Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 635 Investigation

Chapter 635 Investigation
Mistakes do occur at work.

But the damage was limited.

As a result, even if Masato Kushiro criticized him, it wouldn't really matter, and besides, it wouldn't be without benefit.

But Kushi Masato couldn't just let it go, so he said it had a bad influence.

After all, he was from Jinling and came to Shanghai, and then died in Shanghai. This would definitely have a bad impact.

Faced with such criticism, Song Shutang could only bow his head and admit his mistakes, because there was no way to refute it, and it did involve some issues of influence.

In the end, Hisahi Masato criticized Song Shutang and asked them to continue investigating to see if they could catch the perpetrators.

Furthermore, we also want them to investigate and inform Jinling as to why these two people were chosen as targets and why so much effort was made to do it. Is there something else hidden?

Song Shutang was not surprised that the Mei Agency could make such an inference and reaction. After all, there were indeed certain doubts in the actions of the Military Control Commission this time, and it was not difficult to guess that the enemy would be suspicious of this.

Whether the enemy's suspicions can lead to any clues depends on how the Military Control Commission responds.

Since the Military Intelligence Bureau dared to arrange such an operation in Shanghai, it has never been afraid of the other party's investigation. To put it bluntly, the two target persons are the key. As long as the target persons are dead, there will be no problem for the Military Intelligence Bureau in Nanjing.

Then don't be afraid of the other party's investigation.

Death has no evidence.

You have nothing to check.

Moreover, even if Jinling is determined to investigate, they can only investigate bit by bit, and it is hard to say whether there will be any results.

Secondly, even if there are gains, it may take a long time.

After all, such an investigation is an extremely waste of time.

Therefore, the Military Intelligence Bureau may have already completed what they wanted to do, so the action arranged by the Military Intelligence Bureau this time seems to be very cumbersome but is actually very necessary.

Faced with this situation, Song Shutang could only obey orders and ask the division to strengthen the investigation.

After watching Hisashi Masato leave, Meimu Chizi said, "We were in trouble this time."

"There was nothing wrong with our arrangements, and there was nothing we could do about this situation."

"And we haven't assigned these two people to Ding Yingzhuo before, otherwise there wouldn't be such trouble." Mei Muzhizi said.

It's just a matter of one thought.

In Mei Muzhizi's opinion, if these two people had been assigned to Ding Yingzhuo at that time, the problems that occurred this time would be the other party's responsibility.

It's actually good news.

But what happened was that this person was under Song Shutang and was in charge of their division.

Song Shutang also sighed and said, "No one knew about this matter in advance, and it's difficult for us to predict it. Otherwise, it could have been arranged for Ding Yingzhuo, and we wouldn't have to worry about it."

"I'm afraid the other party is happy now."

"Let's solve our own problems first." Song Shutang thinks that you should not care what the other party thinks. No matter what the other party thinks, it will be difficult for you to respond now, so now you can only solve your own problems first.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "I will arrange for someone to investigate."

You said that the personnel responsible for protection cannot use those members who have not been excluded, but there is no problem with this kind of investigation, and those members can be held responsible.

So the division still has enough manpower.

Song Shutang said: "At the same time, let's strengthen the protection. I'm worried that the enemy will come back."

"it is good."

Mei Mu Zhizi believes that after the enemy takes action once, they will basically not take action again.

After all, they have become more vigilant. Secondly, the other party is still being captured, so it is difficult for them to gather and take action again.

However, the partition is now in trouble. In order to better avoid trouble, it is not wrong to be careful.

You really can't predict this kind of thing. If the enemy insists on making a comeback, you can't expect problems to arise again.

After Mei Muzhizi went down to arrange the investigation, Song Shutang also left, after all, there were people to clean up the scene.

Jinling will put pressure on us, but the Mei mechanism will help to absorb some of the pressure. We can't just put the pressure directly on Song Shutang.

And it’s not like we didn’t provide protection. Although the people in Jinling died, no one from the Song Shutang division survived.

All those responsible for protection also died.

To put it bluntly, they didn't shirk their responsibilities, so what else can you do about the division?

Therefore, Song Shutang is not afraid of the pressure from Jinling, and they are all from a pseudo-government, so what can you do to your own people?

