he said: "It is a little difficult, but I believe in Brother Nie's ability and the support of Boss Dai of the Military Control Commission. Secondly, I can help secretly."

"But you have to understand that the other party is Li Qun."

"It is precisely because the opponent is Li Qun that we have a chance."

"You mean the Japanese?"

"That's right. Now that Li Qun is the director of the Secret Service Headquarters, the people who are most dissatisfied with him are the Japanese, so he looks like a behemoth, but it's also a bit like a castle in the air."

The Japanese are now invading and occupying the country. To put it bluntly, they have the say when it comes to the invasion and occupation. As for the so-called puppet government, it is actually somewhat like a puppet.

So when the Japanese are dissatisfied with Li Qun, Nie Hong and Song Shutang have more opportunities to operate here. This is the timing.

If you have the support of the Japanese, it is indeed difficult for you to shake Li Qun. But when your biggest backers are already a little wary of you, is it still difficult to shake the other party?

At least it's easier than you think.

Of course it's still difficult, but it's definitely not a level that makes people feel hopeless.

"So the question I should consider now is not how to bring down Li Qun, but how I can control his people after Li Qun's downfall."

Nie Hong knew very well that Li Qun's downfall would be a matter of time, after all, there were internal and external troubles. Even if Li Qun is very capable, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to sustain it for too long.

Under such circumstances, the outcome is highly likely to be foreseeable, so the issue Nie Hong is talking about now is to prepare for a rainy day.

Regarding this issue, Song Shutang said: "This needs to be considered in the long term. After all, it is very difficult to control the people in the secret service headquarters after Li Qun's fall."

On the contrary, this is a more critical and difficult matter.

Nie Hong said: "I will slowly think of a way."

"I will continue to increase the development here in the subdivision and firmly attract their attention."

"Anyway, you should be careful."

"Don't worry, Brother Nie."

Song Shutang's current task is to attract attention. You don't have to consider whether the other person's hatred will increase. Wan Liang had already wanted to kill you before this incident. After so many incidents, he naturally wants to kill you even more. .

So you don’t have to worry about whether it will increase.

Anyway, they already have this idea. Is there a big difference whether it is increased or not?

Obviously there is no difference.

It's just that Masato Jiuji warned Wan Liang here not to mess around, and I believe he didn't dare to mess around.

It is impossible for Li Qun to assassinate Song Shutang. He still needs Wan Liang to act first and wait and see what happens.

And even if Li Qun wanted to take action, Nie Hong might be able to get the information in advance, so Song Shutang didn't need to worry too much.

After meeting Nie Hong, Song Shutang returned to the subdivision.

The atmosphere in the division is still relatively tense now. Everyone knows what Song Shutang has done. Now it is also because they want to express themselves, and everyone is working seriously.

Song Shutang was very satisfied with everyone's performance, and Cao Xinrong also expressed his loyalty. Song Shutang didn't say much, he just said that he understood what he had done before. After all, everyone was their own master.

Cao Xinrong also promised that he would work hard.

Now that he remains in the division, he still has a certain status. It is better than going back and being abandoned or even punished.

Today, Mei Mu Zhizi reported in Song Shutang's office: "The task of cleaning up the personnel in Feiqi has been completed, and everyone now is under our control."

"You can't be so careless." Song Shutang looked at the list sent by Mei Mu Zhizi and found that the people arranged by the organization to lurk in the subdivision had also been fired.

There is no way, after all, this person is certainly not worthy of complete trust just by looking at the information.

The trust mentioned here does not guarantee that they have no selfish intentions towards Wan Liang and Li Qun.

Instead of worrying about whether they would rebel or become a destabilizing factor here, Mei Mu's choice was to drive them away directly, which was simpler.

This person was not sent back to the secret service headquarters, but was driven away directly.

Song Shutang can accept this result. After all, it is really difficult to be effective if you stay in the zone. Even if you sneak into the agent headquarters, it is the same. After all, there is already Ding Yingzhuo.

Then being driven back and leaving the special agent headquarters area is also a good option.

So Song Shutang didn't show any doubts. After reading the list, he thought that Mei Mu Zhizi's choice was very correct.

Now the manpower in the division has indeed been reduced a lot, but it is safer, but he still reminded Mei Mu Zhizi.

After all, if anti-Japanese elements lurk in, it will be difficult to detect them.

In response to this reminder, Mei Mu Zhizi nodded and said that he knew that he had tried his best. There should be no problems here. If there was a problem in the end, Mei Mu Zhizi would only solve the problem instead of blaming himself.

According to the information she has now, even if she reviews it for a few more days, the result will be the same, so there is no need to waste time.

Mei Muzhizi said here: "We have eliminated so many people now, but there is actually a certain gap in funds, and we can continue to recruit.

But the problem is that the director has stopped the funding of our division, saying it is a punishment for this incident, but I don’t know how long the suspension will be. It seems that he wants to stumble us. "

"That's about it." Song Shutang was not unfamiliar with this method at all, and even felt a little familiar.

However, Wan Liang's attitude can be seen from this incident.

"Although we now have a source of funds, we can't continue like this forever. After all, the amount of funds is a lot. If it wasn't provided by the headquarters, Jiang Qi might not be willing to support it for too long."

The monthly expenses are a huge amount. Without this money, it would be really difficult to manage.

You can persevere in the short term, but what about the long term?

There must be a problem.

Mei Mu Zhizi thought that he needed to discuss with Song Shutang how to solve this matter.

Song Shutang said: "The director is talking about punishment for this incident. The person died in the special agent headquarters division. It is true that the members of the division have problems. Stopping the funds means stopping the salary. There is no problem.

But there must be a time limit, and it is impossible to stop paying wages indefinitely. "

"Perhaps we hope that through this method, we will cause chaos in our division first, and then they can reap the benefits?" Mei Mu Zhizi asked.

Water can carry and capsize a boat. Perhaps the secret service headquarters can overthrow Song Shutang by itself through the members of the division without the need for action?

After all, what is the purpose of joining the partition?

You can't even give these things, how long do you think they can tolerate you?
At first, some people may not be able to hold on and want to leave, but more people will wonder why it is not you who left, but them?
So it will start to overthrow you.

Mei Mu was worried about this scene happening.

Song Shutang said: "The director does not have the right to suspend salary indefinitely. If the situation persists next month, we will apply directly to the director."

"What if the director also means this?"

"Even if the director originally meant this, he might change his mind after we apply. After all, this is a good opportunity to join forces with us."

"What I'm worried about now is that both the director and the division chief think you are the biggest threat, and now they have a tacit understanding to deal with you."

Mei Mu was not an alarmist, but he felt that both Li Qun and Wan Liang were smart people, and it might be possible to make such an arrangement.

"If they want to do this, they need to discuss who will be responsible for the division after I step down?" Song Shutang knew that he would not be able to leave for a while, otherwise Wanliang's people would be responsible for the division. Li Qun did not want to see that, if it was Li Qun There is no way Wanliang would accept the person in charge of the zoning.

"Anyway, it's better to be careful. If you really can't arrange for people from the subdivision to make a fuss," Mei Mu Zhizi said.

"The situation is not that bad. We'll see next month. Anyway, we can pay our own salaries this month."

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