Besides, the pseudo-government will also act as a peacemaker in the middle. After all, the number of deaths is not very important.

And the partition protection is also in place.

Now it makes people even more curious as to why the other party attacked these two people.

Song Shutang also launched an investigation into this situation, but he was sure that he would not find any clues. After all, there was no point in investigating without any survivors.

You won’t be able to find anything if you haven’t caught anybody alive.

And Song Shutang was not in a hurry. After all, it was obvious that the problem occurred in Nanjing. What could you investigate in Shanghai?
Although Song Shutang didn't want the enemy to focus on Jinling, the enemy was not stupid and they all realized the problem.

Therefore, the people from Nanjing need to be mainly responsible for this matter. Song Shutang can only assist in the investigation in Shanghai. It would be best if he could catch the people involved in the operation, but there is nothing he can do if he can't.

With so many people left behind to cover their retreat, the chance to capture him was lost.

But partition left all those people behind, albeit at a terrible cost.

Mei Muzhizi had been investigating for several days without any results. She felt that it would be difficult to continue the investigation, so she could only strengthen the protection of other personnel to prevent further problems.

Things in Shanghai continued, and there was not much change due to the murder of two people. For the people in the puppet government, death was also the main theme for them.

Either they kill others, or others kill them.

This kind of situation is not surprising. It is actually quite good that only these two people died in Shanghai.

It was a bloody storm in Shanghai before.

Hisahito reminded Song Shutang to be responsible for the security work, and reminded him that these people would set off back to Jinling soon and the mission would be over, so he asked him to hold on.

Of course, Song Shutang said that he would stick to it until the last moment and there would be no more problems.

Hisahi Masato was too lazy to comment on his assurances. He had given good assurances before, but problems still occurred. At least it was enough as long as the notifications and reminders were in place.

Song Shutang thought it was normal for the people from Jinling to leave. After all, they had been out for quite some time, and such a thing had happened. It was the right choice to go back directly after they were done with their work.

On the other hand, at the secret service headquarters, Ding Yingzhuo was of course very happy, after all, Song Shutang was in trouble and he was safe here. Ding Yingzhuo was actually deliberately being very direct.

Whether it was that Hisahi Masato was unwilling to let Song Shutang lead the team, or that Song Shutang was encountering problems with his current actions, Ding Yingzhuo expressed his emotions very clearly.

This is what he did on purpose.

Ding Yingzhuo even said in front of Hisahi Masato that if he were in charge of the command, such a situation might not have occurred.

Hisahito felt that Ding Yingzhuo was talking nonsense.

You are in charge of the command, how can you arrange it?

There was no problem with Song Shutang's arrangement. He didn't think Ding Yingzhuo could arrange it much better than Song Shutang unless you knew the information in advance.

Then the ending is the same.

However, Hisahi Masato was too lazy to expose Ding Yingzhuo. Instead, he encouraged him with a few words to motivate him to work harder so that he could complete the task well.

Ding Yingzhuo seemed to be praised and said that he would definitely complete the task successfully and let Hisahi Masato see his abilities.

Hisahito felt that there was nothing wrong with Ding Yingzhuo's willingness to show off. He just wanted to let the people below compete so that they could be easier to control.

Ding Yingzhuo sent more people here and made even more detailed arrangements, hoping that there would be no problems with Song Shutang during this mission, but there were none.

You can compare the difference between the two people.

Although this is a matter of luck and the target of the anti-Japanese organization is not among the people you are responsible for, Ding Yingzhuo doesn't care about that. He thinks that as long as there are no problems, he will win.

His idea is not without reason. At least it looks better if there is no problem on the surface.

As for Li Qun, he did not express much opinion on this matter. He just thought that Song Shutang could accept it.

It's a bit unlucky, but it doesn't have much impact.

Nie Hong said, “Director, this operation was definitely carried out by the Military Control Commission, even if we haven’t caught them, we can be sure of it.

District Chief Song was unlucky enough to be retaliated by the Red Party, and the target chosen by the Military Control Commission just happened to be under his command. "

In fact, Nie Hong said these words to secretly help Song Shutang confirm his identity.

Both the Red Party and the Military Control Commission targeted him. What do you think Song Shutang's identity is?
It must be innocent.

What Nie Hong needs is that Li Qun will not doubt Song Shutang's identity as an undercover agent. Then it will be very difficult for Li Qun to deal with Song Shutang in the future. After all, if he doubts, according to Li Qun's character, he will think this is an opportunity and will pursue him relentlessly.

But if you don't have any doubts at all, naturally you won't have any worries in this regard.

Indeed, Li Qun also agreed with what Nie Hong said. After all, this is indeed the fact now. Problems have occurred in the division twice in a row.

It seems that there is no problem between you and Song Shutang, but as the district chief, it is impossible for you to be unaffected at all.

"I knew that there would be anti-Japanese organizations involved in this mission. It's a good thing that we are not responsible for it."

"Director wise."

"As for Song Shutang, the impact here is not big. I'm afraid the only one who is happy is Ding Yingzhuo, but it won't be serious." Li Qun didn't expect such a small thing to affect Song Shutang.

"But it's good news for us after all," Nie Hong said with a smile.

“But it’s a bit very strange right now.”

"What do you mean, Director?"

"Why did the Military Control Commission want to kill these two people for no reason? Moreover, the price they paid was totally disproportionate to what they gained."

"What the director said is correct. It seems that the division is also investigating this matter."

"The Military Control Commission will definitely not do such an unprofitable deal, so the benefits they gained from this mission must not be just as simple as it seems on the surface. There must be other values ​​that we have not discovered yet."

"What does the Director think?"

"It must be related to Nanjing. There are many possibilities, and it's hard to determine now. But they were assassinated when they arrived in Shanghai, and it was an assassination at all costs. They must not want them to return to Nanjing alive."

Nie Hong felt a bit of a headache after hearing Li Qun's analysis. After all, the Military Control Commission's action was indeed for this matter, and Nie Hong knew something about it.

But now Li Qun wants to participate in the investigation, but is afraid of causing trouble.

Although there was no problem with the Military Control Commission's plan, the enemy would be able to find clues in a short time even if they investigated in Nanjing.

But Li Qun is different; he has the potential to make some discoveries.

And what Li Qun said now is getting straight to the point.

"So the problem lies in Jinling?" Nie Hong certainly didn't want Li Qun to continue talking, but he also knew that it was impossible for you to stop him, so he pretended to think along with him.

Li Qun said: "It must be a problem in Jinling. I have sent a telegram to the Jinling Division of the Special Agent Headquarters, asking them to investigate the two people who were killed, what they did in Jinling, and what missions they were responsible for."

Li Qun directly gave the order to the people in Jinling Division of the Special Agent Headquarters, so Jinling will definitely continue to carry out missions in the future. Nie Hong felt that this news needed to be reported to the Military Control Commission.

I don’t know if it will really cause trouble, but it’s definitely not wrong to report it in advance.

The Jinling division is different from the Song Shutang division, it is really a big division.

The puppet government has a large number of people in charge of the Nanjing intelligence agency.

They are responsible for the investigation, and the Military Control Commission will probably also be under pressure.

So after talking to Li Qun for a few more words, Nie Hong left, and then waited until the evening to find an opportunity to deliver the message.

The news about Nie Hong was also reported to the Military Control Commission layer by layer.

When the head of the Military Control Commission saw this information, he immediately telegraphed Nanjing.

Let them be more careful.

The Jinling Division of the Secret Service Headquarters is also capable and not easy to deal with.

Moreover, there must be no problems with the mission in Jinling. After all, a huge price has been spent in Shanghai to kill people. If it doesn't have a good effect in the end, wouldn't it be a wasted operation and a wasted loss?

The person in charge of the Military Intelligence Bureau in Shanghai is not sure what the specific mission in Nanjing is, but it must be important, otherwise the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters would not have given you such an order.

So now everyone wants to make progress.

The Military Control Commission's action in Shanghai was to make progress in Nanjing.

The secret service headquarters also ordered the Jinling Division to investigate, hoping to gain some results.

Now it depends on who has better skills and can win this confrontation. Li Qun’s participation is indeed a variable.

After all, he was not responsible for this task, but his keen awareness made him feel that this matter was not simple and needed to be investigated.

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